Category Archives: BOOKS

Ivy Hill Blitz

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Ivy Hill cover

A Novel inspired by True Events


Coming of Age / Fiction

Date Published: November 28, 2023

Publisher: Manhattan Book Group



What happens when a loving family man dies suddenly and a stranger takes
his place?

IVY HILL is a thoroughly American coming-of-age story set in the mid-20th
century. Earthy, realistic, and mordantly funny, it is rich with details of
that iconic era. It is also a timeless, universal tale of redemption,
morality and conquering adversity, with nearly-mythic elements anyone from
any century and virtually any culture would recognize: there’s a wicked
giant, a good grandmother and a bad one, a “ghost” or two, and
even, in a manner of speaking, a dark potion.

And at the center of the story, an innocent child.

Love, death, danger and fate intertwine in this novel, which was inspired
by author Arthur Ruben’s actual life. It takes place in Brooklyn from
1952-1957, then Newark from 1958-1970. Ruben’s protagonist, five-year-old
“Eddie,” is devastated following the death of his beloved
34-year-old father. He waits in vain and with a slowly breaking heart for
Daddy to return. His mother’s disastrous remarriage, plus the family’s
wrenching move from Brooklyn, NY, to the Ivy Hill section of Newark, NJ,
turns Eddie’s life inside out. Over the next thirteen years, he is
transformed from helpless brokenhearted child into an entirely different
creature. The post-war society he was born into is also transformed: the
repercussions of that potent and turbulent time, still in living memory-Viet
Nam, Woodstock, the Mansons, and especially now, civil rights-are with us to
this day, and will resonate with millions of readers.



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The Diary of Katy Yehonala Blitz

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The Diary of Katy Yehonala cover

Literary Fiction

Date Published: 01-11-2021

Publisher: Shawline Publishing Group P/L





The first is a proud matriarch who believes honouring family is worth any

The second is born into a revolution and travels the world, still scarred
by her childhood demons.

The third soars to breathtaking heights on the world stage, a mother’s
selfless love beneath her wings.


The Diary of Katy Yehonala brilliantly evokes another time and place,
laying bare its drama and beauty in haunting landscapes and vivid portraits
of unforgettable women, so exquisitely narrated that they resonate long
after the final page is turned.


“… an immersive and gripping book that resonates deeply with the
reader. Throughout, the characterisation is strong, memorable and nuanced
suited to the intricate, powerful, compelling narrative.” Rebecca
Black, AM


About the Author

Robert Barclay

Robert grew up in a small English village, the repository of 1000 years of
history engraved on the tombstones of its Norman Church. Without mobile
phones, TV or the Internet, he made up stories.

Later in life, he found himself a clearance diver in the labyrinthine,
murky waterways of the Mekong Delta, dismantling booby traps during the
Vietnam War and receiving two bravery awards. He spent much time in Asia,
and his storytelling is inspired by his life experiences living around the
world and from random meetings with strangers.

Robert’s writing paints pictures of remarkable, headstrong women set
against backstories of the significant issues of our times. His vivid
storytelling combines sharp-witted dialogue and meticulous research to bring
our human struggles to life. A citizen of the world, his love of exotic
places, their people and their love stories brings readers an evocative
sense of time and place.


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The Legend of Rachel Petersen Virtual Book Tour

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The Legend of Rachel Petersen cover


Date Published: 06-10-2023

Publisher: Sky Publishing



Outraged when The Post Gazette overlooks him for a promotion, 43-year-old
Sportswriter Christian Kane quits the Paper and moves to the country to
write fiction. Inspiration flows from a grave he stumbles upon in the woods.
He pens The Legend of Rachel Petersen, a fascinating story revolving around
the dead twelve-year-old girl who was laid to rest beneath the weathered
tombstone in 1863. His book climbs the Best Seller lists; then Hollywood
adapts it into a blockbuster movie. Kane becomes rich and famous; but then!
Does an enraged Rachel become more than a figment of the writer’s
imagination and rise from her grave, seeking revenge on him for slandering
her name?


The Legend of Rachel Petersen tablet



He popped his head out of the hole and looked beyond the heaping piles of freshly dug dirt, making certain there were no intruders hiding in the bushes, waiting to rob him of his find. Satisfied there weren’t any, he reached down and grabbed the lid. Rusted solid, the tiny hinges creaked loudly as he tugged. He yanked harder and harder until they snapped. 

