Category Archives: Book Tour

Return of the Shadowlord Virtual Book Tour

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Return of the Shadowlord cover

Orb Of Zorn, Book #2


Date Published: 04-19-2024



When the Shadowlord steals part of the orb of eternity, his power surges.
He has unleashed a mighty host of orcs and trolls and acquires an invaluable
new henchman in Borg Bearslayer. Young Elcon goes through a battery of new
trials and tribulations and is tested by powers he never imagined. Only by
forging an alliance with the gray elf, Rowena Ravenwill, the brash dwarf
Brom, and the last of the great swordsmen of the western realms does he
stand a chance against the Shadowlord.

In this sequel to The Heir Apparent, a gloomier dawn emerges, and stakes
are much higher for the young mage. The boundaries are blurred even further
when the Walszman encounters the witch-like Lef Sagori. Will he succumb to
the dark side of magic or will Elcon add great new deeds to his Van Zorn

Return of the Shadowlord tablet



The wind howled as they trudged along the empty outer banks. It crept up on them as a fog fiend would descend upon innocent birds of prey. It whipped at their backs, and they still pressed on. The verdant fields long gone now, and the harsh landscape broke in from all sides as if crumbling before them in the form of an avalanche. Nothing fell. Yet. Everything held in its tenuous, rock-solid place. Talia snickered to herself, a nervous laugh. Her levity was a way of dealing with the vast and unfamiliar surroundings and how small she stood before them.

Now the craggy peaks rose before them tall as towers to the netherworld. Still off in the distance but drawing nearer with each step. Gone were the amber waves of wheat and the bustling bloom of azaleas. They left behind the sagebrush and the other prickly fronds as the loam vanished and the stone rose. Talia craned her neck, hoping for a few fresh petals to break up the monotony of the gloom. In her mind, she loped through those bucolic fields again and took in the sweet scent of cherry blossom. She crossed great meadows dotted with wildflowers and Lilypad-slathered ponds. Some of the places they passed were stunning, bristling with exquisite beauty, while others rolled out in barren stretches that gave her the chills. 

Perlania sounded like a paradise, yet, the more she tried to picture it, the more it evaded her imagination as if something strove to block her fancy. Talia suspected her teacher was the culprit, but she did not accuse her. Instead, she constantly asked for a glimpse of the mysterious land even when she knew Scya would never reveal it.  

This did not dissuade the tyro, for she was hungry for adventure. Ever since she left her uncle’s inn, she had wanted to explore the strange lands beyond her home. This desire filled her young heart with rippling joy. But not the frivolous kind. She was not hungry for gallivanting the way those ridiculous knights barreled through pebble-speck villages. Talia longed for a chance to prove herself. She wanted her purpose to become clear.

“Stop daydreaming,” Scya warned.

Snapped from the warm layer of her private thoughts, the tyro hardened again. Plucked from her cocoon, she girded herself for a challenge. In fact, she had come to welcome these interludes because they made her stronger. Although, sometimes caught unaware, she lashed out at Third Sister, a mistake she had to learn the hard way. She was still young, though not callow. 

Slowly, she was getting used to the game. It seemed Scya offered more leeway now, letting the tyro go for longer stretches each time only to rent the calm shell of rumination with a sharp thrust. This kept the tyro on her toes.

Talia was still amazed to be given this incredible chance. The Lef Sagori had an infamous reputation. Few ever spoke fondly of them. Most feared their mystique. Talia did not. She craved the power Scya held, the power she seldom used, and she would do almost anything to have it.                              

When she quelled her mind to a blank slate, as she had been trained, Talia could feel Scya reaching out to her. She could not read Third Sister’s thoughts, but could anticipate the directives and queries.

She pulled up alongside her mentor, ready to learn. 

“You know why we eschew material goods and the sheltered life.”

The tyro nodded. Drilled into her throughout their long, arduous trek, she wasn’t sure why Scya was bringing it up again. She must have had a reason, and Talia made no reply because she knew there was more to follow. She loped on, cloaking her curiosity.

“The more you carry, the more of a physical burden. That’s obvious, but if something is worth carrying, it is worth bringing along. We leave behind everything, only taking what is most essential because it allows us to carve out a better path. Poverty leads to purity. We do not consider ourselves better because of it. It makes things easier.”     

Talia nodded again, and Scya arched a brow. “You don’t believe so. Or are not convinced.”

“No, I do believe you, but we are going to the homeland. I’m sure there are some material goods there.”

“There are.”

“So, doesn’t that make you a possessor of material goods?”

“You don’t see them on my person, do you?”

“No, not here. But when you return home.”

Scya offered a rare smile. “You are still trying to force me into giving a glimpse of the homeland.”

“No, of course not,” Talia lied.

“So, you are not curious about it?”

