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The Box is Time Virtual Book Tour

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The Box is Time cover

Mastering the Ultimate Limit to Productivity


Nonfiction / Self-Help / Business/ Leadership

Date Published: October 30, 2024

Mindstir Media



As we move through life, we have all known individuals who just seem to be
the most incredibly efficient and productive members of an organization.
Their projects are always completed on time, and they seem to leave work
early with everything accomplished. They are never late for the operating
room or with clinic visits. Even more rarely, we encounter leaders and
organizations that seem to be able to excel in the same manner.

Often, however, we seem to be caught up in an endless cycle of losing time
or not being able to find enough time to accomplish our mission in our
personal or work life. Perhaps these individuals, leaders, and
organizations, who seem to be superefficient, just understand time
differently. Perhaps they understand time as the ultimate limit to
productivity, a box that we are all forced to live and work in. They view
this box as being filled with essential sand and potentially superfluous
water. They know how to manage it and control the flow of water within their
box. Conventional organizational structures, such as meetings, committees,
surveys, and consultants, only waste time and limit productivity.

In his book, The Box is Time, Dr. Costabile presents an unorthodox and
sometimes irreverent approach to time management for individuals, leaders,
and organizations. By viewing time management in an entirely different
construct, we will become one of the “two-percenters” who are
actually able to always manage their Box of Time.


The Box is Time tablet

I am a time fascist. This might be an unusual thing to hear from a physician, but I guarantee if you ask my OR and clinic nurses, they will tell you that it is accurate.

Everyone in medicine knows that if you want the truth, ask the nurses. I am always in the operating room at least thirty minutes before a case starts, long before my resident or fellow comes into the room. This allows me to work with the nurses and get everything on track—instruments, positioning, anesthesia, etc.—before we begin.

My clinic always runs on time, and my day ends at the scheduled time after my last patient. If a patient shows up ten minutes late for their appointment, I give them a lecture explaining why being late for their fifteen minute follow- up appointment is bad for their health, the same lecture I would give a patient who did not quit smoking, manage their diabetes, or lose the recommended weight. 

My expectation is that I will be in the room, seeing the patient at 8:00 in the morning, for an 8 o’clock appointment.

About the Author

Raymond A Costabile MD

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The Big C² Virtual Book Tour

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Stories from the Chronic Side of Cancer


Nonfiction / Health / Cancer

Date Published: November 15, 2024



As medical advancements accelerate, more people are living long lives with
cancer. The Big C2 delves into how survivors can become thrivers, despite
the challenges of a chronic cancer fluctuating between the need for
immediate attention and the patience for watchful waiting. Through a
collection of essays and interviews, it aims to enlighten the conversation
around chronic cancer among patients, their loved ones and healthcare
professionals. This book is an invaluable resource for anyone feeling alone
or misunderstood while navigating this complex landscape. It offers
transformative personal insights, tools and experience-based hope,
emphasizing the importance of open, honest conversations to empower and
support those affected.


The Big C² tablet

Did you say “chronic” cancer?

You’re sitting on the other side of a desk from a white coat. You anxiously awaited this meeting, a culmination of tests and more tests, maybe months or years of misdiagnoses. Then you hear it – the Big C diagnosis. But what you may not have heard is the little c before it: “You have a chronic cancer.” That’s the Big C2.


Excuse me? What does that even mean?


Whatever new or revived diagnosis you heard, if you are feverishly Googling before you leave the patient parking lot, already barreling down the third loop of an emotional rollercoaster, now is the time to pull the handbrake. The word “chronic” could be the most powerful and misunderstood word in your now daily life with a cancer.


About the Author

Ruth Fein Revell

Ruth Fein Revell is a health and life science writer with a distinguished
40-year career of published work, including for The New York Times. She has
also lived with a rare chronic blood cancer for three decades. Today, she is
a patient advocate, hosts global patient webinars, interviews world-renowned
cancer specialists, and is the patient representative on a clinical
guidelines panel of the prestigious National Comprehensive Cancer Network
(NCCN). She lives with her husband and curly pup Ruby in a picturesque
“city in the country” in Upstate New York.


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X: @rfeinw


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My Calling Chronicles of an Alaskan Hospice Nurse Virtual Book Tour

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My Calling Chronicles of an Alaskan Hospice Nurse cover

Insight and education for end-of-life care


Date Published: 12/1/2024



The Chronicles are an essential and informative read for hospice nurses,
caregivers and others interested in end of life. Journey through 29 amazing
stories of an Alaskan Hospice nurse with incredible people and learn about
pain, symptom management and grieving. Through their love and loss, find
encouragement and inspiration in these real-life lessons on this specialty
of nursing not taught in the classroom. Hospice . . . Hospitum . . .


