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Gobbledy Virtual Book Tour

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Middle-Grade / Holiday

Date Published: 10-20-2023

Publisher: Mapleton Press


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Ever since Dexter and Dougal’s mom passed away, life has been
different—but things take a whole new turn when a shooting star turns
out to be a creature from outer space! Gobbledy is a fun-filled holiday
story that adds up to two brothers, three friends, unlimited jars of peanut
butter, a ketchup factory, and one little alien far, far from home. 


 Praise for Gobbledy 


“Hugely entertaining as well as emotionally moving.”

―Kirkus Reviews 

 “This charming alien-in-the-attic story boasts engaging characters, witty storytelling, and a furry little beast that will eat anything, all wrapped up in a warm holiday package.” 


 “A delightfully entertaining novel by an author with a genuine flair for originality …” 

―Midwest Book Review 

 “This novel’s generous heart won me over from the get-go.”

―John Gregory Brown, acclaimed author of A Thousand Miles from Nowhere 

 “The Wonder Years meets A Christmas Story meets E.T. in this magical novel with dialogue that snaps, crackles, and pops, and a narrative that skips, jumps, and hops from one delightful surprise after the other. Young adults and old adults alike will love the adventures that await inside these pages.” 

―Cathy Smith Bowers, former Poet Laureate of North Carolina, and South Carolina Authors’ Hall of Fame Inductee 

 “Gobbledy is a novel for the ages. If I were you, I’d gather the family and read it together.” 

―My Bookish Bliss


Gobbledy tablet


“What do you think these things are?” she asks.

A loud wail comes from the new jar full of dirt. 

Slowly, I lift the jar off the work table and unscrew the lid. 

Fi and I look down at the strange bug. The little thing wails. It’s not much bigger than the two crickets standing on the sidelines, staring. 

Fi looks at me with a wild look in her eyes. “Does your dad know?”

I shake my head. “Absolutely not. No. Dad will just make me take him back to the forest.” 

I pull the lid off. The strange little bug opens his mouth really big. 

“Okay, okay,” I whisper. “I’ll feed you, but you have to be quiet.”

He closes his mouth and blinks. For a second, I think he might actually understand what I’m saying.  

There’s a bag of potato chips on the counter in the kitchen. I drop chips into the jar one by one, avoiding the crickets.

Chomp. Chomp. Chomp. 

“Where’s the rock?” Fi asks.

Chomp. Chomp. Chomp.

The back door opens. Startled, Fi jerks upright abruptly, smacking her head on the slanted ceiling. I try to grab her hand as it flies past my face.  Her arms flap wildly as she falls in a woozy, slow motion out into the hall.

“Fi?” I say loudly.


Fi?”  I drop to the floor next to her and check her pulse, like I’ve seen people do in movies.  “Can you hear me?”

She undoubtedly cannot.  She does not move or answer.  

The jar wobbles on the wooden table.

“Excuse me,” I quickly step over her limp body and grab the jar.  I tighten my grip as it jerks around in my arms.  Hurky-jerky, it shifts against my shirt.  I hold tight and screw the lid back on.  


Huh? “What are you doing home, Dougal?” I yell.

“I live here.”

“I know that, but you’re early.” 

“Not really. School is out. Dad asked Fran to pick me up because you got in trouble again, and he couldn’t leave work twice.”


Fran walks into the hall and says, “Oh my gosh, what happened?”

I look left, then right.  Up, then down.  Over, then under.  My eyes settle on my backpack next to my work table. I shove the jar inside quick, listening to the hurky-jerky sound of glass tapping against my notebooks.  I cover the jar with my jacket and step quickly into the hall.

Fran pulls her hand to her mouth.  “What happened to Fi?”

Fi is on the floor where I left her.  

“She was, ummm, we were doing our science projects and then she fainted.”

“I thought you had to turn those in today?”

“We did, but mine got loose and she was …” 

I stare at her limp, oddly twisted body. 

“Do you want me to perform CPR until the emergency workers arrive?” Dougal asks.

Fran rolls Fiona over on her back.  “They’ll be no emergency workers. I got this,” she says quietly, tapping Fi’s cheeks. “Fiona?”

Fi’s eyes pop open. “Wha?” 

“You passed out, girl.  Are you okay?”


Fran helps Fi to her feet.  She sways, woozy, reaching for the wall.

Their cat, Sir Shreds-A-Lot, scratches and howls at the back door.

“Don’t let that cat in,” Dougal says.  “He’s been sneaking up to the attic and eating the villagers in Mom’s village.” 

