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Axel Teaser Tuesday

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Axel cover

Hounds of Hell MC, Book 3

Motorcycle Club Romance, Suspense

Date Published: April 19, 2024



Sadie — I finally found the courage to escape my abusive boyfriend, but I
didn’t make it far. I’m holed up in a small Virginia town called
Mercy. There will be no mercy for me if my ex finds me. Thanks to Axel, the
gorgeous biker who towed my car to his garage, I have a place to stay and a
job at the town’s greenhouse. I also have the hope that I might have a
second chance at love one day, with Axel.

Axel — When I got called to tow a broken-down car to my garage, I found
the beaten and battered angel who owns it on the run from the devil. Here in
Mercy, with me, she’s healing and learning to live again. When her ex
figures out Sadie’s here, even his mafia ties can’t protect him
from me. His entire mafia family can’t take back what’s mine and
there’s going to be hell to pay when they try.

Axel phone




It was a cold February morning. Alexander Harper had just sat down with his
first cup of coffee when his phone hummed in his pocket. When he pulled it
out and looked at the screen, he saw the call was from Cowboy Pete’s,
a local gas station just off the interstate.

“This is Axel,” he said, using the road name he’d been
given by Razor when he’d been a prospect.

“Hey, hon. How are you?” He recognized Elsie Damron’s
voice. She’d worked at the gas station since he was a kid.

“Cold,” he said. “What can I do for you

“A young lady stopped for gas a little while ago,” Elsie
explained. “She filled it up but now her car won’t

“You give her bad gas?” Axel asked, grinning.

“No,” Elsie said. “Well, I hope not. There’s smoke
rolling out from under the hood. Looks like it’s overheating to me.
Can you come take a look at it?”

“Yeah.” Axel knew the quiet morning was too good to be true.
Putting the call on speaker, he placed his phone on his desk, grabbing a tie
from his desk drawer to pull his hair back from his face. “Did you
already call Tyler? I appreciate the business, but it would be a lot closer,
and cheaper, to tow it to his place.”

“Yeah, I know,” Elsie said, her voice dropping to a loud stage
whisper. “But I think you would be better for this particular

“Okay, I’ll head that way,” he told her.
“What’s she driving?”

“He’s going to come get you,” Elsie said to someone there
with her. To Axel, she said, “Yeah, it’s an older sedan. A
Lincoln, I think. What model year is your car?”

Axel couldn’t make out what the other person said.

“It’s a 2002 model,” Elsie told him.

“Give me thirty minutes,” Axel said, ending the call.

Taking his coffee with him, Axel headed back into the shop. His twin
brother Ryder was working on an SUV brought in yesterday. Ryder looked up
when he saw Axel approach.

“Where you off to?” Ryder asked.

“Got to tow someone in,” Axel told him. “I’ll be

When Axel reached Cowboy Pete’s with the tow truck, there were
several cars there. They had a halfway decent grill inside the station, and
it was a popular breakfast stop for town regulars and travelers alike. He
pulled into the lot and parked, heading in to have Elsie point out the lady
and her car.

Elsie grinned when she saw him at the counter. “Thanks for coming,
hon. She’s a couple of spaces down from where you parked. The black

“You bet,” he told her, seeing it in the window behind the
counter where the older lady stood.

“Axel?” Elsie called as he headed for the door.


“If I can do anything for her, you let me know, okay?” And the
kind older woman meant it.

“Will do,” he told her, curious now about what he was walking

Axel returned to the tow truck, spotting the black Lincoln that was just
three spaces to the right of him with no cars parked in between. It looked
like someone was sitting in the driver’s seat. Walking up to the car,
Axel tapped on the driver’s window. The lady jumped in the seat,
startled. Axel saw a flash of red curls before she peered up at him through
the window.

Now Elsie’s words made sense. The young woman’s left eye was
black and almost swollen shut. Her nose was swollen and bruised, her lip
split. Someone had beat the fuck out of this little lady. Slowly, she opened
the door and got out of her car. Her careful movements told him her face
wasn’t the only thing that hurt her this morning. Axel stepped back to
give her room as she closed the door and leaned back against it.

The way she wrapped her arms protectively around herself and the fear in
her green-eyed gaze had him pausing. Now he knew why Elsie called their
garage. Tyler wasn’t a bad guy, but he was gruff and lacking in most
social niceties.

This young woman before him looked like she’d been through hell and
was expecting more.

“Hi there,” Axel said. “Elsie called me to come look at
your car. What’s going on?”

