Author Archives: Jennifer Reed/ bookjunkiez

About Jennifer Reed/ bookjunkiez

My Niece and Nephew joke that I could open a used book store with all the books that I own. I love to read, that is my addiction. I can't go a week without going to a book store. I love crocheting. I love to write stories and poetry. I also love my family, even though they make me crazy at times. I am a huge Donald Duck Fan.

The Dance Blitz

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The Dance cover


Date Published: September 8, 2024



The Dance is a gripping memoir that chronicles one man’s harrowing journey
through the depths of medical and emotional adversity, emerging on the other
side with newfound strength and hope. Set against the backdrop of the
COVID-19 pandemic, the author’s life is turned upside down when he is
diagnosed with Central Pontine Myelinolysis (CPM) after battling alcohol
withdrawal. Paralyzed, trapped in his own body, and unable to communicate,
he faces unimaginable challenges—both physical and emotional.

With raw honesty, the author recounts his time in the hospital, sharing
deeply personal experiences of fear, isolation, and the surreal
hallucinations that offered him a strange escape. His story is punctuated by
moments of humor, such as the unlikely companionship of a loud,
cocaine-loving Irish roommate, and moments of deep introspection as he
navigates his darkest days.

But The Dance is more than a tale of suffering—it’s a story of
survival, resilience, and the unyielding human spirit. As the author slowly
regains his abilities through painstaking rehabilitation, he draws strength
from his faith, his love for his son, and a simple but powerful promise: to
one day dance with the woman he loves.

A testament to the power of hope, love, and faith, The Dance is an
inspiring reminder that even in our darkest moments, there is always a light
at the end of the tunnel.

About the Author

Frank J. Visosky Jr.

Frank J. Visosky Jr. is a passionate storyteller and resilient survivor,
drawing inspiration from his personal journey of overcoming central pontine
myelinolysis and navigating life in a nursing home during the COVID-19
pandemic. With a deep connection to his roots in New York City, Frank’s
experiences are richly colored by his love for music, especially the vibrant
rhythms of merengue and bachata, which he once danced to along Dyckman
Street. A devoted husband and father, he made a promise to his future wife,
Rose, during his recovery—a promise to one day dance again. His work
captures the strength of the human spirit, the power of love, and the
importance of family, often reflecting the cherished moments he spent with
his son, like feeding


turtles by the pond.


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Healthbook Good Health Virtual Book Tour

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Healthbook Good Health

Healthcare / Lifestyle / Nonfiction

Date Published: 9/11/24



Are you on any medication? Would you like to know what you take?





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Swelling in the ankles, feet, and legs is often caused by a build-up of fluid in these areas called edema. 

Diuretics are medicines that help reduce fluid buildup in the body because of heart failure or other medical problems. 

Diuretics are sometimes called water pills. 

Most diuretics help the kidneys remove salt and water through the urine. 

As a result, blood pressure goes down.



About the Author

Dr. Andrea Pálfi

Dr. Andrea Pálfi is an author of the Journal of Heterocyclic
Chemistry and has research work in Organic Chemistry. She has a degree
Doctor of Pharmacy and is a Specialized Pharmacist in Pharmacodynamics


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The Bookshop Ladies Virtual Book Tour

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Women’s Fiction

Date Published: 09-10-2024

Publisher: Aria Fiction




Bestselling Irish writer, Faith Hogan, has created another gripping saga of
friendship, betrayal and secrets in this story of a widow in search of
answers to a shocking confession by her dying husband.


Joy Blackwood has no idea why her French art dealer husband has left a
valuable painting to a woman called Robyn Tessier in Ballycove, a small town
on the west coast of Ireland, but she is determined to find out.

She arrives in Ballycove to find that Robyn runs a rather chaotic and
unprofitable bookshop. She is shy, suffering from unrequited love for
dashing Kian, and badly in need of advice on how to make the bookshop

As Joy becomes entangled in the daily dramas of Ballycove, uncovering the
secrets behind her husband’s painting grows increasingly challenging. When
she finally musters the courage to confront the truth, her revelation sends
shockwaves through the tight-knit community she’s grown to love.


The Bookshop Ladies tablet


About the Author

Faith Hogan

Faith Hogan is an award-winning, million copy best selling author. She is a
USA Today Bestseller, Irish Times Top Ten and an Amazon UK Number 1 Best
Selling writer of ten contemporary fiction novels. Her books have featured
as Book Club Favorites, Net Galley Hot Reads and Summer Must Reads. She
writes grown up women’s fiction which is unashamedly uplifting, feel-good
and inspiring.

Her new summer read The Bookshop Ladies is out in June 2024 and it’s a
great big welcome back to Ballycove for her readers.

She writes twisty contemporary crime fiction as Geraldine Hogan.