Then… Wooosh! A gigantic gale force wind blasted up and out from the coffin, violently ripping the lid from his hand. The plank door pinned his legs against the earthen side of the grave. Using his arms, he shielded his face as the tornado strength winds blew straight up past him. His hair was blown straight on end. The tree limbs above him thrashed and whipped wildly as the colossal, continuous gust of wind ripped through the leaves. Dust, dirt, and stones, tore at his arms and face as they were hurled from the hole. The rush of the air howled loudly with an eerie, awful sound, as though a thousand people were screaming at once. Thaddeus grimaced as the forceful wind would not allow him to catch his breath.

As fast as the howling wind had erupted from the coffin, it abruptly stopped. Then the lid slammed shut with a loud whack. The branches bounced and swayed to a peaceful rest as Thaddeus, trembling, cautiously began to wipe the dirt from his face and arms. 

Being more cautious on his second attempt, he slowly lifted the lid while peeking over it through squinted eyes. No howling gust of wind greeted him as the mummified remains of the once very pretty and young Rachel Petersen, laid to rest in a plain floral print dress, came into view. A thin layer of dust covered her and everything else inside the tiny coffin. 

But how could that be? After that violent windstorm, which just moments ago blasted forth from the coffin, no dust would have remained. That was just another curiosity that never crossed Thaddeus’s mind.

Staring back at him were two large empty eye sockets in a tiny skull, which rested on a satin pillow. Her facial skin, once having a flawless peaches and cream complexion, was now brown, deeply gouged with wrinkles, and drawn tight, exposing her baby teeth. Her nose was reduced to two narrow slits. Red hair, parted in the middle, covered her forehead before coming to rest in curls on her shoulders. 

The bones and joints in her hands and arms were clearly visible. Her skin-tight hands lay folded on her chest, clutching a rosary. An artifact!

She looks like a dried-out prune with red hair,” Thaddeus thought to himself. Then his pulse pounded faster and louder in his ears when he spotted the holy prayer beads. 

He stared wide-eyed at the white beaded rosary that had a tiny silver crucifix attached, then the corners of his lips curled into a sly smile as he congratulated himself on the find, “I knew there would be something of value buried with her.”

Slowly he reached down for the treasure. “One more inch and it’s mine.” 

Then he quickly jerked his hand back when Seth’s warning echoed through his mind, “Do you want someone like her to haunt you for the rest of your life?” 

“Nonsense,” he reasoned to himself with a chuckle. “Ha! What does Seth know?” 

Then his subconscious haunted him, “What about your dream? The curse in hieroglyphics?”

He answered himself out loud! “That’s nonsense too! Take the treasure and cover her back up!”

Nervously, he wiped the beads of sweat running down his brow; again, he reached for the holy rosary very slowly while staring at her ghastly, withered face. And those two empty eye sockets staring back! He was expecting her to move, or worse yet, holler, “Grave robber,” and grab at him with her boney hands. Nevertheless, he desired that rosary so badly, he was willing to take that risk.

Thaddeus delicately grasped the tiny cross. Firmly, but with a gentle touch, the young archaeologist raised it two inches until all the slack was out of the chain. Now taut, it would not come away from the corpse any further; the remaining beads of the rosary had been intertwined around those hideous looking hands. 

Keeping a vigilant watch on her hollow eyes, he tugged a bit harder on the rosary. He did not see when the army of huge, dark orange centipedes scurried out from under her hands. Quickly, one after another, thousands of the ugly bugs crawled out from their hiding spot and ran up the chain. They raced across his hand and up his arm. “Oh!” Thaddeus hollered as he let go of the cross and flung his hand back. 

Thousands more continued to pour out from their hiding spot, climbing over his shoes, up his pants, up his legs, under his shirt. “Oh! Oh! Oh!” 

Moreover, they stunk. Like battery acid mixed with used motor oil and ammonia.

A part of his dream flashed through his mind, “Within these walls lie the remains of Rachel Petersen. Cursed will be all those who dare enter.”

In one bound, he jumped the four feet out of the grave. The hideous bugs poured out of the hole and chased him down. Chills ran the entire length of his spine as he danced about, flailing his arms, trying to shake the repulsive insects off as more and more covered him. 

