Author Archives: Jennifer Reed/ bookjunkiez

About Jennifer Reed/ bookjunkiez

My Niece and Nephew joke that I could open a used book store with all the books that I own. I love to read, that is my addiction. I can't go a week without going to a book store. I love crocheting. I love to write stories and poetry. I also love my family, even though they make me crazy at times. I am a huge Donald Duck Fan.

Bog Hag Anthology Blitz

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Bog Hag Anthology cover

Dark Fantasy, Lovecraftian Fantasy, Horror, Occult and Supernatural,
Witchcraft and Magic

Publication Date: October 14, 2024

Whether she’s crawling across a sweltering bayou or swimming
languidly through a swamp, the bog hag watches and waits.

Join sixteen AuthorTubers as they explore the allure and mystery of the Bog
Hag, turning her from a villain to a gal with a social calendar, a vendetta,
or even a need to be the best she can be.

Any and all proceeds from the sales of this anthology go to Quill Cottage
Wildlife, a 501C3 nonprofit.


Featuring A Murky Reckoning

Garwick Greedgill is a fisherman desperate to become a legend in the realm
where he dwells. When he pulls a horrific creature up from the polluted sea,
he sacrifices it to the legendary sorceress who is said to live at the
center of the bog near which he dwells.

Yadira of the Roots is said to be the daughter of Nyarlathotep, the
Wish-Bringer From Beyond the Stars. Will Garwick’s actions earn favor
from the storied Bog Hag, or does another fate await him?



Bog Hag Anthology paperback



An Aquatic Reckoning


Back at the dock, the fisherman hurried to the stables, paying the stable
hand four Electrotokens to rent a cart and a pair of mules to haul his catch
away. He promised to return the cart and the animals the next day.

Garwick Greedgill was thick around the midsection and had a sunken chest
and narrow frame that belied the strength of his wiry arms. His leathery,
tanned skin bore witness to many years spent on a boat’s deck under the
sun’s harsh glare. His hair was a bristly mix of silver and gunmetal gray,
poking through the many holes in a threadbare red cap embossed with the
emblem of a long-forgotten fishing guild. A heavy forehead and scowling brow
framed eyes a sickly shade of murky green, reminiscent of a polluted ocean.
His broad nose bent slightly to one side courtesy of a mishap with the sail
boom. Countless hours spent retrieving catch after catch left his calloused
hands stained with fish scales and innards as he searched for the grand haul
that always eluded him.

Garwick wore frayed puce trousers held up by a filthy, tattered flaxen rope
belt. His once-bright cerise tunic, covered in various colored patches where
he had mended it over the years, was threadbare. It hung loosely over his
prominent belly. The soles of his scuffed brown boots were worn thin,
leaving his feet vulnerable to the cold and damp. He wore a necklace of
oddly shaped stones and bones that he believed would attract good luck. The
longed-for luck seldom materialized.

Garwick drove the cart as close as possible to the bog extending beyond his
property’s edge. He lived in a ramshackle hut between the bog and a
twisting, moss-covered path that led to a meandering creek. Near the hut was
a dingy shed. Every corner held remnants of his profession—a
collection of rusty hooks, tattered nets, and an old, cracked barrel filled
with miscellaneous items of dubious worth. A box containing lucky tokens
collected over the years sat on a dusty shelf. Best of all, there was a
wondrous grimoire. An odor of decay emanated from the book’s brown hide
cover. Garwick did not mind the strange texture or unpleasant scent of the
tome. Based on today’s catch, the grimoire’s magic had already begun to

About the Author

C. L. Hart logo

C. L. Hart, the owner and sole employee of Naughty Netherworld Press and
Ornery Owl Ventures, is spoken of in hushed tones. She is an editor who
writes or a writer who edits. She is also described as The Mad Scribe of the
Northeastern Colorado Plains, The Terrible Old Woman, and The Author That
Should Not Be. She is a member of ACES Editing Society, the Denver Horror
Collective, First Coast Romance Writers, the H. P. Lovecraft Historical
Society, Passionate Ink (writing as Lil DeVille), Regency Romance Writers,
and Rocky Mountain Romance Writers.

