Category Archives: BOOKS

The Devil Won’t Keep Us Apart Virtual Book Tour

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The Devil Won't Keep Us Apart cover

Coming of Age / Thriller

Date Published: April 27, 2023

MindStir Media


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“I realize that saying, The Devil Won’t Keep Us Apart, Shane Clark’s
gritty novel about friendship and revenge is masterfully paced and
suspenseful to the upmost degree sounds like the usual promotional B.S, but
honestly, people, this book kept me reading way past my bedtime, and I don’t
find many that can do that these days. I can’t wait to see what he comes up
with next.”

Donald Ray Pollock, author of Knockemstiff, The Heavenly Table, and The
Devil All The Time


Some vendettas can never be forgotten…

When Sherman Rehabilitation Center suffers its first murder in decades,
authorities race to find a motive as the media swarms. The brutality is
unprecedented, even in a prison setting. One week later,
eighty-seven-year-old Elmer Ray walks into the local Ohio Highway Patrol
Post, claiming he has the answers. First, they need to hear about the two
most interesting people in the world: Adrian Franklin and Conner

Adrian Franklin, the young neighbor of Elmer Ray, lived a troubled life of
neglect and abuse. He had a bad haircut and a worst nickname. The older man
tries to take the boy under his wing in a way no one else has ever done. For
Adrian, most see a quick temper and lost soul. Elmer sees something
different in him, a sense of loyalty and a yearning to be loved.

Conner Wallace, a British National, a drifter on a motorcycle, and a
pugilist with a quick wit, roamed the west and lived by an unbreakable moral
code that got him in more trouble than he bargained for. After a five-year
bit in a Nevada prison, he finds a safe haven in the underground fight scene
on the shores of the Pacific Ocean.

What does a young boy and foreigner have to do with a brutal prison murder
in the sleepy town of Sherman, Ohio? Only Elmer Ray knows the answers. And
he isn’t giving them until the Post Commander hears how their lives converge
with an Appalachian drug dealer, a sexual predator, and a mob boss to
influence the brutality in that prison cell.


The Devil Won’t Keep Us Apart is a shocking and raw account combining a
coming-of-age tale with a disturbing psychological thriller.


The Devil Won't Keep Us Apart tablet



Present Day 

Blood oozes out from under the prison cell door slowly, methodically, and purposefully, like it has a predetermined destination in mind. Below, on the first tier, two correctional officers lounge, oblivious to the actions above. The first officer is at the computer screen, using the light to study notecards. Today, he brought thirty-one. He is in his second semester of nursing school and is working third shift. Seven hours into his shift, he has memorized twenty-nine. Six months removed from the academy, he has grown quite proficient at studying while listening to inmates sleep, pass gas, and snore. The second officer reclines in a chair with one boot over the other. He is forty minutes into a deep sleep, dreaming of lotto numbers, mansions, and Swedish maids, Babette and Inga. He is the senior officer. 

The first officer reads over his thirtieth card and notices the time. He fists the thigh of his partner. “It’s four forty-eight.” He hears him stir, adds, “It’s count time.” 

Sleepy croaks back, “I got it,” moans, and stretches his arms. He comes down hard on both feet and lets out a whine and stands up. He yawns and sticks out his hand. “Keys?” 

The first officer unclips the keys, extends them, and returns to his cards. Sleepy flips the flashlight on and starts his round on the right-hand side of the range. He draws close to the door and squints through the window. When he sees two bodies breathing, he pushes on, continues, and crosses over to the other side. When he reaches the desk, he says, “All good,” and heads toward the stairs. Swipes away a bead of sleep from an eye and lumbers up. 

Hears his partner call out, “Are you counting?” 

He squints down and says, “Huh?” When he receives an annoyed grin, Sleepy says, “What time is it?” 

“Told you it was almost five.” 