He ripped his shirt off and used it to swat the creepy crawlers off his back, chest, shoulders, and stomach. They were in his hair; he shook his head. One was halfway in his ear when he pulled it out. He kicked his feet into the air while grabbing and shaking his pant legs; he stomped on the vile and relentless hunnerd leggers that did fall to the ground. The ones he missed, turned and came after him again. 

For ten awfully long minutes, they kept up their never-ending assault. 

While jumping up and down, he tripped over the shovel’s handle and fell face first over the freshly dug dirt pile back into the grave, landing three inches from Rachel’s mummified face; he swore he saw Rachel smile at him! …

J.T. Baroni

(J.T. Baroni, pictured with the tombstone that inspired the story)

Living in Western Pennsylvania all my life, I’ve been an avid
Whitetail hunter since old enough to tote a rifle, which is also about as
long as I’ve had a fondness for word games and literature.

While hunting one year, I actually did stumble upon a weathered tombstone
in the middle of the woods.

While waiting patiently for that big buck to cross my path, I had plenty of
time to ponder the dead girl’s fate, which I was then driven to write.

Eerily enough, this is the premise of The Legend of Rachel Petersen, my
first novel published in 2012, which I recently revised.

A newly retired transformer repairman, I refer to Johnstown, Pennsylvania,
a small town outside of Pittsburgh, as home.

My wife Becky and I share our abode with two retrievers – Piper, and


two dogs


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Sun Tzu’s Café Blitz

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Historical Fiction / Medical Thriller/ Espionage

Date Published: January 1, 2024


In the era of legalized marijuana in the United States, the Chinese
government has nefarious plans to exploit America’s best and brightest
graduate students using synthetic Hallucinogens and THC compounds. To
accomplish their goal, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has partnered with
a disaffected American CIA agent who was instrumental in the CIA’s domestic
hallucinogen experiments on American citizens known as Project MKULTRA
during the Korean and Vietnam wars. The CCP have surreptitiously funded
upscale cafés in each American city where marijuana has been
legalized and there is an American university within walking distance of
their café.

In each café, the CCP secretly adds a designer hallucinogen to the
coffee. This drug opens the graduate student’s minds to the power of
suggestion and allows the baristas (Chinese security agents) to easily
question the students for technical information concerning their graduate
studies and labs. The methods used are similar to what the disaffected CIA
agent learned during his MKULTRA project missions in the 1950s and 1960s.
This allows the  Communist Chinese to gain a head start on America’s
most crucial security and technological innovations.

But there is a problem. The synthetic hallucinogen is beginning to have
strange effects on some students, and these effects are being noticed. A
bright Israeli E.R. doctor and his wife (an addiction counselor) living and
working in Burlington, Vermont, have encountered some of these students
suffering from bizarre psychotic symptoms. They suspect that there is more
than meets the eye in these Chinese cafés and have started
investigating. If the Chinese plan is discovered, it will open the CCP up to
significant charges of international terrorism against the United States.
With current congressional committee hearings focused on banning Tik Tok and
other Chinese technologies, the CCP will stop at nothing to prevent this
from happening.


About the Author

Eric Bornstein



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Mages & Magic and Mages & Mates Virtual Book Tour

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Rise of a Necromancer cover

Fantasy Adventure (All Ages)

Date of Publication: 1 September 2023


Rojo Siete Φωτιά

The red dragon full of chaos fire magic must serve the human mages for
seventy years.

Leslie Μάγος

Orphaned human child of slaves, sold to the Magesterium to train as a mage,
and paired with a fire dragon.

Ruven Σκιά

Shadow assassin elf turned tracker with a hellhound who eats the

Heista Νεκρός

An undead priest risen and controlled by the most powerful


Tiamat is a demon god from Earth now banished to a world full of magic and
dragon. Lucky for him, his dragon form is a six-headed dragon. The magic
here is not like on Earth, it comes from dragons, not from souls.

To be a god on this world, he must learn how to harness the power of the
dragons. So, pretending to be less than he is, he joins the Magesterium to
train as a mage. He masters this ability easily but is paired with a dragon
who was once a human. Her dragon mate has died and if he doesn’t pair
with her, the other dragons will kill her.

Her magic is weak, but Tiamat can fix that. He can show this world that the
dragons banished from their clans can find a new purpose, just like him.
Until his past catches up and demons from Earth arrive to take a soul from
Tiamat that they feel is theirs. Turns out, necromancy is easy to do on this
world and the other demons have no qualms about using it.