Early Reviews


“Esther’s book is a must read for any nurse across the
lifespan. She has not simply put together a collection of powerful stories
of dealing with death and the dying process, but each story closes with the
pearls of wisdom each patient and family were taught about end of life.
Esther shows us, story by story, that being there to provide for the needs
of peace, comfort, and love of the patient and their families in those last
moments is one of the most important vows a nurse can keep.”

Christi M. Angelo, APRN-BC, F/AC  Hospice and Acute Care –


“This account of an experienced hospice nurse in rural Alaska is both
inspiring and informative.  Esther’s interactions with patients
demonstrate both the depth of her humanity and experience with patients
toward the end of life. For the intended audience of Hospice nurses and
caregivers, it provides a framework and clinical information while
maintaining a truly compassionate undertone. Other audiences will be moved,
informed and inspired…”

Patty Hewson C.R.N.P. Adult Primary Care – Pennsylvania


“The Chronicles depict how cultural beliefs and traditions one is
raised with can help bring peace to the patient in knowing what their final
journey holds. Faith, hope, and love are epitomized through Esther’s

Angela Watson, MSN, BSN, BA, RN Case Manager Indian Health Services – New


“You will find a treasure chest of valuable knowledge to support any
of the disciplines of the Hospice team. Every chapter connects you with the
real dynamics of individuals and families as they walk through the end
stages of life. I warn you now, some of these insightful stories will bring
a tear, but also provide real and helpful expertise that will further enable
you to do your calling better.”

David J. Gibson – Ordained Minister and Hospice Chaplain – Indiana

My Calling Chronicles of an Alaskan Hospice Nurse paperback


The Chronicles offers insight and education for end-of-life care, including pain and symptom management on specific disease processes.  The stories are for Hospice Nurses and caregivers, providing care for patients and loved ones. The Chronicles of love, endurance, faithful companionship, and pain will inspire you as you experience the stories unfold in the Alaskan setting.  

The Chronicles include 25 different disease processes, remarkable caregivers, the grieving processes, the four levels of care Hospice provides, and healthy boundaries that need to be in place with patient and caregiver relationships. Practical information is shared about the disease process when one enters Hospice and the journey experienced until the patient dies. You will find beauty in seeing the elements of the physical, mental, spiritual and emotional being and how those intertwine in each patient’s story.  Caregivers will gain insight into symptoms associated with each disease and how to provide comfort to their family members. 

Hospice Nurses often feel a calling to this type of nursing. One way or another, we were drawn into it. Most nurses don’t say, “I want to deal with death and dying every day!” Over the course of one’s life, you engage and meet with circumstances that compel you to learn more about this process of life that is so taboo in our Western culture. The spark in your heart for end-of-life caregiving develops over time leading you to support and grow that passion with more knowledge and purpose. 

Caregivers who can care for their loved ones and participate in the process; whether in a skilled facility, assisted living home, hospital, and in the home setting; are a resource of strength and kindness to the patient when walking this journey. You are loved and appreciated by every Hospice team member! 

Some stories will invoke deep emotion. Not everyone has a peaceful death. You will explore the reasons why this can happen and understand this concept more after diving into the pages ahead! 

About the Author

Esther Pepper

Esther Pepper, RN, BSN, is a Certified Hospice and Palliative Care Nurse
who was raised in Alaska and has lived there most of her life. She has 20
years of experience as a nurse, 16 of which have been in Hospice care. She
found her calling and passion for end of life early in her nursing career.
She is dedicated to training new nurses into the field of Hospice and works
as a Hospice Case Manager in South Central Alaska.


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Zip Line Virtual Book Tour

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Date Published: 06-07-2022

Publisher: Atmosphere Press



If Gail knew Uncle Perkins’ stories were true, she wouldn’t have taken her
friends up that mountain.

The plan was simple. Hike, camp, and ride the zipline back down the
mountain. But Uncle Perkins’ stories are true, and the horrors are real. Now
the simple plan is the only plan they have to get off that mountain or
disappear, remaining there forever.

Zipline is an immediately gripping, fast-paced, unique story that will keep
you entertained until the last sentence.


Zip Line tablet


Gail stood by the door, watching her beloved Uncle Perkins lie there in bed with an oxygen mask on. She glanced around the VA hallway, seeing it busy with activity this Thursday morning before taking a second peek. She pulled away from the door, wrapping her hair into a ponytail and resting over her left shoulder. She glanced again around the door frame, watching him rest before pulling back and taking several deep breaths. 

