Category Archives: BOOKS

Grimdarke Teaser Tuesday

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Grimdarke cover

Maw of Mayhem MC, Book 1


Shifter Romance

Date to be Published: February 2, 2024

Publisher: Changeling Press



Out of options and on the run after her psychotic father’s released
from prison, Kit Parson heads to the only place she might be safe from him,
the Maw of Mayhem MC. The unexpected move buys her time, but also puts her
at risk. Surrounded by shifters, her inner cat begs to be released, and
after witnessing a brutal attack on her mother as a child, she refuses to
let the monster out. Totally doable, provided no bodily fluids are ever

That takes the MC’s hot-as-hell VP, Grimdarke James, officially off
the table. Mourning the recent murder of the club’s alpha and
struggling to control his inner cat, the tattooed Viking god is on thin ice.
If he goes feral again, he’ll be put down. Which makes his cat’s
insistence that Kit belongs to him problematic, upsetting the delicate
balance of the MC’s internal politics, and the woman blackmailing

But when Kit’s father catches up with her, Grim has no choice but to
trust his cat, and Kit can’t deny their chemistry. Can they hold on to
each other when everything is trying to tear them apart? After a gruesome
triple murder propels them deeper into the paranormal world, they find
themselves with unlikely allies, even as their enemies threaten to destroy
everything they hold dear.


Copyright ©2024 AK Nevermore


Upstate New York in the fall was beautiful, and it made Kit want to

She gripped the steering wheel tighter, her sweaty palms slicking the
leather, and glanced in her rearview, then at her phone’s GPS. No
service — again. Damn it. This was not where she wanted to be…

Wait. Signs for a trailhead were coming up. Thank you, sweet baby Jesus.
She pulled onto the shoulder, staring blankly at the plexi-covered map
tacked onto the tiny shelter in front of the car. Woodbine Swamp Trail.
Shit. She’d missed the turn-off for the house. Ugh! How could
everything in this shit town look the same and so frickin’ different
all at once?!

Fifteen years will do that, genius.

Her forehead dropped to the steering wheel, bumping it thrice. Stupid.
Stupid. Stupid. She couldn’t do this. She couldn’t —

Goddamnit, girl, grow a pair!

Enough. Wasn’t like she had a choice. She pushed back in her seat and
slapped the car in reverse, hoping like hell there wasn’t anything
behind her. Frickin’ hatchback was stuffed to the gills with the sad
remains of her life, and she wasn’t up for losing any more of

Kit dashed away a tear. And whose fault was that?

She just had to blow shit up. Couldn’t duck her head and keep
punching numbers, because lay low was too big of a fucking ask. Nope, fuck
overtime at the accounting firm, had to go out there and twerk her ass at
the club, knowing full well that milkshake wasn’t gonna bring anything
but trouble to her yard.

Her mind leapt to that tall drink of golden Viking god pissing in a sink,
covered in tattoos and oozing temptation. Yup. Case in point, and as much as
it shocked the shit out of her, she’d been into him.

So fucking into him, like, wanted him into her.

Not happening.

She bit at a cuticle, trying to ignore the very real possibility she was
about to deliver herself to his doorstep, and the fact that her panties had
just soaked clean through.

Son of a — Chanté would quip something about chickens coming home
to roost, but they weren’t even Kit’s damned chickens. And why
the fuck chickens? Woman was NYC born and raised, you’d think
she’d have useless witticisms about pigeons.

Damn, though. He was fiiine…

Stop it.

You’d think she’d be more concerned about the shifter shadowing
her for the past two weeks… the one whose face starred in her
nightmares. Reaper hadn’t approached her, but his message was clear,
and like a fucking cat, he’d been playing with her.

… Run, little mouse…

Kit’s teeth clenched at the memory of her father’s gravelly
twang. She put the car in gear and kept driving in the wrong direction. Away
from the house, toward the last damned place she wanted to go, and the only
place she had left. Two weeks of couch surfing and shitty motels had made
that abundantly clear, and her flat fucking broke.

Back to the scene of the crime, the one place she hoped like hell he
didn’t have the balls to go back to.

Motorcycles rumbled in the distance and her gut threatened to rebel, cold
sweat pebbling her skin. She licked the anxiety from her lips.

