Category Archives: BOOKS

The Keeper of the Book Blitz

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The Keeper of the Book cover

Action Adventure

Date Published: November 13, 2023


In the year 2043, World Council Edict 1735B proclaimed that all of the
world religions were to be outlawed in the interest of public safety. Houses
of Worship were labeled centers of dissension and attending any underground
religious service was punishable by imprisonment and relocation. To possess
any religious artifact or Holy Book was a mandatory death sentence. Jenny
Keane is a Believer, a Christian and the proud owner of a Holy Bible given
to her by her Grandmother. Michael Keane, her husband, is a former Special
Forces Operative. He is not a believer in the holy teachings of any
religion. Michael gave up the warrior path to live a cherished, peaceful
life with his family. Jenny and the children, while attending an illegal
religious service are captured by sadistic One World troops and taken to a
reeducation camp. This sets Michael out on a one man rescue mission to bring
his family home and nothing short of death will stop him. Against impossible
odds he walks a path of revenge and destruction with no negotiation, no
rules of engagement and no mercy for his enemies. He is aided by the unseen
prayers of the faithful and years of experience in killing his foes.


About the Author

Ryland Harris

Ryland Harris is a father, a builder and a combat decorated Marine. He
resides in the Appalachian mountains of southwestern Virginia. He enjoys
long hikes in the mountains, designing and building houses and spending time
with his children. He shares his life with nine chickens, three goats and a
black mouth cur dog.


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Rise of the Liberal Colossus Virtual Book Tour

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From Corporate Globalization to the Great Reset


Political / Nonfiction / History

Date Published: July 12, 2023

Publisher: MindStir Media


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To speak of a modern Liberal Colossus conjures nothing less than the
largest power structure the world has ever known. A distinctly (but not
entirely) American phenomenon, this sprawling network of economic interests,
political forces, and cultural influences revolves around four organically
interconnected sectors – a domestic corporate oligarchy, authoritarian state
apparatus, military-industrial complex, and (now in process) a reconstituted
liberal (or “neoliberal”) world order. Going back to the watershed
presidency of Woodrow Wilson at the time of World War I, the overarching
ideology that defines, legitimates, and sustains this Colossus has been one
variant of liberalism, more precisely a combination of corporate and global
liberalism. For the past century the main pillars of this power structure
have been continuously reinforced by great scientific and technological
innovations in the economy, government, and military as well the
international system. If ambitious planning within the World Economic Forum
and other global institutions manages to achieve its unprecedented goals,
that system will expand further — toward what has been described as the
Great Reset. This would be a global tyranny based on increasingly
concentrated (and integrated) economic and governmental power. Here, in The
Rise of the Liberal Colossus, Carl Boggs systematically explores the
history, politics, and ideology of this frightening development, the biggest
threat in modern times to the future of democratic society.


“Carl Boggs provides a sweeping historical and political treatise on
the origins of the imperial state and its grounding in the liberal paradigm.
The trajectory of global destruction begins begins, as Professor Boggs
recounts, with the era of World War I and its aftermath and escalates to the
present day under the regime of a global corporate order that has brought
the world to the precipice of ecological and military disaster.”

— Professor Gerald Sussman, Global Studies, Portland State


Rise of the Liberal Colossus tablet


To speak of a modern Liberal Colossus conjures nothing less than the

largest power structure the world has ever known. A distinctly (but not

entirely) American phenomenon, this sprawling network of economic

interests, political forces, and cultural influences revolves around three

organically interconnected sectors—a domestic corporate oligarchy,

authoritarian state apparatus, a reconstituted liberal world order. Going

back to the watershed presidency of Woodrow Wilson, the specific

ideology defining, legitimating, and sustaining this Colossus has been

some variant of liberalism, more precisely a combination of corporate

and global liberalism. The main firmaments of this power structure

have been continuously reinforced by great technological innovations in

the economy, government, and military as well the international system.

About the Author

Carl Boggs

After receiving his Ph.D. from U.C., Berkeley in 1970, Carl Boggs taught at
Washington University in St. Louis and then at UCLA, USC, Carleton
University in Ottawa, and Antioch University, Los Angeles before concluding
his career at National University in Los Angeles, focusing on the education
of working adults. He participated in the Free Speech Movement at Berkeley,
among other activities, and then was active in the anti-Vietnam War
movement. Involved in the work of several magazines and journals, he was
instrumental in bringing the work of Antonio Gramsci to America, and with it
the crucial motif of cultural revolution which he explored in two books and
several articles. Since the mid-1970s he has written another 24 books,
including ten on topics related to U.S. foreign and military policy along
with several on ecological politics. Since 2000 he has been a regular
contributor to the online journal CounterPunch. He has also contributed, in
writing and presentations (including several plenary talks) to the Global
Studies Association based in Chicago. In 2007 he was recipient of a Career
Achievement Award from the American Political Science Association.