“It overheated I think,” she said quietly. “I was okay
for a couple of hours. But then it would heat up and it would start smoking.
I would stop and let it cool off. I stopped here to get gas and let it cool
off again. When I tried to restart it this time, it

“Would you pop the hood for me?” Axel asked.

She scrambled back into the driver’s seat, searching for the lever to
do that. Just when he was about to offer to do it for her, she found

Axel lifted the hood and removed the radiator cap. Walking back around to
where she sat behind the wheel with the driver-side door open, he said,
“Try starting it.”

It did start but looking into the radiator, he saw the coolant start to
bubble up like a milkshake. Walking back toward her, he saw white smoke
coming out of the tailpipe in the rear. Well, that wasn’t good

“Turn it off,” he told her.

She did as he said, climbing back out of the car.

“Yeah, that’s a blown head gasket,” Axel explained.
“The smoke coming out of the back is coolant getting into your exhaust
system. It’s not supposed to do that.”

“Can you fix it?” she asked. “H-how long will it

“I can fix it,” he said. “How long it will take depends
on a couple of things. I need to find a replacement for the head gasket and
if there’s any damage to the engine, we might need parts for that too.
Once we have the parts we need, I can have it fixed in two or three

Axel could tell that wasn’t the answer she was hoping to get. It was
probably a good idea to get all the bad news out at once.

“It’s also going to be expensive,” Axel told her.
“You’re probably looking at two to three thousand dollars to fix

Those big green eyes were getting shiny with tears and Axel felt a tiny bit
of panic creeping in. He was no damn good with tears. Never had been. He had
to find some way to make the situation the little lady was in less

“Where are you headed?” he asked. “Do you have any
friends or family we can call that will come help you out?”

Dropping her gaze, she shook her head.

“Where are you heading?” Axel tried again.

She shrugged for an answer.

“Do you know if your insurance covers towing?” he asked. If
nothing else, it looked like he was going to be towing her back to his

She shook her head. Pretty red curls swung with her movements.

“Do you have your insurance information in the car? We could
call,” he offered.

“I don’t have it,” she told him.

Didn’t have a destination. Didn’t have insurance information?
What the hell was the situation here? When he gave her the cost of towing
the car, she reached into the pocket of her coat, pulled out a credit card,
and handed it to him. It was brand-new and shiny. Axel doubted it had ever
been used.

“Thank you,” he said. “I’m going to run this, and
we’ll be on our way.”

She scrambled back into her car like a scared mouse. Axel shook his head as
he headed back to his tow truck, reaching in to get the card reader they
used for payments. The name on the card was Sadie Downing.

What the hell happened to Sadie?

He ran the card. The transaction went through which surprised him. He
walked back to her car, tapping on the window to return her card. Again, she
scrambled out of her car, looking around nervously.

Axel just had to ask. “Are you okay? The local hospital is on the way
back to the garage.”

“I’m fine,” she said a little too quickly.

“Okay.” He would leave it at that. “Why don’t you
go ahead and climb in the tow truck? I’ll get your car hooked up and
we’ll get going.”

“Thank you,” she said quickly before making a beeline for the
truck, hastily climbing into the cab.

It didn’t take Axel long to hook up her car and get them on the road.
Sadie, if that was her name, huddled quietly in the far corner of the cabin
with her head leaning on the window. While he normally appreciated the
silence, just now it was awkward. He really wanted to ask her what happened.
Who did that to her face?

One thing was pretty certain. She was on the run, and she was afraid.
Looking at her, he understood why.


About the Author

Jamie Targaet is the author of the Hounds of Hell MC. She’s anxious to
introduce you to this club of gorgeous, dominant men and the lucky women who
surrender to them. The ride is going to get wild at times, not going to lie.
But there’s thrilling action, scorching hot sex scenes, and all the

Jamie writes erotic romance for Changeling Press, a little fanfiction on
the side, and she’s an aspiring horror writer in another life. She enjoys
time with her family (including the fur babies). She likes good horror
movies and shows, emo metal and classic rock, and time spent in other worlds
writing and reading. She loves hearing from readers and is looking forward
to hearing from you.


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The Sower of Black Field Blitz

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The Sower of Black Field cover

Inspired by the True Story of an American in Nazi Germany

Historical Fiction

Date Published: April 15, 2024



Throughout the Third Reich, millions of Germans pledged allegiance to Adolf
Hitler. In the Bavarian village of Schwarzenfeld, they followed an American

As he struggles to rekindle the faith of a guilt-ridden Wehrmacht veteran,
a morose widow, and her grieving teenage son, Fr. Viktor Koch, C.P. is
haunted by self-doubt. What is driving him to stay in the Third Reich? Is he
following a higher plan, or the mystic compulsion of his German heritage?
Exposed to American ideals, his parishioners grow restless under Nazi rule.
Relying upon his ingenuity to keep them out of prison, Fr. Viktor solicits
aid from an unlikely intercessor—the Nazi charity worker who
confiscated his monastery for state purposes.