The rumble grew, and a moment later a stream of leather and exhaust whipped
by her as a convoy of bikes sped past, heading back toward civilization. A
manic giggle burbled from her throat, and she took a slow —

Shit! Gas pedal, girl, you gotta keep your shit together…

Focus. Drive to the damned compound. One more mile.

… And keep it together. Hah! Fat fucking chance. She blew out a
breath, her temples thudding with the beginnings of a migraine. Goddamn.
After all those years of praying to be out from under Claymore James’s
thumb… this had not been part of the fantasy.

Getting shit-faced, twerking on his grave, and then setting the MC’s
compound on fire, yes. Pulling up to the chain-link gate and asking to see
Mud Knuckle?

Nope. Can’t say that’d made the list, but here she was.

I mean really, Mud Knuckle? Kit sighed, rubbing a temple. If she needed any
further confirmation her life had officially gone to shit:

One of the dopey-looking prospects manning the gate eyed her, pursing his
lips. The scraggly little pornstache he was rocking made his mouth look like
a porcupine’s asshole.

Moron leaned in her window. “Ain’t no muddy knuckles
here.” He snickered, shooting his zit-infested buddy a look.

Kit sighed. Great, they were gonna fuck with he

“Nah,” Zits said, ambling closer to leer. “But I
ain’t opposed to rectifyin’ that situation.” He grinned,
making a lewd gesture.

Whoo. Ten points for originality there, son. She rolled her eyes and
unbuckled her seatbelt. It was showtime. The two high school rejects
scrambled back, wide-eyed when she threw open the door and got out, leaving
the hoodie she’d permanently borrowed from Chanté on the seat.
Fuck, it was hypothermia cold.

“What? I thought we was ‘wreck-t-fyin’ that
sits-e-ate-shon,’” she finger quoted, mimicking his dipshit
twang and cocking a hip.

Pornstache’s throat bobbed, taking in her tight tee and yoga pants.
God, men were pigs. Pathetic, predictable pigs. Flash them braless DDs, and
their brains shorted out faster than a hairdryer in a bathtub. Add the fact
that her nipples were hard enough to cut glass, and the poor boys
didn’t stand a chance.

“Uh, yeah.” Pornstache tugged on his cut and cleared the squeak
from his throat. Slack-jawed, Zits smacked his shoulder, earning himself a
glare. “I mean, hell yeah. We’re down, baby.”

Kit arched her back, stretching. Damn, that felt good after five hours
behind the wheel. Pornstache groaned like he was about to wreck-t-fy in his
pants. She sauntered over and ran a finger down his sternum.

“Then how ‘bout you boys open the gate so I can move my car out
of the way and get down to business.”

Zits moved so fast he just about face-planted rushing to unlatch the big
chain-link section on wheels blocking the compound’s access road.
He’d pulled it halfway across the pavement by the time Kit got back
into her car. Pornstache shook his head like a dog, blinking as the door
clunked shut, and he stumbled over to help his buddy.


Kit almost felt bad as she drove past, waggling her fingers.

Okay, no, she didn’t. She wriggled back into the hoodie, one hand on
the wheel and shivering. Her stomach churned as she drove around the last
bend to the chapter house, half expecting the entire club to be out there
waiting for her. The woods opened up —

And the lot was empty.

Of frickin’ course it was empty. The funeral was today. Now. She
could still make it. Wasn’t that why she’d blown out of the city
so fast? To spit on Claymore’s grave like she’d told
Chanté she was going to? Get some kind of fucked-up closure?

Yeah, has nothing to do with the fact you’re being stalked by a

Kit bit back a sob, coasting the last few hundred feet to a stop in front
of the long, two-storied building. It was ugly. A dark, cinderblock gray,
squatting against a barren hillside. She bit her lip, eyes flicking to the
last window on the left, waiting for the shitty mini blinds to part.

They didn’t. Wouldn’t.

Dead. Everything looked fucking dead. Probably because it was.

