Category Archives: BOOKS

Love Songs of the Zombie Virtual Book Tour

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Love Songs of the Zombie cover



Is there a God? Can religion be compatible with science? Do miracles
happen? Why do bad terrible things happen to good people? You are on a
lifetime journey seeking answers to these questions.

You want to base your beliefs on science, reason, and logic, while still
affirming purpose and meaning for human existence. You seek to value
religious traditions and scriptures but want to avoid accepting obsolete
dogmas and superstitions.

The author, a scientist and business leader, shares insights carefully
collected and collated during his 70-year quest, and provides surprising,
illuminating, and stimulating ideas to help point you in the right

Is it still possible to experience and participate in spirituality like the
ancients did? Yes, and it can be done with poetic flair and joy.


Love Songs of the Zombie tablet



It is fashionable these days to describe the world deductively, starting with a big theory of secular materialism; hypothesizing a multiverse with an infinite number of universes and an infinite amount of time, in which everything that can exist does exist; and deducing that the universe is purposeless, godless, meaningless, and indifferent to human life. Everything is an accident.

But this theory of everything is a theory of nothing, especially if the starting assumptions, hypotheses, and theories are incorrect.

I prefer to begin by being grounded in actual human experience, and using inductive reasoning to look for ideas and meanings.

So, this book is not a mere collection of short pieces, but rather a unified whole made up of short vignettes, each of which is based on real human experience. Distilled over a period of more than fifty years (from the late 1960s to 2022), it is the first and only book published by the author.

The book reflects a life-long concern with, and contemplation of, the mysteries and paradoxes of human existence. Because it explores the boundary between the knowable and the unknowable, it uses a variety of forms and styles of expression including both versification and prose. Some may be offended in that large portions of the book use versification, which may be viewed as obsolete and obtuse. This is not done for ordinary, stylistic, or artistic reasons, but rather in order to compress the information into the most compact, efficient and effective work of communication possible.

Some major influences on the work come from three sources: the King James Bible, translations of classical Chinese poetry into English, and the vast and fabulous treasury of poetry written in the English language. Other influences include the Greek and Latin classics, the books of Teilhard de Chardin, Frank J. Tipler, Cervantes, and Dostoevsky, as well as twentieth century popular song, especially that of Bob Dylan.

While the order of presentation has been carefully chosen, with a coherent thread running from beginning to end, it does not have to be read in that order. After all, it was written in that manner. You are encouraged to read and experience it in any way in which the spirit moves you, and in fact it is hoped that you will come back again and again to parts of it.

The book is made up of four parts. “New Psalms” are lyrical poems that explore the existential questions of human life and are similar to and somewhat inspired by the Book of Psalms in the Bible. They are concerned with the core philosophical questions that are at the heart of human life.

“Analects” are short poems and aphorisms in the tradition of such poems from classical Chinese literature, as read in translation into English. These poems delve into the more personal and intimate aspects of ordinary life, often leading to thoughts and emotions that are anything but ordinary. If you are short on time or attention, read these first. Not just bits and pieces, each verse focuses intently on an essential quintessence of reality.

“Manifesto” is similar to “New Psalms,” but the poems are more assertive and aggressive, looking into the same themes but with a sharper edge to them.

“Meditations” are prose pieces including prose poems, prayers, parables, and essays. These explore similar issues to those explored in “New Psalms”, but with the kind of added depth, clarity, and straightforwardness facilitated using prose. To those who abhor poetry, try this section first!

Again, this is not a mere collection of articles; rather, in order to respect the reader’s time, it is a highly curated, collated, edited, and condensed work of communication.


Ronald Stephens

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Animal Etiquette for Kids Virtual Book Tour

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Animal Etiquette for Kids cover

the lost art of mannerisms


Children’s Book

Date Published: June 8, 2023

Publisher: MindStir Media

Cori Elba (Illustrator)



As you know, you will be responsible for caring for your new pet. However,
there are a few good ways to introduce the responsibility of taking care of
your pet with your kids. One way is to have them help you split the pet
chores. Have them feed the animal in the morning or evening, or have them
fill the water bowl. If they are older, kids have them share in cleaning up
after or playing with the pet. With everyone sharing the work, the pet
enjoys being part of the family even more.