She lives in the west of Ireland with her family and their Labrador named


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Oldest Mom on the Playground Virtual Book Tour

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Oldest Mom on the Playground cover

 Essays & Collections, Parenting Humor, Women’s Non-fiction

Date Published: 09-24-2024



Judy Haveson always believed she would one day “have it all.”
Then she turned forty and wondered if she had waited too long. After
countless failed first dates and fewer second ones, she finally found love,
got married, and became a mother at forty-three.

Oldest Mom on the Playground is a collection of relatable, heartwarming,
and humorous essays. Written in her signature conversational style and with
a touch of sarcasm, Judy takes readers on her journey of getting pregnant
after forty (and delivering the baby during a full moon), raising a child in
New York City (including the time she lost him in a grocery store and found
him standing on Broadway), leaving the career she spent decades building to
volunteer as a preschool class rep, to becoming a card-carrying member of
the sandwich generation.

Judy offers no parenting advice, only personal reflection. And she takes
nothing in her life for granted. Her message to other midlife mamas is this:
trust your gut, let your life experience guide you, and pray no one ever
mistakes you for the grandmother.

Oldest Mom on the Playground tablet


Hollywood paints childbirth as a glamorous event. The minute the baby comes out of the mother, it is placed on her chest for the first time, allowing the bonding to commence. Then, the baby is quickly whisked away to be cleaned up. The mother returns to her room, where a glam squad awaits to make her Instagram-worthy and ready to pose for a full spread in People magazine.

At least this is how I assumed it worked for new mothers like J.Lo. Soon after giving birth to twins, she appeared on the cover of People, posing like she hadn’t broken a sweat throughout the whole birthing process and instantly began sleeping through the night. Why did she look so beautiful when I looked like a monster? And I only had one kid, not two.

Then there’s the royal family. I never understood why Lady Di and, later, Princess Catherine were practically shoved outside the hospital hours after delivering their children to meet with their loyal subjects. And they looked so beautiful.

I could barely walk after my son arrived, much less stand upright in regular shoes. These ladies are like superheroes, holding their new-borns while wearing heels and tiaras, waving to a gawking crowd eager to catch a glimpse of royalty. 

None of this happened for me.

My reward for more than twenty hours of labor and an unplanned C-section was swollen ankles and bags under my eyes that looked like I packed them for an extended vacation. I learned that the swelling I experienced, known as edema, happens to some women after a C-section. Swelling can occur in the face, ankles, hands, and feet.

“Look at my ankles! I’m the Elephant Man,” I cried to Adam. “The only shoes I can wear are my Uggs, which are too tight.”

I called my doctor to see if he could help me.

“I’m swollen all over! Please tell me there’s a water pill I can take to eliminate swelling,” I cried to my doctor.

“You just need to get plenty of rest and stay off your feet,” he instructed.

The doctor had forgotten about the baby he had delivered a few days before and that staying off my feet and getting rest wasn’t on my new mom’s agenda. I couldn’t help but think my forty-something body had failed me and might have bounced back quicker had I been younger. I couldn’t remember any of my friends suffering in this same way, so I assumed my advanced age was the culprit. Of course, I had no scientific research to confirm this assumption. I only had my gut, which was also swollen.

.   .   .


Maternity leave is a coveted time for new mothers to heal from childbirth, bond with their new babies, catch up on TV shows and movies, and get much-needed rest. Depending on the company you work for, time off for maternity leave can vary.

According to, the average time off for working women in the United States is ten weeks. Since the Family & Medical Leave Act was enacted, most women take off at least three months, some an entire year. This leave can be either paid or unpaid, or a com-bination of both. 

The maternity leave policy for my company, which was small and family-owned, gave me two weeks plus any sick/personal/vacation days I hadn’t used during the year. The official start of my leave began during the Thanksgiving holiday weekend. Because I hadn’t used all my time off before Jack’s birth, I stretched my leave to six weeks, returning to work in mid-January. 

Once I brought Jack home, our new nanny, Christina, came to the apartment daily to get us into a routine and allow me time to sleep and heal. At least that became the goal. She’d arrive at 8:30 a.m. to feed, change, and play with Jack. We’d spend the mornings putting Jack in all the clothes he’d received from family and friends, turning him into a baby model. He looked cuter and cuter in each outfit. I also photographed and videotaped his every move.

“He’s ready to be the next face of Baby Gap!” I told Christina. “Maybe I can retire.”

Christina also organized and cleaned Jack’s room and did his laundry. After she put him down for his afternoon nap, she went home.

“I may get very used to you,” I jokingly told Christina. 

So this is how J.Lo did it, times two.

While most of my maternity leave was spent bonding with Jack and planning his future supermodeling career, my mind never strayed far from client work. Toward the end of my six-week sabbatical, I spent more and more time on the phone and answering work emails.

