Category Archives: BOOKS

Shooters! Blitz


Shooters! cover

A Natalie McMasters Mystery, Book 8

Crime Fiction

Date Published: 1/8/2024

Publisher: Tekrighter, LLC



Award-winning author Thomas A Burns Jr. spins another mind-blowing tale
about twentysomething detective Natalie McMasters and her unlikely family
that’s torn from today’s headlines This time Nattie is preggers (?!)
and unsure of the father. The candidates? Her husband Danny, the love of her
life, or her biological father, who cruelly had his way with her.

Complicating the situation, her Uncle Amos’s 3M Detective Agency is
hemorrhaging money, and even the estate that houses Nattie, the agency and
the fam is at risk.

Her quakeworthy solution? An infamous social media influencer and
unapologetic misogynist is bringing his totally unwoke nude beauty pageant
to Capital City and wants to hire 3M to provide security for its
million-dollar prize. Her hormones raging, Nattie gets it that a cool mil
would make all her money troubles vanish. But she doesn’t know that a
malevolent enemy from her past is back and gunning for her…

Meanwhile, her foster son Eduardo has his own problems. Humiliated at
school, he falls under a deadly influence that sends him racing toward an
unimaginable act of violence that will change his young life forever. The
astonishing ending is like nothing you’ve ever seen in contemporary crime
fiction and will totally leave you reeling.

You’ll truly get why Natalie McMasters is “a detective for the new

About the Author

Thomas A. Burns Jr.

Thomas A. Burns Jr. writes the Natalie McMasters Mysteries from the small
town of Wendell, North Carolina, where he lives with his wife and son, four
cats and a Cardigan Welsh Corgi. He was born and grew up in New Jersey,
attended Xavier High School in Manhattan, earned B.S degrees in Zoology and
Microbiology at Michigan State University and a M.S. in Microbiology at
North Carolina State University. As a kid, Tom started reading boys’
mystery series such as the Hardy Boys, Ken Holt and Rick Brant, then
graduated to the classics by authors such as A. Conan Doyle, Dorothy Sayers,
John Dickson Carr, Erle Stanley Gardner and Rex Stout, to name a few. Tom
has written fiction as a hobby all of his life, beginning with Man from
U.N.C.L.E. stories in marble-backed copybooks in grade school. He built a
career as technical, science and medical writer and editor for nearly thirty
years in industry and government. Currently a full-time novelist, he’s
excited to publish his own mystery series, as well as writing stories about
his second most favorite detective, Sherlock Holmes. Tom’s Holmes
story, The Camberwell Poisoner, appeared in the March–June issue of
The Strand Magazine in 2021, and many of his other Holmes stories have been
published by MX Books and Belanger Books. The sixth book in the Natalie
McMasters Mysteries, Killers!, was released in September, 2021, and won the
Silver Falchion award for best action/adventure book of 2021 at the Killer
Nashville International Writers’ Conference. His latest Natalie
McMasters Mystery, Sister!, was published on December 5, 2022, and was
chosen as a finalist for the Silver Falchion award in 2023. Tom has also
written a Lovecraftian horror novel, The Legacy of the Unborn, under the pen
name of Silas K. Henderson
a sequel to H.P. Lovecrafts masterpiece At the Mountains of Madness. Tom also published his first
volume of Sherlock Holmes stories, Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: Ten Steps
from Baker Street, on March 1, 2023.

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ABC’s with Rhea Blitz

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ABC's with Rhea cover


A Doggie Journey Through the Alphabet

Children’s Book

Date Published: December 2023

Delve into the delightful world of letters alongside Rhea, the adventurous
German Shepherd! In G.D Griffiths’ “ABC’s with Rhea: A Doggie
Journey Through the Alphabet,” young readers embark on a vibrant and
lively expedition through the ABCs. Rhea’s boundless energy and enthusiasm
turn each letter into a thrilling discovery, transforming the learning
process into an exciting escapade. From A to Z, this charming book captures
the essence of education and entertainment.

So get ready to wag your tails in excitement, as you uncover the magic of
language with Rhea, your lovable furry friend!


About the Author

G.D. Griffiths

G.D. Griffiths currently lives in Redondo Beach, California, with his wife,
eleven-year-old son and, of course, Rhea, the insatiable German

Originally from Wales, G.D. has always loved stories and creating worlds of
imagination. Having worked with children for a number of years, he observed
that their learning process was quicker when the subject was crafted within
some type of story. This is what led to this book.

When he’s not writing, he’ll either be out exploring with his
family, floating on his kayak seeking inspiration, or brushing the
relentless amount of dog hair from his clothes and furniture.