Politeness is spoken worldwide and in every language, whether in public or
private. The simplicity of kindness teaches that everyone matters in this
world. These three children’s books (“Please, Thank You and Excuse
Me,” “Listen, Share, and Be Nice,” and “Animal
Etiquette for Kids”)
are lighthearted and geared for all ages.
Mannerisms must start somewhere, so why not parents, grandparents, teachers,
friends, and caregivers show our children mutual respect for all people,
places, and things?

This series of children’s books is a fun way to re-introduce manners into
your children’s lives. It’s cool to be polite and kind to everyone.


Animal Etiquette for Kids tablet

Animal Etiquette for Kids excerpt


About the Author

Ashley has been a professional nanny for over fifteen years and the owner
of a nanny service. She incorporates nature with mild education and
mannerisms in children’s lives. When Ashley is not a nanny, she is a world
traveler, nature enthusiast, and loves mountain biking, yoga, and spending
time with her nephew, Walker.


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Dying Inside Virtual Book Tour

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Dying Inside cover

Literary Fiction / Family Life / Novella

Date Published: 12-30-2021



Childhood can be so very difficult! What is supposed to be a period in
one’s life defined by innocence and happiness can alternately become a
living nightmare for unlucky souls.

Imagine being in foster care. Imagine not feeling loved or connected to
anyone. Imagine lonely Christmases, birthdays, Mothers’ Days, and
Fathers’ Days. Imagine suffering through the trauma associated with
repeated physical, psychological, and even sexual abuse at the hands of your
supposed caretakers, while simultaneously seeking and longing for the love
and devotion a young child deserves.

Dying Inside tablet

About the Author

Rose Campbell

Rose Campbell is a multi-talented entrepreneur, blogger and publicist,
passionate about providing support for mothers and their families. With a
strong background in business ownership, lifestyle blogging and public
relations, Rose has been able to use her expertise and influence to champion
mothers in areas of extreme importance such as postpartum depression,
childhood mortality and partnering with nonprofits and organizations to
create significant change to support parents where they need it most. With
over 2 million followers on social media, Rose’s influence extends far
beyond her personal life experiences.

Rose’s passion for helping others stems from her difficult upbringing as a
foster child. She faced trafficking and overcame numerous hardships, but
today, at just 28 years old, she has emerged as a successful entrepreneur.
She is a proud mother of six children and is happily married to John, her
husband of 10 years.

As the founder of the Dying Inside Nonprofit, Rose focuses her efforts on
helping trafficked teens and foster children who may not have the support
they need to succeed. Her organization offers a wide range of rehabilitation
programs and resources that teach life skills like cooking and caring for
animals that often serve as a powerful form of therapy. The nonprofit also
focuses on mental health and healing from trauma, enabling these children to
grow into successful adults with bright futures.

In addition to her nonprofit work, Rose was a co-host of Stork’s Nursery, a
popular YouTube reality nursery design show, where she used her skills and
experience to design and build dream nurseries for families. Her career has
centered around helping women grow their businesses and teaching them how to
turn their passions into passive income. With a strong focus on
entrepreneurship and support for mothers and their families, Rose is a
beacon of hope and a true inspiration to people around the world.

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Out of the Way Things Virtual Book Tour

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Out of the Way Things cover

Fantasy / Mythology / Folklore

Date Published: September 13, 2023



For as long as Win can remember, she has seen things that no one else can
see, horrific hallucinations that feel nearly real. After a decades-long
parade of visions, Win rarely questions her condition. When the
hallucinations arrive, she simply braces herself and waits for them to pass.
Every other aspect of Win’s life is perfectly ordinary and vaguely
disappointing: a mind-numbing job, mounting debt, and a lackluster social

It all changes for Win in a moment, when a tragic vision brings her face to
face with a stranger who claims Win is more than an ordinary woman, mired in
the ordinary world. Her visions, more than terrifying fantasies, reveal
truths that only she can see, truths that others would do anything to
control. Win’s arcane ability endangers her as much as it empowers
her, and she finds herself hunted by a mysterious force. Her only option is
to leave the life she knows and seek out who she is.

With more questions than answers, Win enters a world where fairy tales and
folklore hide in the lives of everyday people. She must learn to live in the
space between otherworldly dangers and mundane reality. Win must decide
which monsters can be trusted, how she will pay her bills, and what she must
learn about herself to combat an unseen enemy, an enemy whose ambition
threatens the very fabric of reality.

