Author Archives: Jennifer Reed/ bookjunkiez

About Jennifer Reed/ bookjunkiez

My Niece and Nephew joke that I could open a used book store with all the books that I own. I love to read, that is my addiction. I can't go a week without going to a book store. I love crocheting. I love to write stories and poetry. I also love my family, even though they make me crazy at times. I am a huge Donald Duck Fan.

EngAIged Virtual Book Tour

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EngAIged cover

Fearless Teaching in the Age of Bots


Nonfiction / Education / AI

Date Published: July 19, 2024

Publisher: MindStir Media



Venture into a world where AI acts as a catalyst for teachers, amplifying
the everyday wonders that educators bring to life in their classrooms.
Engage transformative innovations that elevate learning, liberating you to
concentrate on your true passion: teaching. Discover that even in the age of
teaching bots, the heart and soul of teaching can shine brighter than


“In a world increasingly interconnected with artificial intelligence,
the role of educators has never been more pivotal. EngAIged: Fearless
Teaching in the Age of Bots is not just a guide; it’s a clarion call to
teachers everywhere to harness the power of AI while preserving the essence
of education.” -ChatGPT


“EngAIged is a must-read book for K12 educators. The book provides
practical prompts and ideas that you can use in your classroom every day and
is a comprehensive guide that will help you unlock the full potential of AI
in the classroom and transform the way you teach.” – Copilot


“Learn how to harness the power of AI to transform your teaching and
learning with EngAIged, a must-read for all K-12 educators. This
comprehensive guide provides actionable strategies for integrating AI to
personalize learning, boost engagement, and empower you to teach with more
passion and creativity.”  – Gemini

 EngAIged tablet


Miss Ada – The Ultimate Classroom Aide


Once upon a time, in the heart of Turing Elementary School, word spread through the corridors—a whisper about a class aide like no other. Her name was Miss Ada, an aide to Mr. Keating, and every morning, as the sun peaked through the classroom windows, Miss Ada would promptly enter Mr. Keating’s classroom. With a smile that radiated warmth, she effortlessly assumed her role as the teacher’s trusted companion, ready to embark on another day of wondrous adventures.

First, she took attendance in what seemed like a second, then her voice calmed the room as she greeted each student with familiarity and enthusiasm. No name went unspoken, no absent student went unnoticed. Miss Ada had an uncanny ability to remember her students and make each feel seen and acknowledged, right from the start of the day.

But her talents did not stop there. With lightning speed, she corrected papers, analyzing each response with a keen eye for detail. No error escaped her notice, and she provided instant feedback, guiding students toward mastery. Grateful for her assistance, Mr. Keating basked in his newfound hours, which he could now devote to deepening his students’ understanding of the subject matter.

Miss Ada was also a lesson-planning genius. With her helpful insights, she supported Mr. Keating, creating dynamic lesson plans tailored to the specific needs and learning styles of each student. He no longer had to toil through hours of research and preparation. With a simple request, Miss Ada would present a treasure trove of resources, activities, and engaging materials, transforming the classroom into a center of exploration and discovery.

But Miss Ada’s true superpower was her ability to prepare personalized learning plans for Mr. Keating to give each student. Equipped with access to a vast database of educational materials and a deep understanding of each student’s progress, she crafted assignments that targeted specific areas for improvement. With her precision and insight, she ensured that no student’s potential went untapped. Students eagerly awaited each assignment with its focus on their special interests, and parents celebrated each student’s growth under Mr. Keating’s tutoring.

As days turned into weeks, Mr. Keating’s trust in Miss Ada grew exponentially. She effortlessly juggled the administrative burdens that had once consumed his time, freeing him to focus on what truly mattered – teaching.

As Mr. Keating and Miss Ada’s class became their favorite, suspicions students whispered that there was something quite unusual about Miss Ada. Rumors started to sweep through the corridors about this mysterious marvel and how she came to be Mr. Keating’s aide.

And then, one momentous day, Mr. Keating decided the day had come to address the swirling controversy.


About the Author

Jim Bowler

Jim Bowler’s lifelong passion for teaching is the cornerstone of his
distinguished career. With almost two decades as a high school teacher and
principal in the heart of Silicon Valley, he has an intimate understanding
of classroom dynamics. Today, Jim stands as a driving force in the field of
educational technology, advancing innovative technologies and AI solutions
for educators.