Fuck this shit. She jerked up the emergency brake and killed the engine.
Slammed the door open, then shut. Stomped across the half-frozen muddy lot,
odd bits of gravel and glass crunching beneath her boots. Eyes fixed on the
burnt-out jaws scored into the surface of the MC’s chapter house door,
she approached the belly of the beast — and stepped into the Maw of


About the Author

AK Nevermore enjoys operating heavy machinery, freebases coffee, and gives
up sarcasm for Lent every year. A Jane-of-all-trades, she’s a
certified chef, restores antiques, and dabbles in beekeeping when
she’s not reading voraciously or running down the dream in her beat-up
camo Chucks.

Unable to ignore the voices in her head, and unwilling to become medicated,
she writes Science Fiction and Fantasy full time.

She pays the bills editing, wielding a wicked hot pink pen and writing a
column on SFF. She also belongs to the Authors Guild, is a chapter treasurer
for the RWA, teaches creative writing, and on the rare occasion,


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Threads of a Needle Reveal


Threads of a Needle cover


A Mind-Bending Sci-Fi Journey through Dimensional Probabilities


Fiction, Sci-Fi/Adventure, Futuristic, Thriller

Date Published: January 30, 2024

Publisher: Elite Online Publishing



Immerse yourself in a near-future world on the brink of transformation in
“Threads of a Needle.” Follow Hope Valencia, a skilled PT-SOF
agent for the League of Consciousness, as she embarks on a daring mission
transcending the boundaries of time and space.


Advanced neurological technologies, now under the control of a dominant
media conglomerate, manipulate humanity’s belief systems, deviating from
their original intent to advance human progress. At the heart of this
narrative are Hope’s parents, Dr. Gabriel Valencia, neurotechnologist, and
Ella Valencia, whose monumental discovery of Trans-Dimensional Probability
Threads unites consciousness with the physical realm, revealing a vast
expanse of probable realities. This groundbreaking revelation paves the way
for the Quantum Thought Dynamics-AI Protocol (QTD-AI), a technology that
enables the digitization and manipulation of human thought processes.

Embark on a journey with Hope that challenges traditional understanding,
unravels the very fabric of reality, and unveils hidden truths.
“Threads of a Needle” not only narrates an enthralling tale but
also invites you to reflect on the malleability of reality and the
influential power of your beliefs, thoughts, and emotions in shaping the
world around you.   


About the Author

DG Zitting is a seasoned entrepreneur with a career spanning over three
decades in real estate finance and financial technology. He has successfully
led national business firms to significant achievements.

Beyond his thriving professional journey, Zitting’s insatiable curiosity
spans various domains, including science, technology, philosophy,
psychology, and non-denominational spirituality. This lifelong quest for
knowledge has unveiled profound insights into the greater reality of the
world and universe.

What sets Zitting apart is his ability to translate this wisdom into both
his personal life and business ventures, yielding resounding success. As a
co-founder and leader of firms employing over two thousand individuals and
achieving billions in sales volume objectives, Zitting attributes his
accomplishments to transformative insights gained along his remarkable

By infusing his knowledge into every facet of life, including business,
family, friendships, hobbies, and passions, Zitting has created a distinct
advantage in navigating life’s intricate game. He has also established the
E+T=R Life Strategy (BETR), recognizing the pivotal role of beliefsconscious and subconsciousin shaping reality. This philosophy is elegantly summarized in his symbolic
equation, B
E+T=R, where Beliefs, Emotions, and Thoughts align to shape the probable
thread of Reality, empowering others to choose the reality they wish to


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One Icy Night Blitz

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30th Anniversary of the 1994 Delta Ice Storm Edition


Date Published: January 26, 2024



“Gritting, unexpected, and hard to put down.” – Midwest Book


Rook’s on the run in the most dangerous storm in decades. When a
brush with the law goes from bad to worse, can she escape druggies, crazies,
and killers?


Abandoned by her now-ex-boyfriend at a dive bar in the middle of nowhere,
the last thing resilient Rook Kellum needs is the local sheriff confiscating
her I.D. when one phone call could expose her true identity and the reason
she is on the run from the law. So when she’s trapped by a deadly ice
storm that destroys the Mississippi Delta, the twenty-year-old fugitive has
a plan: get everyone drunk, steal back her license (and a madman’s
car), and get the hell out of town.

