Category Archives: BOOKS

Memories of MK-Ultra Virtual Book Tour

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Coming of Age / Psychological /Historical Thriller / Metaphysical



Memories of MK-ULTRA traces the development of three siblings from their
early childhood—marred by harrowing mind control experiences in the
CIA’s MK-ULTRA program—through their coming of age during the
turbulent 60s and into their early adulthood in the 1980s. As the story
develops, an incredible chain of events uncover the dark forces shaping
their lives . . . until an unexpected source of light appears.


Memories of MK-Ultra tablet


“The only thing he could think about was how he cheated on the spelling test last year, how Mrs. Millbrooks, no doubt, told Miss Darnell about it, and how one day he’d be joining the shrunken heads on her office shelf.”



About the Author

Bill Yarborough

Bill Yarborough has enjoyed writing for many years. Manhattan Book Group
will publish his debut novel, Memories of MK-ULTRA, in September 2024. The
story is inspired by repressed memories from his young childhood where he,
his brother, and his sister recall undergoing experiments of the CIA’s
MK-ULTRA mind control program. Bill is also working on a sequel to his first
novel, and his short story “Night Mother” was published by
Prolific Press in an anthology of short stories, Jitter Issue # 8. Bill also
co-authored emotional health articles in The Diablo Gazette Magazine, and he
and his wife, Inge, are working on a book entitled EFT on Steroids.


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What We Wished For Virtual Book Tour

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An Adoption Story


Date Published: October 22, 2024

Publisher: Double Entendre Ink



A twin herself, Lisa Crawford Watson believes she has the insight needed to
mother twins. Mounting obstacles impede the adoption process, and she
examines whether such setbacks are signs that she shouldn’t adopt. But
when identical twin infant sisters in need of a permanent, stable home come
into her life, she falls in love with them and knows what she must do.

Adopting premature twin girls who were born drug- and alcohol-addicted, and
jostled, separately, from foster home to foster home, creates one hardship
after another. Lisa quickly learns that raising children is a feat of
sacrifice and unpredictability, and caring for children born into trauma may
be more difficult than she ever could have imagined. Over the years, the
twins wreak havoc on every relationship within the family and on
Lisa’s heart. Has adopting the girls caused more harm than good?

What We Wished For: An Adoption Story shares a woman’s quest to build
a loving family. It is a tale of courage, perseverance, and what remains
when things don’t go as imagined. This memoir speaks to anyone who has
ever struggled with a life-altering decision, one from which there is no
turning back.

What We Wished For tablet


 Given the chance, I believe she would have done it. Would have hit hard and fast, burying the knife deep. Friday night typically meant cheese pizza, washed down with two-percent milk, and poking at green salad, followed by vanilla ice cream with sprinkles. It was “Girls’ Choice Night,” and my twin girls, then thirteen, invariably chose the same menu.

Hayley had just dug into her ice cream, shoving way too much into her mouth with that first bite even before she’d cleaned her plate, but I didn’t comment. On this night, it was her choice. I took a bite of my salad and wondered if she was going to get brain freeze from that much ice cream. I glanced at her sister, Hilary, holding a slice of pizza near her mouth but not eating as she watched her twin, and felt a smile tug at my lips as I absorbed the peaceful, maybe even happy mood around the dinner table.

In retrospect, I sometimes wonder if that moment was just too good for Hayley. Rather than filling her spoon with more ice cream, she threw it at me. As I dodged, and it clattered against the tile floor, she shoved back her chair, tipping it over, and looked at me with a rage I hadn’t seen in months deepening her chestnut eyes. Poking her finger toward my face, she yelled, “Fuck You, Mommy! Fuck you!” Then she ran out of the room and down the hall, into the refuge of her bedroom, and slammed the door.