“Oh,” Sleepy says and continues. His eyes seesaw between cells as he counts the condemned. He gets to the end of the range with a count of sixteen and crosses to the other side. Eighteen . . . twenty . . . twenty-two . . . twen- . . . “Oh, shit!” he yells as his feet slip, and he lands on his back. He fishes for the light with his right hand. His left goes to the back of his head. 

He hears the steps below, a voice calls out, “You okay?” 

“Yeah,” he says as he struggles to pull his head off the concrete. He gathers the flashlight and notices blood on his palm. Light on his hand. He follows the blood under the cell door and stands up, and peers over the rail. “Call help!” 

“What is it?” 

“Just call,” he says and gropes for his keys. Come on. Come on. The darkness, adrenaline, and fear of the unknown hinder his depth perception. He unclips the keys, shines the light on the door, and keys the lock. 

Before he turns it, he hears the rookie say, “What are you doing?” 

He grits his teeth at the rookie jogging toward him, airs a fist, and grinds out, “Can’t you see the fucking blood?” When the rookie looks down at the pool under their feet, Sleepy adds, “We are only standing in it.” 

“Don’t open the door,” the rookie says and slows to a tiptoe. “Someone might have a weapon.” 

“Did you call for help?” 


He leaves the keys hanging and hands the radio to the rookie. “Call for assistance and go wait by the door.” 

The rookie is flustered. He stomps around and stutters, “Is someone dead?” Rips at his hair. “Are you going . . . we’re dead. Didn’t I tell you I heard some screaming earlier?” 


“You didn’t hear the screaming?” His voice ricochets down range, fills the air.

About the Author

Shane T Clark hails from Chillicothe, Ohio, where he lives with his wife
and four kids. He played football at Ohio State University, including in the
1997 Rose Bowl. He earned a Bachelor’s Degree and a Master’s Degree before
being employed by the State of Ohio for the past twenty-four years, and he
also has taught Sociology, Criminal Justice, and Deviant Behavior courses as
an adjunct professor for ten years.

An avid reader and traveler, he hopes to live in a van and travel nonstop
around the country when he retires. The Devil Won’t Keep Us Apart is his
first novel with at least two more on the way.


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Timothy Gets Stuck Blitz

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Children’s Book

Date Published: August 29, 2023

Publisher: Tellwell Talent


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Tales of Timothy Tip Truck is a series of short, fun stories that are based
on real-life experiences by the author. They relate to the workings of
trucks and earthmoving machinery as told to his two young boys at the time.
The stories combine fun with learning some old-fashioned values including
honesty, respect, caring for animals and those less fortunate, friendship,
manners and the environment.


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Deliver Me Virtual Book Tour

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Date Published: 07-18-2023

Publisher: Creative James Media


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She’s a pastor’s daughter. He’s a convicted killer. Forever may be
out of reach when she falls in love with one of the dangerous ones.

Faith is more than just a word to Mia Anderson. It’s the foundation of her
life as a pastor’s daughter. At home in her church and at peace with
her beliefs, she decides to participate in a program to send letters to
inmates regardless of what sins they may have committed.

Gabriel Myers is a convicted criminal, serving life in prison for his
father’s murder. Facing a hopeless future and haunted by a past that
has left him full of contempt for God and the church, he wants nothing to do
with Mia until she proves she can understand the man everyone believes is a

With each letter that’s exchanged, Mia becomes more aware that although
Gabriel has never has never denied his crime, there is more to the story
than the jury was allowed to hear. As reluctant friendship turns to
seemingly ill-fated love, she knows she must convince him to appeal the

Dealing with the Texas justice system is a long shot, but the only chance
they have to finally be together outside the walls of Gabriel’s prison.
Winning his freedom will give them a chance at happiness but can they
finally find bliss in each other’s arms or will the challenges they face and
their divergent beliefs destroy their love for good?