“You okay?” Danny asked, walking up behind her. Grabbing her shoulders, he leaned in beside her, taking a peep for himself before pulling back, giving her a reassuring hug. 

“Yeah, I’m fine,” she said, squaring her shoulders and composing herself. “C’mon Gail, let’s get it over with before I chicken out.” He gave a reassuring nudge to her hesitancy. As she entered, her uncle smiled under the oxygen mask. 

“I was wondering how long you were going to stand out there,” he whispered. “The training never really goes away.” Gail moved closer to his bedside and kissed his liver-spotted forehead. 

“Uncle, how are you today?” She asked, pulling up a seat beside him. He weakly grabbed the remote, hitting the button that angled the bed up. Seeing Danny come in, he shook his head. 

“How are you, sir?” Danny asked, moving to stand alongside Gail. 

“My body wants to give out, but I won’t let it,” He said with a determined look on his face. “Okay,” the elder smiled, recognizing Gail’s best friend. “Oh no, if you’re back, this can’t be good. It was a bad idea to talk to you about it when my mind wasn’t right,” he snarked at Danny before looking at them with a united front. “What are you two up to?” Gail looked back uneasily towards Danny, who nodded twice, motioning her to tell him. 

“Well, Uncle, we’re going,” Gail said. “Time to put those bad dreams your stories have given me over the years to rest. 

I know they’re not true and just made-up fables to scare me.” 

“I agree, sir,” Danny said. “Though, I must admit those were some doozies of tall tales you told me under heavy sedatives.” He began to laugh but stopped as a male nurse came in the room.  

“Excuse me,” the middle-aged nurse said holding a clipboard and wearing sky-blue scrubs, “we’ll be by with your daily medications in a moment.” He stood before the foot of the bed. “Are you feeling any discomfort right now?” Uncle Perkins shook his head. “Okay, just be a moment or two,” he said before exiting the room and disappearing into the busy corridor.  Perkins returned his focus on them, first eyeing Danny, then his niece. 

“Gail, please reconsider what you’re about to do,” he said, reaching for her hand. She quickly grabbed his shaky hand, placing it by his side. 

“No, Uncle,” Gail said, cocking her head to one side. “You told me some whoppers over the years that still make me sleep with the lights on, but no more. Now it’s time to move on. I just graduated from college; I have an HR job lined up, and I start in two weeks.” The elder inhaled deeply before letting out a slight sigh, then he nodded. 

“Okay, and go with my blessings, but stay at the bottom by the playground,” he said as he pointed at her with trembling fingers, “it should be safe there.” His hand drifted to his side. “Yeah, you’ll be safe there.” He paused. “Don’t go up that mountain.” he said, shaking his head. “Promise me.” He looked up at them more insistently. “I said promise me.” 

Gail and Danny glanced at each other before looking back at the elder and giving a slight nod. “We promise,” they said in unison, with Danny crossing his fingers behind his back. 


About the Author

Michael received a creative writing certificate from the University of West
Virginia in the late 90s. He’s been running a successful writer’s group
called For The Love Of Words for almost two decades. When he has time, he
teaches in the local library Story 101 – How to create a story. He has won
in every category over a five-year period in a state-funded wordsmith
competition in Poetry, Essay, Short Story, and One-Act Play.


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Conquist Virtual Book Tour

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Historical Fantasy

Date Published: September 1, 2024

Publisher: Roundfire Books



Capitán Cristóbal de Varga’s drive for glory and gold in 1538
Peru leads him and his army of conquistadors into a New World that refuses
to be conquered. He is a man torn by life-long obsessions and knows this is
his last campaign. What he doesn’t know is that his Incan allies led by the
princess Sarpay have their own furtive plans to make sure he never finds the
golden city of Vilcabamba. He also doesn’t know that Héctor Valiente,
the freed African slave he appointed as his lieutenant, has found a portal
that will lead them all into a world that will challenge his deepest
beliefs. And what he can’t possibly know is that this world will trap him in
a war between two eternal enemies, leading him to question everything he has
devoted his life to – his command, his Incan princess, his honor, his God.
In the end, he faces the ultimate dilemma: how is it possible to battle your
own obsessions . . . to conquer yourself?

Conquist tablet


Chapter 2 At Sun’s Gate


As dawn broke across the blue-ice Andean skies, Capitán Cristóbal de Varga breathed in the tension of the six hundred conquistadors at his back. He had always believed that those on the verge of victory could smell it in advance. And right now the sharp tang of triumph seared his nostrils. He ran his fingers across his smooth-shaven face, feeling the creases from a lifetime of watching men grow rich while he merely grew older. Finally, after all the years since he and his cousin Diego had stowed away on that galleon to the New World, his moment of conquest had arrived. The Sun Gate to Machu Picchu lay before him.