The moment hung on the air. Heat radiated across my face as I looked at Hilary, her eyes on me, perhaps silently wondering, as was I, what had just happened, and what I was going to do about it. I had believed in the seemingly idyllic moment we were sharing, had counted on it, really. A happy time ’round the table I could paste into memory. The pizza, mixed with a sour mash of sadness, fear, and a heaping spoonful of disappointment, lay heavy in my gut as I got up from the table, invited Hilary to finish her dinner, and departed the dining room to check on her sister.

By the time I followed her down the hall and slowly pushed open the door to the room she shared with her sister, Hayley had already found the pink Swiss Army knife her Auntie Linda had brought her from Europe for that Girl Scout camping trip—something I thought I’d confiscated—and was doggedly knifing her bed to death. Her flannel sheets lay in ribbons, draped off each side of the mattress, whose gored center had freed a burst of memory foam.

She paused just long enough to glance up at me, brandish her knife, and say, “You’re next.”


About the Author

Lisa Crawford Watson

A fifth-generation Northern Californian, Lisa Crawford Watson has published
seven books and thousands of articles in local and national newspapers and
magazines. She earned a bachelor’s degree in sociolinguistics from the
University of California, Davis, and a master’s degree in education
administration from California State University, Sacramento. She currently
teaches communications, writing, and journalism at California State
University, Monterey Bay.

Lisa lives with her husband in Carmel on the legendary Monterey Peninsula,
where she focuses on fitness, family, and philanthropy. As a resident of the
“Canine Capital of the Country,” Lisa has a devoted following
for her weekly dog column, for which she has profiled more than
seven-hundred furry friends.

Contact Links


Facebook: Lcwcarmel

Instagram: @lisacrawfordwatson

Substack: Lisa Crawford Watson

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Everything I Know About the Universe Virtual Book Tour

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Meditations on Reality and Spirituality from a Doctor, a Patient, a
Scientist, and a Reluctant Believer



Date Published: June 29, 2024



Written from the perspective of a doctor and scientist, Everything that I
Know About the Universe is a selection of essays explaining why we need to
rethink some of our basic assumptions about science and theology and how the
two fields of thought can coexist. The need to ask where we came from and
why we’re here is a fundamental part of being human. This text seeks to take
those two questions and reframe them to show how they can be scientifically
answered, but spiritually informed, with appeals made to evolutionary
biology, quantum mechanics, cosmology, and large number theory. Along the
way, the author lays out definitions for the mind, consciousness, and
spirituality, and shows that even if we can’t have definitive answers to the
big existential questions of life, asking those questions is one of the most
important things that we can do. The essays also delve into some of the most
important critiques of traditional religious and scientific perspectives on
the universe.

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Quote –

While seeing people helped by the sciences has been intellectually satisfying, witnessing how we deal with disease has deepened my own spiritual curiosity. On the frontlines of diagnosing and treating disease, I’ve witnessed various relationships manifest between spirituality and suffering. During and after periods of suffering, we are often more likely to ask the bigger questions of life. With all the trials and hardships that we endure, we ask ourselves, what is it all for? In our darkest moments, it’s an even more compelling question.


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Treasure Hunting in the Underworld Virtual Book Tour

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A Guide for Healing and Claiming What’s Yours


Self-help, personal development, psychology, spirituality, trauma

Date Published: August 5, 2024



Everything you want: all the riches of the world, the depth, beauty, the

Everything you want is in the underworld of your psyche.

This is where our capacity to experience lives.

Yet, most of us barely know what is happening in our own mind and are at
least a little terrified of who we might really be.

Just as our wishes and dreams live in the underworld of our psyche, so do
our worst fears, the things we desperately want to run from. This is the

Our traumas, patterns, addictions, seedy desires, and repressed memories
once welcomed and transformed by the light of our consciousness give us our
greatest power, creativity, and magnetism.

This is your guidebook to your underworld that you might claim everything
that you are.