Deliver Me tablet


Then, as yet another video played and the clock on her bedside table ticked relentlessly toward 2 a.m. and she felt her eyes begin to droop against her will, she saw it. The prosecution had put up a large photo of Hugh Myers in the courtroom to play on the sympathy of the jury—to let them see the humanity of the man who was murdered in a dirty alley by the child he had loved and raised—and Gabriel, who had spent most of the trial staring straight ahead and ignoring the proceedings entirely, turned his head to look at the face of his father.

She leaned forward and paused the video,staring at Gabriel in that one brief moment when the mask of indifference slipped. Her heart pounded and her breath caught painfully in her throat because there was a lost child in his eyes. It was a look she recognizedimmediately—pain, anger, fear…and beneath that the kind of desperate shock that only comes from a loss that is too deep and too profound to speak of. 


About the Author

Ashley Hawthorne is a contemporary romance author, avid reader of many
genres, and shameless nerd. She’s a lifetime fan of The Lord of the Rings
and Star Wars and has spent nearly as long reading through every book in the
romance section of the library. Now, she writes stories that examine what
love means to us, how far we’ll go to get it, and what we’re willing to give
up to keep it. She lives in Texas with her husband, kids, and a house full
of rescue pets.


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Silent Rape Blitz

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Veiled crimes of an evil physician


Medical Thriller

Date Published: January 18, 2023


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It’s hard to imagine that a physician we think we know well could have an
obscure dark side. We have the affirmation of our family and friends that
our physician is trustworthy, competent, and our advocate. This riveting
novel dares to ask: What evil can a physician inflict behind the exam room

New obstetric residency graduate Dr. Faith Pernitelli is settling into her
career when a fellow provider is accused of taking advantage of his
position. After she divulges her patients’ stories, Pernitelli
discovers that doing the right thing for victims isn’t as
straightforward or well received as she expects. Moreover, her
Asperger’s diagnosis, which once served as a gift to her profession,
is now a curse that threatens everything—including her

As relationships change during stormy efforts to do the right thing,
Pernitelli must decide if fighting for the truth is worth the lies with
which her adversaries retaliate. Who will stick with her when their lives
are threatened in the crossfires of justice? The consequences of fighting
for justice in a quiet New Mexico community are unfathomable in this intense
medical thriller where powerful enemies hide the truth—no matter the
human cost. The truth may not set you free after all in this riveting
medical thriller from a seasoned physician author.

About the Author

Dr Tony Scott

Dr Tony Scott is a retired obstetrician and anesthesiologist who practiced
for forty years. He currently writes medical mysteries and thrillers.


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Coasters Rule Blitz

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Fantastical Realism

An adventure of fantastical realism told through the eyes of
twenty-year-old college sophomore Sofia Sommers. Traveling to Grand Cayman
for spring break, Sofia and her childhood friend are looking forward to a
peaceful, relaxing week soaking up the sun and decompressing after mid-term
exams. Tragedy strikes and Sofia is rescued by the Coasters, a reclusive
tribe of merfolk led by the ethereal, mohawk-haired Empress Sundrea, who is
not only a benevolent leader, but a fierce warrior in her own right.

Sofia discovers her misfortune was the work of the Dwellers, a murderous
gang of mermen human traffickers hell-bent on creating their own deviant
gene pool and ultimately a bloodline of immortal disciples.

Come along with Sofia as she must decide whether or not to put her life on
the line and assist the Coasters in their endeavor to reclaim a
life-altering piece of their ancient history from the hands of Overlord
Mercaro and his barbaric band of Dwellers.

About the Author

Danard Burkard

I am originally from Western New York and have lived my adult life in
northern New Jersey. For the last twenty years, I have been a stay-at-home
dad raising two independent and compassionate daughters. I self-published a
collection of prose entitled AFTERTHOUGHTS and am also a songwriter who
enjoys playing the bass guitar. When not writing, I love spending time with
my two rescue dogs and traveling to Comic Cons with my wife Lori.


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