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Journey to Bethlehem Blitz

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Journey to Bethlehem cover

Religion & Spirituality

Date Published: 11-25-2022

Publisher: OACC Media



Come with me to Bethlehem. A sleepy hamlet in the mountains of Southern
Israel. Here we will find a newborn baby lying in a manger surrounded by his
parents and barn animals.

It doesn’t seem like the most idyllic Christmas. There is no tree, no
presents, and no stockings hung by the fireplace. Everything is ordinary.
Jesus lying in a mound of hay is the furthest thing from extraordinary. Yet,
the Savior of the world begins his first moments here in this barn, in this

During this journey, you will discover the true meaning of the season.
It’s not the glow of lights or the smell of pine needles. We celebrate
Christmas because of Jesus Christ, God’s gift to us.


About the Author

Joseph Guy serves as the President of Joseph Guy International Ministries,
an organization dedicated to reaching people around the world through
digital ministry. He is the host of the podcast Biblical Insight With Pastor
Joseph, and winner of the 2022 Readers’ Favorite 5-Star Review Award.
It is his goal to change the world one life at a time through the timeless
message of the Gospel. The great outdoors is where you can find him when
he’s not building God’s kingdom.


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Finding the Zodiac Killer Virtual Book Tour

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Finding the Zodiac Killer cover

True Crime,  Serial Killers True Accounts ,  Crime & Criminal

Date Published:  October 1, 2023


In the late 1960s and early 1970s, a serial killer, who called himself the
ZODIAC, terrorized Northern California with cold-blooded murders and a
series of taunting ciphers and letters. His first set of three ciphers,
considered at the time to be one, were sent to three newspapers in 1969.
They were cracked by a couple within a week. On July 11, 2021, David Daniel
read, where the Zodiac had stated in a letter, that the three ciphers
contained his identity, but the couple and the authorities claimed that it
wasn’t there. David believed that the authorities had said the ciphers
didn’t reveal the Zodiac’s identity for one reason—they
couldn’t find it. He knew it was there and he knew that he would find
it. He looked at the first of the three ciphers—the one that the
Zodiac had sent to the Vallejo Times Herald. Within three to seven seconds,
he knew he had solved the nation’s most notorious unsolved murder
case. David studied the cipher further and looked at other ciphers that the
killer had sent. One by one he cracked the ciphers and completely solved
another. Within two minutes he had absolutely confirmed the secret identity
of the ZODIAC killer multiple times. Law enforcement and cryptographers have
been searching for his identity for over 50 years. Finally, the search is
over. He has been found!

Finding the Zodiac Killer tablet





This book tells the story of the murders committed by the Zodiac Killer, his taunting of the police, press, and public, the 50-year search for his identity and, finally, the story of how I uncovered his identity. 

It begins with a prologue—a story of some very strange encounters that I have had. They include my encounters with serial killers. I have met three. That is three more than most people have ever met and three more than most people would ever want to meet. You might say I was in the wrong place at the right time. 

And I have met three people who have had encounters with serial killers. One of these encounters was safe enough, but the other two people I have met have had close ones. They were definitely in the wrong place—but at the right time. In both of these cases, they are very lucky to have survived. 

On top of all this, I was there when law enforcement came to question an employee that resembled the 1985 sketch of a serial killer called the Night Stalker. Elsewhere, a friend’s father painted their house out of fear that the color was too similar to houses invaded by the Night Stalker. 

I have also made intelligent, educated guesses about serial killers. One was regarding the Hillside Stranglers being two men instead of one. Years later, I made an educated guess on the whereabouts of the Grim Sleeper’s residence. I told people the Grim Sleeper lived near the corner of 81st and Western. He did. 

And I found the codes and clues that reveal the secret identity of Red John—a serial killer on the TV series The Mentalist. That is the subject of one of my books—The Mentalist Code and the Search for Red John

Solving the identity of a fictional serial killer after just the first two episodes of The Mentalist was a lot of fun, as was continuing to watch for and follow up on codes and clues for several years throughout the series until the big reveal. 

But solving the identity of a real serial killer has been a very different journey. It has meant reading about the horrific murders of real people and reading about the real taunts of the real public, the real police, and the real press by an authentic—not fictional—narcissistic psychopath. A monster with no regard for human life.

