Category Archives: Book Tour

Hard Dog’s Night Virtual Book Tour

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Hard Dog's Night cover

YA  Historical Fiction /YA Coming of Age

Date Published: Tuesday, Aug 6th 2024



In a time when rock-n-roll is deemed evil music and blamed for youth
rebellion, The Hound Dogs and The Dice are set to clash at the Madison
Community Center.

The Hound Dogs search for a drummer to complete their lineup while The Dice
hires Patrick McNeil as Danny Bruer’s replacement. Unbeknownst to The Dice,
Patrick carries a hidden agenda to sabotage his former band and settle old

As Patrick and his accomplice, Stu, execute their plot, questions loom over
the Madison Community Center. Can The Hound Dogs triumph against the odds?
Will the controversy ignite a community torn between tradition and

In a world where rock-n-roll rebels against societal norms, the destinies
of two bands hang in precarious balance. The echoes of their battle will
resonate far beyond the Madison Community Center.

Hard Dog’s Night, the second book in The Hound Dogs Series, is a
unique blend of historical fiction, coming-of-age, and the power of music as
it forever alters lives in the name of rock-n-roll.


Hard Dog's Night tablet


Stately elm tree branches shaded James while he strolled down the tranquil street of Granger. A group of unruly children scampered past him on their way to the park. Their laughter and high-pitched squeals caused a few dogs to bark and a few residents to lift their heads like curious ostriches. Crossing the street, James continued his path toward the Coffee Grounds. He’d spent the entire week at home studying for finals, and he was anxious to see his girlfriend. James had tried to study at the Coffee Grounds once, but it was a disaster because he couldn’t keep his eyes or mind off Marcy. It’s not like he didn’t think about her constantly, but at least she wasn’t close enough to talk to or steal a kiss. 

A popular college hangout, the Coffee Grounds was generally packed with students. Still, Saturdays tended to be quieter, and the atmosphere was more casual. The large ceiling fan lazily circulated the air through the establishment. Marcy took advantage of the quiet afternoon by cleaning and filling sugar dispensers. James’s arrival sparked delight in her grin as he sat at the counter. Wiping her hands on her apron, Marcy walked over to him.

 “You’re here early.” “Disappointed?” James asked, perching his elbows on the counter.

 “Of course not.” “It’s been a long week.” 

 “It has,” Marcy said, straightening the napkin dispenser. “Would you like a cup of coffee?” 

James slid his hand under his chin. “Well, I’d rather have a kiss, but I’ll settle for coffee.”

 Marcy smiled, took a cup from the shelf, and filled his cup. From her shiny auburn hair to her pert little nose, everything about her enchanted James. He would never tire of gazing at her. 

Marcy brought James his coffee and sat it on the counter. “I guess you know you’re making me nervous.” 

James picked up a spoon. “And why is that?” 

“Because you’re ogling me.” 

“So?” he said, clinking the spoon in the coffee cup. 

“So, I know what you’re thinking.” 

James’s grin spread, and Marcy nudged him. “I guess you know there is no sugar in your coffee.” 

“Oh, yeah,” James said, taking the spoon out of the cup. 

Marcy laughed. “You’ll never guess what I bought the other day,” James said, adding sugar.

 Marcy leaned across the counter. “What?” 

“You need to guess,” James teased. 

“Can’t you give me a hint?” “It’s a book.” 

“A book?” 


Marcy pressed her index finger to her lips. “Hmmm, let me guess. The Joys of Accounting?”

 “Very funny.” 

“What then?” James grinned. 

“Kiss Me Deadly.” 

“No kidding?” 

“No kidding.” Marcy ran her finger over James’s hand. 

“Are you going to lend it to me?” 


She wrinkled her nose. “You better be nice to me, James, or you won’t get a kiss.” 

He smirked. “We’ll see about that.” 

A faint pink hue brushed her cheeks. “Say, do you think it would be all right if I posted a couple of flyers?” James asked. 

“Is it for the drummer auditions?” 

“Yep,” James said, setting one on the counter before Marcy. 

“Sure. You can put it on the bulletin board by the front door and one on the back wall.”