“What’s the last thing you remember?” I ask Fi.

She rubs her forehead.  “Let me get an ice pack. I’ll answer that in a minute.”


From my bedroom window I watch Fran walk Fi across the driveway.  Cool, gray light fans out across the dark outline of branches, highlighting the occasional dry leaf still hanging on.  Bats screech on their way down to the boulevard.  On the other side of the glass, silvery light glints off an abandoned spider web. As soon as they turn the corner, I go for the jar.  

Dougal stands in the doorway, giving me the silent-but-deadly stare.  “What are you doing?”

It takes a second to manufacture a convincing lie.  “Looking at a spider web.”

Dougal studies me, his brow pinched tight.  He’s two years younger than me, but matures in dog years.  He clears his throat and announces, “We’ve got a family meeting tonight.”

I step away from the window.  

Clunk clunk clunk.

Starting with the closet, Dougal’s eyes trail around the room, stopping on my backpack.  “What’s that noise?”

I’m about to say I don’t hear anything when — 

Clunk clunk clunk. 

He points.  “It’s in your backpack.”

“It’s a pack of Mexican Jumping Beans I bought today.”

Dougal tilts his head sideways like he always does when he doesn’t believe me.  “Can I see them?”

“I thought you wanted to talk about the meeting,” I blurt out.

He patiently lays his hand on the dresser and taps with his index finger. “Mexican Jumping Beans first.”

Clank clank clunk. 

My eyes jerk to the backpack.

Clank clank clunk.

The sound is louder, more insistent.  

Clunk clunk clunk. 

I walk over to my closet and pretend to look for something.  Anything.

Dougal clears his throat.

I ignore him.

More throat clearing.

I have a pretty good idea how stubborn he can be.  More than that, I’m worried he’ll tell Dad.  I can’t afford any more trouble. Whatever is in that jar could send me into Code Red.

“What?” I hiss, glancing back over my shoulder.

He points.  “You’re stalling.  I’m giving you one chance to tell me what you’re hiding.”

“Or what?”

“Or I’m calling the Humane Society and telling them you’re endangering the lives of Mexican Jumping Beans by keeping them trapped in a backpack.”

“They’re not trapped.” 

“Prove it.”

I huff.  “Why won’t you drop the beans?”

“Because I know you.  Anything worth hiding is worth seeing.”

Okay.  He’s got me there.  

Clunk clunk clunk.

Dougal looks back at me.  “If you haven’t unzipped that backpack in ten seconds then I’m doing it.  One.  Two…”

“Okay.  Okay.” I stomp over.

He stops counting and stares at me instead.

I can do this.  I place my hand on the zipper and jerk it to the side.  The jar is exactly where I left it.  Air holes poked in the top look like prehistoric code.  Lamplight glimmers off the metal.

Clunk clunk clunk.

Dougal reaches down, but I snatch it up quick.  

I pause, listening. “Close the door and lock it,” I whisper.My normally uncooperative little brother runs over, closes the door without a sound, and flips the lock.  My eyes squeeze shut for a second.  I carefully set the jar on the floor.  It wobbles.  Dougal walks over and kneels down.  I sit down on the floor and unscrew the lid. Sucking in a huge breath, I lean over and look inside.  Two glowing eyes stare back at me.  Dougal gasps and falls backwards on his heels.  The glowing eyes are attached to a small, furry body that’s grown to the size of a silver dollar.  A strange little bug.  The little furry thing opens his mouth and shrieks.  I put the lid back on.  A low wail emerges from the jar. 

“What is that thing?” Dougal whispers.

I shrug.  “I don’t know exactly, but he’s getting bigger. I picked up a rock in the forest. I think he must have been stuck to it and I didn’t notice.”

“That’s definitely not a bug,” he says, matter-of-factly.  “I spent all last summer studying insects, and that’s not one of them.”

“It has to be a bug,” I insist.

The thing wails again.

I look down into the jar, suddenly realizing its empty. “He ATE my crickets! My last two crickets.”
Dougal crinkles his nose, “Eww.”

Everything inside the jar is gone, including the dirt. The bug opens his mouth wide and yowls.

“I think it’s hungry,” Dougal observes.

“It ate my grade.”

About the Author

Lis Anna-Langston

Hailed as “an author with a genuine flair for originality” by
Midwest Book Review and “a loveable, engaging, original
voice…” by Publishers Weekly, Lis Anna-Langston was raised
along the winding current of the Mississippi River on a steady diet of
dog-eared books.