His horse shifted restlessly. He nodded to the two men that flanked him. Lieutenant Héctor Valiente acknowledged him with his usual composed impenetrable look, his black African face stark against the snow-capped peaks. In contrast Lieutenant Rodrigo Benalcázar’s lean frame and pinched features teemed with energy as his fierce eyes focused on the steps in front of them.

Cristóbal raised his sword skyward.

“For the glory of God!”

Battle cries of “Santiago y cierra, España” resounded behind him. He urged his mount forward and led the charge on Machu Picchu, his heart hammering his chest. He rode on the wave of surging conquistadors, breathless, sweat streaming from his pores despite the cold. This was what he had relentlessly pursued for most of his life. It was in his grasp.

Suddenly the morning rays poured through the Sun Gate and a bright flash filled Cristóbal’s vision. The brief revelation that it was a sign of God’s grace quickly dissipated. He was riding blind. He faltered.

A volley of slingstones struck his armor.

Shielding his eyes, he looked down. A distorted halo encircled the stone steps.

He struggled to regain his momentum.

More slingstones rang against his helmet, echoing into his ears.

A spear bounced off his horse’s armor.

But nothing was going to block his path this time. Not now that the prize was so close. He gritted his teeth and pushed his horse back into a gallop.

As he reached the gate, Incan soldiers set upon him with axes and star-headed clubs. Determined to stay on his mount, he swung his sword furiously, slicing through their cotton armor and wooden shields. He led the thrust through the Incan defenses until the path was clear for his soldiers, who then poured through the Sun Gate hacking at any Incas standing their ground.

Cristóbal pulled back on his reins and let his men ride past him. The misshapen halo faded, and his vision cleared as he watched his conquistadors swarm into the defenseless citadel cradled between two peaks.

The Incas ran from their houses in a wild panic, some scrambling up the terraced hills while others sought to escape by the rope bridge that spanned the Urubamba River. The bridge was sagging under the weight of numbers when the conquistadors started cutting through the ropes with their swords. Then it collapsed and hundreds of Incas plummeted into the gorge. Screaming.

Cristóbal rode into Machu Picchu to the sound of despairing cries. He was joined by his two lieutenants, Héctor and Rodrigo, and they headed for the royal palace near the main square.

They entered the palace to the sound of flutes. In the center of the chamber were two Incan nobles sitting on a nest of embroidered cushions and surrounded by servants. The man’s effete features were wreathed by a scarlet llautu crowned with two feathers, and his earrings stretched his lobes so that they hung half-way to his shoulders. The woman was draped in jewel-studded garments of vicuña wool. Her fringe framed the flawless copper-brown of her face and two snake ornaments hung from her ears.

In front of them was a pile of gold statues and jewelry.

The nobleman waved the flute players into silence and addressed Cristóbal in Spanish. “We wish you welcome to Machu Picchu. I am Huarcay and this is my sister Sarpay.”

Cristóbal pointed to the pile of gold. “That can’t be all of it.”

“Machu Picchu is only an empire outpost,” said Huarcay.

Rodrigo drew his sword and took a step toward the nobleman. “Where’s the rest?”

Cristóbal gestured Rodrigo to wait. “It’s not enough,” he said to Huarcay. “It’s nowhere near enough.”

The nobleman gestured his flute players into silence. “I can give you much more.”

Cristóbal noticed Sarpay looking at him and his eyes locked on hers.

Huarcay said, “I can give you the emperor.”

Héctor nudged Cristóbal who returned his attention to Huarcay.

“You know where Manco Inca is hiding?”

“Yes, I can take you to the gold of Vilcabamba.”



About the Author

Dirk Strasser

Dirk Strasser’s epic fantasy trilogy The Books of
Ascension—Zenith, Equinox and Eclipse
—was published in German
and English, and his short stories have been translated into several
languages. “The Doppelgänger Effect” appeared in the World
Fantasy Award-winning anthology Dreaming Down Under. His historical fantasy
novel Conquist was published in 2024. The serialized version of Conquist was
a finalist in the Aurealis Awards Best Fantasy Novel category. Dirk’s
screenplay version of Conquist won the Wildsound Fantasy/Sci-Fi Festival
Best Scene Reading Award and was a featured finalist in the Cinequest Film
& Creativity Festival and the Creative World Awards. He is the co-editor
of Australia’s premier science fiction and fantasy magazine, Aurealis,
and was a judge on the 2024 Sydney Science Fiction Film Festival Screenplay
Awards. Dirk has been a high school teacher, a writer of best-selling
textbooks, an educational software developer, a publishing manager, and a
soccer club president.


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