Category Archives: BOOKS

A Funny Thing Happened on the Camino De Santiago Virtual Book Tour

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Thoughts Along the Way of Saint James



Date Published: November 6, 2024



The Camino de Santiago pilgrimage, The Way of Saint James, is centuries old
and has seen an explosion of interest in recent years. In A Funny Thing
Happened Walking Lost on the Camino de Santiago: Thoughts Along the Way of
Saint James, the author takes you along on his ups and downs of the
thirty-six day journey from Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port, France, to Santiago de
Compostela, Spain, on the Camino Frances trail. He shares not only the
physical and mental challenges of the five-hundred mile walk for someone in
their seventies, but his thoughts along “The Way.” Among those
thoughts, uninterrupted by any news, music, podcasts, or other technological
distractions, are his struggles with his Church and Catholic faith. He
describes his times being lost both geographically and spiritually and
introduces you to the wonderful people from all over the world, including
some Camino Angels, who made his journey special. Tutty takes a serious look
at the life-changing potential of the Camino pilgrimage but with a more
humorous, self-deprecating approach to himself as a pilgrim.

For those considering walking the Camino de Santiago or just interested in
learning more about it, the author shares what led him to his pilgrimage,
his initial concerns, the preparation and experiences while walking, the
time and financial investment, and his reflections after the walk. He offers
a look at the Camino journey that begins before you take your first step and
does not end even after your last.

A Funny Thing Happened on the Camino De Santiago tablet


You begin to realize as you get older that nothing will change (in the Catholic Church) in your lifetime, if ever. You start to comprehend that your hope for change (concerning gay marriage, women in the Church, optional celibacy) might just be wishful thinking. . . . I might be a CINO (Catholic in Name Only).


About the Author

Gary Tutty

Gary Tutty is a retired Superintendent of Schools. He was named a
Distinguished Alumni at the State University of New York at Oneonta, from
which he earned his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in English
Education. Between his years as a teacher and school administrator, he
worked for a major medical company in sales, sales training, and sales
management. In addition to his book, A Funny Thing Happened Walking Lost on
the Camino de Santiago: Thoughts Along the Way of Saint James, he has
written two novels, The Discovery of the Secret Gospel of the Rich and
Powerful: The Gospel of St. Avarice and The Sins of Father Riley. He lives
in Great Island, Pinehills, Plymouth, Massachusetts.


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A Just Revenge Blitz

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Date Published: August 26, 2024

Publisher: MindStir Media



Sean Roberts loved farming and his girlfriend. After they broke up she
disappeared into San Francisco’s drug filled hippie environment of the
1960s. Her parents were frantic and no one in their small-town seemed able
to help them find their daughter. They reached out to Sean and he agreed to
search for their lost daughter.

His search forced Sean to assume his nom de plume, George Wescot and enter
a world of extreme wealth and of people who only cared about their own
pleasures and not the pain it caused other people. George uses his skills
learned from hunting, fighting and evasion to penetrate this sadistic
society. Subsequently, he pursued across the United States, India, and
Europe. Finally, Sean stopped running from the Brothers, and started hunting
those people who caused his ex-girlfriend’s and her family’s pain from
injuries she sustained.

About the Author

Patrick L Scott Esq

I have been a writer all my life. I wasn’t very good partly because I’m
dyslexic and partly because of my dyslexia I was a terrible reader. But I
love to write and therefore wrote often. I wrote many stories. One was
published in a magazine. Before the pandemic I started writing my first
novel,”Farm Tough”, and self published it. The book got good
reviews from readers but wasn’t promoted. Shortly thereafter, I started to
write “A Just Revenge” partly about my time at Yuba College, Chico
State College, Los Angeles and finally Europe. I found that I write best
when I write about something I know, about something I’ve done or about
something I feel.


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The Others Blitz

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Sci-Fi / Action Adventure

Date Published: 12-25-2024

Publisher: Freedom Thorn Press



When a corpse with webbed feet and other aquatic adaptations washes ashore
during a hurricane, the county medical examiner calls in marine biologist
Will Myers for assistance. The deceased’s mysterious sister, Andreia,
claims the body and asks Will to help figure out how her brother died. Will
and Andreia bond over shared tragedies and a yearning to heal a dying ocean
as they seek to learn how her brother spent his final days.