Ms. Hart shares a home in a remote rural town of 134 souls with her adult
son and three cats. Her sense of fashion is best described as Early
Twenty-First Century Unmade Bed. This disabled former nurse can usually be
found arguing with herself about subplots or rehabilitating eldritch

When not penning sanity-destroying works of dystopian fiction, Lovecraftian
fantasy, or old-school horror with the occasional sweet romance thrown in to
upset the cosmic apple cart, Ms. Hart enjoys creating baked goods she hopes
will be considered palatable by someone besides eldritch horrors.


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Perfectly Imperfect Week Blast

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Perfectly Imperfect cover

Children’s Books



From a nose that’s a tad too big, to a giggle that lights up the room, you
are perfect, just the way you are.

Witness the charm of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, the whimsy of the Mona
Lisa’s smile, and the joyous laughter of a girl who’s unapologetically
herself. Meet a dad whose scar tells a story of bravery, and see how even a
heart with a band-aid has its own perfect place in the world.

Discover why the most beautiful thing in the world is to be fearlessly,
wonderfully, uniquely you!

About the Author

Cara Davis

Meet Cara Davis. She lives in East Nashville with her two kids, a dog, a
cat, a rabbit, and two chickens. Cara really likes to check out fun places
nearby and listen to music when she’s not writing stories like


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Instagram: @carabakerdavis


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Ryder Teaser

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Ryder cover

(Hounds of Hell MC)

Motorcycle Club Romance, Suspense

Date Published: November 1, 2024



Margot — I’ve loved Ryder since we were kids, but he’s never been the type
to stick with anyone for long. Being a deputy sheriff means I see the world
differently–by the law. He’s the opposite. The Mafia took my father
from me. When they return to threaten everything I care about, including
Ryder, I realize the line between right and wrong isn’t so clear. If
we’re going to survive this, I’ll need Ryder’s strength.
Maybe this time, we’ll face danger together.

Ryder — Margot’s been right in front of me for years, but I’m
the guy who never sticks around. Commitment? Not for me. Now she’s all
I see. When the Mafia comes after the Hounds, everything is at stake.
Margot’s not just a deputy sheriff — she’s the woman I’ve
always needed. The woman I love. I’ll die before I let anything happen
to her.

Ryder teaser



The next day Ryder smiled to read the text from Margot Donner.

Margot: If you still think Razor is okay with it, I’ll come see you
later today.

They’d become close after her mother’s death. She was the only
woman he’d ever kept as a friend for years and never fucked. Yeah, she
was a cop, but she was one of his favorite people.

“What are you grinning about?” Beast asked, shifting pillows
behind Ryder’s back.

Ryder wasn’t admitting to shit. He had a reputation to maintain.
“Just waiting to hear Axel got these fuckers,” Ryder told him,
groaning as the bigger biker hauled him up into a sitting position on the

“That’s it, huh?” Beast went over to the desk in
Ryder’s room at the clubhouse, lifted off a tray that held his

Beast’s dark-eyed gaze was filled with humor. His muscular friend,
with his wild fringe of dark hair, towered over Ryder in the bed. Once he
situated the tray in front of Ryder, his beefy arms folded across the wide
expanse of his chest. The face of the dark wolf inked on his friend’s
forearm drew his attention with its sinister gaze.

“Maybe,” Ryder said, steadying the tray on his lap, shaking his
head. His MC brothers were still feeding him soup and applesauce. “Can
I get something solid?”

Beast shook his head. “Nah, you need to heal up.”

Ryder snorted. “I’m full of fucking holes. I’m surprised
this shit isn’t running right out of me the minute I eat

The chime of Beast’s phone had him fishing his device out of his
pocket. “Yep?”

The deep voice on the other end of the phone sounded like Hero.

Ryder tried hard to listen — he knew his twin brother was handling things,
especially with his girl in danger. Still irked him greatly that he
couldn’t be there to fight at Axel’s side. To have his back.
That had always been the deal between them. To always have each
other’s back.