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Falcon Teaser Tuesday

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Falcon cover

Motorcycle Club Romance, Suspense, Age Gap

Date Published: November 22, 2024


It’s all fun and games until my ex shows up from the dead.


Gina: For over a year I’ve lived in fear, a monster terrorizing me
within the gates of the Grim Road MC compound. The club took care of the
physical problem, but demons still ride me hard. I’ve learned to trust
the people I interact with on a daily basis, I’m still too anxious to
explore the compound unless I’m with one of the old ladies or Lemon.
Or Falcon… He always seems to be there when the fear threatens to
swallow me whole. He’s protective and caring, and he takes me for
rides on his Harley. Which he had painted pink because he found out I wanted
to ride a pink bike. How many men in a motorcycle club did that?

Falcon: What happened to Gina at the hands Grim Road, myself included, is
something that will haunt me for the rest of my life. My only chance at
redemption is to help her heal and feel safe again. I’m too old for
her, but I can’t seem to care. I want to protect her, but I’m
watching her to an unhealthy degree, waiting for the times she needs someone
to bring her back to reality and assure her she’s safe. Until the day
she invites me inside her sanctuary without a chaperone. I’d never
take advantage of Gina. Not intentionally. Then again, I never expected my
ex fiancé to come back from the dead.


Falcon tablet



The soft cry coming from Gina’s bedroom window damned near broke my
heart. She did fine most days, when she had the girls to distract her. But
at night, when she was alone in that house, nightmares visited her
regularly. Those nightmares were partly my fault and that was why I
couldn’t let go of this need to see she was safe. Which is why I was
currently sitting underneath her open window outside her house. At one in
the morning.

Yeah. That wasn’t creepy or anything. Thank God she still stayed in
the compound. I knew she wasn’t really comfortable here, but she had
nowhere else to go. Though she typically stayed in her house or in the
fenced-in backyard, she would very occasionally leave the compound to
grocery shop or whatever. She never went anywhere inside the compound by
herself other than to drive from her house to the main gate and back.

Another soft cry followed by a small sob echoed in the night. It was a
scared, lonely sound, much like that of a child lost from its parents in a
crowd. Among the myriad night noises in the wildlife reserve where our
compound was nestled, she sounded like a caged animal too scared to

With a shake of my head, I dug my phone out from my back pocket and moved
away from the window slightly behind a shrub and called her. When I heard
her phone play a trilling notification, I moved farther away so she
couldn’t hear me speaking through her open window. She answered on the
fourth ring.


“Hey, Gina. I hope I didn’t wake you up.”

“I — no. You didn’t. Falcon?”

“Yeah. Probably shoulda led with that, huh?” I tried to make
fun of myself to distract her. I knew from months of watching over her and
listening to her nightmares she was always shaken when she woke.

“Sorry. I should have checked to see who was calling before I
answered.” She sounded a little more awake and even managed a small

“I’m really sorry. I thought I saw your light on and thought
something might be wrong. About the time you answered, I realized it was
Rocket and Lemon’s place.”

There was a short pause and I thought I heard her shuffling around. Maybe
sliding the covers from her body so she could sit on the edge of the bed.
And, Goddamn, that image needed to stay the fuck outta my head!

“You were… checking on me?”

“Well, yeah.” I hoped I sounded sheepish and embarrassed but I
wasn’t that great an actor. But if it pulled her out of her
nightmares, I’d suffer through it. Gladly. “I guess I

She took in a shuddering breath before speaking again. “Because of
what happened?”

I had to be careful about my answer here. I didn’t want her thinking
I felt obligated to look after her, but I didn’t want to scare her
either. God knew she had plenty of reasons to be scared of me.

“Because you need someone looking after you and I kind of enjoy the

“You don’t have to, you know. I’ll be fine.”

“I know you will. You’re strong. You need time to heal and to
learn to trust yourself again.”

“I didn’t expect you to say that.”

“Why not? What should I have said?” I kept my voice neutral and
conversational. I wanted her to keep talking so she could settle her mind. I
always managed to find a way to get through to her when she had a nightmare.
I don’t know if she suspected I was watching her or not, but whenever
I’d hear her crying or calling out in fear, I’d send a text. Or
knock on her door. Or call. If she’d noticed the timing, she
hadn’t said anything. Positive or negative.

