Author Archives: Jennifer Reed/ bookjunkiez

About Jennifer Reed/ bookjunkiez

My Niece and Nephew joke that I could open a used book store with all the books that I own. I love to read, that is my addiction. I can't go a week without going to a book store. I love crocheting. I love to write stories and poetry. I also love my family, even though they make me crazy at times. I am a huge Donald Duck Fan.

Brothers Blitz

Brothers banner


Brothers cover

Political Thriller



Brothers: a novel of political intrigue and family turmoil.

Brothers is a fast paced political thriller.  A modern-day story of
Cain and Abel that asks the question, ‘Am I my brother’s
keeper?’ The answer depends on which brother is asking the question
and the women they encounter.




Speaker of the House or Representatives Gianni Simonelli is a
second-generation New York Italian American hell bent on not being
associated with the Mafia. The problem is his brother is a member of a New
York crime family.

On the Inauguration Day, the newly elected President steps to the podium to
address the nation and is shot and killed by the Secret Service agent
assigned to protect him . Reeling from the assassination Gianni is called
upon to help stabilize the administration.

Someone identified as the ‘Emperor’ leads a domestic terror
organization known as VIPER that has infiltrated America’s national
security agencies to gain control of its military power and wealth. With
evidence the Secret Service and FBI may be part of VIPER, Gianni turns to
CIA Director Jill Shelton to find out who’s behind the insurrection.
As events spiral out of control, Gianni is left with no alternative but to
seek help from his estranged brother Mario.

When the Mafia strikes VIPER in a brutal but effective way to help save the
democracy from being overthrown, Gianni and Shelton face the real
possibility collaborating with the Mafia could result in them becoming crime
family puppets.



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The Code Virtual Book Tour

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The Code cover

The Secret Code Hidden In the English Language


Non-Fiction, Historical Biography

Date Published: October 2024



The Code is a fascinating exploration of history, linguistics, numerology
and philosophy that endeavors to explain the discovery of a secret code that
is hidden in the English language. After conducting extensive research and
hiring a statistician to independently test all of his work, the Codebreaker
came to the conclusion that the Code is not accidental, but intentional and
irrefutable. The existence of the Code is nothing short of life-changing and
the implications are monumental.

The Code tells the story of the discovery of the Code and presents
overwhelming evidence showing that there is a force at work – a force
that many call God. The ongoing narrative of the discovery is supplemented
with tables that demonstrate how particular historical events are related to
central historical figures. The book also contains brief histories of the
events and brief biographies of the people to give the reader some
historical background. Pictures highlight each section, bringing the
discovery of the Code to life. There are also statistics for significance,
for the probability of the results occurring randomly, and for tests of four
claims regarding the incredible propositions that the Codebreaker


The Code teaser



About the Author

David Daniel

David is The Codebreaker who has been cracking codes, ciphers and number
theories all his life. From writing the book, “The Mentalist
Code” which details his discovery of the identity of Red John in the
TV series The Mentalist to revealing the identity of real-life serial
killers, David has devoted his life to studying secret codes.

In addition, as an educator for the past twenty-four years, David continues
to develop theories about personal growth and development, which has led to
him writing parenting literature with his wife.


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A Reckoning of Souls Virtual Book Tour

A Reckoning of Souls banner

A Reckoning of Souls cover

Sci-Fi / Fantasy

Date Published: 09-18-2024

Publisher: Bright Communications




A massive explosion rips through the outdoor seating area of a popular
restaurant in downtown Trondheim. Two days later, fourteen people are found
dead in a church along a remote section of coastline. The souls of the
victims have been ripped from their bodies. Moments later a spirit from the
Otherworlds steps through the Black Void to find the ancient relic that
killed them.

On a secluded island in the Arctic Circle, a troubled man sees a world that
has lost its way and feels compelled to change that. He plans to wield the
formidable power of a mysterious artifact to reshape the moral fabric of
eight billion unsuspecting souls—knowing that his actions will wipe
out the inhabitants of an entire city.