To defeat the other demons, Tiamat must give up the new life he’s
found, and become the god he was destined to be.

This story is told from multiple viewpoints and is available in both an
all-ages friendly adaptation (Mage & Magic) and the original (Mages and
Mates) which has a heavier focus on romance.


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Goblin Gold cover

Fantasy Adventure (All Ages)

Date of Publication: 8 September 2023


Olje Ιππότης

Dedicated Goblin Paladin of the Sun Deities, raised as an undead protector
to Tiamat


Religious Goblin Monk, fierce warrior, and bound to Mage Tiamat as his

Tiamat ψόφιος

Six-headed demon god dragon sworn to protect the inhabitants of this

Neo Νερό

Water Dragon, bound to Mage Peter and entangled with demons.


Goblins have secrets. Their knowledge of science has created the sun
deities and given them the power to harness the holy sun power from another
plane of existence. Their methods of creating the coveted gold is unethical.
Their practices drive a wedge in their alliance to the six-headed demon god
Tiamat and soon elves, humans, dragons, and goblins are divided in who they
will trust in the coming war against the undead.

New mages and dragons become trusted allies, while others are lost. Neo, a
water dragon, despises elves and undead, yet vows to help Tiamat in order to
protect his clan. Olje, a goblin monk, once faithful to Tiamat, shifts his
priorities when an unwitting mage comes into possession of a clutch of
goblin gold. This gold must be acquired and kept safe at all costs, even if
it means asking the elves for help.


This story is told from multiple viewpoints and is available in both an
all-ages friendly adaptation (Mage & Magic) and the original (Mages and
Mates) which has a heavier focus on romance.

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Born of Fire – Γεννημένος της Φωτιά

The heat was gone. It crept into his bones, waking him from the fuzz of slumber he’d enjoyed for too short of time. To survive, he needed to wake. His limbs, weak from sleep and not yet as formed as they should be, pressed against the shell. Even unborn, cradled in his egg, he knew this. He needed to break free and find new heat. He pushed harder, uncoiling his body and using his length to push against the unrelenting shell. 

A small crack formed, and the chill of fresh air seeped in. He wanted to recoil and hide, thinking perhaps death would be welcoming. It might be warmer there. His world was unsteady and rocked. He was not in his nest. In one sudden thrust, pushed his neck up and flicked the top of the shell off. The oxygen of the air around him reached him. The elements in the air combined with his internal combustion and flames skittered down his back.

He was in a boat, nestled against three other eggs in a basket. The thief rowed the narrow canoe quietly in the darkness of night. Though the hatchling knew little, he knew this man had stolen him. He was not his mother, the dragon, who had kept him warm all these weeks. 

His mother would be born of fire, not of cold and dark like this pointy-eared humanoid before him. The dragon slithered out of his shell, shaking off the embryonic fluid. He pressed his tiny paws against the glittering gold egg next to him and sent heat into it. Hoping he wasn’t too late, and his companion was alive. 

The boat rocked as it hit the shore. The man stood on his long legs and reached his arms to pick up a burlap bag. He dropped it over the tiny red dragon. His world was cast into darkness, but the man was a fool. The dragon would not be snuffed out, not ever. His eyes blazed, and he exhaled the heat from his core, igniting the bag and setting it aflame. He fell to the sandy beach and watched as the fire spread, burning the boat and darting along the shore to race up the trees. 

The eggs by him were consumed, and three more dragons rose, all screaming and writhing, renewed by the warmth of his flame. The thief fell back, patting at the fire that danced on his skin because, unlike the dragons, he could not tolerate it. 

The red dragon sprang at the man. His teeth bit into his wrist. Though he was small, his fangs excreted a toxin that would burn and scar. If he were larger, it would kill the thief. Today, the dragon would be satisfied knowing his prey would forever be marked by him. But he vowed to find the thief and kill him. He would kill all who dared steal from a dragon’s nest. The man fled into the burning forest, screaming as he cradled his injured arm. The flames signaled the dragon’s kin, and their roars could be heard. The tiny red dragon, no bigger than a five-pound house cat, tried his best to answer their call. The three hatchlings with him also cried, but one collapsed from the effort, his breath no longer coming. 