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Captain Whisker’s Nautical Adventure Blitz

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Captain Whisker's Nautical Adventure cover

Children’s Book, Chapter Book

Date Published:  December 2023



Embark on a thrilling maritime journey with Captain Whiskers, the clever
and adventurous cat who calls the bustling harbor town of Seapaw Bay home.
Authored by the talented Témmy Francis and beautifully illustrated by
Bolaji Olaloye, “Captain Whisker’s Nautical Adventure” is a
whimsical tale that will capture the hearts of young readers and the young
at heart.

Meet Captain Whiskers, a feline like no other – he’s the proud
captain of the remarkable miniature naval ship, the “S.S.
Meowington.” Joining him on this seafaring escapade are a delightful
crew of animated sea creatures, including Sammy the Sailor Seal and Tina the
Tugboat Turtle. Together, they set sail on the sparkling waters of Seapaw
Bay, navigating through waves of excitement and discovery.

Through Captain Whiskers’ enchanting adventures, children will not only be
entertained but will also learn valuable lessons about friendship, teamwork,
and the importance of following one’s dreams. Each page is a treasure trove
of imagination, where the power of collaboration and the joy of exploration
come to life.

Captain Whisker’s Nautical Adventure is a perfect addition to any
young reader’s collection, fostering a love for reading and igniting their
creativity. With vibrant illustrations that leap off the pages, this
delightful tale promises to inspire young minds to set sail on their own
adventures, both in the world of books and beyond.

Dive into the magic of Captain Whiskers’ world – order your copy
today and let the journey begin!


About the Author

Témmy Francis

Author Témmy Francis is a debut children’s book author from San
Diego CA. When not writing she enjoys the company of her family. She is a
veteran of the U.S navy and currently studying to become a pharmacist.


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Beware of a Cursed Forest Week Blitz

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Beware of a Cursed Forest cover

Misty Falls, Book 3


Contemporary Fantasy Fiction

Date Published: 09-19-2023



How long can a magic ring last?

Long enough to get Violet through the worst, then send her through it
again. When her new husband and his friends go grave robbing, they dig up a
legend. They recover a thousand-year-old ring with a curse. When she finds
it she uses it to her advantage like the last ring she owned, and her
husband confesses to her how he obtained it. The magic flees from the ring
after killing the people it sees deserving, but when it attacks her, Violet
knows what she must do. It’s go back to grandma’s, then Misty

When she goes back her curiosity gets the best of her and she goes with a
friend to investigate a murder in the haunted forest. Soon the forest is
haunting her, and she is met with the killer, who wants more young blood.
Though born on Friday the 13th, she believes in herself. Is she able to
escape a streak of bad luck?




Curtis and his friends split up into three motel rooms ten minutes away
from the cemetery they wanted to rob. They couldn’t bring them on the
plane, so they had to go to a local store and get a shovel for each of them.
The plan was to rob Jessie’s grave first and look for the famous ring
that was fashioned in hell. “I want to see this ring,” one of
them said. “I hope it doesn’t say made in hell or I will
run.” They snickered at his joke except for Curtis. All their rooms
were right next to each other. After hitting Jessie’s grave that night
they would look through other graves and the mausoleum afterwards because
there was no digging with those, then they’d go for the bigger graves,
because the families may have had more money to pay for them.

After a quick dinner it was darkening. “Can
we go now?” Curtis asked.

“It’s supposed to be late, but we will
all take the rental car and be there in about thirty minutes. It’s
getting darker at this point. I don’t think anyone will see

“Have you done this before?” Curtis

“No, I’ve stolen but not from a grave
and this will probably be the only time.” By the time everyone was in
the car it was darker, and they left. They had shovels and gardening tools
in the back.

A red glow of light began to come from over the
horizon. “I thought the sunset was over,” one of them in a black
leathery jacket said.

“It was,” said the dark blond who
appeared to be the leader. He had the most experience stealing and did not
spend one day in jail for anything.

As they got out the red seemed to get bigger.
After opening the trunk, they then got out shovels and began looking for the
one grave with the ring. There was a large, rounded tombstone straight ahead
with some fresh flowers there half dead. The leader went for that one and it
read Jessie the name they were looking for. He had died almost ten years ago
and there was a card against the stone. It was about how someone missed him
so much and how she loved him but never told him enough and it was signed
Tess. It was from his girlfriend. The leader left it open and put it back.
His friends began to dig but Curtis wandered around looking for graves to
start digging. “Go to the mausoleum,” the leader told him, and
Curtis went that way glad Violet had no idea where he was.

As the guys dug Curtis tried opening crypts with
the shovel but they didn’t come open. When he found an old one with a
big crack he decided to try that one. This person had died in the
1920’s. He hit it hard a few times with the shovel and the right side
fell off. Sliding the coffin out and peeking in he could not see well but
there wasn’t anything buried with him of value. He put it back and
tried to find another one. He kept looking for older graves because if they
were buried with anything old it could be valuable.

