Category Archives: Book Tour

Doll Face Virtual Book Tour

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Romance / Mafia Romance

Date Published:  May 10, 2024

Publisher: Evernight Publishing



The moment Macy met Matteo Romanelli she knew he’d change her life.
After a whirlwind romance, however, he betrays her in the worst way
possible. Macy Moore dies. She is reborn as Gianna, with a desire for
vengeance and a plan to bring down the house of Romanelli. With a new face
and a new name, the love she once felt for Matteo has turned into

Matteo knew he was going to marry Macy the first time he saw her working in
a coffee shop. Beautiful, sweet, and caring, she is oblivious to who he was
really is. When he discovers she’s been killed by a rival family, his
broken heart vows revenge.

Can Gianna learn to trust Matteo again? What does it mean for her plan of
vengeance when she learns they were victims from the same lie? And can hate
turn back into love?

Doll Face tablet

About the Author

I began reading my mom’s Harlequin Presents in the fifth grade, and
to this day it still boggles my mind that my mother allowed me to read them
at age 11! My love for romance was born and from that first book, I knew I
wanted to write romance novels. Love is the most powerful emotion we can
experience, and I adore happy ever afters.

I write about the very ordinary woman thrust into an extraordinary
circumstance, so my heroines will probably never be lawyers, doctors or
corporate high rollers.  I try to write characters who aren’t cookie
cutters and push myself to write complicated situations that I have no idea
how to resolve, forcing me to think outside the box. I strive to create
characters who are complex and full of flaws. Heroes and heroines who find
redemption through love.


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Hail the King Virtual Book Tour

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A Verse-by-Verse Journey Through the Book of Revelation

Nonfiction / Religion / Biblical Studies / Christian

Date Published: May 7, 2024

Publisher: Lucid Books



Did you know that the Bible speaks more about the times we are living in
than any other period in history?

In the mysterious and prophetic Book of Revelation, God has laid out His
plans for the incredible final chapters of planet Earth so His people can be
blessed, informed, encouraged, emboldened, strengthened, and filled with
hope as they navigate the last days.

 Written in a clear and accessible style, Hail the King will
illuminate every verse and chapter of this captivating book. You’ll


•         Why the Old Testament is
the key to unlocking the Book of Revelation.

•         The meaning behind the
vivid imagery and strange symbols used by John.

•         How the past 2,000 years
of the Church were prophesied in 7 letters written by Jesus.

•         The chronological
sequence of events leading up to Christ’s glorious return.

•         How to find a renewed
sense of urgency, purpose, and hope in these uncertain times.


Prepare for an immersive encounter with Scripture that will equip you for
the days ahead, grow your love for Jesus, and inspire you to live with an
eternal perspective!


Hail the King tablet



 The first word we need to learn on this journey is “eschatology.” It’s

the term used for the theological study of Bible prophecies related

to the end of the world, “the end-times” or “the last days.” If you’re

studying eschatology, you’re studying end-times Bible prophecies,

which is what we’ll be doing in this journey through Revelation.

Within Christendom, there is a frequently repeated critique

of those who love to dig into eschatology, and it goes something

like this: “If you’re too Heavenly minded, you’ll be no earthly good.”

I remember opening a prominent Christian music magazine

and reading their review of a concept album that a well-known

artist had just released. All the songs were focused on Heaven

and Jesus’ coming for His Church. It was a brilliant album.

But the reviewer accused the album of “suffering from ‘I’ll Fly Away’


Both critiques are rooted in the belief that Christians too

focused on the coming of Jesus and eternity in Heaven will neglect

the things they should be doing for Jesus on the earth, here and

now. The assumption is that they’ll live useless lives as they

waste their days gazing longingly toward the heavens instead of

sharing the Gospel and occupying themselves with the work of

the Kingdom.

About the Author

Jeff Thompson was born in Cape Town, South Africa, and has served full-time
in churches since the age of 19 as a youth pastor, worship pastor, and
teaching pastor. In 2012, he planted what would become Gospel City Church,
where he has served as a pastor for over a decade. Jeff has a passion for
Bible prophecy, which has led him to study and teach through some of the
Bible’s most compelling and challenging texts. He lives in the
beautiful Greater Vancouver region of Canada with his wife, Charlene, their
6 children, and a dog he foolishly promised his oldest daughter she could
get when she turned 12.


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Let’s Run Our Schools Together Virtual Book Tour

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Date Published: 01-05-2024




Are you frustrated about the way schools may be run today? Will your child
or grandchild be entering school soon?How do we help teachers help students
in public schools do their best? And why does it “take a village”
to raise a child? Learn about education ideas and helping the future with
this book, including if you want to run for school board. Written in a
down-to-earth style with answers you need in each chapter.


Let's Run Our Schools Together tablet




About the Author

Ms. D. J. Mathews

Ms. D. J. Mathews has been the wife of a teacher, taken education classes,
and taught logic and writing for several years at Radford University. A
mother of 3 sons, her spouse experienced big job issues while teaching in a
poorly run school system. This inspired Ms. Mathews to write an informative
book, a slim book with a chapter on each member of the education community
— teachers, parents, principals, students, school board members — and how
they can all work better together. She is also a Master naturalist


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GoldenRuleism Virtual Book Tour

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Living a GoldenRuleism


Date Published: May 1, 2024

Publisher: MindStir Media



You’ve FOUND It.

What We NEED.


The majority of people on Earth are familiar with the foundational ethical
principle often called The Golden Rule – Humanity’s Number One Rule.

It’s time now for us to embrace a far more expansive and effective version
of the original.

GoldenRuleism is the name of our overarching ethic – an ethic universal in
its scope. Discover what it can mean for your life.

