Category Archives: BOOKS

Shauna’s Silver Swordsmith Blast

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Shauna's Silver Swordsmith cover

Vampire Romance

Date Published: December 01, 2023



Daniel – Reared by the master swordsmith who taught me his craft,
I’ve dedicated my life to forging steel. I never thought about the occult,
until a foreign man with unimaginable power stops at my home and forge. He
takes me to Japan where I study under an ancient swordsmith. Nothing and no
one, especially a woman, can tear me away from my craft, or so I think.
While visiting New York City in 1927, I meet Shauna, and everything

Shauna – Working the streets with only my abusive pimp Jack to look
out for me is no way to live, but I don’t have much choice. When a rich
weirdo takes me to a ritzy hotel and offers me a way out, I’m not sure what
to do. Then he shows up at Jack’s juice joint with tall, gorgeous Daniel
whose mixed messages make my head spin. Can a vampire swordsmith fall in
love with a former pro skirt, or is all his heat only in the forge?


Note: Shauna’s Silver Swordsmith is a short vampire romance with a stubborn
hero, a resilient heroine, historical settings, some spice, violence, and a



Right now I’m between customers. I check my makeup in a cracked
mirror in the ladies’ room and saunter across the main floor to see
who might be lonely. I nearly pee myself when two new guys walk in. One of
them is Mr. Kishida. Damn. I never thought I’d see him again.

The guy with him is enough to make a girl’s eyes fall out. If Mr.
Kishida is a vampire, then this guy is one of those Greek gods. Usually
older guys don’t turn me on unless they’ve got a lot of cold,
hard cash, but this one—Whew. I’d do him for free.

He’s tall, though not as tall as Jack, but probably six feet or so.
I’m a real good judge of men’s bodies. Hell, by now I’m an
expert. His black pinstripe suit fits his broad-shouldered body perfectly.
There’s no hiding the curve of muscles in his arms or the strength of
his chest. It’s the kind of chest a girl could snuggle against after a
long night of sex. He’s ruggedly handsome, and his sleek, ash-colored
hair is randomly streaked with silver. Instead of old, he looks

I can’t remember the last time a guy made my heart beat faster.
I’m so dead inside, or I thought I was until now.

Well, they’re not here to see me, and I’m not sure if I should
just go up and talk to Mr. Kishida. Some guys get sore if you act friendly,
even if you’ve seen them before.

As if reading my mind, Mr. Kishida’s gaze shifts to me. He smiles
ever-so faintly and nods. I smile back. His gorgeous friend also stares at
me, and I feel like I’ve been struck by lightning. Heat floods my
whole body, and I resist the urge to fan myself with my hand.

I’m shoved from behind and stagger, nearly twisting my ankle in my
high heels. I turn sharply to Jack.

“What’s the matter with you?” He glares at me.
“Those two cats are looking for a pussy.”

Well, since Jack’s ordering me to go—

About the Author

Kate Hill

Kate Hill is a vegetarian New Englander who loves writing romantic
fantasies. When she’s not working on her books, Kate enjoys reading, working
out, watching horror movies, and researching vampires and Viking history.
She runs the Compelling Beasts Blog that is dedicated to antagonists,
antiheroes, and paranormal creatures. Kate also writes as Saloni

Visit her online at Join her newsletter at


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Heart Stealer Blitz

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Date Published: 12-08-2023



Without a heart, death and love are equally impossible.

James’s heart has been stolen. He knows because he got stabbed in the chest
and didn’t even bleed. On the plus side, he isn’t dead! On the minus side,
whoever has his heart can control him, and until he gets the heart back, he
is incapable of feeling love for anyone but the thief. Whoever that may

He has to get the heart back, and quickly. But with an assassin in the mix,
and a vengeful ex-lover, and a suspicious fiancée, and no idea who to
trust or where to look, the task won’t be easy. Especially when, with a
stolen heart, he can’t even really trust himself.


About the Author

Melody Wiklund

Melody Wiklund is a writer of fantasy and occasionally romance. In her free
time, she loves knitting and watching Chinese dramas. And she’s never
summoned a spirit or an assassin… or at least so she claims.