Curtis stepped out of the crypts and saw that most
of the sky had turned red accept a circle of black in the middle. They all
stared at it. “What makes the sky like that?” One of them asked.
No one responded.

“Guys I don’t like this,” Curtis

“We are almost there,” the leader
said, and he made deep holes with his shovel. “Go look for crypts to
steal from.” Just then he smacked into the coffin with his shovel.
They dug it out and opened it. Curtis came to see. “There he
is.” Exactly, Here lies Jessie just like the tombstone said. Curtis
glanced up and the whole sky was red. It seemed like an omen to him but
there were still pretty twinkling stars shining through. The leader pulled
the ring of his finger. Examining it the design looked like hell fire and he
check on the inside. It said made in Hades. He wanted to throw it but
pawning it would be a better idea. He put the ring in his pocket, and they
began reburying Jessie.

They kept looking around the graveyard for ghosts
and zombies coming to get them for revenge, but they didn’t. If
anything, Jessie would have been glad the ring was gone and being the good
person that he wouldn’t hurt anyone. They finished covering the grave.
“Don’t worry. We’ll pawn it as fast as we can,” he
told Curtis.

“If and when we find a pawn shop,” one
of them said. Curtis was the only one uneasy and they couldn’t drive
away fast enough. He would never do this again and was sorry he broke the
man’s crypt marble.

The sky had stayed red for the rest of the night.
When morning came it seemed like a dream but they needed to find food and a
pawn shop. There were still days left in their stay in Michigan to do as
they wished after finding what they needed.

After Curtis called Violet the leader wanted to
tell them his decision. “I easily found a pawn shop in the phone book,
but it’s not close. So, I have decided we have more to steal, and we
can pawn that before we go back to Canada where we won’t get caught.
Is that ok?” he asked Curtis.

“That’s fine. It’s only a ring
and I’m not even staying with it,” he responded.

“Yes, and it must be worth so much. We can
split it just tell your little lady back home your business was doing
well.” Curtis nodded in agreement. They spent the day looking for
places to rob and eat.

While they ate Chinese food in a motel room the
leader made his announcement. “We will rob an old mansion. It’s
old but they look like they have money. Tomorrow me and Anthony will go and
see if there’s an easy way in and what they leave open or
unlocked.” All they could do was nod. “Then we’ll come
back when they’re gone and get you Sawyer. Curtis we need someone to
drive the car. You can get out, but you need to be ready to drive. Hopefully
these people are going on summer vacation. How’s that sound?” he
asked Curtis.

“Sounds fine. If we go in through the backyard
it’s harder for people to see what we are doing,” he

“Good idea,” the leader Tristan said.
He turned on the TV while they had a beer and relaxed. “It’s
funny how rich people like to come out here thinking that it’s nice
and peaceful and then get robbed.”


About the Author

Martha Wickham

Martha has studied writing with Writer’s Digest and has an
associate’s degree in Social Services. She has also written poems and
songs and even studied screen writing and horror. She still writes and likes
getting writing prompts. Her favorite author is VC Andrews. If you purchase
and read Martha’s books a review on this web site will be greatly
appreciated. She can also be found at


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Becoming Invaluable Virtual Book Tour

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Becoming Invaluable cover

Develop the Willitude to Navigotiate Success


Nonfiction / Self-Help

Date Published: November 7, 2023



The stories you will find laced throughout this book are from many
different individuals and perspectives. These stories of our interviewees
are from their real-life experiences including both failures and

Our desire for this book is to inspire, motivate, educate, and support
anyone in whatever your walk of life. Regardless of your vocation, career,
or path in life, you can enhance your outcomes and the experiences along the
way through the application of the methods you will find throughout this


Becoming Invaluable tablet



We have a simple question to ask. Here it is:

“What do you think is the highest calling in life you can have?”

One answer could be to become a successful CEO of a big, influential company. 

That’s a good response.

Or you may aspire to be an esteemed doctor and save countless lives.

That would be admirable. 

How about a famous actor or musician, and entertain millions of people?

Not bad at all!

One more choice …. What if you made the life of just one other person brighter and more beautiful?

Wait—really? Just one other person?

Yes. If you believe that human life is priceless, then wouldn’t impacting one other person be meaningful? That person could be a child, or a sick neighbor, or someone facing difficult circumstances.

Yes, that would be a high calling in life.

Assuming your intent is positive, all of these choices, and many more, have one thing in common.

This one commonality is that you have made yourself invaluable to the people or person you serve. You provide a service or support that no one else could. Without you and your direct involvement, the people you serve would not be the same. They would be relatively impoverished—physically, emotionally, spiritually. Because you are invaluable to them, their lives are better, and they can reach their human potential.

To become invaluable to a person, a family, a community, or even a nation is one of the most satisfying things you can do in life. It’s true that you do it for yourself, but you cannot do it without serving other people and making their lives better. In that regard, it’s a win-win situation. You win because they win.