Irreverent and comically dark, Out of the Way Things offers a fantastic
world, filled with mythic beings concealed in the shadows of the ordinary.
Kendall McNutt brings readers into a hyper realistic fantasy that asks us to
consider the possibility that all stories are true and that nothing is


Out of the Way Things tablet


“Tell me about yourself,” the man suggested, his tone interested, his eyes fixed on the paper in his hand. The office was designed to make me nervous. Books I probably should have known lined Spartan metal cases secured to the gray walls that surrounded me. The shelves gave the impression of bars. Each item on Mr. McLaughlin’s desk rested just so, as if he had mapped the space with a compass and straightedge. 

Mr. McLaughlin himself appeared to be designed with the same attention to detail. Straight posture. Precise attire. Definitively brown eyes. Well defined bone structure. 

I am the master of my fate, I told myself. My mouth opened and my mind emptied. I counseled myself, Just answer the question. I smiled, “That’s a big question.” Killing time. “My undergraduate degree is in communications. I have always been interested in Marketing. I am fascinated by how consumers interact with the market and drive innovation.” 

He looked up from his paper, and nodded, then jotted down some notes. I felt encouraged. 

Mr. McLaughlin continued the interrogation, “Right now you are cleaning houses, why aren’t you working in a field that aligns with your training?” 

Oh, no. Discouraged. 

I held my smile, the confidence that shone through entirely fabricated. I said, “I would wonder that too, if I were you. I have struggled to decide what is next for me. To be honest, house cleaning is more lucrative than you might guess, so I don’t need a change for financial reasons.” Lie. “I want my next step to be the right one. When I saw this opportunity, I knew, this is something I can grow with, a company that I can represent well, and an opportunity that aligns with my values and my goals. That’s why I am here.” 

He smiled. I relaxed. Fractionally. “Tell me more about that. How do you feel we align with your values and goals?”

 I was prepared for this question. “I’m glad you asked that,” I began. Our eyes locked. The room shifted, and his gaze seemed to slide around in my vision. I remained still and the room moved. No! I silently protested the sudden onset of vertigo. The confidence drained from my smile, “It is clear in your advertising,” I stumbled in remembering my planned response, “That is, um,” I stumbled in remembering the question. “I’m sorry, I am suddenly dizzy.” In desperation I asked, “I’m sorry could you repeat the question?” 

I could hear his response, but struggled to make meaning of his words. My eyes searched for a fixed point, something steady to which I could anchor. 

Through the window, behind him, I caught sight of a car careening through an intersection. My eyes widened and my jaw fell slack. I felt the room shake as the car collided with a pole yards away from where we sat. I jumped out of my chair, knocking his coffee from his desk. Mr. McLaughlin did not turn around, he heard none of it, he saw nothing. Because, once again, nothing was happening. Another hallucination, with perfect timing. 

He looked at me with worry. He looked at his coffee with regret. 

“Sorry,” I gasped, “I’ve had a lot of coffee and not a lot of water.” Dehydration could excuse all manner of odd behavior. Probably not hallucinations, though, so I kept the vision to myself. I rescued his cup, now nearly empty. I looked around for anything that might absorb the coffee, seeing what I intended he handed me some tissue and together we kneeled and sopped up coffee. 

“I think it’s fine now,” he said. “Someone will clean it. Are you alright, are you sure you want to continue?” There was genuine concern in his voice. 

“Yes definitely,” even to me it sounded too eager. I returned to my seat. “I am very nervous, this is very important to me. I apologize. Really, I am fine.” But the room hadn’t stopped moving. I shut it out and focused on the question. The question I could not remember. 

Once they started, the hallucinations often spiraled out of control. Sometimes, the hallucinations unfolded in complex, lengthy scenes. Sometimes they flashed from vision to vision, imagery jumbled together in a cacophonous tumult, as was the case this morning. During the single most important hour, of the single most important day, of my entire year. 

Also per usual, the vertigo intensified. I steadied myself by placing a hand on the arm of my chair. 

The interview continued. 

To get things back on track Mr. McLaughlin kindly repeated the question, “Can you tell me about how our company aligns with your values?” 

I have no idea, I thought. I said, “Yes, about that…” 

Mr. McLaughlin smiled patiently, while behind him, on the sidewalk outside an elderly woman tripped a teenager on a skateboard. The nausea told me that it only happened in my imagination. They promptly disappeared. 