Andreia brings Will to her undersea home, part of a hidden civilization
inhabited by smugglers, hackers, treasure hunters, and traders—all
members of a different species, driven to the edge of extinction by human
diseases and climate change. As feelings between the two grow, the
investigation into her brother’s death leads to a sinister plot by a
fanatical cabal. Together, Will and Andreia must find a way to save both
humanity and the ocean without imperiling the existence of her

About the Author

T. C. Weber

As an ecologist who grew up diving and fishing in the Florida Keys, Mr.
Weber drew on his knowledge of the setting and relevant science to bring it
to life. His cyberpunk novel Sleep State Interrupt (See Sharp Press) was a
finalist for the 2017 Compton Crook award for best first speculative fiction
novel. Two sequels, The Wrath of Leviathan and Zero-Day Rising, followed, as
well as an alternate history novel, Born in Salt; a post-apocalyptic horror
novella, The Survivors; and a satire of local government, The Council. He
has also had numerous peer-reviewed scientific papers and book chapters
published. Mr. Weber is a member of Poets & Writers, the Science Fiction
& Fantasy Writers Association, the Horror Writers Association, and the
Maryland Writers Association.

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The Quiet Joy of Simply Being Blitz

Discovering the Peace, Joy, and Happiness You Already Are

Self-Help / Spiritual

Date Published: November 7, 2024

Publisher: MindStir Media



The Quiet Joy of Simply Being takes us on a journey of discovering we are
already the peace, contentment, joy, happiness, and love we seek. These
attributes of our True Nature are not found in what we do, things we
acquire, status we attain, or even our state of mind. Rather, they are the
ever-present essence of who we are.

About the Author

I go by the name Aiy’m, which is pronounced I-Yim. I live in Boulder,
Colorado with my wife Donna and cat Te’a. I am retired. I’m fairly active
physically mostly hiking in the Boulder foothills and Rocky Mountains,
gravel biking, skiing, and doing yard work – actually, since I enjoy it I
consider it yard play. Though I enjoy all those activities, what is of most
importance to me is spiritual awakening as such I love being out in nature,
sitting by a creek sipping tea, meditating and journaling. I also built a
tiny rustic space in my backyard for that purpose. I call it a tea-mitage.
Kind of like a hermitage. I call the journaling I do Writing Passing Clouds
as what I write about is more about the inward journey and not what I did
during the day.

I have been regularly journaling for over 40 years. As I mentioned above,
my journaling is about the inward journey of spiritual awakening. In fact, I
would say that journaling has been my main ally in this spiritual pursuit,
even more so than meditation and retreats. About 10 years ago I asked myself
what is it about journaling that I get so much from. Certainly, I learned a
lot about myself. I have come to know the way my mind works, my perceived
limitations, my behavioral and emotional patterns and conditionings, and so
on and on and on. But, what I came to realize what was most important about
my journalings was not what I learned about myself, rather, through
journaling I shifted my perspective to that of an observer and from that
perspective I was able to dis-entangle and dis-identify from my conditioned
thinking mind and emotions. This is very liberating. I call it the First
Great Freedom. In this freedom from the conditioned thinking mind and
emotions, there is a deep sense of peace, fulfillment, and happiness. I also
see this shift of perspective as the first step or phase of the spiritual
journey to self-realization.

My book, The Quiet Joy of Simply Being, began as being about my journaling
process but morphed into being about discovering the peace, happiness,
fulfillment and love we already are.


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The Storm Descends Blitz

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Demon Storm, Book 7


Young Adult Fantasy

Date Published: 12-13-2024

Publisher: Shadow Spark Publishing



The Catalyst is quiet

The Catalyst is quiet.

Kari struggles with the damage she did when she lost control.  Her
loved ones suffered at her hands, leaving Ari scarred in ways she will never
be able to ignore.

How he survived?  Only the Seraph of Nalmi knows.

Then a request arrives, a simple task compared to everything else she has
been through: travel as Freehaven’s emissary and meet with Brianna, a
now-ancient half demon who destroyed the first demon city across the sea –
and who may have some information on defeating the Catalyst for good.
Kari, Ari, and Guine prepare to cross the Demon Sea…

But the shadows await them.




About the Author

Valerie Storm

Valerie Storm was raised in Tucson, Arizona. Growing up, she fell in love
with everything fantasy. When she wasn’t playing video games, she was
writing. By age ten, she began to write her own stories as a way to escape
reality. When these stories became a full-length series, she considered the
path to sharing with other children & children-at/heart looking for a
place to call home.


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