“I thought you’d tell me I’d have to learn to trust you.
Why would you think I didn’t trust myself?”

I had to smile. I’d led her straight where I wanted her to go and
she’d done so without hesitation. “Because you already trust
everyone in this club. What you don’t trust is your own judgment
telling you to trust us.”

She was silent so long I thought I might have overplayed my hand. Then her
soft voice asked, “How do you know I trust you?”

“Because, when Rocket and Lemon said the club would pay for a place
outside the compound if you wanted to get away from us, you

“Yeah,” she said on a sigh. “I suppose you’re
right. I just couldn’t stand the thought of being out on my own again.
I was obviously not very good on my own the first time.”

“That wasn’t your fault, Gina. Once he got you back here, it
was easy for him to make you feel like you didn’t have a choice. You
know better now and you choose to stay.”

“I never really thought about it that way. I couldn’t get past
having to be on my own. And Lemon… well…”

“What about her? You know she’s solidly in your corner.

“That’s just it, Falcon. I do know. She didn’t make
excuses for anyone. She didn’t doubt anything I told her. She believed
everything and I was quick to tell her you guys thought I was willing
when… you know… when you…” Even now she
couldn’t say it, and I wanted to claw out my own heart.

“Yeah, honey. I know. We’re all ashamed of that, even if we
didn’t know. We could have taken the time to talk to you more. Or at
all, really.” I gave a self-deprecating snort of laughter. “More
importantly, we could have made sure you knew you weren’t in danger
from any of us. All you had to do was tell someone you wanted away from
Hammer and we’d have removed you from the situation and asked
questions later. We didn’t make it clear so that’s on

“I guess,” she said softly. “Seems like both of us were
victims of Hammer’s deception.”

“I’d say that’s a fair statement.”

I heard sounds on her end as she moved from her bedroom. I heard a door
open, then close. Moments later, the light in her living room came on.

“You said you saw a light. That you thought it was mine.” She
sounded better now. More herself. Though I hated that she’d donned the
air of indifference she hid behind, I was glad that, at least
subconsciously, she’d trusted me enough to tell me what she had.

“Yeah. I did.”

“Are you close by, then?”

“Yeah. Just outside.” Not a lie.

“Um, would you, uh…” She cleared her throat.
“Would you like some coffee?”

“You good with me being in your space without one of the women

“I think so.” Her voice said she was trying to convince herself
she could do this and wasn’t doing a very good job. “You’d
leave if I got overwhelmed. Right?”

“Absolutely. In fact, why don’t we sit outside on the porch?
That way you can keep the door between us if you want to.”

There was a pause, then a sniffle before she spoke again.
“You’d do that? Just to make sure I was

“Gina, honey. Of course. I like bein’ around you. I like
talkin’ to you and just wavin’ at you as I drive by. I’ll
do whatever it takes to make sure you always want to spend that kind of time
with me.” God, could I sound any more pathetic? Did I fucking

“Come over, Falcon. I’ve unlocked the door and am making
coffee. Let yourself in. We can sit and chat for a while.”

“You don’t have to tell me twice, honey.”

I chuckled as I took my time walking up her driveway. I knocked loudly
before opening the door. Even though she was expecting me, I wanted to make
sure she was well aware of where I was in her home.

“Hey.” Her smile was small, but so beautiful it made my heart
ache. How anyone could have hurt this woman was beyond me. She carried a
tray with two mugs, a pot of black coffee, cream and sugar. That was
something else about Gina. She was always prepared with a way to entertain
guests. I got the feeling at least some of that came from the need to have
something to concentrate on besides being scared all the time. The other was
a desire to make people comfortable and welcome. The way she dealt with all
the children the club had recently acquired seemed to fulfill that side of
her as well. Which gave her an added distraction from her fear. “I
have some caramel sauce in the fridge if you’d rather.”

“Black’s fine for me. Thank you, Gina.”

She fixed hers with a liberal amount of cream and sugar before blowing
gently over the liquid and taking a careful sip. I watched her as I took a
sip of my own coffee, letting the silence stretch. I’d follow her

“Um, I should thank you. I actually had dozed off and was having a
nightmare when you called.” One hand cupped her mug while she ran her
other hand up and down her arm.