In April 1945, American liberators make a gruesome discovery: the SS have
left a mass grave of concentration camp victims on Schwarzenfeld’s
borders. Enraged by the sight, the infantry commander orders the townspeople
to disinter 140 corpses, construct coffins despite material shortages, dig a
grave trench, and hold a funeral ceremony—all in 24 hours. If they
fail to fulfill this ultimatum, he vows to execute all German men in

Fr. Viktor has to pull off a miracle: he must convince his countrymen that
his followers are not the enemy. Their humanity is intact. And most of all,
they are innocent.

About the Author

Katherine Koch

Katherine Koch is a renaissance woman from San Antonio, Texas. By day she
is a professional web administrator, digital marketing specialist, and
graphic designer. By night she is an independent scholar, historian, and
writer. She is captivated by stories of the Passionist missionaries in her
family, all of whom have a peculiar knack for tumbling into harm’s way
during history’s most fascinating time periods.


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High Tea at the Beach House Hotel Blitz

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High Tea at the Beach House cover

The Beach House Hotel, Book 8

Women’s Fiction with Romantic Elements

Date Published: April 15, 2024



Guests can be surprising…

Ann and Rhonda continue their work at The Beach House Hotel, always
striving to make their upscale property the best on the Gulf Coast of
Florida. As they’ve learned, not all guests are easy. When they receive a
request from Hilda Hassel, a member of the Bavarian royal family, for a
two-week stay at the hotel in January, demanding the best room and high tea
every afternoon, Ann is uneasy. Other Hassel family members cancelled a
large, fancy wedding at the last moment leaving a mess behind. But Rhonda
convinces Ann that having a royal guest could increase important European
business, and Ann agrees.

After deciding to give Hilda the Presidential Suite for two weeks during
their high season and welcoming her to the hotel, Ann and Rhonda are left to
wonder if they’ve made the biggest mistake of their lives when Hilda arrives
with her “nephew” and strange things begin to happen.

Another of Judith Keim’s series books celebrating love and families, strong
women meeting challenges, and clean women’s fiction with a touch of
romance—beach reads for all ages with a touch of humor, satisfying twists,
and happy endings

 About the Author

Judith Keim

Judith Keim, A USA Today Best Selling Author, is a hybrid author who both
has a publisher and self-publishes. Ms. Keim writes heart-warming novels
about women who face unexpected challenges, meet them with strength, and
find love and happiness along the way, stories with heart. Her best-selling
books are based, in part, on many of the places she’s lived or visited and
on the interesting people she’s met, creating believable characters and
realistic settings her many loyal readers love.

She enjoyed her childhood and young-adult years in Elmira, New York, and
now makes her home in Boise, Idaho, with her husband and their adorable
dachshund, Wally, and other members of her family. While growing up, she was
drawn to the idea of writing stories from a young age. Books were always
present, being read, ready to go back to the library, or about to be
discovered. All in her family shared information from the books in general
conversation, giving them a wealth of knowledge and vivid

Ms. Keim loves to hear from her readers and appreciates their enthusiasm
for her stories.


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Code of Reanimation Virtual Book tour

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Code of Reanimation cover

Spin-off of the Father of Contention series


Paranormal Thriller, Science Fiction, Horror

Date Published: 11-14-2023



Freedom is a state of mind.

Brigita Nowak has only ever wanted one thing—her freedom. Labelled
psychotic and committed to a mental institution at seventeen, she missed the
chance of a “normal” life. She never held a job, owned her own
place, or experienced love. Until now.

After awakening sprawled on the common room floor—the hospital in
ruins, the staff and patients missing—she realizes it’s her
chance to escape. Seeking sanctuary with her sister, she meets “the
boyfriend” Renner Scholz, a vile yet brilliant geneticist. He has
developed a bioweapon, the Code of Reanimation, destined to destroy the
world. Or so Brigita believes. She’s been seeing zombie hallucinations
as of late, a sure premonition of the highly contagious bioweapon getting
out of hand. Why the connection? Because the bioweapon reanimates dead
organisms into bloodthirsty killing machines.

Brigita has typically experienced death-based hallucinations, blamed on her
mental illness. She, however, always felt they were psychic premonitions.
Convinced that Renner intends to release the bioweapon at a public
fundraising event, she teams up with a handsome love interest to thwart the
catastrophe. But, as Brigita’s visions kick into hyperdrive and
timelines blur, she must determine which events are based on reality or
delusional constructs of her subconscious mind…

before it’s too late.

