Author Archives: Jennifer Reed/ bookjunkiez

About Jennifer Reed/ bookjunkiez

My Niece and Nephew joke that I could open a used book store with all the books that I own. I love to read, that is my addiction. I can't go a week without going to a book store. I love crocheting. I love to write stories and poetry. I also love my family, even though they make me crazy at times. I am a huge Donald Duck Fan.

Suits to Stilettos Blitz


Suits to Stilettos cover



Step into Italia Tornabene’s world, where her life’s triumphs unfold, one
captivating page at a time. “Suits to Stilettos” isn’t just a
book; it’s a front-row seat to witness the incredible resilience of the
human spirit.

Join Italia’s journey from a challenging start to defying odds and creating
her own success story.

Born into adversity, Italia faced it all — from teenage motherhood to
homelessness. But this isn’t just about struggles; it’s about the gritty
determination that refuses to bow down. Her book is an immersive dive into
the unconventional, and the story is an inspiration for those who seek a
path beyond limitations.

“Suits to Stilettos” is a lifeline for those ready to transform
their lives. Ready to be inspired? Grab your copy and start the journey
today. Your circumstances don’t define you; your choices do.

About the Author

Italia Tornabene

Italia Tornabene, a self-made millionaire, author, serial entrepreneur, and
savvy investor, shares her extraordinary life experiences.

From rubbing shoulders with elite individuals to her unconventional career
as an exotic dancer and sex worker, Italia’s journey is as captivating as it
is inspiring.

Discover how she overcame hardships and built an empire through resilience
and determination. Her story is empowering and empowering testament to the
resilience inherent in us all, and she’s thrilled to share her wisdom with
everyone she encounters.


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I’ll See It When I Believe It Virtual Book Tour

I'll See It When I Believe It banner

I'll See It When I Believe It cover

A Path To Ascension


Date Published: July 8, 2024

Publisher: MindStir Media



What is it that you believe in?

Are your beliefs assisting you in creating the life you want to live, or
are they limiting you?

Do you TRUST more that you DOUBT?

Every thought you think is a choice. Every word you speak is a choice.
Everything you do is a choice.

What are you choosing because of your beliefs?

Who are you showing up as?

Who do you WANT to show up as?

Come explore with my team of Angels and Guides as we assist you in making
higher choices so that you can live your life in the most sacred and
powerful way.

You will see and experience it because you believe it!

I'll See It When I Believe It tablet


Are you ready to think a different way—believe a different way—“be” a different way? Then you are exactly where you need to be. We need each and every one of you to assist in this shift of the ages. It is vital that you have tolerance, for we are all going through this and we are all doing it in different ways. Allow others their own journey as others have allowed you to experience your own journey. We are ALL DIFFERENT. We are supposed to be different. Know that YOUR PIECE OF OUR ASCENSION IS IMPORTANT. MY PIECE OF THE ASCENSION IS IMPORTANT. Only when all of the pieces come together can we be whole. Only then will we be complete—whole—Holy! 

You will see it—Be it—Experience it—when you believe it


About the Author

Mary Beth Smith

What brings me joy above all things, is touching lives. Meeting random
people and having Spirit share with me what I can say to uplift their lives
is incredible! Every encounter is a precious gift, even the challenging

Spending time with my hubby of over three decades is sacred to me. Watching
my daughter learn and grow from everything she encounters as an adult is
fascinating. I don’t worry about our future when I notice the choices
she makes. All is well.

My favorite activities are going out to dinner, going for walks with joy in
my heart, and watching movies that inspire me. I also look forward to Spirit
waking me up in the middle of the night with a new chapter for us to write
together. What an amazing gift my life is. I hope that you enjoy this book
given to you by my Angels and Guides.


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The Underdogs Blitz

The Underdogs

The Underdogs

Contemporary Fiction

Date Published: 9/26/24



The Underdogs was inspired by my time building a tech startup during the
golden era of San Francisco, when Uber and Lyft were just getting started
and battling it out. It’s a coming-of-age, immigrant story following a
set of characters who are all trying to create a better future for
themselves, for society, and escape their pasts.

Readers have shared that this story reminds them of The Prestige. Two
geniuses, who came from nothing, competing against each other in a market
that preys upon those who also come from nothing. Others have reflected on
the story as a cautionary tale that stands the test of time — How
“the few, the chosen” may end up taking advantage of the very
same people who they grew up with.

About the Author

Isaac Kan



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First Woman Virtual Book Tour

First Woman banner
First Woman cover

John Christian (Illustrator)


Children’s Book

Published: March 18, 2024

Publisher: MindStir Media



“I am a daughter of the Great Mother Wolf and all the Earth is my

Aren Cappella was a writer and artist who lived in the town of Sonoma in
Northern California. She was an entrepreneur who owned and operated a small
bakery in Sonoma with her business partner. Aren died of breast cancer in
1998 at the age of 42. Before her death she wrote this story, “First
Woman.” It is the story of the first woman on Earth’s spiritual quest
to find her place among the other animals on Earth and to discover the
qualities that make her uniquely human.


First Woman standing book


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The Sun’s Secret Blitz

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The Sun's Secret cover


Energy For All Living Things


Children’s Nonfiction / Science

Date Published: September 3, 2024



Discover the Sun’s Mysteries!


Dive into the enchanting world of the sun with this magical children’s
book, perfect for curious kids aged 5-8! Feel the sun’s warm rays as they
light up our days, bringing heat and energy that makes all life on Earth
possible. Watch in awe as the sun’s golden glow helps plants grow tall and
strong, creating the food we eat and the oxygen we breathe. Every leaf and
flower reaches up to the sky, painting our world with vibrant life and
color. Join in this exciting journey to uncover the sun’s magical

Through the fascinating process of photosynthesis, plants work their magic
by transforming the sun’s energy into food that animals and humans can use.
This book takes young readers on an exciting journey to discover how plants
become tiny factories, creating energy-packed food that fuels our bodies and
keeps us healthy. It’s a delightful adventure into nature’s incredible power
and the sun’s vital role in our lives. Join your child in uncovering the
wonders of photosynthesis and the sun’s magic!

Perfect for curious minds and budding scientists, this book is an ideal way
for parents to share the wonders of nature with their children. Sit down
together and immerse yourself in the science of how the sun and plants work
in harmony to sustain life on Earth. With engaging illustrations and
easy-to-understand explanations, this book will surely spark a love for
science and the natural world in young readers.


About the Author

Dr. Eric Bornstein

Dr. Eric Bornstein is a biochemist, dentist, and photobiologist. He has
patented technologies in the areas of lasers, circadian medicine, and
biofilm eradication. He is widely published in peer-reviewed journals such
as Current Trends in Microbiology and Compendium. Dr. Bornstein currently
delivers CE webinars for the Institute for Natural Resources on the subjects
of Hallucinogens and Psychedelics, Cannabis, and Opioids. His second novel,
The Goliath Pathogen, will be published by Adir Press in Q1 2024.


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