Treasure Hunting in the Underworld tablet


Fracture to Integration in the Psyche

It is easiest to understand this process of fracturing and integrating if we start by examining how integration happens so beautifully on its own, without our conscious involvement or effort. Consider for yourself a moment of challenge in your life that you now feel nothing but gratitude for. Look for an experience that tested you, something you felt was beyond your capacity or safety, but now it is free of fear or resentment when you think of it. Bring this experience up in your mind as we move through the stages of integration below. 

The psyche goes through the following stages when separating and unifying to become more: 

  1. Survival Response 
  2. Surrender 
  3. Rebirth 
  4. Integration

 Each of these stages is like an initiation to a new level of being. It could be that you went through all of this in minutes, or it could be that it took years to transition from stage to stage. In the following pages, I will outline each stage in more detail. To illustrate it more tangibly, I’ll use an example of how my own psyche and system naturally integrated an important experience in my own life: the birth of my children



About the Author

Lillian is a co-founder of Mindlight and the Mindlight Institute, which has
trained thousands of people to integrate trauma. She has been studying and
practicing the healing arts since she was a child. She was a volunteer for
the Stress Project that helped veterans heal from PTSD, has led trainings
for Google Vitality Labs and SXSW.


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To Find a Killer Virtual Book Tour

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A Natural State Murder Mystery, Book 1


Murder Mystery

Date to be Published: 10-04-2024



When Atlanta Detective, Tammy Sharp’s past collides with her present, it’s
a wild ride of bullets, broken hearts, and chilling mysteries.

In her hometown of Pocahontas, Arkansas, she faces not just her ex, Jace
Eubanks, but also a dangerous killer on the prowl.

With murders old and new intertwining, Tammy faces a choice: team up with
her ex or let justice slip away.

As the clock ticks down to a sinister ultimatum, will Tammy outsmart the
sociopath or fall prey to a deadly game of cat and mouse?


To Find a Killer tablet


chapter one

IF THERE WAS ONE thing Tammy Gail Sharp had learned over the past ten years as an Atlanta homicide detective, it was never to hesitate when facing a killer. Then what would cause her to stand there like a fool instead of pulling the trigger? Because Chip Reeker looked young enough to be her child. The child she’d never have. 

The basement in the home Chip shared with his grandmother reminded Tammy of the sauna she frequented at the gym – tiny and hot enough to melt a bucket of Rocky Road ice cream in seconds. Sweat clung to her scalp, and she had no doubt her chestnut hair looked as greasy as Chip’s bleached blonde locks. 

His right hand shook as it clung to the pistol. His open-mouth breathing caused his chest to move up and down. Despite his bloodshot eyes, Chip’s round face almost looked angelic as his finger twitched on the trigger of the 22-caliber pistol in his short, plump hand. 

“There’s no need for anyone to get hurt,” Tammy said, her eyes working to align with Chip’s. ”Your grandmother asked me to stop by to talk to her.” 

A tendon in Chip’s neck twitched before he adjusted his view downward. “She was going to fill your head with lies.”  The bulge of his throat rippled with every swallow. 

 She didn’t want to believe he’d shoot her. He hadn’t even been on her radar as a suspect in his father’s murder – not with his solid alibi. Now that they’d made an arrest, what could be the reason? And where was his grandmother?



About the Author

Leah Brewer writes all kinds of things.

Sometimes, she writes Christian Fiction (Seeds of Faith Series). Other
times it’s Historical Fiction (Petunia 1949). Right now, it’s
all about murder. The first novel in her Natural State Murder Mystery
series, To Find a Killer, is set to release this October.

In 2019, after an Ovarian Cancer diagnosis, Leah decided to pursue her
passion for writing. Being cancer-free, she now revels in her life as an

With an extensive 28-year career that encompasses diverse leadership roles
in a Fortune 500 company, Leah brings an authentic perspective to her


Contact Links


Facebook: @writingleahbrewer

Twitter: @leahlbrewerr


Instagram: @writingleahbrewer



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