As Beast listened to whatever Hero said, Ryder let his head fall back
against the pillows with a deep sigh. Alex, now Axel, had been born first by
seven minutes. A fact his twin had never thrown in his face, never used at
all. And Axel certainly earned the part of the older brother even though
they were identical. Axel could be counted on when Ryder needed him. If he
was hung over from a night of partying, Axel let him stay home and took up
the slack at work. When he got himself into the occasional fight, Axel
tipped the scales if he’d underestimated the other guy. Or came to
bail him out.

Ryder also had spent years watching his brother earn everyone’s
respect. His brother and Hero made all the business decisions for the
garage. When it came to dirty jobs the club needed doing, Axel was among the
first approached. Cool-headed and calculating, Axel didn’t miss a damn

Ryder didn’t command the same respect. He wasn’t disrespected.
And he got important jobs from the club. Okay, maybe Ryder wasn’t as
cool and calculated as his twin. But he was a good shot, a damn good fighter
with any weapon or hand-to-hand combat. And when crazy was called for? He
could do crazy all day long.

Yes, Ryder was a ladies’ man. Axel took comfort from the occasional
sweet butt although not to the extent Ryder did. He liked the ladies and
didn’t limit himself to the ones who came to every party fishing for a
Hound to claim her as his old lady. He liked his women fast and flashy, like
his bikes. Ryder appreciated a nice ride.

Unlike his bikes, he never stayed with any woman more than a few weeks.
“Love” was amazing the first few weeks. But as attachment tried
to take hold, Ryder felt himself being strangled by those thin vines of

“It’s done,” Beast told him, ending the call.
“Sounds like a fucking free-for-all. Sheriff Sawyer got to the Mafia
guys first, then once our guys got there, Axel beat the shit out of his
girl’s ex. Probably the same fucker who shot you and killed Elsie and
Clyde over at Cowboy Pete’s.”

Ryder smiled. He knew Axel would deal with it.

“The guy dead?” Ryder asked, bracing for regret. It would have
been nice to put down the guy who shot him full of holes — or gave the
order — himself.

“Nah,” Beast told him. “Sawyer took him in.”

That could spell trouble down the road.

“At least Axel’s old lady is a little safer,” the other
biker told him as he wandered out of his room. “Until they let him

Axel’s old lady.

Everyone called her Angel but if he remembered rightly, her name was Sadie.
Was she his twin’s old lady?

Yeah, the way it started out, Ryder’d assumed she was some sort of
pity thing his brother had taken on. But weeks went by after she decided to
hide in Mercy, and his brother stayed close to her all that time. By the
time her ex and his men found her, yeah, he had to admit they’d felt
like a couple. The young woman looked at his brother like a knight in
shining armor. That wasn’t anything new. Ryder had seen that before.
His brother had a soft spot for women and kids.

It wasn’t until the party Saturday night when Axel brought her to the
clubhouse that it hit Ryder. The way his twin looked at her. Damn. He should
have noticed before. His brother had found love, and he knew next to nothing
about the woman except she’d been horribly abused by her ex and looked
at his brother like he hung the fucking moon.

Shouldn’t he know something about his brother’s girl? If she
was in Axel’s life, she’d be in his too. Hell, they’d
brought her to the clubhouse a couple of days ago to keep her safe. Ryan
heard her hustling around beyond his door. She never popped in to check on
him though.

Lying still with the pain bleeding vividly into his awareness, Ryder
reached for his pain meds, taking a double dose now that he knew his brother
was safe. His brother had saved his girl and beat the fucking bad guy. Axel
had to be feeling pretty good about things about now.

Ryder tried to shift on the bed to make himself comfortable, willing the
pills to take the pain away sooner rather than later.

He and Axel couldn’t have been further apart in life right now. His
brother was the conquering hero, setting things right for his girl and his
dumbass twin brother. Ryder went home with a girl, and she got shot in the
face, killed. Ryder got shot with her, providing the enemy with a weak board
in the fence. They had to take him out of the hospital to keep him safe from
the Mafia until Axel resolved it. Didn’t that make him a useless pile
of shit?