David Skye and Jade “Epiphany” Hendrix set out to stop him and
save the lives that would be lost if he were to succeed. Their efforts to do
that are complicated by Kari Salversen, a dedicated police detective with
the Norwegian Police Service. She believes David and Epiphany are involved
in a recent string of deadly attacks and is determined to apprehend

A reckoning of souls is quickly approaching, as the battle for humanity
unfolds in the snowy, arctic fjords of Norway, and the vast spirit realms of
the Otherworlds. The possibility of a peaceful future for billions of souls
and the lives of tens of thousands of innocent people are both at stake. In
a clash that pits two opposing sides against each other, which one is on the
more righteous path?


A Reckoning of Souls tablet


Anders noticed a big man with a beard and long hair enter the café. He looked like some kind of lumberjack. The guy had a backpack slung over his shoulder and was walking toward the booth in which Anders was sitting. The lumberjack stopped next to his booth. His physical size and muscular build presented an imposing figure. When the man sat down across the table from Anders, it surprised the hell out of him. There was something about his dark, penetrating eyes, the way they locked onto his. Anders tried to look away, to break the stare, but he couldn’t.

“We have important things to discuss, Anders,” the man said.

“How do you know my name?” Anders asked curtly. He leaned forward and whispered, “Are you with the Brotherhood?”

“I knew you’d be here this morning, and I also know the police have a warrant for your arrest. They don’t like what you and your Brotherhood stand for.”

“Who are you? What do you want from me?” Anders asked gruffly.

“My name is Asgeir. I have a mission for you—one that will raise your standing within the ranks of your Brotherhood. You do something for me, and I’ll keep the police away from you.” Asgeir reached his right hand across the table.

Anders felt the warmth of the man’s hand as it gripped his left forearm. But no, it wasn’t warmth. It was something different, like electricity almost, a sensation that flowed into the base of his skull and permeated his thoughts. It felt as if the inside of his head was charged with a pulsing electrical current. A normal Anders Gustason would never have allowed a complete stranger to get this familiar, to invade his personal space, to make physical contact. Ever! He wanted to do something about it. His blood was beginning to boil. The muscles in his arms tensed. But all he could manage was to sit there—quiet, motionless.

The electric sensation at the base of Anders’s skull intensified. His thoughts were slowly blanketed in a silky haze. The noise in the café—the sound of espresso machines, clanking coffee cups, people’s idle chatter—became a dull blur of indiscernible background noise. Anders stared into the eyes of the man sitting across the table from him. Never once did the man move his lips, yet Anders heard the man’s words inside his head loudly and clearly. 

“I have a mission for you. Two people will come in here later today. They represent the things you hate the most about the direction this country is taking. I am giving you the chance to stand up and take your country back from the hands of people like this, Anders. This is your chance to be a hero, to be the spear of the Gods.” A deluge of hatred and violence flooded the inner reaches of Anders’s mind like a tidal surge, latching on to his darkest of thoughts, the kind that are buried deep, never to be entertained.

Anders slowly came out of the fog that had clouded his mind. He looked down at the table. Various nicks, scratches, and coffee stains all blurred into an obscure collage. The words that had filled his head stayed with him for a moment. They were all he could focus on, resonant, deep, and so very clear. The cloudy rumble of background noise came whooshing back to crystal clarity, the clanking of coffee cups, the sound of espresso machines, the idle chatter. The miasma that had clouded his thoughts receded. Anders looked up. The seat across from him was empty. He didn’t remember seeing the big man leave. What was his name? He couldn’t remember it. The electric hum that filled his head had dissipated. 

Anders looked at the backpack on the seat next to him. The man had left it for him with specific instructions on what to do with it. Anders stood, hefted the backpack over his right shoulder, and exited the coffee shop. He paused to breathe in the cold morning air. The names and images of the two people he’d come back for were etched into his brain. Anders Gustason had clarity. He knew exactly what he needed to do.


