Iron Tzars MC, Book 10
Motorcycle Club Romance
Date to be Published: January 12, 2024
Scarlet — I left Florida and Grim Road, my father’s club, with
Hammer, believing he loved me. But Hammer turned out to be a monster,
brutalizing me at every turn. He’s using my sisters as leverage to
control me. I’ve got to find a way out, even if that means sacrificing
myself to save them. Though I’m eighteen, and still in high school,
there’s no one I can tell. Except my friend Lemon, whose dad is in the
Iron Tzars MC. When the club comes to rescue me, it’s almost too late.
But then there’s Mars, holding me tight and keeping my nightmares
away. He’s everything I’ve ever wanted. He makes me feel safe.
But he has his own demons… and I’m not sure which of us needs
saving most.
Mars — l have demons from my past I can’t overcome. Mostly I’m
reasonably sane, but if I have a flashback, the likelihood of someone
getting hurt is more than I can stomach. But when I see Hammer terrorizing
the young woman he claims is his, I know I can’t stand by and watch.
I’m not what she needs, but when her daddy’s club comes in hell
bent on taking her home, I realize just how much she means to me, and I will
never let her go. She’s mine to protect. Mine to hold. And maybe, just
maybe, she’s the one to save me from myself.
WARNING: Mars includes scenes of graphic violence and adult situations
including suicide and graphic description of torture that may be triggers
for some readers. There’s also a protective hero, a determined
heroine, and eventual happy ending. No cheating, as always.
Copyright ©2024 Marteeka Karland
“What the fuck is goin’ on with Hammer’s old lady?”
I leaned against the bar with my finger curled around the neck of a bottle
of Bud Light. “She’s right-handed and hasn’t used her
right arm to do anything while she’s been here. Almost looks like her
shoulder’s dislocated. Look at the set of her shoulders.”
“Really, Mars? The woman’s a knockout and you’re paying
attention to how much she uses her dominant arm?” Rage shook his head
as he chuckled before taking a pull from his own beer. For some reason, the
man had been pushing me toward this girl since the second she walked into
the compound. Despite her belonging to another man. Which wasn’t like
Rage. Or anyone in Iron Tzars. Poaching on another man’s territory
wasn’t something we ever did. That being said, he was right. The woman
was a fuckin’ knockout. Long, chocolate brown hair laying down her
back in springy waves, creamy skin. She had a waif-like build and looked
like she needed a good cheeseburger, but I definitely saw her appeal.
“Besides, how do you know she’s right-handed?”
I shrugged. “When she reaches for something, she tries to use her
right arm, then stops and uses her left.” I watched as she crossed the
common room. Her smile looked forced to me and there was a set to her jaw
and a stiffness in her gait that made me think she was in pain. But that
couldn’t be right. “Are you sure they’re married? I mean,
she ain’t wearin’ a property patch. She’s supposed to be
Claw’s daughter. As the daughter of Grim Road’s vice president,
I’d have thought her daddy’d insist she wear her man’s
patch.” A property patch was as much for protection for the woman as
it was to prevent anyone from hitting on her. I couldn’t imagine Claw
would allow her to not wear her vest with the club colors on it and the
rockers telling anyone who saw her who she belonged to. Not only was she
Hammer’s, but she belonged to Grim Road MC.
“Maybe she ain’t his woman. Maybe they’re just
fuckin’.” That came from Breaker. He was an easy going member of
the Tzars, but also one of the deadliest. He’d just earned his patch
and we all knew he’d make a great addition. He’d had my back
more times than I cared to think about.
“You honestly think Claw, badass that he’s supposed to be, is
gonna let his baby girl be a club slut or even a steady lay to one of his
patched members? He’d kick the kid’s ass and ask forgiveness
from his daughter after the fact. Besides, she might be legal, but the
girl’s still in high school. I’m surprised he let her go this
far away from Grim at all, let alone without the protection of her
man’s property patch.”
I studied Scarlet intently as she spoke briefly with Winter. Roman’s
old lady had pulled her aside and was chatting with her. Scarlet looked like
she wanted to be anywhere but where she was. Lemon and Apple had mostly
stayed by her side the whole time she’d been here, but she seemed way
too uncomfortable with the whole scene. I knew Grim Road was different and
preferred not to cross family with club like some did. Hell, the Tzars
hadn’t either until a bunch of the members and officers had acquired
old ladies who were determined to take their roles seriously and help their
men in any way they could. But she still shouldn’t look this
uncomfortable. Not if she’d been raised anywhere near that MC. Scarlet
kept glancing at the door like she expected trouble, which was one more
thing odd about her.
Rage grunted. “Point taken. Which raises more than a few
“And makes me wonder what the fuck is goin’ on.” That
last comment had been more a musing to myself than anything else. Again,
Rage grunted, his eyes narrowing at the girl in question. Apparently, he had
a few musings himself.
As if Scarlet had summoned him, Hammer walked in from where he’d no
doubt been pestering Sting and Brick. Hammer had aspirations of joining Iron
Tzars though he’d yet to give anyone a good reason why, at least none
that Sting or Brick cared to share with anyone. In fact, I wasn’t even
sure Hammer knew Sting was aware of his ties with Grim Road until he’d
spoken with Roman earlier today. It was why he and Scarlet had been invited
over tonight. So Hammer could meet with our president and vice president.
Sting and Brick would have Wylde thoroughly vet Hammer, as well as discuss
it with Rocket and Claw, the president and vice president of Grim Road. He
may or may not have told Hammer that, but it was standard practice. Which
might have something to do with Hammer’s bad mood.
“Come on, Scarlet,” he snapped. “We’re
leaving.” He glanced around the place like he was looking for someone
in particular. Then he muttered seemingly to himself, but I was pretty sure
he meant for me and Rage to hear. “Fuckin’ bastard
wouldn’t know a good member if one nailed him in the ass.”