But there’s one catch.

Being invaluable and making a positive difference to one person or an entire community, requires certain personal attributes. Unless you have those attributes, you may not be able to make your goal a reality. You may have the best of intentions, but good intentions must be translated into action. Being invaluable takes work—it may be pleasant and rewarding work, but the effort must be expended, usually every day.

To do the work and become invaluable requires five personal attributes. They are knowledge, skills, attitude, health, and strength.

This book will show you how to develop those five key personal attributes so that you can become invaluable. The development of those attributes takes commitment and effort, but the good news is the payback: You’ll feel better and better every day. Your sense of self-worth and well-being will increase. You’ll be more engaged with life and derive more enjoyment from everything you do.

In addition to the five key personal attributes, to become truly invaluable you’ll also need four others: a set of values to guide you in the right direction, a purpose in life, a sense of willitude, and the ability to navigotiate.

You may not recognize those last two words—willitude and navigotiate. That’s okay because they’re new words created just for this book. Basically, willitude is a combination of willpower and fortitude. And navigotiate is a combination of navigate and negotiate. We’ve put them together to form new words that relate directly to your ability to become invaluable. 

Throughout the book you’ll find plenty of inspiring real-life stories (as well as a few cautionary tales!), including some from our own lives. In addition, the Invaluable Spotlight Profiles you will find laced throughout are from many different individuals and perspectives. These stories of our interviewees are from their real-life experiences including both failures and successes, and they have one thing in common: they trace the individual’s personal journey to becoming invaluable in the way that fit their personal goals. Perhaps in a future edition of Becoming Invaluable we’ll be able to include your story as well!

In addition, after each chapter you’ll find a set of Action Steps. These are handy reminders of the highlights of the chapter and the positive actions you can take to support your journey to becoming invaluable.

Our desire for this book is to inspire, motivate, educate, and support you in whatever your walk of life. Regardless of your vocation, career, or path in life, you can enhance your outcomes and the experiences along the way through the application of the methods you will find throughout this book. You can find through our web site and social media pages a variety of tools and ways to enhance your learning and journey (put in web site address)

Ready? Let’s get started!

About the Authors

Steven J Bowen

Steven J Bowen

Steve is a decisive executive leader with over 30 years’ P&L
experience delivering turnarounds and high-growth results for businesses,
both public and private equity owned, in multiple industries across the
world. Success has been achieved through bold, collaborative leadership to
quickly transform organization vision and mission into exceptional team and
delivery performance.

In 2017 Steve published his first Book, “Total Value Optimization:
Transforming Your Global Supply Chain into a Competitive Weapon”. The
book describes the pressure today’s corporate leaders are under to
deliver differentiated, lasting performance – fast. “Total Value
Optimization” and the TVO Framework, resting on a foundation of data
analytics, was recognized by the Global Supply Chain Institute as the best
methodology they have seen to achieve integrated supply chain excellence in
logistics, operations, and procurement. Since the sale of Maine Pointe,
LLC., he is actively serving on the Board of Directors for two companies and
another advisory board. He is actively involved in several seed investments
as well as co-authoring a second book to be published in 2023. Steve
currently resides in Duxbury, Massachusetts where he and his wife of
thirty-seven years, Deb, raised their family. Their son Grant is a partner
at Kirkland & Ellis, married with two children, and lives in Norwell,
MA. Their daughter Natalie, who founded, with her husband, a real estate
development firm, lives in Duxbury and they are expecting their first child
in May 2023. In his personal time, Steve enjoys golfing, boating and loves
to spend quality time with his family and friends. Steve is active in
numerous community endeavors.


Dr. Terry Lyles

Dr. Terry Lyles

Dr. Terry Lyles holds a Ph.D. in psychology and is recognized as a
national/international educator, author and speaker to universities,
schools, Fortune 500 Companies, world-class athletes, and public audiences.
He teaches groups of all ages how to Navigate Life Storms through life
balance training. Dr. Lyles has trained hundreds of individuals including
Fire Rescue workers in and around Ground Zero, International Forensic
Medical teams in the Asian torn Tsunami area and the United States Air Force
Space Command, sharing his time-tested, scientifically measured approach to
stress utilization.

Major corporations have also benefited from this training technology such
as DaimlerChrysler, Banana Republic, Macy’s West, Pfizer, Universal
Studios and Tommy Hilfiger, Maine Pointe, to name just a few. Dr. Lyles has
appeared on NBC, ABC, USA Today, CNN, Headlines News, The Big Idea with
Donny Deutsch and FOX NEWS, and in U.S. News & World Report as a
Corporate Performance Enhancement and Life-Balance Specialist, and hosted a
premiere talk show sponsored by Success Magazine, and was heard as the
“Stress Doctor” while living with his family Marsha and Brayden
in South Florida.


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