About the Author 

Harrison Edwards

Harrison Edwards lives in eastern Pennsylvania with his wife and their
black Lab, Deacon. Harrison’s writing is a blend of science fiction
and urban fantasy. Subject matter for his stories comes from deep interests
in science, technology, and mythology. When he’s not compiling and
developing ideas for future novels, you can find him composing original
works of contemporary instrumental music for his next CD release.


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The Case of the Greensboro Gremlins Blitz

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The Case of the Greensboro Gremlins cover

Middle Grade Paranormal Mystery

Date Published: October 2024



Twelve-year-old Dotty Morgan is a supernatural sleuth who has solved cases
involving French fry phantoms and zombie ninjas in her hometown of Elderton,
NC. Now, she’s heading to Greensboro, where her girlfriend, Hannah, is
wrestling in a major tournament, and her BFF, Parker, is competing in a
fashion show for young designers.

Dotty looks forward to a few fun and relaxing days in the city. But when
weird accidents plague Parker’s fashion show, she determines
paranormal forces are to blame. Dotty declares her vacation over and the
investigation on.

About the Author

Erik Christopher Martin is a San Diego writer originally from Cleveland,
Ohio. He has published four books for YA and middle grade readers under the
In A Bind Books imprint. His latest book ‘The Case of the French Fry
Phantom’ launched in all formats on 3/17/2023. It is Book One of the
Dotty Morgan Supernatural Sleuth Series.

His short stories can be found in A Year Ink 4, The Guilded Pen 2019, on 2.3,, Tales to Terrify podcast, HauntedMTL,
and the Monster Anthology by AEL Press.

Visit his website at Follow him on Twitter at

Erik is a member of the SCBWI, SDWEG, and the HWA.

Erik loves all things book related. He is a former bookstore owner (In A
Bind Books in Lakewood, Ohio opened in 2000 and closed 2 years later), and
former part-time library employee.

Besides writing, Erik loves to read authors such as Vonnegut, Moorcock,
Pratchett, and Douglas Adams. And when he plays D&D, he’s the DM,
9 times out of 10.


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The Cats’ Museum Virtual Book Tour

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The Cats' Museum cover

Children’s Books / Cats




The Cats’ Museum – Mom’s Choice Awards® Recipient!




Catherine the Great, in 1766, recruited stray cats to protect her beloved
Hermitage Museum from rodents. Generations later, to this day, cats are
still working there, protecting the artwork and doing their zany
mischief…tune in for a splash of fun!

Award-winning author Viviana Falleti has a new book out The Cats’
Museum. This spunky, historically-based book contains illustrations from the
world-famous artist, Victoria Fomina. Victoria has just recently won an
international award for the illustrations in this book. Publishers Weekly /
Booklife and Kirkus have given The Cats’ Museum great reviews, and it
has received the Mom’s Choice Award.

Just for your info, this is a high-quality, hardcover, oversized book
(11” x 10.5”). This larger size makes the exquisitely-detailed
illustrations even more beautiful.

Little Feather Press is becoming the go-to place for the parent who is
“hungry for wholesome.” Happy reading!


The Cats' Museum standing book

The Cats' Museum excerpt


About the Author

Viviana Maria Falleti

Viviana Maria Falleti is a woman of faith, an insightful children’s
storyteller, a lover of all things cats, and an aficionado of
splendidly-illustrated books. She aims to produce only the highest quality
books, containing wholesome and engaging stories every child is sure to
love. The talented world-famous artists she employs bring her wondrous books
to life even more.

Viviana created Little Feather Press for the parent who is ‘hungry
for wholesome’. Every book ordered from Little Feather Press can be
presented to a child with the assurance that the child’s innocence and
the beauty of childhood are respected. The stories entertain in the magical
world of a child’s mind, without any corrupting influences.

In her childhood in Germany, Viviana would never tire of listening to
storybooks that her mother lovingly read to her. She draws inspiration from
those memories.

Viviana was born in Germany but has lived most of her adult life in
America. She has a lovely daughter Ashley and son-in-law Brent, two
wonderful nieces Maria and Maria Luisa, and a suave Italian husband Gino.
Her current residence is in Southwest Florida.


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