Category Archives: BOOK BLITZ

Ominous Odyssey Blitz

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Ominous Odyssey cover

(International Thriller Series Book 7)


Thriller / Sci-Fi / Time Travel / Romance

Date Published: October 1, 2023





Ominous Odyssey is a thriller and a love story. It takes place four years
after teenager Amos McCabe escaped from kidnappers. Now, with a degree in
archeology and anthropology, he gets an invitation to work at a dig site in
Italy south of Rome. Archeologists discovered the bones of nine
Neanderthals. The young man can’t wait to learn the secrets of these
prehistoric people.

The lead archeologist informs Amos there are tunnels they have not yet
explored. His curiosity gets the better of him. The adventurer brings his
headlamp and investigates before anyone arrives for work. When the young man
reaches the end of the tunnel, something terrifying happens.

He discovers he’s been transported to an alternate universe of 50,000
years ago. The explorer soon realizes there’s no way to escape. What
will become of McCabe? Has his exuberance gotten the better of him? Join
Amos for an adventure of a lifetime, in a new world of wonder.

About the Author

J.T. Kelly

J.T. Kelly gained a love for the European continent while living in Rome,
Italy, for a year and traveling extensively. These incredible experiences
provided indelible memories. J.T. combined them with his fond recollections
of summers spent on Lake Maxinkuckee in northern Indiana. Coincidentally,
it’s a place where other authors such as Kurt Vonnegut also enjoyed the
area’s charms. Readers find that most of Kelly’s fictional novels begin at
the lake where crimes occur. The stories frequently expand to Europe as the
good guys search for the perpetrators.

Prior to developing his eight novels, Kelly honed his writing skills as an
award-winning communications professional. An avid reader, J.T. has enjoyed
numerous authors in the mystery, thriller & suspense categories. As a
result, his followers will be hooked on the fast-paced excitement that rival
many novels in these captivating and addictive genres.

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The Quiet Joy of Simply Being Virtual Book Tour

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The Quiet Joy of Simply Being cover

Discovering the Peace, Joy, and Happiness You Already Are

Self-Help / Spiritual

Date Published: November 7, 2024

Publisher: MindStir Media



The Quiet Joy of Simply Being takes us on a journey of discovering we are
already the peace, contentment, joy, happiness, and love we seek. These
attributes of our True Nature are not found in what we do, things we
acquire, status we attain, or even our state of mind. Rather, they are the
ever-present essence of who we are.

The Quiet Joy of Simply Being tablet


  • The most important value of observing our many selves is not what we

learn about them. What’s most important is that the process of observing

our selves leads to developing the ability to step back, observe our selves from

the perspective of an observer, and disentangle and dis-identify from any

particular self that shows up. It’s the ability to have a relationship with these

selves rather than losing our Self in them.


About the Author

Aiy'm Fellman

I go by the name Aiy’m, which is pronounced I-Yim. I live in Boulder,
Colorado with my wife Donna and cat Te’a. I am retired. I’m fairly active
physically mostly hiking in the Boulder foothills and Rocky Mountains,
gravel biking, skiing, and doing yard work – actually, since I enjoy it I
consider it yard play. Though I enjoy all those activities, what is of most
importance to me is spiritual awakening as such I love being out in nature,
sitting by a creek sipping tea, meditating and journaling. I also built a
tiny rustic space in my backyard for that purpose. I call it a tea-mitage.
Kind of like a hermitage. I call the journaling I do Writing Passing Clouds
as what I write about is more about the inward journey and not what I did
during the day.

I have been regularly journaling for over 40 years. As I mentioned above,
my journaling is about the inward journey of spiritual awakening. In fact, I
would say that journaling has been my main ally in this spiritual pursuit,
even more so than meditation and retreats. About 10 years ago I asked myself
what is it about journaling that I get so much from. Certainly, I learned a
lot about myself. I have come to know the way my mind works, my perceived
limitations, my behavioral and emotional patterns and conditionings, and so
on and on and on. But, what I came to realize what was most important about
my journalings was not what I learned about myself, rather, through
journaling I shifted my perspective to that of an observer and from that
perspective I was able to dis-entangle and dis-identify from my conditioned
thinking mind and emotions. This is very liberating. I call it the First
Great Freedom. In this freedom from the conditioned thinking mind and
emotions, there is a deep sense of peace, fulfillment, and happiness. I also
see this shift of perspective as the first step or phase of the spiritual
journey to self-realization.

My book, The Quiet Joy of Simply Being, began as being about my journaling
process but morphed into being about discovering the peace, happiness,
fulfillment and love we already are.


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Übermensch Blitz

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Übermensch cover

Historical Fiction

Published: 1/15/2025



A murdered boy. Tortoiseshell eyeglasses. A letter written by a young man
to another that reads like a lover’s spat. One portable Underwood
typewriter. Two confessions.

Will Babe and Manny live or die?