This booklet stimulates you to act – to do what YOU can – from where you

GoldenRuleism’s foundation is its two principal principles – two elegantly
simple sentences.

It’s Humanity’s “Apply It Now” ethic. We the people of the world
need to be GoldenRuleistic. We’ll make our lives decidedly better – with and
for each other.


***NOTE: Our Spanish edition is also available!

GoldenRuleism tablet


GoldenRuleism represents the type of worldview we are

all grasping for at this time in human and geocentric history—

an overarching ethical compass if you will, for

present and future generations to embrace, embody and

live by. I love its powerful inclusion of “all for all” as

a universally applicable guide. GoldenRuleism gives us a

fresh take on age-old wisdom, ramping up our sense of

genuine compassion for each other, our children, and our

one-and-only Mother Earth.

Go Raibh Míle Maith Agat (A thousand thanks to you

in Irish).

—Shane O’Connor—GoldenRuleism Team Leader for

the Charter for Compassion, Activist, Professor, and

Co-Founder of Indigenous Ireland.

About the Author

Craig Cline advocates for us humans—and for all the other sentient
beings on our one-and-only Mother Earth.

Craig has written many articles for publication, on a variety of topics. He
wrote this booklet, with the assistance of his Editor-In-Residence wife
Cherie: Golden Ruleism: Living A Golden Ruleism-Guided Life.

The Clines support a variety of nonprofit organizations, especially those
in their local community. They feel we should all do whatever we can to
ensure “our” nonprofits succeed in their heart-driven

Craig’s premise is that by our universally embracing the two
principal principles of Golden Ruleism—two simple-to-say and
easy-to-remember sentences—we’ll collectively “Move the
Needle of Humanity Towards Humane-ity.”

He asks that you please do what you can to move that needle.


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Permission for Self-Love Virtual Book Tour

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The optimal guide to getting back to your own Queendom after having a


Guidance & self help, child birth, parenting, motherhood, body image,
self love, self care

Date Published: May 16, 2024



Giving birth is a true miracle, our bodies are amazing and nothing compares
to holding your baby.

But often once we have given birth, we often forget to prioritize our own
well-being. Our bodies went through a tremendous journey and should have
time to recover and heal. This book will help you take charge of your own
postnatal recovery, to be the best version of yourself so you can look after
your baby in the best possible way. From candid prenatal advice, birth
advice to postnatal care of your body and mind including healing your vagina
to exercising your body, everything is covered.

Having gone through postpartum depression and the lack of available
information, Eva has created a tool that can help you navigate this delicate
path of becoming a mom, being a partner and above all being you in all your

“Let this exercise be your joyful daily practice.”

Eva is the creator of exercise programs tailored specifically for women
after giving birth. The goal of her work is to make exercise a joyful daily
practice. As a trainer and instructor, she found her passion in healthy
movement by encompassing full body acceptance and true expression of
self-love through the connection of body and mind. Eva connects exercise
with psychosomatics, which she considers to be the source of all physical
ailments. Eva believes in teaching wholehearted acceptance of each woman’s
unique body. To listen to our body, is to understand our body.


Permission for Self-Love tablet



Before opening the first chapter, let’s mention a couple of notes that can help you understand this book’s meaning. It all depends on what stage of life you are in right now. There are three possibilities. First, you are pregnant and getting ready for childbirth. Second, you have already delivered, so your baby is in your arms. Third, you are a man interested in what is going on within the female body. In that case, you are “Mr. Awesome.” congratulations to your significant other; she is so lucky.

In the prenatal stage, you should focus on physical and mental preparation for birthgiving. Overall, the mind and body condition during pregnancy will influence childbirth. I recommend having a birth attendant or a doula who will introduce you to all the aspects of giving birth.

Don’t underestimate the importance of consultation and communication with somebody experienced.

In the second case, you experienced the best thing: your baby was born. You can’t influence the delivery of your baby because it already happened, but you can still focus on your body’s after-birth recovery to ensure everything goes well.

A couple of words about the author – me:  I am not a physical therapist or a birth attendant. I am a Pilates Teacher-Trainer and a Movement Therapist. In practice, I started focusing on pregnant women and those who just delivered because there wasn’t enough information. I needed new knowledge when I was pregnant, which was hard to find. I gained fifty-one pounds and suffered from post-delivery depression, mainly because my body didn’t work as described in the books I read. I went through the same amount of uncertainty and worries you probably do now. Everything can be unpleasantly new, and you don’t recognize your body just because you moved to another level. You became a mother

The impulse to write this book is the need for more literature about post-delivery time. The bookstore shelves are full of books about how to get pregnant, pregnancy, or delivery, but there is a minimal amount of text on what to do AFTER giving birth. It feels like when the baby gets out of your body, everything gets back to normal. The opposite is true. When you deliver, it’s just the beginning of a giant rollercoaster.

A little disclaimer to this book, I use terms like “vagina, vaginal entrance, or pelvic floor” wherever necessary. 

This text’s advice and observations will help you understand and seize your body and mind. The body won’t function well if not connected to the mind. Everything is in your head. Therefore, we will focus on the somatic method and the actions of the body related to it. Somatics is a practice that utilizes the body-mind connection to learn how to find and work with any problem within the body.

All the advice and observations are from my head and practice. Of course, I was influenced by many books I have read and many bodies I have worked with.



About the Author

Eve Behenska
After many years of putting my body through suffering at a dance
conservatory and in theatres, I decided to approach my body in a new and
different way. My first impulse was practicing Pilates which grew into
compensatory methods. I became more and more interested in the mind-body
connection which led me to discover psychosomatics. Since I myself went
through a complicated postpartum period where I felt amazed but also
betrayed by my own body and my uncooperative mind, I started focusing on
working with women in the postpartum period. Out of this experience and the
desire to help as many women as possible, this book was born.


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