The tyro stalled for a moment. It seemed better to give the question serious consideration even though the answer was obvious.  

“Of course, I am, but I know you won’t share it with me.”

“And yet you still try and probe in your most innocent way.”

“You know that I’m curious.”


“And yet you keep asking me. Why? For confirmation?”  

“No,” Scya said, raising a brow. “Because I’m waiting for you to give up some of the things you stow away in the deep cupboards of your mind.”        

“You mean memories?”

“You are hoarding them because you believe they offer you comfort, but what you do not realize is that some of those comforting memories can harm you. They reveal your past and can betray your present. Doomed if they fall into the wrong hands.”

Talia flinched when an old memory rushed back. She saw Scya regurgitating chunks of that ghastly creature. She wondered if a bad memory also had the same effect. Could the old enemy return? Then she began trembling in fear because she already believed she had betrayed her mentor.              

“You are still not ready for the next stage, not until you can control the flow of your thoughts. Let the mist wash your slate clean.”

“The mist?” 

“It’s the only way to clean your slate. You’ve sullied it with all your worries.”

Fright filled the tyro’s eyes. She pulled away, afraid to face her teacher. 

“It’s all my fault. Now it’s coming back.”

“No,” Scya said. “But you need to use the mist.”

“But how? I don’t know where to start.”

“From the beginning. Take a respite now. You must start from the beginning.”      

About the Author

John Gorman

Before his words found their way into print, John snapped the Eyesore of
the Week for the Queens Ledger. His stories, essays, and articles have
appeared in over 50 journals worldwide. His newest book Return Of The
Shadowlord (Orb Of Zorn #2) is AVAILABLE for PRE-ORDER. John is also the
author of the novels, The Heir Apparent (Orb Of Zorn #1), The Acolyte And
The Amulet (Nebilon #1), Quest For The Hope Box (Nebilon #2), Beyond The
Vicious Vortex, Shades of Luz, Disposable Heroes, and From Here To


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19 The Musical Audiobook Tour

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19 The Musical cover


Historical Musical

Date Published: March 2024

Publisher: Through the 4th Wall


Katie Ganem / Millicent Scarlett / Maria Ciarrocchi / Brenda Parker /
Meredith Eib

Brian Lyons-Burke / Elizabeth Keith / Sidney Davis / Karen Spigel / Odette
Gutierrez del Arroyo

Run Time: 02:36:38



19: The Musical is the dynamic and little-known story of Alice Paul, Ida B.
Wells, Susan B. Anthony, Carrie Chapman Catt, Inez Milholland and the other
suffragists who fought to get women the right to vote – The 19th Amendment.
The inspirational story of these fearless women is brought to life through
jazz, traditional musical standards style, spoken word, and hints of gospel.
Alice Paul and the suffragist’s fight for equality have been re-imagined for
a new generation with a poignant and uplifting message that will resonate
for years to come.

Originally created and performed on stage, 19: The Musical has been adapted
for a new medium to reach a broader audience through audiobooks.


Book & Lyrics by Jennifer Schwed and Doug Bradshaw, ​​​​​​​Music Composed & Arranged by Charlie Barnett


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Field Mouse Fairy Lights Virtual Book Tour

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Field Mouse Fairy Lights cover


Children’s Book / Healthy Eating / Parenting

Date Published: 2/13/2024


Does your child refuse to try new foods?

Do they go off foods they used to like?

They don’t want to help with meal prep?

They become impossible at mealtimes and say they don’t like it before
seeing it.

Why are dinosaur-shaped nuggets so popular? They taste just the same as
normal nuggets, but they are shaped for fun.


If you put a sticker of your child’s favorite cartoon character on an
apple, they will want that apple, not the identical one next to it.


What if there was a fun game to play at mealtimes that also helps with
picky eating?


This book gives you just that. Imagine if you stood in the middle of the
kitchen and said in a funny voice, “I think Kiwi fruit looks like
troll boulders, and they’re all mine,” or “Brussels
Sprouts look like cannon balls, so tonight we’re eating like
pirates,” or “This rice looks just like snowflakes, can you
sprinkle the snowflakes on that plate for me?” Do you think
you’d have your child’s attention and possibly get a


Children have amazing imaginations, so let’s use them to reduce the
stress around mealtimes and create a play environment.


Written by a Nutritionist and mum of two who has helped many children
overcome picky eating and families reconnect at mealtimes, this little book
takes you into a food fairytale. It encourages children and adults to come
up with their ideas of what food looks like to them.