 “Okay, thanks.” Marcy returned to work, and James walked over to the bulletin board.

 Advertisements and business cards covered the board like wallpaper. Pulling a tack out of an old advertisement, James covered it with the flyer and secured the tack. Smiling, he pulled out another spare tack and headed toward the back wall. 

A young man was sitting at the back table by himself, reading a book. James probably wouldn’t have noticed him if his right leg wasn’t resting on a chair. At first glance, James thought he was lazy, but when he noticed the leg was encased in a metal leg brace with a thick platform shoe, he knew he was mistaken. James didn’t mean to stare and didn’t want to feel pity, but he couldn’t help himself. Securing the flyer to the wall, his eyes drifted back to the young man. He was wearing a checkered shirt with a worn wool jacket. Tufts of blond hair stuck out from underneath his faded grey porkpie hat with what looked like a turkey feather tucked under the band. Was he homeless? James’s heart sunk as his mind fired off several other sad scenarios. The young man sensed James’s presence, and he turned around to look at him. 

“Hello,” James said with a sheepish grin. 

The young man didn’t say anything. Was he mute too? 

“Nice day, huh?” James said. 

The young man didn’t answer. James noticed he had a Life magazine on the table with a picture of Marilyn Monroe on the front cover. 

“You like Marilyn?” James asked. 

“She’s my girlfriend.” 

“Ha, ha,” James chuckled. 

The young man tilted his head with a raised eyebrow. James walked back to his stool, wondering if the young man was crazy too. Marcy walked over to the young man’s table and refilled his cup. James watched Marcy chat with him for a few moments before she returned to the counter. 

“So, you know that guy over there?” James asked. 

“What guy?” 

“You know, the one over there,” James said, pointing into his hand. 

“You mean Ronnie?” 

“I guess so.” 

Marcy sat the coffeepot down. “Yes, he comes in here every once in a while.” 

“He seems to be a little . . . nutty.” 

“Why do you think that?” 

“Because he said his girlfriend was Marilyn Monroe.” 

Marcy smiled. “He tells everybody that.” 

“Do you think he believes it?” 

“I don’t know. I haven’t talked to him that much.”

James fingered the handle on his coffee cup. “I feel bad for him.” 

“You shouldn’t. He’s always in a good mood, even though some people say mean things to him.” 

“That’s horrible.” 

“If someone is mean to him, we kick them out.” 

“That’s good.” Marcy untied her apron. 

“I’m going to hang my apron up, and we can go.” 


Marcy walked away, and James glanced over at Ronnie. He was bobbing his head and tapping his thumbs on the table while he read. Maybe Marcy was right. Maybe he was perfectly happy despite his circumstance. With all his heart, James wanted to believe it. He wanted to believe that the cruel world did not affect Ronnie. With that thought in mind, James gathered his books and pushed his sorrowful thoughts aside and joined the beautiful young woman who waited at the door for him.


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The Ocean Hugs Hard Virtual Book Tour

The Ocean Hugs Hard cover


Date Published: 06-24-2024

Publisher: Shadow Spark Publishing



Surfside City, New Jersey. 1966. Cub reporter Harman Bass is cutting his
teeth in the fast world of local journalism and getting out-scooped by the
competition. Facetious, cocky, and always quoting Nietzsche, Harman
isn’t making any friends both in and out of the newsroom.

All that changes when the daughter of a prominent family is found dead on
the beach, handing Harman the juiciest news story of the year. But she
wasn’t any old beauty pageant queen; she was his high school
girlfriend. Harman’s dogged reporting into the young woman’s
death reveals pushback from the authorities and pulls the newshound into the
resort’s darkest corners.

After one of his sources is murdered, the routine story becomes dangerous
and personal. Something watches Harman from the shadows, something ancient
and hungry, worshipped by powerful men who kill to keep their secrets.
Harman’s job and life are soon threatened, and the once brash reporter
must battle his boss, rival journalists, and his own sanity before filing
what could be his last story.

THE OCEAN HUGS HARD is a mystery with the salty whiff of the ocean, a tinge
of nostalgia, and a dollop of mind-shattering eldritch horror.