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The Invisible Red String Blitz

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A love story that transcends time, place, and circumstance.


Drama, Fiction

Date Published: November 7, 2023



Love knows no boundaries; it’s written in the threads of


“An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet,
regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The thread may stretch or
tangle, but it will never break.” – Chinese Proverb


The Invisible Red String is a soulful odyssey where an invisible red thread
of destiny weaves a tapestry of love, growth, and transformation across


Join four extraordinary souls as their lives intertwine in the most
unexpected of ways, transcending the barriers of race and culture to create
profound and meaningful connections.

John, an advertising executive, carries the scars of a turbulent past, a
product of the foster care system, now striving to provide a loving home for
his son, who has Down syndrome. When his supermodel wife abandons him, he
finds himself at a crossroads, searching for healing and redemption.

Anna, hailing from a conservative background in Kerala, India, knows the
pain of forced arranged marriages and the depths of physical abuse. As a
divorcee, she’s determined to break free from her past and discover her own
path to happiness.

Jake, a successful cardiologist, appears superficial on the surface, but
beneath his polished exterior lies a longing for something deeper. He
embarks on a journey of self-discovery, encountering a love that transcends
time and space.

Lilly, a young African woman who once endured the cruelty of corporal
punishment, arrives in a foreign land to pursue her education, with no
family to guide her. She finds unexpected solace in the warm embrace of a
gay couple who become her chosen family.


As these four souls converge at Soul Haven, a place where personal stories
are shared, and meaningful bonds are forged, they embark on a remarkable
journey of growth and transformation. Through profound experiences, they
confront their traumas, explore unconventional therapies like past life
regression and shadow work, and break down the barriers of race and


Anna and John’s love story emerges as a beacon of hope, proving that love
can heal even the deepest wounds. Jake and Maya’s connection transcends the
physical realm, leading Jake on a quest to understand the depths of his own


The Invisible Red String is a spiritual love story that delves into complex
concepts of abuse, trauma, and therapy, offering a glimpse into the power of
human connection and the unbreakable threads of destiny that bind us


Get your copy today and experience a love story that will touch your heart,
challenge your perceptions, and leave you believing in the power of destiny
and human connection.

About the Author

Ann Zachariah, M.D.

Ann Zachariah, M.D. is a renowned psychiatrist, educator, clinician, and
author based in Houston, Texas.

Mr. Peter Berlin is a publicist and author and lives in LA,


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The Keeper of the Book Virtual Book Tour

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The Keeper of the Book cover

Action Adventure

Date Published: November 13, 2023


In the year 2043, World Council Edict 1735B proclaimed that all of the
world religions were to be outlawed in the interest of public safety. Houses
of Worship were labeled centers of dissension and attending any underground
religious service was punishable by imprisonment and relocation. To possess
any religious artifact or Holy Book was a mandatory death sentence. Jenny
Keane is a Believer, a Christian and the proud owner of a Holy Bible given
to her by her Grandmother. Michael Keane, her husband, is a former Special
Forces Operative. He is not a believer in the holy teachings of any
religion. Michael gave up the warrior path to live a cherished, peaceful
life with his family. Jenny and the children, while attending an illegal
religious service are captured by sadistic One World troops and taken to a
reeducation camp. This sets Michael out on a one man rescue mission to bring
his family home and nothing short of death will stop him. Against impossible
odds he walks a path of revenge and destruction with no negotiation, no
rules of engagement and no mercy for his enemies. He is aided by the unseen
prayers of the faithful and years of experience in killing his foes.


The Keeper of the Book tablet


Michael Keane dreams of his dead mother. She is making breakfast. Her slight frame is backlit by a buttery morning sun shining through the kitchen window. It makes her glow, other worldly. Like an angel. 