The red dragon screamed until his throat hurt. He pleaded for help as their numbers dwindled. Only the gold dragon remained trembling by his side. The other two were lifeless and gone. 

Every night he would scream in the darkness. Born of fire. Born of hate. Born knowing no one was coming to save him.


Born a Mage – Γεννημένος Μάγος

The coughing came from around him, but not yet within. With every inhale, he wondered if his time would come. Will his next breath be riddled with the crackle of death the others had? He rolled to his side, the child on the cot next to him breathing in small rasps. Twenty children were crammed into this single room, an orphanage for the growing number of orphans in the village. The adults had fallen ill first. Granted, Leslie’s parents had died long before the plague had reached them, but he feared he had little time left before he’d be tossed in the pile of embers outside the city gates.

The doors opened and two men came in, cloth rags worn over their mouths, like that helped any. They went down the rows of children and snatched up six. One paused, then grabbed Leslie’s arm, pulling him with. 

“Are you sure?” the other asked.

“The mayor said to get healthy ones. He’s healthy.”

“Yeah, but he’s… you know.”

The word they were looking for was different. Leslie wasn’t from this village. Any bystander could see his dark skin was not like anyone else’s. His relatives had come on a trade ship, a slave ship, if you didn’t want to mince words. Plagues like the one in this town had occurred on the ship, and Leslie wondered if that was why he’d endured this strain as well as he had. Maybe, he had some immunity. 

Either way, he’d ended up orphaned in this seaside town. The slave traders had gotten just as ill as the slaves, and when they’d died, Leslie was nothing more than an orphan belonging to the town. 

“Magic doesn’t care. We’ll test him,” he said. He tugged again and Leslie went with him. The seven children were brought to the townhall. A woman stood there, dressed completely in white. She looked like an angel. Next to her, looking more elegant than anything Leslie had seen in his twelve years of living, was a white dragon. He’d heard of them, but never seen one.

The two men lined the kids up against the wall. 

“One of you better test positive,” the man warned, like it was something they could control. “The mages will only cure our town of this pestilence if we have a kid to offer them.”

Leslie had heard of this too. The great mages, who channeled magic from dragons, would go through towns looking for recruits. Families would sell their children, and it seemed the mayor could sell orphans. 

A large glass jar, seemingly empty, was held in front of the first small girl. 

“Take it,” the man said. “Hold it and don’t drop it.”

Leslie looked at the woman across the room who watched them. She didn’t seem real. She was more like something you’d see in a fever dream.

Nothing happened in the jar, so it was passed to the next child, who sobbed while she held it. The jar made its way down the line until it was Leslie’s turn. The girl was careful not to touch his dark skin as she passed him the jar. 

And that jar, well, it lit up like someone had dropped a flame of white fire in it. It burned so bright Leslie had to close his eyes and still he saw spots dancing in his vision, hurting his head like he’d stared into the sun. 

“Well, I’ll be, the desert boy can channel magic.”

Leslie’s life began again, for a second time, reborn from the ruins of disease and greed.


Eleven – Εντεκα – Born of Shadow – Γεννημένος Σκιά 

The ground smelled of fresh rain and death. A single elf darted among the decaying ground, quiet as the dead that resided in their graves. Reports came that the dead were rising. Villages spoke of a necromancer, but Ruven would not believe such things. Humans were easily deceived. 

She heard the sound. A scratching on the earth. Digging. 

A human would think it was an undead, searching for their means out of the grave. Ruven knew better. She came from the shadows with a dagger in each hand, the blades darker than the purest night. 

“Percy,” she said. 

The hound paused briefly in its digging. It was a sloppy pup that had recently learned how to dig his way out of the pen in the backyard. Ruven’s sister had deemed the pup a loss for hunters and had gifted it to Ruven’s daughter. This was the third time she’d had to go searching for the mutt. And each time, she found it with something dead, and not a fresh kill. He seemed drawn to rotting dead. 

“If there actually were undead among us, you might be useful,” Ruven said. “Now, stop that, and get home.” 

She pulled on the dog’s collar. It was a brown bloodhound pup, standing no taller than her knee at its neck. Fully grown it would be near her waist and she needed it trained by then. No amount of force would get a full-grown hellhound to move. Especially when they transformed into their hellhound form. 

“Get home.” She tugged again. “Home. Do you understand?”

The dog broke free and barked, the sound echoing off the tombstones. 