Before his eyes slid shut, his gaze fell on his phone. He realized
he’d never answered Margot, and he wanted to before he crashed.
Lifting the phone in his shaking hand, he read back over the

Margot: If you still think Razor is okay with it, I’ll come see you
later today.

About the Author

Jamie Targaet is the author of the Hounds of Hell MC. She’s anxious to
introduce you to this club of gorgeous, dominant men and the lucky women who
surrender to them. The ride is going to get wild at times, not going to lie.
But there’s thrilling action, scorching hot sex scenes, and all the

Jamie writes erotic romance for Changeling Press, a little fanfiction on
the side, and she’s an aspiring horror writer in another life. She enjoys
time with her family (including the fur babies). She likes good horror
movies and shows, emo metal and classic rock, and time spent in other worlds
writing and reading. She loves hearing from readers and is looking forward
to hearing from you.


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Big Tex Virtual Book Tour

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Big Tex cover

Adult Picture Book

Date Published: July 22, 2024



This satirical tale disguised as a children’s book follows an aspiring drag
queen with dreams of dazzling stages and glittered wigs eager to shine in a
world determined to hold him back.

Convinced that the tough buckaroos in the neighboring town of Ruff Ridge,
known for their rugged cowboy way of life and home to the clothing brand
Ruff Ryder, will hinder his glamorous ambitions, he devises an ingenious
plan to win their acceptance. With courage, creativity, and a pair of chaps,
he embarks on a journey to turn his dreams into reality.

Inspired by real events, this clever, funny, and heartwarming tale explores
identity, ambition, and community. The story celebrates individuality,
courage, and the transformative power of being true to oneself, all while
providing a thought-provoking reflection on the politics of our times.

Big Tex tablet



“The MAGA-era politics of drag performance distilled to a clever, funny, and entertaining tale.” — BookLife 

…If Jim’s clothes made the news… 

There were some, shall we say, loose-screwed buckaroos, 

Who would say that such clothes made him less of a man. 

And that made Jim angry! He was manly! MORE THAN! 

“If those tough buckaroos don’t think I can be tough, 

“They oughta try dancing in spandex!” he’d huff. 

Jim didn’t know why his drag clothes were taboo, 

But if they were discovered, he knew what they’d do. 

Every tough buckaroo in their checked shirts and all 

Would ride into town and surround the town hall 

And they’d holler and cry, “Our corn prices will fall!” 

And then tough Mayor Buck even louder would shout, 

“Those big glittered wigs are to blame for our drought!” 

That’s the first thing they’d do 

If they ever found out. 

Then they’d pass some strict laws 

And put up some state signs, 

Restricting cross-dressers

From crossing state lines. 

And they’d shout, “These BIG WIGGERS 

must pay for their crimes!” 

And the fines! 

Oh, the fines! 

Try a thousand ten times! 

About the Author

Roger Rittenhouse

Roger Rittenhouse is a former stand-up comedian originally from Denver,
Colorado who began his career in the 80s, appearing on The Arsenio Hall
Show, The Dennis Miller Show, and Jimmy Kimmel Live. Notable writing credits
include Bill Maher’s Politically Incorrect and the Comedy Central Roasts. An
armchair cartoonist turned author and illustrator, (after finding a digital
drawing tablet on Craigslist) Roger brings his comedic antics to picture
books intended for big boys and girls.


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The Blue-Eyed Butterfly Blitz

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The Blue-Eyed Butterfly cover

Historical Fiction

Date Published: Sept. 29 2024

Publisher: Jan-Carol Publishing, Inc.



Three women, Callie, Lillian, and Lydia faced an adversary that would
change their lives forever. He resided in the only home that Callie had ever
known, ensnaring her into his vicious web of dominance and cruelty. His
insatiable thirst for exacting fear soon traps Lillian and Lydia in his
household. In due course, his own demise takes him down the road of no

About the Author

Sharon Suskin

Sharon is a first-time author, retired nurse, mother, and grandmother. She
grew up in the Appalachian Mountains and writes with a deep appreciation and
admiration for women who live there. She chronicles the life of each
character so her readers can be inspired by and benefit from their
remarkable stories.

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