You can find her any day of the week in the wilds of South Carolina
plucking stories out of thin air.


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ICE Teaser Tuesday

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(Bones MC 14): A Bones MC Romance


Motorcycle Club Romance

Date Published: November 10, 2023


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Ice — The second to last thing I expected when Cain called Church was for
him to resign as president of Bones. The last thing I expected was to be
voted in as president myself. So when I found myself on a rescue mission for
the daughter of the Devil himself? Well. I wasn’t surprised at all.
What did surprise me was the woman herself. Sure, I’d met her on more
than one occasion, but the teenage girl I’d seen a couple of years
before is definitely not the woman I pull out of the rushing water when she
gets stranded in the middle of a hurricane.

Dawn — Coming home during a hurricane isn’t one of the smartest
things I’ve ever done. Neither is getting mixed up with the man who
was the reason for me taking such a risk. So when I’m stranded with
water overtaking my car, I thought I’d finally tempted fate for the
last time. Until my guardian angel plucks me from the water and saves me. In
more ways than one. He’s the new president of Bones MC and a man I
can’t deny I want with every fiber of my being.


WARNING: Ice features a protective hero, a determined heroine and includes
graphic violence and adult situations that may be triggers for some readers.
Eventual happy ending and no cheating, as always.

ICE paperback



Marteeka Karland

All rights reserved

Copyright ©2023 Marteeka Karland


“Dawn!” The man had to raise his voice over the wind though we
weren’t to the point where he had to yell. Yet. “We need to get
back to my ride.” I looked up at the man who held my arm in a firm but
gentle grip. He was gruff and insistent, and I thought I recognized


“Yeah. They call me Ice now. I’m takin’ you back to the
Salvation’s Bane clubhouse. Are you injured?”

I shook my head. “No. Just wet. I’m sorry I left the

“The storm surge is starting. With high tide coming, the
water’s gonna rise fast. You didn’t have a choice.” He
took off his rain jacket and put it around me, helping me thread my arms
through it before zipping it up and pulling the hood over my head. He
tightened down the laces so the wind wouldn’t immediately blow it

“We’ve got to go three blocks that way.” He pointed in
the direction he wanted to take me. “All you have to do is stay on
your feet and keep your head down. Can you do that for me?” Looking up
into his face, I nodded. “Good. Let’s go.”

Ice had a firm grip on my hand as he led the way. We moved quickly through
the flooded streets, the water now up to our knees and rising fast. The wind
was howling around us. Even though he’d tightened it almost
uncomfortably, my hood didn’t last two seconds once we were out of the
relative shelter of the doorway. My hair whipped into my face, making it
almost impossible to see where we were going. But Ice was a strong presence
beside me, guiding me through the chaos with a steady hand and a sure sense
of direction. Every so often, he would lean in close to my ear to be heard
over the wind, giving me a few words of encouragement or advice.

“Keep your head down, Dawn! We’re almost there!”

I nodded, gritting my teeth against the driving rain and pushing on through
the water. My legs were aching with my effort and my clothes were soaked
through, but I refused to give up. I trusted in Ice and his ability to get
us both to safety because my dad trusted him. No one failed my dad. Not if
they wanted to live.

Finally, after what felt like hours of trudging through the water, we
reached a parking garage. Ice took me up one level to the second floor. It
was low to the ground but up high enough to keep us out of the water. I

He led me to the Bronco I’d been expecting and opened the back.
“I’ve got some dry clothes and food. Might be too big for you
but you’ll be warm and dry.”

Exhausted, I slumped against the vehicle, breathing hard. Once we’d
made it to the parking garage, the going had been much easier, but the wind
still howled through the structure and I was spent.

Ice opened the back of the truck. The tailgate swung out and he urged me
behind it. He stood on the other side and turned his back, effectively
guarding the open side from prying eyes. Surprisingly, the place seemed
deserted. I’d have thought there would be other people taking shelter,
but the town was small. Maybe they got everyone evacuated or to an actual
shelter before the storm started.

He turned his head to the side, not looking at me, but like he was trying
to see if I was moving. I wasn’t.

“You good?”

“I-I d-don’t know.”

Carefully, Ice turned farther until he saw I was still dressed, then he
turned all the way and stepped closer to me. “You’re safe, Dawn.
I swear I’ll keep you safe. I’ll protect you with my
life.” Intense, dark eyes bore into my own. He was so tall and big, he
loomed over me. I should have been intimidated but I wasn’t.