“Can you understand stealth?” She reached for the beast, but it sprinted, running with a maddening speed. Ruven stumbled at the abruptness of it. And then she saw the unthinkable, something moving through the woods, chasing after Percy. 

And Percy was going home.

Her speed couldn’t match that of Percy or whatever the beasts were that chased him. Try as she might to shift through the shadows and increase her speed, she arrived too late. 

The hut she lived in was a shell of its former self. It looked rotted from decades of ruin. She barely knew it as her own and thought for a moment she had gotten lost. Then she saw the forms moving in the structure that had no walls, only loose timbers supporting a few beams. 

They were her family but not her family. They moved with the lumbering steps of the undead. They danced to the demands of their puppet master, a man who stood in the center, his eyes a demonic yellow. An orb glowed on the necklace around his neck. He turned, his body part mist and part human, and entirely not of this earth. 

Ruven’s daughter of a mere five years turned on unsteady legs, her eyes glowing yellow, her skin already that of a four-day-old corpse. Her husband, his back broken, crawled toward her, his jaw snapping at the air. 

The necromancer raised his hand and Ruven felt the pull. Her soul being taken and consumed, leaving her body to be an empty shell for this creature to command. She saw Percy huddling in the rubble, not doing a thing. The dog had led this creature here and then watched as it killed their family. 

“Percy…” Ruven said. “Kill.”

It was a vain attempt, but she had to try. The dog was trained to shift into a hellhound on command, and she knew her sister had worked to train all her pups to obey, even the disobedient ones. 

Ruven gagged, feeling her body overtaken by the darkness, the glowing yellow essence that made up her soul spread between her and the outstretched hand of the monster. At least in death she would join her family. Perhaps, their souls would—the connection severed. Ruven dropped to her knees, catching herself on her hands. 

She took in a painful breath, her entire body aching. She lifted her head to see the pup standing between her and the necromancer. Percy’s body was black, three times his former size, and hellish purple flames circled his body. Percy growled, lowering his head, and preparing to attack. 

He couldn’t win, Ruven knew this, but it might buy her the time she needed to flee. The necromancer clutched the orb in one hand and dangled his fingers at the pup, aiming that soul-sucking energy at Percy. 

The dog skidded in the dirt, his entire body being pulled toward the creature. Her husband and daughter were now close enough that they grabbed the pup with their skeletal hands. 

And Percy absorbed them. The corpses fell with a clatter, looking exactly like the bones Ruven always found the pup with when he ran off.

Ruven’s chest throbbed as she realized how wrong she’d been. 

There was never undead where Percy went because Percy consumed them.

He hadn’t led the undead home. He’d come home because he had sensed the undead were here. And when he’d gotten here, he’d been uncertain about what to do. 

Because he didn’t want to consume his family.

Ruven sobbed, regretting her ill thoughts toward the beast. 

Percy stepped closer to the necromancer, embracing the pull the man had. And… it wasn’t the necromancer doing the pulling. Percy was trying to pull the man into him, but the creature was able to maintain his footing, so it was Percy sliding to him. He was clutching the orb because Percy wanted it. 

“Then you shall have it,” Ruven said. She shifted to the shadows, reappearing behind the man, and slicing at his neck with her daggers. She couldn’t cut the man’s throat since he wasn’t a fully materialized being. But she did cut the chain that held the orb in place. 

The orb slipped from the man’s grasp and went directly into Percy’s mouth. He bit and the area exploded in a blinding white light as the souls were freed. Ruven fell back, her head hitting the ground behind her so hard she lost consciousness. 

Percy’s sloppy licks roused her. She pushed the beast away, the cross-eyed mutt drooled and sat on its haunches next to her, back in his normal bloodhound form. Ruven would think she’d dreamt last night, except she was sitting in her destroyed hut. 

In the rays of daylight that came through the trees around them, she realized it wasn’t just her hut. 

The undead had destroyed her entire village.

About the Author

Nina Schluntz is a native to rural Nebraska. In her youth, she often wrote
short stories to entertain her friends. Those ideas evolved into the novels
she creates today.

Her husband continues to ensure her stories maintain a touch of realism as
she delves into the science fiction and fantasy realm. Their three cats are
always willing to stay up late to provide inspiration, whether it is a howl
from the stray born in the backyard or an encouraging bite from the so
called “calming kitten.”


You can find Nina at:





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