The Ocean Hugs Hard tablet




Surfside City, New Jersey 1966 


Harman Bass sprinted along the boardwalk towards the dead body on Sunburn Beach. Racing past the Ferris wheel that loomed overhead like a steel colossus, he searched his pockets and made sure he had his gear. 

Press pass? Check. 

Notebook? Check. 

Ballpoint pen? Check. 

Binoculars? Check. 

Cub reporters had to get it right or they’d wind up exiled to the features desk, a place colder and more desolate than Siberia. News reporting was all about projecting competence, and Harman risked blowing it when the tip of one of his Florsheims caught the edge of a partly warped plank. He planted face-first in front of the reporters who cackled at his misfortune. 

His Ray-Ban Wayfarers skittered across the boardwalk, along with his pen, press pass, and notebook. Thankfully, he’d managed to hold onto his binoculars. He rubbed the scrape on his chin and gathered his belongings before limping to the edge of the ‘walk. Harman inspected his gear and found that his pride was the only thing that had been damaged. He brushed his sandy blonde hair from his eyes, adjusted the trilby on his head, and kept walking. 

That summer was a hot and humid monster lousy with greenhead horse flies. Greenhead bites were like the Devil himself pinching you. 

Harman hated the greenheads more than he hated the beach. He peered through his binoculars at the body sprawled on a colorful towel on the sand. The lifeless bikini-clad woman only made him detest the beach even more. 

The victim appeared to be in her early twenties. Her blonde hair spilled over her face, hiding it from everyone. Were it not for the police gathering on the beach around her, she could have just been sunbathing. 

But something told Harman this wasn’t a pleasant seaside snooze. 

A crowd of curious onlookers on the boardwalk gawked at the body, leaning over the railing past the dunes, where the beach sloped into the darkness of the ocean. A caterwauling gull cut through the sound of distant waves crashing against the rocks. Police officers shambled along the cordon line and made sure that the public didn’t get too close. A detective knelt over the woman’s body and plucked her white, plastic sunglasses off her face, revealing dead eyes, fixated on the sky. He handed the sunglasses to another officer. 

Harman scrutinized their faces and analyzed the detectives’ subtle body language. The way they moved reflected their doubts—one scratched his head while another jotted a few notes. He turned his binoculars to the pad of paper in the second officer’s hand, but couldn’t make out the chicken scratch handwriting. 

Murder was unusual in Surfside City. The resort was “America’s Seashore Playground,” according to the large signs that fronted the ‘walk. It was a slogan crafted decades ago to entice tourists to the barrier island. And it worked. Surfside City was ice cream and amusement rides, surf and sun. The kind of upstanding place where people didn’t lock their doors at night and neighbors helped each other out. Murder only happened far away in big cities, where switchblade-slinging muggers robbed unsuspecting commuters on subways. 

Certainly not in Surfside City, “America’s Seashore Playground.” 

This woman, whoever she was, was an anomaly, and anomalies meant front-page news. 

Harman swatted away a greenhead fly, pushed his way through the throng to a different part of the boardwalk’s railing, and pressed the binoculars to his eyes. The wind tossed her hair around and he almost caught a glimpse of the dead woman’s face. 

“It’s a cruel thing, isn’t it, Bass?” Harman turned at the sound of Chuck Duffy’s voice. 

Duffy looked the part of a veteran reporter in his faded fedora, wrinkled suit, and striped silk necktie. He peered past Harman, pulled out his notebook, and scribbled something furiously in shorthand. Duffy worked for a rival newspaper, the Mainland Times, a popular daily that was printed seven miles off the island on the mainland. 

As far as local journalists went, Duffy was a legend. Lean, with a square jaw, tortoiseshell glasses, and bags under his eyes from a lack of sleep, Duffy was the consummate dogged reporter. A newspaperman for thirty-five years, mostly for dailies in Philadelphia, Duffy had plied his trade with the Mainland Times since ‘61.