Code of Reanimation tablet, paperback

Everyone is gone. 

The thought was instinctual. It hung there without support, no other knowledge accompanying it. Nothing to explain why Brigita’s face hugged the floor tiles or why a nurse’s shoe with a sock still engaged lay tipped over in her view. 

She supposed a chunk of time had passed since she last opened her eyes. This was metaphorically speaking, as her consciousness often slumbered while her eyes remained open. But how much time had she lost this go-round? A few days? Weeks? There were even episodes that had lasted more than a month; a sign her illness was progressively getting worse.  

She stayed on the floor, body curled in a ball as she swept together her thoughts. 

Am I awake? 

She searched for the sounds that were missing; the unsolicited grunts and shrieks from patients, staff responding in placating tones, the steady, distant brrring of the telephone, unoiled wheelchairs squeaking as they rolled on by. Familiarity was absent. The only distinguishable sound was the continual whoosh of the ceiling fans. 

This is different. Something’s off.

Commanding strength into wilted limbs, she pulled herself up into a seated position. The side of her face that had connected with the floor felt tender. A knuckle to each eye forced her vision to adjust to the dim lighting—but instead of clarity, the surroundings brought more confusion. More questions. Such as who flipped over the tables and chairs, or scattered board game and puzzle pieces everywhere like on a child’s playroom floor? Who shot the bullet that punched a hole through the wall-mounted television, leaving the screen a glass spiderweb? There was nobody to ask—the building lacking any sign of warm bodies or the usual auditory buzz of human activity. All the staff and patients… gone.

But where? What did I miss?

Brigita tried to recall her last memory. A search for clues led to the discovery of her wheelchair, the one she required only during her catatonic episodes when her body would betray her by turning rigid and doll-like as her mind slipped away to places unknown. Brigita knew the chair was hers, recognizable by the pink ribbon fastened around the right handle. It stood vigil at the bay window overlooking the flower-lined courtyard of McMillan Psychiatric Hospital, most likely where she had perched before collapsing to the floor. Early morning rays failed to penetrate the glazed window, providing a muted account of the brightness, colours, and edges of the objects beyond. It had been years since she had been outside, alone. Escorted by an orderly or her sister, Brigita would walk the Lockstone paths, still a prisoner despite the walls no longer surrounding her. 

Wheels ground into motion within her drowsy mind. A plan rapidly forged based on opportunity. If nobody was there, then nobody could stop her. She had waited for a moment such as this ever since her family forced her into the hospital, kicking and screaming against her will. And here it was—an unexpected gift plopped into her lap. 

A chance to escape. 

Or was this some sort of trickery? The second Brigita attempted to leave, would the staff capture her mid-flight? Would they blame her for the room’s vandalized state? She was the only patient present to take the fall, and perhaps they planned it that way all along. Pinning her as the guilty one. It would give them an excuse to punish her, which seemed to give them such pleasure. They’d start with electroconvulsive therapy, as usual, each jolt sending her deeper into an abyss that held unspeakable terrors. Followed by the benzodiazepines, which rendered her mind dull, making it penetrable to the evil forces constantly trying to wriggle past her defenses. 

Come on, Brigita! You can do this. Try at least, her inner cheerleader encouraged. There’s nothing left to lose at this point.

Try. Such a tiny word that required tremendous effort.

As she stood, her legs felt insubstantial, soft, and jittery from disuse. With no need for the wheelchair during awakened states, she left it behind. Managing a few steps forward, she clung onto chairbacks—the few that remained upright—for support as her muscles struggled to regain strength. Then shimmying along the wall with her hands splayed open, her fingertips skimmed along the cracked white paint, dipping at one point to avoid an amoeba-shaped splotch of blood. 

Around the corner and into the hall, she continued to search for signs of life. A cart piled high with folded white towels, tissue boxes, toilet paper, and other sanitary items leaned precariously against a door frame. A roll of toilet paper had tumbled off, unspooling halfway down the hall. But no domestic staff accompanied the cart or attempted to clean the mess. No patients occupied the rooms Brigita peered into as she passed by. Just more disarray.

Locating the nursing station, she slipped behind the L-shaped desk and snatched the cherry-red handle of the rotary phone, pressing it to her ear. No dial tone. Not that she remembered any numbers to dial—locked in here far too long to have need of such things.

The desk drawers produced a ring of keys and, with shaking fingers, Brigita inserted them—first one, then two—into the filing cabinet behind the nursing station. On the fourth attempt, she heard a click, and the first drawer trundled open. She skipped to the middle section, searching the N’s (N for Nowak) until she found her chart and yanked it from the drawer. Cracking the file open, she sifted through the paperwork.