Rage and I looked at each other. Apparently, Sting hadn’t immediately
taken him on. I could have told the asshole he wouldn’t. Being a
member of Iron Tzars wasn’t a trivial thing. We had blood on our
hands. Literally. And as long as there were people who needed killing, we
were up for the task. Also, becoming a member was a “for life”
deal. No one left the club. The only member I knew of who had was our former
president. Warlock had been accepted into Black Reign MC at the requested
demand of their president. No one said no to El Diablo if he really wanted
“I’m just about finished,” Scarlet said softly.
“You’re finished,” Hammer snapped. “We’re
leaving.” He took a hold of her right upper arm and yanked her after
him. Scarlet winced and gasped in pain, but quickly covered it with a blank
expression. Instantly, both me and Rage were on our feet moving in their
direction. Breaker was hot on our heels.
“Take it easy there, hoss.” Atlas beat us to him. He had a
smile on his face, but I could see the anger inside Atlas simmering
underneath the surface. Mainly because I felt much the same way. Only I
didn’t bother to hide behind a thin veneer of civility.
“You’re hurting her.” I couldn’t stop the growl as
we advanced.
Hammer stopped and glared at us but didn’t let go of Scarlet’s
arm. He was an intimidating man, but from what I’d seen of him, he was
more bluster than action. He might talk a big talk, but he wasn’t
going to be anxious to take on me, Rage, Breaker and Atlas all together.
“She got a fuckin’ flu shot today. If she’d take some
acetaminophen and ibuprofen like I fuckin’ told her to, she
wouldn’t be sore.” He jerked Scarlet’s arm again. This
time, she schooled her features, not seeming to mind the way he manhandled
“Bye, Winter. It was so wonderful to meet you.” Scarlet waved
at Roman’s woman with a smile.
“It was nice to meet you too, Scarlet. I hope you can join us this
weekend for girls’ night out.”
Scarlet glanced up at that shit, Hammer, as if his decision dictated
whether or not she go with the other old ladies. Hammer gave her a hard look
and a slight shake of his head and Scarlet’s face fell.
“I’m afraid I’m not going to be able to make it. Please
tell Lemon and Apple I’ll see them at school.” Hammer tugged her
arm again and nearly pulled Scarlet off her feet. She winced slightly but
held in her cries when I knew she was hurting. “Bye,
Hammer didn’t slow down or give her time to catch up. Scarlet
stumbled after him and more than once I was sure she’d fall on her
face. Each time, Hammer held her up by that arm. Each time he did, she
winced in pain. I could see her jaw clench. That bastard didn’t
acknowledge she might be hurt. Rather, he shoved her onto the back of his
bike. Scarlet didn’t look the least bit steady, or able to hold on to
him. When he took off, she nearly tumbled off the back before gaining her
balance. Judging by the way he smirked back at Scarlet, Hammer had done it
on purpose.
“What the fuck was that all about?” I muttered my question, not
really expecting an answer.
“Not sure, but I think someone needs to tell Claw about this.”
Rage had an expression on his face as hard as I knew my own expression
I snorted. “You gonna do it?” Yeah. I could imagine how that
conversation would work. Given that Claw was the vice president of a club
rumored to be full of black ops soldiers, his temper had the potential to
get more than a few men killed. My guess was it probably wouldn’t bode
well for the messenger.
“I’m not telling Claw.” Me and Rage still watched the
bike speeding off into the night.
“You’re afraid to tell Claw.” The barb was automatic when
I wasn’t in the teasing mood. Rage and I always threw shade at each
other. It was just how we rolled.
“Damned right I’m afraid to tell Claw. If it were just a guy
from his club mistreating a woman, I wouldn’t give a shit. But I
ain’t too chickenshit to admit I was being a coward. I tell the vice
president of Grim Road I think the man who’s fuckin’ his
daughter might be abusing her too? And we just let him roll right on out of
this fucking compound with his daughter on the back of his fuckin’
bike? Yeah. I’ll be part of any group you want to take to go after
this bastard, but no fuckin’ thanks. Get Sting to tell him. Or Brick
or Roman. Above my fuckin’ paygrade.”
“Point taken.” I moved toward my bike, climbing on and readying
to take off. “Go talk to Sting, so he can give Claw the
“You goin’ after her? I’ll back you up and worry about
the other later.”
“I can’t let this go on. We’ll need more than two of us
if he’s not alone. I don’t think I’ll have a problem with
him, but he’s a big fucker. Get Roman to send me some more backup
before you follow.” I started my bike and rolled out.
About the Author
International bestselling author Marteeka Karland leads a double life as an
erotic romance writer by evening and a semi-domesticated housewife by day.
Known for her down and dirty MC romances, Marteeka takes pleasure in
spinning tales of tenacious, protective heroes and spirited, vulnerable
heroines. She staunchly advocates that every character deserves a blissful
ending, even, sometimes, the villains in her narratives. Her writings are
speckled with intense, raw elements resulting in page-turning delight
entwined with seductive escapades leading up to gratifying conclusions that
elicit a sigh from her readers.
Away from the pen, Marteeka finds joy in baking and supporting her husband
with their gardening activities. The late summer season is set aside for
preserving the delightful harvest that springs from their combined efforts
(which is mostly his efforts, but you can count it). To stay updated with
Marteeka’s latest adventures and forthcoming books, make sure to visit her
website. Don’t forget to register for her newsletter which will pepper you
with a potpourri of Teeka’s beloved recipes, book suggestions, autograph
events, and a plethora of interesting tidbits.
Author on Instagram & TikTok: @marteekakarland
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