It was in that moment I realized why my dad trusted Ice so much. He was
capable, strong, and fiercely loyal. He was also my calm in the middle of
this storm. Literally. I also knew that like Cain and El Diablo, Ice was
every bit as capable and sure of himself as they were. As I looked up at
him, I saw a flicker of something in his gaze that made my heart race.

“Thank you,” I whispered, my voice hoarse from the wind and the

Ice’s hand found my chin, tilting my face up to his. “Trust me
to see you through this. Yes?” I nodded. “Good. Get some dry
clothes on. I’ve got your back.”

As I looked up into his face, one strangled sob escaped me. I thought he
might look disgruntled or annoyed. Instead, Ice’s eyes got big and he
rocked backward like he was going to step away from me. Then he shook his
head and reached for me.

“Come here, honey.”

Having Ice pull me into his arms was the very last thing I expected. He
surrounded me with his big frame, those strong arms holding me tightly when
I felt like I was going to fragment into a million pieces.

I wanted to break down. Wanted to let the fear wash through me so I could
cleanse myself of it. Get it out of my system. But this was only the
beginning. I knew the worst was yet to come, and that was assuming we could
get out of this stupid parking garage and to the Salvation’s Bane

“Take some deep breaths for me.” His gruff voice was oddly
soothing. His arms around me kept me grounded when I knew I was so in over
my head — literally — there was no way I could fight this on my own. I
could feel the heavy muscles of his chest where I had my cheek on his wet
shirt. The water was hot from the heat of his skin and as he rubbed one hand
gently up and down my back, the tension lessened inside me somewhat.

“I’m sorry.”

“No need to be sorry. This is a pretty scary situation.”

Strangely, I felt a laugh bubble up in my throat. “You can say that

He grunted, holding me a few seconds longer before pulling back. “You
can do this, Dawn. Get some dry clothes on and I’ll do the same. Then
we’ll check in with Thorn and Ripper. They’re keeping an eye on
the weather minute by minute.”

“I think Shotgun is too.”

“I’m sure he is. Likely, he and Ripper are in constant contact,
conferring with each other and figuring out the best course of action for
us. They’ll get me the most accurate information they can, and
I’ll decide what we do next.”

Again, I nodded. “OK.” I took another breath. “OK. I can
do this.”

He nodded sharply at me. “Of course, you can. You’re El
Diablo’s daughter.” He raised his chin looking proud. Of me?
Then he turned his back so I could have some privacy.



About the Author

International bestselling author Marteeka Karland leads a double life as an
erotic romance writer by evening and a semi-domesticated housewife by day.
Known for her down and dirty MC romances, Marteeka takes pleasure in
spinning tales of tenacious, protective heroes and spirited, vulnerable
heroines. She staunchly advocates that every character deserves a blissful
ending, even, sometimes, the villains in her narratives. Her writings are
speckled with intense, raw elements resulting in page-turning delight
entwined with seductive escapades leading up to gratifying conclusions that
elicit a sigh from her readers.

Away from the pen, Marteeka finds joy in baking and supporting her husband
with their gardening activities. The late summer season is set aside for
preserving the delightful harvest that springs from their combined efforts
(which is mostly his efforts, but you can count it). To stay updated with
Marteeka’s latest adventures and forthcoming books, make sure to visit her
website. Don’t forget to register for her newsletter which will pepper you
with a potpourri of Teeka’s beloved recipes, book suggestions, autograph
events, and a plethora of interesting tidbits.


Author on Instagram & TikTok: @marteekakarland

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Breaking Cycles Blitz

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Contemporary Romance

Date Published: 10-10-2023

Publisher: Atmosphere Press


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Indulge in a steamy contemporary romance that will ignite your hopes for
the ultimate happily ever after of a bad boy and a good girl.


Over a decade ago, motorcycle mechanic Grant Young made a daring escape,
fully convinced he’d never look back. A shadowed history propelled him into
the abyss, ensuring he mastered the art of detachment. However, destiny
takes an unforeseen turn when Ella, a stunning, intelligent, and courageous
woman, steps in to rescue him from the aftermath of a catastrophic

Ella’s compassion and strength force Grant to reevaluate his perceptions
about life and love. She becomes the catalyst for him to confront his past
and embrace the unfamiliar territory of vulnerability. Can Grant break the
cycle of self-destructive patterns and embrace the possibility of something


Breaking Cycles is a captivating romance transcending the boundaries
between a wayward rebel and a virtuous spirit. Navigating trials,
heartaches, and moments of elation, the journey of Grant and Ella unfolds as
a poignant quest for redemption and love. The burning question lingers: Will
Grant overcome his past and find happiness with Ella, or will his demons
keep him running? Immerse yourself in Nikki A Lamers’ enthralling
masterpiece to uncover the destiny that awaits.