About the Author


ERIC AVEDISSIAN is an adjunct professor and speculative fiction author. His
published work includes the novels Accursed Son, Mr. Penny-Farthing,
Midnight at Bat Hollow, and the role-playing game Ravaged Earth. His short
stories appear in various anthologies, including Across the Universe, Great
Wars, and Rituals & Grimoires. Avedissian received a 2024 Fellowship in
Prose from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts. He lives in New Jersey
with his wife and a ridiculous number of books. Find him online at if you dare.


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Twitter: @angryreporter

Instagram: @ericavedissian


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Wherever, Whenever Tour

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Wherever, Whenever cover

Hearts and Haunts Series, Book 2


Paranormal Romance

Date Published: 07-30-2024

Publisher: Totally Bound Publishing



Sometimes the only way to forget the ghosts of the past is to face the
curse of love head on.


Artist Vi Keller made a holy vow to never return to her quirky hometown of
Devils Hollow. But when the sister she left behind pleads for help during
the busy Halloween season, Vi can’t say no. Even if it means a month
of watching her ex-BFF Max loving someone new…and braving the
darkness awaiting her return.

Max has fantasized about Vi every day since she disappeared. Some of those
dreams revolve around revenge, but when Vi shows up at his historic bed and
breakfast, his thoughts take a steamier turn. She may still own his heart,
but he rebuilt life without her and doesn’t need a blonde bombshell
with tempting artwork skin to wreck him again.

When Vi and Max are forced to partner up during the seasonal festivities,
it’s just like old times, resurrecting a desire that never died. But
happily-ever-afters in Devils Hollow are paid in blood and bones. Missing
pets, tourist attractions turning sinister, and shadows stalking the lake
point to Vi’s worst fear—the spirit that failed to destroy her
once has neither forgiven nor forgotten. If Max and Vi can’t untangle
the tragic past of a local urban legend, they’ll lose more than a
second chance at love.


Are you into romance with a healthy dose of banter, slow burn,
best-friends-to-lovers, and second chances with a supernatural twist? Scroll
up and grab your copy of Wherever, Whenever today!


Wherever, Whenever tablet


“I remember everything.” He lowered his voice to a soft rumble and eased nearer to her ear, taking wicked pleasure in her shiver. “How the electricity would make the hair on your neck stand up straight. How you’d jump every time the thunder rolled, even though you expected it. How you’d use it as an excuse to grab my very muscled, incredibly sexy biceps.”

She snorted and took another sip of her whiskey. “You wish.”

“Oh, sweeting.” He gently hooked a stray tendril of hair behind her ear, the barest touch on her skin, and she went still. “You have no idea all the things I’ve wished for these last five years.”

Vi anchored her focus on the amber whiskey gleaming in her glass. Her slender throat worked, and she turned her head slightly his way, as if reluctantly pulled by invisible strings. Slowly, her eyelashes lifted, and her gaze found his, dark and deep in the gloom. Her lips parted, as if she couldn’t decide whether to respond with words or a kiss.

Words weren’t what he wanted right now, no matter how stupid the choice or any later regret. He’d dreamed of tasting those lips again, to determine if they were as soft and sweet as he remembered, to exorcise the memory from his soul. Max refused to move, his pulse drumming faster as she lifted her chin. Her mouth hovered less than an inch from his, and her breath brushed his chin, warm and velvet.

Do it, Vi. Kiss me. Show me you haven’t forgotten what we had.

Holding her gaze, he slid a hand from her shoulder to her spine and tugged her even closer.

Vi had to either straddle his leg or expose their hiding place. She planted a palm on his chest for balance. Her thighs pressed on each side of his, a warm, welcome trap. Shivers tripped up his back as her breath fanned his shoulder. He inhaled her faint, floral scent. Raw desire flooded his entire body, yearning a corrosive need barely contained.

Despite the chilled glass against his back, the air had become very warm, the whiskey hot in his blood. Vi’s pulse caused the thin strap of her camisole to vibrate ever so slightly, but she didn’t struggle to escape or withdraw. When her lips parted, the promise of an invitation, it was all he could do not to surrender all dignity and attack like a starved beast.