It’s got to be in here somewhere… A-ha! She grasped the emergency contact page with her sister Milena’s name and address on display. Committing the information to memory, Brigita replaced the file back in the cabinet and slipped the key ring back into the drawer where she had found it. Nobody had witnessed her snooping, and she intended to keep it that way. The goal was to make a clean break. No trail left behind. To disappear like the other patients. Although their whereabouts remained unknown, she now knew exactly where she was heading.

The front lobby looked like a tsunami had struck. Capsized wheelchairs lay like sunken ships, paper peppered with red droplets (more blood) strewn in waves across the floor. A curtain panel desperately clung to the few hooks still moored above the window, the remaining fabric pooled on the floor in a puddle of baby blue. Blue for soothing the psyche; although it did nothing of the sort. A slab of artificial lighting dangled from the ceiling, flashing and pinging simultaneously. Brigita took in the scene with cool indifference, realizing distantly she should be more alarmed. Oddly, she felt calm. 

The doors beckoned. A few more steps to sweet freedom. 

Brigita cast one furtive glance backward, but nobody rushed her from behind like she half expected. Everyone was still missing, and she breathed a sigh of relief. They didn’t give a shit about her here. She accepted that a long time ago. Yet, she could almost hear what the orderlies would have said had they caught her fleeing the premises. She heard it enough times. “Where do you think you’re going? Here, let me escort you back to your room, where you’ll be safe.” Their false promises of safety fell on deaf ears. She never felt safe here. No haven from her fears, her visions, only forced to be locked in with the evil that haunted her mind, real and dark and foreboding. And exceedingly powerful. 

About the Author

Lanie Mores

Lanie Mores is the award-winning author of the science fiction and fantasy
book series, Father of Contention. She has an Honours Bachelor of Science
Degree, a Masters Degree in Clinical Psychology, and she is an active member
of the Canadian Authors Association. When she isn’t writing, you’ll find her
reading, binge-watching Netflix, baking, and slaughtering zombies and other
monsters on her Xbox. She lives in Ontario with her family and forever
barking fur babies, Batman and Petri.


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Dissonance Virtual Book Tour

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Dissonance cover

YA Sci-Fi/Dystopian

Date Published: 01-01-2024



Plug your ears.  And whatever you do, don’t look.  The war for
humanity has begun.

Cameron “Jet” Shipley was there when they arrived in 2026. He,
and everyone else, lived through the next decade and a half, learning to
hide. Learning to never make a sound. Learning the most important rule of

You just..don’t…look.

The year is now 2042, and humanity is eking out an existence in the

Cameron and his team are sent out on a recon mission in Clarksville
Tennessee, with events and developments that may alter the trajectory of
Earth’s fate… and his own.

Joined by newcomers Bassett and Trudy, Cameron and his brother Rut will
have to contend with a powerful force that has laid waste to the planet and
annihilated over eighty-five percent of Earth’s civilization.

Will Jet’s expeditions lead him on a slippery slope of discovery that
demands accountability and answers?

Or will it plunge the earth, and everything in it, into further


“Aliens” meets “A Quiet Place” in this dystopian
sci-fi thriller series.


Dissonance tablet




About the Author

Aaron Ryan

Aaron Ryan lives in Washington with his wife and two sons, along with Macy
the dog, Winston the cat, and Merry & Pippin, the finches.

He is the author of the “Dissonance” series, several business
books on multimedia production penned under a pseudonym, as well as a
previous fictional novel, “The Omega Room.”

When he was in second grade, he was tasked with writing a creative
assignment: a fictional book.  And thus, “The Electric Boy”
was born: a simple novella full of intrigue, fantasy, and 7-year-old wits
that electrified Aaron’s desire to write.  From that point
forward, Aaron evolved into a creative soul that desired to create.

He enjoys the arts, media, music, performing, poetry, and being a
daddy.  In his lifetime he has been an author, voiceover artist,
wedding videographer, stage performer, musician, producer, rock/pop artist,
executive assistant, service manager, paperboy, CSR, poet, tech support,
worship leader, and more.  The diversity of his life experiences gives
him a unique approach to business, life, ministry, faith, and

Aaron’s favorite author by far is J.R.R. Tolkien, but he also enjoys
Suzanne Collins, James S.A. Corey, Marie Lu, Madeleine L’Engle, C.S.
Lewis, and Stephen King.

Aaron has always had a passion for storytelling.

Aaron is the admin of the Authors & Writers Only group on


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