It’s the early 1920s and arrogant teenagers Noah “Babe” Lieberman
and Roman “Manny” Loewe have it all: money, brains, freedom. They
reside in the same affluent Chicago neighborhood, come from successful,
respectable families, and enjoy privileged lives. Both are intelligent
prodigies who graduated high school early. But Roman, an extrovert, is
handsome and popular whereas Noah is average-looking and spends most of his
time with birds and books. After meeting, they embark on a wild journey of
vandalism, burglary, and arson. Their personal relationship escalates, and
their criminal acts morph into more sinister behavior as the two flout the
laws of the “common” man and live their version of the
Übermensch, or “superman” as defined by Friedrich

One hundred years ago, the world was stunned to learn that Nathan Leopold
and Richard Loeb, two wealthy, brilliant university students, had confessed
to kidnapping and murdering fourteen-year-old Bobby Franks. Why did Leopold
and Loeb do it? For “pure love of excitement, or the imaginary love of
thrills, doing something different,” they said.


D.L. Scarpe’s Übermensch fictionalizes the Leopold and Loeb case,
focusing on the reason why the gifted teenagers’ lives took such an
unexpected turn, destroyed three families, and captivated the country in
what was dubbed at the time as the “crime of the century.”

About the Author

D.L. Scarpe

D.L. Scarpe has always had stories rattling around inside her head, locked
up tight, only set free on those endless childhood nights spent swapping
tales with her best friend. The story-weaving continued into
adulthood–her little secret. However, raising a family; managing a
household; building retaining walls, patios, or fire pits from stones (rock
“jigsaw puzzles”); refinishing oak floors and furniture; or
helping her husband on a roof–although she tried to pay attention when
on a roof–kept her too busy for that other side of her to come out.
So, it remained a secret.

But kids grow up and bodies get too tired for physical labor, and now
it’s time to pursue her own passions and dreams. Working on her bucket
list, she picked three things that make her happy, and she’s pursuing
them all with no apologies:





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Master Version 1.1 Blitz

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Master Version 1.1 cover

Technothriller, sci-fi thriller, war fiction

Date Published: December 16, 2024



Master is a lone soldier, relying on near-future technology and his own
creativity to survive in the Gray Zone of the Ukrainian warzone.

The year is 2028. The simmering conflict has transformed into a new kind of
battlefield, where military streamers compete for followers and views while
carrying out often deadly missions.

Armed with an arsenal of experimental technology—including an
advanced computer-brain interface, a multifunctional prosthetic arm, AI, and
drones controlled with his mind—Master embarks on a desperate run for
his life as he searches for missing fellow streamers.

The book contains 40+ original illustrations and maps. The maps and related
action follow actual geographical places down to smallest detail.

About the Author

Antanas Marcelionis

Master Version 1.1 is my first book. I’ve been writing for most of my
life—not books, but code. I’m a software programmer. Together
with Martynas Majeris, who translated Master Version 1.1 into English, we
run a tiny company—essentially a two-and-a-half-man operation (sans
Charlie)—but one that’s extremely successful in its field:
amCharts. We estimate that our data visualization libraries are now used by
at least half of the Fortune 500 companies and thousands of smaller
businesses. Besides this main activity—which, even after nearly two
decades, is still fun—I also enjoy long-distance bike travel and
participate in competitive sailing events, both fully crewed and
double-handed. When it comes to my reading habits, I prefer science fiction.
Like most readers, I have my favorite writers, such as Neal Stephenson, and
eagerly await their new releases. In between, I enjoy giving new authors a
try. Sometimes, they blow me away and become new favorites, like Andy Weir.
Unfortunately, there’s also a fair share of disappointment. Every time
I felt let down by a new book, I thought, I could do better. On one such
occasion, I sat down and wrote my first chapter. Then I wrote another. And a
couple more. To make my texts believable, I wrote about things I know well.
As a member of the Lithuanian Riflemen Union—an organization of
voluntary fighters ready to take up arms and fight Russians if they come
this way—and a regular participant in tactical drills and exercises,
I’m well-versed in warfare. I know my way around guns and drone
combat. You can find me on BlueSky @marcelionis.

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Just Call Me Source Blitz

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Just Call Me Source cover

Paranormal Thriller

Date Published: 4/30/23



In this stunning sequel to Just Call Me Jim, the world has awakened to Jim
Vincent’s outside influence on the way things are done.

He and his extraterrestrial partner, the Source, successfully changed the
corrupt policies of social media companies and neutralized the nuclear
weapons capability of global countries. Now, he has more enemies than he

Despite the risks to Jim and his family; the time has come for him and the
Source to venture into the world of drug trafficking, where human life holds
little value.

Together they orchestrate attacks destroying the cocaine processing plants
in Mexico and Central America, intercepting the flow of cartel cash, and put
a stop to the influx of deadly drugs from China.

Mexican drug cartels and their Chinese partners are losing billions of

They want Jim dead!

About the Author

James Peifer

James Peifer is a retired business-owner from Silicon Valley.

He was an Army Captain and a combat veteran of the Vietnam War.

He lives in Napa, California.


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