The rich scent of bacon frying wakes Michael. Then tittering peals of laughter from his three children and the lilting, sweet voice of his wife, Jenny. Jenny is singing an old church hymn. Wonderful Grace of Jesus. Mama loved that song. Jenny sang it at her funeral ten years ago in 2031. Ten years. Time is flying by. Michael rolls over and out of bed. He is happy. Happier than he’s been in all his 42 years. He stretches right, then left. Ohhhh man, I just ache. He grunts and groans a little bit, then shakes it off. They’re just little aches and pains that come every day. Every ache and pain is a little reminder of his ten years in the highly elite Homeland Security Department Special Forces Units. Those ten years got him a tiny pension, a chest full of medals and a body full of scars. He steps in front of the mirror and stares at his reflection for a moment. His pale green eyes hold the stare with himself as he scrutinizes the scars on his body. I’m fine with it. At least I still have most of my hair. He runs his fingers through his full head of light brownish, blondish hair. I chose it. Nobody made me do it. My reflection proves I am still here. Still alive. 

Michael had been wounded five times over those ten years with HSD. The worst of it came in the African Campaigns when the whole world went to war over a rare earth metal mine in Uganda. There was no FBI or CIA or State Department anymore and no separate branches of the military. They had all been rendered impotent by the World Council Edicts. By 2033, they had all been absorbed under each nation’s umbrella version of the Homeland Security Department. 

The rich smell of bacon frying makes Michael’s mouth water. As he reaches for the glass of water on his nightstand, Gypsy, his brindle mountain cur dog, bounds into the bedroom and launches onto his bed. He leans down to let her give him a few overly enthusiastic, sloppy kisses. 

“Good morning, Gypsy.” Michael winces and turns his face to the side. “Gypsy, your breath stinks. I mean, really stinks.” She tries to lick his face again. 

“You stink. You been eating deer guts and you’re dirty. Get off of the bed.” Michael shoos her away, then makes the bed. He smooths the bed covers and tucks the corners tightly. A legacy of time spent in the military. Satisfied with the crispness of the bed cover tucks, he pulls on his jeans and boots. On his way out of the room, he stops at the dresser and takes a tee shirt out of the top drawer. He pulls it over his head as he makes his way to the kitchen. The children abandon their card game of Go Fish when they see Michael. They rush up to surround him. Michael picks the youngest one, four-year-old Gabriel, up in his arms. 

He kisses him on the forehead, “How’s my boy doing today?” The girls, 11-year-old Bridget and 6-year-old Amber, pull on Michael’s legs. 

“Pick us up too!” Amber commands her dad. Michael obeys. 

He scoops the girls up and holds all three children in his arms. They hug him and laugh. Jenny turns from the counter then places a platter stacked high with blueberry pancakes next to a plate of crisp bacon on the kitchen table. Jenny is lovely, radiant. Her dark black hair is just beginning to show the first strands of gray. She hates it. Her mischievous, sparkling dark green eyes entranced Michael from the first moment he laid eyes on her fourteen years ago. The ancient Irish, Druidic blood flowing in Jenny’s veins fuels her passion for life, for family, for love. Michael finds her eternally enchanting.

About the Author

Ryland Harris

Ryland Harris is a father, a builder and a combat decorated Marine. He
resides in the Appalachian mountains of southwestern Virginia. He enjoys
long hikes in the mountains, designing and building houses and spending time
with his children. He shares his life with nine chickens, three goats and a
black mouth cur dog.


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The Savior of Norfolk Blitz

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Christian Young Adult Fantasy

Date Published: November 2023



A vanishing boy, human-animal hybrids, and the grisly murder of one’s
peers are a lot to handle. Existing in two worlds, being hunted by your
town’s killer, and nearly dying every day doesn’t make it any
easier. For 15-year-old Stephen Benson, all of this has become normal,
managing one life as a town outcast and another as a fantasy land hero.
Hopeless and depressed, will he overcome his inner demons and the outer evil
hounding his spirit? Will he listen to the child-penguin fairy? Will he save
the girl he loves and prevent the slaughter of more teens?

The Savior of Norfolk is set in the not-too-distant future when America has
been divided by political and ideological hate. It is a fresh take on
understanding the purpose of existence and suffering and wrestles with a
spiritual understanding of reality.

About the Author

Nathan Edmundson

Nathan Edmundson has lived in many states throughout his lifetime but is
currently residing in Tyler, Texas and hopes to stay put. When not writing,
he works as a psychologist and enjoys nutrition and fitness, traveling,
spending time with friends and family, serving with his church, and eating
at restaurants he hasn’t yet visited.



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