About the Author

Let me tell you a little about myself. In the 1970s, I predicted that the
serial killer called the Hillside Strangler were two people (not one) and
that they were stepbrothers or step cousins. I was right. I predicted that
another serial killer, the Grim Sleeper, lived near 81st and Western in Los
Angeles. When they found him, he lived three houses down from the corner of
81st and Western.

When the TV series The Mentalist came out in 2008, I deciphered codes,
unscrambled anagrams, and solved multiple clues and I knew the secret
identity of Red John—the fictitious serial killer on the
series—after the first two episodes. I have written a book about my
discoveries called The Mentalist Code and the Search for Red John.

Now I have cracked the ciphers and clues sent by the real serial
killer—The Zodiac—who terrorized Northern California in the late
1960s and early 1970s. Cryptologists, law enforcement and other have been
seeking his identity for over 50 years.

My book—The Code: The Secret Code Hidden in the English
Language—which details my amazing discovery of a secret code hidden in
the English language is too shocking to believe—will be coming out
within weeks.


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‘Tis the Season TEASER

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'Tis the Season cover

Passages, Book 1

Holiday, Gay, Romance, New Adult

Date Published: December 01, 2023

Publisher: Changeling Press



Is it possible to be both a good Jew and a gay man? Jonah Dillon
doesn’t think so. He can’t reconcile his faith with his
attraction to men so he turns his back on Judaism. Away at college for the
holidays, he plans to lose his virginity to Christian, the blue-eyed, blond,
goy of his dreams.

But fate intervenes when Jonah meets Aaron Beck, an observant Jew, and they
end up celebrating Hanukkah together. Aaron tells Jonah they’re
beschert—meant to be. Jonah’s not sure he believes it, but he’s
lonely and welcomes Aaron’s company even if he has to celebrate Hanukkah to
get it.

Can Aaron bridge the gap and convince Jonah to take a leap of faith? Or
will they have to give up their desire for a future together?

'Tis the Season tablet


Copyright ©2023 Gale Stanley

The man’s image in the mirror, framed by small twinkling lights and
swags of spruce and holly, appeared to be just the sort of ornament Jonah
had been looking for all his life — or at least the part of his life that
spanned the years since puberty. The phrase “objects in the mirror are
closer than they appear” came to mind, making him smile. I should be
so lucky.

Unfortunately, Jonah’s plan to remain on campus for the holidays and
lose his virginity to a non-Jew, a goy, wasn’t going according to
plan, although he’d gone to great lengths to make it happen.

The worst part had to be when he told his parents that he wouldn’t be
coming home for Hanukkah. None of the excuses he came up with felt right and
he procrastinated for a long time.

Finally, he could wait no longer. Working up the courage, he called his
mother and blurted out the dreaded words, before he lost his nerve.
“I’ll be staying on campus for the holidays.”

Dead silence followed his announcement, followed by a worried,

Jonah had never been good at lying. He struggled to sound believable.
“I have so much to do. The workload in grad school is much heavier and
the holidays are the best time to catch up.”

“Bring your work home.”

Also not good at asserting himself, Jonah hemmed and hawed.
“I’d be way too busy. No time to interact.”

Unfortunately, his mother was way too good at guilt-tripping him.

Her voice wavered, and she sounded on the verge of tears. “We just
want to see you. We don’t ask for much. And we’ve always spent
Hanukkah together. I’m making your favorites, latkes and sweet

A knife pierced his heart, but Jonah thought fast and stayed firm.
“One of my friends is stuck on campus, too, and I promised him we
would study together.” Another lie.

“Bring him home.”

“I can’t, Mom, He’s… it’s just

“He’s a girl, isn’t he? Well, if it doesn’t work
out, you can always change your mind and come home.”

“Sorry, Mom. I’ll talk to you soon.”

Jonah hung up before his mom could ask any more questions. Damn, she
sounded like her world had come to an end. If only he wasn’t an only
child. If he had a sibling to pick up the slack, it would make his life a
whole lot easier. Taking a few deep breaths, he calmed himself. There would
be other holidays.

Now, sitting alone at a bar, he wondered if all the grief he’d caused
his mother had been for nothing. Not many students or professors had
remained on campus, so Jonah had ventured off campus to find a hook-up.
Happy Hour at a bar seemed the best option, but Jonah didn’t have an
ounce of gaydar in his body, and gay guys didn’t go around wearing
sexual ID tags. Luckily, he’d found a gay watering hole in the small
college town. The rainbow flag flying out front had been a dead giveaway,
and the name, The Rainbow Room. Could it be any gayer? When he first saw it,
he wanted to take off like a scared rabbit, but he’d been doing that
for far too long.