“Judy, you need to rest and regain your strength, not be on email. You’ll be back at work soon enough,” Christina told me.

She was right, but I needed to pay attention to my clients and the office. The last thing I wanted was to return to a mound of work. The six weeks flew by, and looking back, I realized I should have listened to Christina. For the first time, I wondered what my life would look like if I were only a mom.



About the Author

Judy Haveson

Judy Haveson is the award-winning author of Laugh Cry Rewind—A
Memoir. She is known for her sarcastic humor and enjoys sharing stories
about her life experiences and observations. Her fascination with
storytelling comes from her decades-long career in public relations. Judy
once had a boss tell her that there are two types of people: those who know
and those who want to know. That boss fired her, but his words became a
valuable lesson to always aim to be the one who knows. Judy lives in Hampton
Bays, NY, with her husband, Adam, son, Jack, and adorable Yorkie,


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Beautiful Darkness 3 Teaser

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Beautiful Darkness 3 cover

Horror, various subgenres

Publication Date: October 30, 2024

Publisher: Dragon Soul Press



Ghosts, demons, and more monsters.

In a world where so many dark things go bump in the night, terror awaits
around every corner as these authors take horror stories to the next level.
Discover ghosts, demons, and your worst nightmares. Read at your own

Featuring twenty-nine stories by Joshua Williams, Stephen A. Roddewig,
Joseph Hirsch, Max Blood, Paul Lonardo, Matt Spencer, S.J. Walker, Kelly
Barker, Gregory Scott Matics, Gaetan Battaglia, Fred Phillips, Cassandra
Jones, Barend Nieuwstraten III, Sean E. Britten, Larry Hodges, Donalee
Moulton, Arlo Z. Graves, C.L. Hart, Robb T. White, Kelly Piner, Benjamin
Curt Unsworth, Trixie Nisbet, Jennifer Papillo, Justin Jones, Diana
Parrilla, Jared Thomason, J.M. Bengtsson, Caleb James K., and J.E.


Beautiful Darkness 3 paperback

Full Cold Moon


Story Genre: Shifters, werewolf


Wolf shifter Roza Van Rompaye awakens in a basement filled with Christmas
decorations with a silver manacle around her ankle. Her captor spiked her
drink with silver nitrate, and now he wants her to be his mate and to turn
him. Roza isn’t about to do either. She warns her captor that he will
die if she is still a prisoner when the full cold moon rises.





No matter how I struggled, I couldn’t get free of the chains I was
bound in.

“You’d better hope they hold when the full moon comes out, you
silly shit,” I snarled.

The cadaverous young man with the watery green eyes, blemished face, and
greasy disconnected fuchsia pompadour presented me with a rectangular box
wrapped in metallic celadon paper.

“I don’t want presents from you,” I snapped, turning away.
“If you think holding a woman captive on Christmas Eve is seduction, I
guarantee you’ll die a virgin. Gavril Kuroki, president of GrassHopper Green
Construction and renowned seducer of both men and women, would be horrified
to learn his son was holding his favorite architectural consultant prisoner
in a dungeon that looks like Santa’s elves got hammered and puked all over
the walls while he tries to win her affections with cheesy lingerie. What
the hell is wrong with you, Yair?”

“Roza, please, just look,” Yair insisted. He eagerly unwrapped
the box, revealing a silky puce nightgown. “I’m not trying to
turn you into a sexual object, and I’d never force myself on you. I
know you’re not like those easy women who ride the cock carousel any
chance they get. This negligee is elegant and ladylike, like

“I’ll never be the fawning captive princess of your
pathetic fantasies.”

“My love, it pains me to keep you prisoner, but until you accept me
as your alpha, I must.”

“Being chained to a concrete wall in a windowless basement stuffed
with Christmas decorations like a holiday goose full of apples and bread
pains me. This plot to make me fall in love with you by forcing a full-blown
English Christmas on me is insane. We’re in Cresval, South Dakota, for
Krampus’ sake, not jolly old London town. I’m the
thirty-five-year-old spawn of a Dutch-American agnostic farmer, not the
demure daughter of flipping Bob Cratchit.”

About the Author

C. L. Hart

C. L. Hart is an editor who writes or a writer who edits. She primarily
writes Lovecraftian fantasy and horror with the occasional sweet romance
thrown in to upset the cosmic apple cart. This is her second year
participating in the annual For the Love of Winter anthology from First
Coast Romance Writers. She is a member of ACES Editing Society, The Denver
Horror Collective, First Coast Romance Writers, The H. P. Lovecraft
Historical Society, Passionate Ink (writing as Lil DeVille), Regency Romance
Writers, and Rocky Mountain Romance Writers.


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