Children’s Books / Cats
The Cats’ Museum – Mom’s Choice Awards® Recipient!
Catherine the Great, in 1766, recruited stray cats to protect her beloved
Hermitage Museum from rodents. Generations later, to this day, cats are
still working there, protecting the artwork and doing their zany
mischief…tune in for a splash of fun!
Award-winning author Viviana Falleti has a new book out The Cats’
Museum. This spunky, historically-based book contains illustrations from the
world-famous artist, Victoria Fomina. Victoria has just recently won an
international award for the illustrations in this book. Publishers Weekly /
Booklife and Kirkus have given The Cats’ Museum great reviews, and it
has received the Mom’s Choice Award.
Just for your info, this is a high-quality, hardcover, oversized book
(11” x 10.5”). This larger size makes the exquisitely-detailed
illustrations even more beautiful.
Little Feather Press is becoming the go-to place for the parent who is
“hungry for wholesome.” Happy reading!
About the Author
Viviana Maria Falleti is a woman of faith, an insightful children’s
storyteller, a lover of all things cats, and an aficionado of
splendidly-illustrated books. She aims to produce only the highest quality
books, containing wholesome and engaging stories every child is sure to
love. The talented world-famous artists she employs bring her wondrous books
to life even more.
Viviana created Little Feather Press for the parent who is ‘hungry
for wholesome’. Every book ordered from Little Feather Press can be
presented to a child with the assurance that the child’s innocence and
the beauty of childhood are respected. The stories entertain in the magical
world of a child’s mind, without any corrupting influences.
In her childhood in Germany, Viviana would never tire of listening to
storybooks that her mother lovingly read to her. She draws inspiration from
those memories.
Viviana was born in Germany but has lived most of her adult life in
America. She has a lovely daughter Ashley and son-in-law Brent, two
wonderful nieces Maria and Maria Luisa, and a suave Italian husband Gino.
Her current residence is in Southwest Florida.
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