Jonah had forced himself to open the door and go inside. It was a gay bar,
so what? Nothing remarkable, nothing to be scared of, just a neighborhood
bar, a place where a guy could have a conversation without screaming over
loud dance music. Actually, there was no dance floor, and that was all good
too. Jonah Dillon didn’t dance, especially with other men. The only
thing that differentiated The Rainbow Room from any other corner dive was
the fact that it was devoid of women.

Wooden stools butted up against a foot rail at the bar and the mirrored
wall behind the bar threw back his reflection. A bearded bartender, sleeves
rolled up over hairy forearms, filled orders. Holiday decorations were
minimal. Other than the lights around the mirror, there weren’t any,
and that was okay because he’d been born and raised Jewish, and a man
assimilated a lot of attitudes and beliefs in twenty-one years. Ridding
himself of them would take a lifetime. At least.

Having to stare at a Christmas tree or a Nativity scene while flirting with
a blond goy would have made him feel even guiltier. Ironic, that the thought
of sucking an uncut cock didn’t inspire quite the same guilt. Or maybe
he was just too fucking horny to care anymore. Lost in thought, Jonah
wondered if he was normal. Between waking up with morning wood and
masturbating before bed, it seemed like he was always thinking about

When he got to college, he’d settled for hurried blowjobs with other
students. It took the edge off, but Jonah wanted more. It was time to let
someone put their dick in his ass so he could lose his anal virginity.
Finding a willing partner who made him feel comfortable was primary. One
thing he was sure of, he wouldn’t be comfortable having sex with
another Jew.

So here he was, trying to fit in with the goyim, to the point of actually
shopping for one of those ugly red and green Christmas sweaters with
prancing deer. Seeing himself in the dressing room mirror shocked the hell
out of him, but he bought it anyway, and ran out of the shop before he could
change his mind. He wore it like a costume, thinking it would make him feel
less inhibited and able to take some risks.

But as Jonah discovered, the sweater didn’t help him blend in. His
appearance in the bar had triggered a few snickers, and after glancing
around at the jeans-and-sweatshirt crowd, he’d regretted his

His inner voice told him he was trying too hard and he looked like an
asshole. At the time, it’d seemed like a good idea. Now, he just felt
dumb, but he forgave himself for not getting it right and toughed it out.
Fuck it.

Jonah ordered a beer. The bartender set down a mug wet with condensation,
and a bowl of peanuts. Jonah took a few and cracked them out of their
shells. He tried to look like he belonged, but nobody looked like him and
everybody seemed to be with friends. Ignoring the conversations around him,
he glanced at his watch every so often, as if he were waiting for someone.
It made him feel less alone. Pathetic.

What would his mother say if she could see him now? Come home, boychik. You
don’t belong there
. Thank goodness, she was miles away and oblivious.
He’d never told his parents he was gay. Hell, it had taken years to
admit it to himself.

He concentrated on today’s goal — find a guy to have sex with. How
hard could it be? Pretty damn hard, even in a place that was user

Jonah took another swallow of his beer. God, he hated this time of the
year. The holidays always made him feel more alone than ever. His back was
to the room, but he could still see the crowd in the mirror — guys of all
shapes and sizes, pairing up like animals ready to board Noah’s Ark,
while he was mooning over a stranger. It was damn depressing.

Finishing his beer, he scanned the mirror for the blond. Yep, still there,
but focused on the two men who framed him like bookends.

Hooking up with the man in the mirror didn’t seem likely. Jonah would
not, could not, make the first move, and for sure he didn’t expect the
hot blond to hit on him. Why would he? Jonah was a man who didn’t
stand out in a crowd, unless it was for all the wrong reasons. After a
lifetime of doing stupid shit, he’d become an expert at sabotaging
himself. Too bad State College didn’t offer a course in How Not to
Embarrass Yourself.

The hot blond was exactly the type of man he could see himself with. He had
the sun-kissed good looks of a surfer dude — blond, blue-eyed, and
cherub-cheeked — a nice contrast to Jonah’s dark brown hair, hazel
eyes, and stubbled jaw. The nerdy guy and the goy. Pitiful. More than the
width of the bar separated them.

But looking couldn’t hurt.


About the Author

Gale Stanley

Gale Stanley grew up in Philadelphia PA. She was the kid who always had her
nose in a book, her head in the clouds, and her hands on a pad and

Some things never change.


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