About the Author

Nikki A Lamers

Award Winning Author, Nikki A Lamers grew up in Wisconsin and lived in
Florida for a few years before ending up in New York where she now lives
with her husband and their two teenagers. She has always loved to write and
curl up with a good book. Since meeting her husband, they enjoy spending
time in Maine every year and exploring different places. Her first book, The
Unforgettable Summer, won the Imadjinn Book Award for best romance and the
Firebird Book Award in four categories including New Adult Fiction, Series,
Summer/Beach Read and Contemporary Novel. While Unforgettable Nights won for
New Adult Fiction, Contemporary novel and Series and Unforgettable Dreams in
Contemporary novel and Series in the Firebird book awards. Now with six
books in the Unforgettable Series, you have the chance to fall in love with
the characters just like her!

Dreams Lost and Found is part of a duet that hits close to home for the
author. The main character Samantha was adopted as an infant, just like
Nikki. Although Samantha’s story is not her own, she enjoyed writing every
word. Finding Home is book 2 of the Home duet. With Breaking Cycles, Nikki’s
newest release, along with an upcoming holiday anthology for a cause that
will be available only for a limited time.

When she’s not reading or writing, she enjoys traveling, exploring, hiking
and spending time with her family and friends with her coffee, a glass of
wine, or a taste of dark chocolate.


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The Rot Within Blitz

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Fantasy – Dark Fantasy – Epic Fantasy – Post Apocalyptic Fantasy.

Date Published: October 28, 2023


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This is not a save-the-world story.

In a fading world on the brink of its end, Sunmine stands besieged by the
Jungle of Rot. Tensions simmer between the Woodfolk and the Sun Empire
Citizens, trapped together in these shrinking lands.

Amidst this turmoil, a figure stands out: Anpô, the sole outsider to
ever come from beyond the Rot and survive. He arrived a mere baby in his
mother’s arms, an ominous bloodred tattoo marking his chest — but her
death came fast, robbing Anpô and the city of any answers she might
have held.

Is Anpô to be the doom of Sunmine, as so many claim? A cursed
Rotspawn, touched from birth by the Black Rot that devours the world? Or
could the whirls of ink on his chest hide the answers they seek?

Seeking acceptance, Anpô chases the sacred Art of Burning, his true
nature becoming entwined with the hopes and hatred of Sunmine’s inhabitants
as the forces of this decaying world converge around him. Will he carve
himself a place in these lands that are not his, unlocking the secrets
shrouding his past? Or will he crumble under the weight of their fear and
mistrust, unleashing whichever dark destiny might lurk within him?

About the Author

P.T.M. Parizotto

P.T.M. Parizotto is the author of the epic fantasy The Rot Within as well
as the content creator behind the YouTube channel P.T.M. Parizotto
(GeekZotto), which focuses on the critical analysis of storytelling. He is
currently finishing his Master’s Degree in São Paulo, Brazil.


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Everything is Temporary Blitz

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Christmas Horror

Date Published: November 2, 2023

Publisher: Deadbolt Books


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How well do we really know the people sleeping next to us in bed at

After a tragedy strikes the Barnes family, Sarah’s husband Tom begins
acting strangely. It starts with wild mood-shifts and accusations at their
thirteen-year-old daughter, but quickly escalates to the attempted murder of
an off-season mall Santa. From what Sarah can tell, Tom’s only motive seems
to lie behind a mysterious hatred for Christmas that burns year-round.
What’s worse, Tom’s only defense lies in a long-forgotten book he wrote
detailing a traumatic event in his childhood that seems too far-fetched to
be believed. His entire case revolves around the notion of talking Christmas
trees, a living army of toys, and worst of all, a monster masquerading as
Mrs. Claus.

Now, Sarah must go on a journey into her husband’s past to learn if Tom is
in the midst of a psychotic breakdown, if he’s a danger to his family, or if
he really is being hunted by the malevolent holiday horror that destroyed
his childhood.


About the Author


JON COHN IS A WRITER and professional board game designer based out of San
Diego, California. You can follow him on Instagram and Twitter

He would also love to give you free stuff like stories, audiobooks, and
games by signing up for his mailing list at


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