It is only when Rook escapes to a secluded cabin does she discover she
isn’t the only one in need of rescue. As she fights her way out of one
disaster just to get pounded with another, will Rook live to see the light
of day?


One Icy Night is Taylor Adam’s No Exit meets Rachel Hawkins’s The
Wife Upstairs.

About the Author

W. A. Pepper

W. A. Pepper writes suspenseful thrillers. You Will Know Vengeance was his
award-winning debut novel. He is a USA Today, Wall Street Journal, and
Amazon Bestselling Author for his contribution to the business anthology
Habits of Success. Under different names, (and his real one of Will Pepper)
he has published in multiple academic journals, interactive e-books,
anthologies, and online. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he and his wife Taddy
(plus their dog Danger), started the publishing house Hustle Valley Press,
LLC. Through it, they published four e-books that have amassed over one
hundred five-star reviews. Further, the husband-and-wife team donated the
first six months of revenue from the sale of each of those books to charity;
this resulted in thousands of dollars raised for the reader-selected
charities that support racial equality, COVID-19 relief, veteran affairs,
and St. Jude Children’s Hospital. He has a PhD in Management
Information Systems or, as he calls it, Business Computing, from The
University of Mississippi. He enjoys coffee, bourbon, snow skiing, Star
Wars, comic books, and reading and watching thrillers. Finally, he, his wife
Taddy, and their dog Danger split their time between Mississippi and

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Burning Hope Blitz

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Burning Hope cover

Love & Romance

Date Published: December 2023



Life is full of imperfect people striving to be real and live for God in a
fallen world, people no different from you or me, who long for acceptance
and are ambushed by betrayal.


Burning Hope tells the love story of Gabby and Griffin, complete with all
the twists and turns that threatened to take them away from each other and
God. As their story shows, we all long for love. We can all feel abandoned,
ashamed and full of despair. And we all can get entangled in worldly
pleasures when walking between the twin flames of romance and faith.

In the end, God teaches that facing our pain is the only way out. Then,
through the gentle breeze of grace, we can be guided into unexpected
encounters of redemption and hope – learning that love can heal invisible
scars left by the blazing flames of our past.


As the faithful romance at the heart of Burning Hope shows, it is never too
late to find redemption, and to walk into the life we were created


About the Author

Lori McAfee

Lori McAfee is an inspirational life coach, speaker, author, and podcast
host of Get Your Rear In Gear. With an unwavering faith in Jesus, Lori is
devoted to making a positive difference in people’s lives with her
encouraging words of wisdom and uplifting spirit.

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Listen, Share, and Be Nice Virtual Book Tour

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Listen, Share, and Be Nice cover

the lost art of mannerisms


Children’s Book

Date Published: May 21, 2023

Publisher: MindStir Media

Cori Elba (Illustrator)



These three words: Listen, Share and be Nice can be basic cornerstones for
your child’s growth and development. Teaching your toddler is a daily
routine. Using the same mannerisms towards them every day establishes a
routine that they become accustomed to. Iif you stick to this routine daily,
it teaches and reminds your child to be nice to others and to those in your
family. But parents do not expect a miracle in 24 hours give it time…
It will take six months to a year to see the effect in your child’s
behavior. Just repeat, repeat, repeat your words of action.

Politeness is spoken worldwide and in every language, whether in public or
private. The simplicity of kindness teaches that everyone matters in this
world. These three children’s books (“Please, Thank You and Excuse
Me,” “Listen, Share, and Be Nice,” and “Animal
Etiquette for Kids”) are lighthearted and geared for all ages.
Mannerisms must start somewhere, so why not parents, grandparents, teachers,
friends, and caregivers show our children mutual respect for all people,
places, and things?

This series of children’s books is a fun way to re-introduce manners into
your children’s lives. It’s cool to be polite and kind to everyone.

Listen, Share, and Be Nice tablet
Listen, Share, and Be Nice cover

About the Author

Ashley Chadwick

Ashley has been a professional nanny for over fifteen years and the owner
of a nanny service. She incorporates nature with mild education and
mannerisms in children’s lives. When Ashley is not a nanny, she is a world
traveler, nature enthusiast, and loves mountain biking, yoga, and spending
time with her nephew, Walker.


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