I continued, “The company’s values…” I corrected, “My values…” 

The car wreck returned, this time with smoke and police and a gathering crowd. I tried to look away, but the scene drew me in. 

Mr. McLaughlin turned to look. Seeing nothing, his smile grew shallow. He looked at me expectantly. “I’m so sorry,” I repeated, “I’m nervous this means a lot to me.” 

The candor worked in my favor, sympathy spread across his face. That was fine with me, I’d take a pity job. 

And then the window shattered and I jumped backwards. 

Only the window didn’t shatter, because I imagined it, and I did jump back, which might as well have been the end of the interview. 

After that, the only coherent sentences I managed contained the words “I,” “am,” and “sorry,” mostly in that order. 

We wrapped with the usual platitudes. He would reach out if I were invited to go on to the next stage of the process, blah, appreciate the time, blah-blah, have a nice life. 

As I left the building I muttered, “I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul. And that’s the problem.”


About the Author

Kendall McNutt

Kendall McNutt is a story enthusiast from way back. She has been authoring
stories since she could hold a pen. She loves stories in all forms, and
takes every opportunity to jump into them wherever they occur, in whatever
capacity is available.

Kendall lives in the Pacific Northwest, known for breathtaking landscapes
and Seasonal Affective Disorder. When she is not consumed by a story or
toiling away in the public education system, she can be found adventuring
with friends and family, or snuggling cats. Her cats. Not all cats.
Certainly not strange cats.


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Ornery’s Gambit Teaser Tuesday

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Ornery Owl’s Poetry Collection


Date Published: 02-15-2024

Publisher: Naughty Netherworld Press



The poems, story, and thoughts included in this brief volume were inspired
by the independently produced album Wayward and Upward by Spinoza Gambit.
The story Prodigal Moon and the poem 401 Rush were included in the Wayward
and Upward anthology published by Off Topic Press.

I opted to publish this book on my 59th birthday. It would be a wonderful
gift to learn that my work inspired you or led you to learn more about the
Wayward and Upward album and anthology.


With love,

Ornery Owl 



About Prodigal Moon

I was inspired by the idea of something that disappears and returns on a predictable schedule (the visible moon) and something that cannot return (a lost love.)


Prodigal Moon

Prodigal moon

You can spin me a silent tune

But you can’t return my love to me

I dare you to try

Catch him on the fly

Before he escapes ‘cross the sea 


Prodigal Moon

A short story about a long-lasting friendship.

Deborah Virgo and Valentins Hines met on the first day of summer 2017. The youngsters lived at the wrong end of Fox Avenue. The electricity had been turned off in Valentins’s house, but he didn’t mind sitting on the covered porch painting figurines. His mother, Doriend Hines, was gone most of the time, working at the Daily Grind Bistro or The Zealous Whistle Tavern or staying overnight with old folks who paid her under the table for her caregiving services. Doriend was a workaholic who would have been thriving monetarily if not for being a functional alcoholic and opioid addict with a love of gambling. 

Valentins was sitting on the porch at dusk, painting a vampire figurine for his haunted house, when a wraithlike girl with an alabaster complexion and waves of xanthic hair flowing to her mid-back entered the gate. She was wearing a knee-length olive-green gown that looked like it might have been all the rage in the 1920s and a pair of shiny, malachite-green shoes. 

 “Hello,” the girl greeted.

 “Hi yourself,” Valentins returned. 

“I’m Deborah Virgo. My family just moved into the house across the road from you.” 

“Valentins Hines.” 

“Could I see what you’re working on?” 

“Sure. Come on up.” 

The girl appeared to float just above the ground as she crossed the lawn. Her rose-colored lips bowed in a reserved smile. As she drew closer, Valentins noticed her unusual eyes. At first, he supposed that the rufous shade was a trick of the light, but the color remained constant when the battery-operated lantern shone directly on the girl’s face.


About the Author

Ornery Owl logo

Ornery Owl is a wise old bird who seeks the truth behind the lies. She uses
her observations to heal the wounded soul. In essence, she is the spirit of
an odd little bird whose wings were clipped at a young age. She is at once a
whimsical manifestation of poetic expression and a fierce protector of those
targeted for derision by an angry and unsympathetic world. Depending on how
you perceive her, she can be either a goddamned delight or your worst


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