About the Author

C.J. Burright

Once upon a time, a girl with flat hobbit feet dreamed of adventures in the
woods with an elven hero, fighting off orcs and saving magical rings. All
grown up now, C.J. Burright resides in Oregon (at least she got the trees).
While she faces her duties at the law office day job, she avoids writing
legal thrillers and instead turns toward romance—contemporary
(sometimes with a supernatural flair), paranormal or fantasy. With a 5th Dan
Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do, it’s no surprise she prefers feisty
heroines who aren’t afraid to jump into the fight. Her slivers of
spare time are spent working out, gardening, playing the latest
Assassin’s Creed, and rooting on the Seattle Mariners, always with
music. She shares a house with her husband (not elven, alas, but a fine
alternative) and a devoted cat herd while missing her daughter from afar. C.
J. is represented by Brittany Booker of The Booker Albert Literary


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What Once Was Promised Virtual Book Tour

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What Once Was Promised cover

Coming of Age Fiction

Date Published: May 6, 2024

Publisher: MindStir Media



He came for a better life, but it didn’t turn out to be an easy one.

Sixteen-year-old Domenic Bassini sets out alone for America from his small
village in Italy in 1914. He falls in love during a brief onboard affair
with the beautiful Francesca, the wife of a man with Sicilian Mafia
connections. But he loses her and arrives in Boston instead with an orphan
stowaway named Ernesto Lentini in tow.

Domenic and Ernesto stay at the home of old family friends in Boston’s
Italian North End neighborhood, sharing a room with their son, Joe. Domenic
becomes like a big brother to Joe and Ernesto, who become inseparable

As the years and decades pass, youthful rivalries and fateful decisions
lead to unpredictable and sometimes unsavory outcomes. Between moments of
joy and great tragedy, the three friends’ lives take very divergent paths
amidst the turbulence of factions vying for power in the early 20th century
Boston where the lines between politics, crime and policing are

But after all that has kept them apart, can Domenic, Ernesto, Joe and even
Francesca, come together to settle the score with those who have spent a
lifetime fighting against them?

What Once Was Promised paperback

About the Author


LOUIS TRUBIANO spent over forty years in the advertising industry, most of
it as president of his own firm. Born and raised in Quincy, Massachusetts,
he earned his bachelor’s degree from The University of Rochester and a
master’s degree from Boston University’s College of
Communication. He and his wife live in Canton, Massachusetts and have three
daughters, six grandchildren, and one spoiled dog.


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Mated to the Wolves Virtual Book Tour

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Mated to the Wolves cover

Pack Pledged series Book 1


Paranormal Romance, Romantasy

Date Published: July 24th



What do my childhood bully, an ex, a shunned pack healer, and my deceased
father’s best friend have in common?

They’re all part of the new clan I’m promised to. A prophecy
from the pack witch sees me ripped from my college graduation, drugged, and
brought home. Thrust into the spotlight of a pack that despised me for being
the sole survivor of a house fire that ended two powerful bloodlines,
I’m out of my element.

Forced to choose between the start of Ragnarök or my own desires, I
embark on a journey with men I don’t want or trust. As the corruption
and threats come from the shadows, the options become clear, find common
ground or become pawns in a game far bigger than ourselves.

 Why does the greater good have to be so freaking painful?

Mated to the Wolves tablet


“You can pretend for a night, can’t you Princess?” I want to wipe the smirk off Bo’s face.

“If you stop antagonizing me, yes.” I chomp my teeth at him and he grins.

“I have to keep myself entertained somehow. All of my other extracurricular activities have been

cut off.” Bo’s eyes smolder. The asshole gets off on our back and forth.

“Poor spoiled Bo has to make do with his hand.” I run a finger down my cheek miming a tear.


About the Author

Ophelia Black logo

Surviving off coffee and tea, Ophelia Black pens stories that never make
you choose. Combining her love for the paranormal, magic, and history, she
weaves immersive worlds with unforgettable characters and adventure. In her
worlds, love is eternal, even when the path to finding it is winding. When
she’s not busy exploring the shadowy places in her mind, Ophelia day
dreams, makes candles, bakes and researches.


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