Field Mouse Fairy Lights standing book
Field Mouse Fairy Lights excerpt

About the Author

Emma Brown

Social Media Links

Author: Emma Brown @emmajebbink

Author Photo Credit: Malo Photography (Instagram @malophotographyau)

Illustrator Credit: Sally Stephens (Instagram: @sals_animation)


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Avil of God Tour

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Historical Fiction

Date Published: 1/18/2024

Narrator: Deborah Balm

Run Time: 15h 30 min



It is 741. Only one thing stands between Charles the Hammer and the
throne—he’s dying. Despite his best efforts, the only thing to reign
after Charles’s death is chaos. Son battles son, Christianity battles
paganism, and Charles’s daughter flees his court for an enemy’s love.

Based on a true story, Anvil of God is a whirlwind of love, honor,
sacrifice, and betrayal that follows a bereaved family’s relentless quest
for power and destiny.


Avil of God tablet


About the Author

J. Boyce Gleason

After a 25-year career working as a press secretary on Capitol Hill,
writing a weekly column for a daily newspaper, and managing crisis and
public affairs for many of the largest American corporations and
institutions, J. Boyce Gleason began writing historical fiction to satisfy
his passion for storytelling.

His first novel ANVIL OF GOD, Book One of the Carolingian Chronicles
received a starred review from Publishers Weekly, was named Historical
Fiction Book of the Year by the Independent Publishers Awards and
Mainstream/Literary e-Book of the Year by Writers Digest Magazine.  The
sequels (Wheel of the Fates & Crown of a King) both received 4.5 ratings
or better on Amazon.

With an AB in history from Dartmouth College, Gleason brings a strong
understanding of the events that shaped history. He says he writes
historical fiction to discover “why.” He and his wife live in


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Zero Risk Startup Virtual Book Tour

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Zero Risk Startup cover

The Ultimate Entrepreneur’s Guide to Mitigating Risks When Starting
or Growing a Business


Business Nonfiction / Self-Help

Date Published: May 7, 2024

Publisher: ForbesBooks



Unlock Your Entrepreneurial Potential!


In the realm of entrepreneurial endeavors, where the brilliance of
innovative ideas holds the potential to reshape markets and industries, the
shadow of risk often looms over visionary business pursuits. This often
discourages numerous promising entrepreneurs from pursuing their dreams or
it leaves them seeking grants or external funding to mitigate risks
associated with launching a new business venture.

But what if entrepreneurs could systematically diminish that risk, paving a
clearer path to success and even securing the trust of banks or investors?
In Zero Risk Startup, Paulo Andrez, a serial entrepreneur and angel
investor, offers an invaluable masterclass to help mitigate key
entrepreneurial risks, providing more than one hundred concrete tips and
tools to empower you to start or grow your business with virtually zero

This transformative manual is far from being a mere compendium of
theoretical insights. It’s a reservoir of practical wisdom that you can put
into action, whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or a first-timer.


In this informative read, you’ll learn about 

  • determining whether or not to start a business 
  • identifying and mitigating the risks of your business with Zero Risk
    Startup methodology (MEFLO) 
  • increasing chances to get external funding from accelerators, angel
  • venture capitalists, or banks, and leveraging cutting-edge artificial
    intelligence technologies for risk mitigation.


Every page is infused with real stories and tips from all over the world,
clearly laid-out strategies, and profound insights aimed at bolstering your
venture against the unpredictable tides of the business landscape.

Zero Risk Startup is more than just a guidebook; it guides you through the
initial steps of minimizing every conceivable risk for your future business,
including reducing capital requirements to launch it.

Whether you’re a budding founder stepping into the unknown with a
revolutionary idea or a seasoned innovator striving to elevate your venture
to the next level, Zero Risk Startup serves as your strategic ally. It’s
your practical companion to transform visionary ideas into realities,
navigating through the array of risks facing your business project,
systematically eliminating them one-by-one.

Zero Risk Startup tablet

About the Author

Paulo Andrez


Paulo Andrez is an angel investor, serial entrepreneur, international
expert in entrepreneurship and innovation, business development, scaling up
and risk mitigation.

He is the author of the Amazon bestseller “Zero Risk Startup”,
published by Forbes in May 2024.

He owns a significant portfolio of investments in startup and scale up
companies. As an angel investor, he received the award “Best European
Angel Investment” in 2012 as one of his investments (United Resins)
reached 24.5 million euros in revenues within the first year of operations.
One of his early-stage investments (Sword Health) became unicorn in

In 2000, he played a pivotal role as one of the key shareholders in
Novabase’s IPO on Euronext.

Paulo is a founder of Entrepreneurship Agency DNA Cascais, which supported
more than 500 startups. Paulo was appointed President Emeritus EBAN,
European Business Angel Network, after serving as President until

He has a background as serial entrepreneur and is frequently invited as
speaker worldwide, guest lecturer and expert in innovation, entrepreneurship
and early stage investment. Since 2012, Paulo has been holding a series of
workshops on the topic of new ventures risk mitigation: Zero Risk


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