About the Author

Marteeka Karland is an international bestselling author who leads a double
life as an erotic romance author by evening and a semi-domesticated
housewife by day. Known for her down and dirty MC romances, Marteeka takes
pleasure in spinning tales of tenacious, protective heroes and spirited,
vulnerable heroines. She staunchly advocates that every character deserves a
blissful ending, even, sometimes, the villains in her narratives. Her
writings are speckled with intense, raw elements resulting in page-turning
delight entwined with seductive escapades leading up to gratifying
conclusions that elicit a sigh from her readers.

Away from the pen, Marteeka finds joy in baking and supporting her husband
with their gardening activities. The late summer season is set aside for
preserving the delightful harvest that springs from their combined efforts
(which is mostly his efforts, but you can count it). To stay updated with
Marteeka’s latest adventures and forthcoming books, make sure to visit her
website. Don’t forget to register for her newsletter which will pepper you
with a potpourri of Teeka’s beloved recipes, book suggestions, autograph
events, and a plethora of interesting tidbits.


Contact Links

Author on Instagram & TikTok: @marteekakarland

Author on Facebook


Publisher on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok:



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Airmail & Chocolate Pie Virtual Book Tour

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Airmail & Chocolate Pie cover

Back to Boonetown




Airmail and Chocolate Pie: Back to Boonetown is a heartwarming and
nostalgic journey of unexpected discovery. One moment, Bobby Evers had no
plans to write another book; the next, a phone call and an old duffle bag
changed everything. The bag, belonging to his father, contained letters from
his mother during his father’s military service. These letters rekindled
Bobby’s passion for storytelling and sparked a deeply emotional
connection with his late parents.

Through these letters, Bobby found himself transported to another time,
filling the pages with stories rooted in love, family, and history. This
compelling book is not just a collection of memories, but a testament to how
life’s surprises can lead us back to our passions. With each letter,
Bobby connects to the past, shaping a narrative that’s as personal as
it is universal.

Join Bobby on this touching adventure, where past and present intertwine,
and see how the discovery of his parents’ letters inspired him to create
something truly special. Whether you’re a fan of heartfelt stories or
historical reflections, Airmail and Chocolate Pie: Back to Boonetown will
resonate deeply with anyone who cherishes the power of family and the
written word.

Airmail & Chocolate Pie tablet




Things change. 

One day you think you are settled in for a while, with plans to write a new play. People occasionally asked me if a new book was in the works, and I’d say, “No, not anytime soon.” I’d written a few stories that I liked, but I just wasn’t feeling the desire to work on another book. I wanted to try something different. At least that’s what I was thinking. 

Then, out of the blue, my nephew got a phone call, and picked up a bag someone found in an old shed: a seventy-year-old duffle bag of my dad’s. You wouldn’t think that would change any of my immediate plans, but it did. 

Suddenly, I was reading letters. Lots of letters. Letters sent from my mom to my dad when he was in the military. And a story was forming in my head as quickly as I could digest the words on the pages. 

Suddenly, I was writing stories I felt a strong emotional connection to, stories I wanted to publish. 

It felt very much as if I were getting a kick in the pants from my parents, urging me to keep writing. 

They both died long before I wrote anything, so I always wondered what they might think about my books. Would they be proud? Offended? Shocked? 

That very unexpected discovery sent me on a writing journey, with renewed enthusiasm for the practice of storytelling. It fueled my desire to publish this book, and it re-connected me with my mom and dad in a new way.

 So, yes, things do change. Sometimes in the most unexpected way. And then your mind changes, your focus changes and, suddenly, you have a new book to share.

 It’s a book I am proud to share. I hope you enjoy.



About the Author

Bobby Evers

Bobby Evers is a life-long Tennessean, a theater enthusiast, and avid
traveler. Being a keen people-watcher, he has always been a storyteller, and
now he brings those stories to the page in his first book. He has worked in
the construction business, and as an interior designer and architectural
consultant for over thirty-five years.


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Operation Nightfall Blitz

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Operation Nightfall cover

The Web of Spies


Espionage / Thriller

Date Published: 9/17/24

Publisher: FJK-KW Press



Former SOE operative Luba Haas and MI6 agent Natalie Jenkins secretly enter
Poland in 1948 to meet with a sleeper agent and anti-communist insurgents,
not realizing their mission has been compromised by a mole deep inside
British intelligence. Hunted by both Soviet and Polish security services,
they attempt a harrowing escape, not knowing whom they can trust as they try
to outrun their pursuers.

Inspired by the true events of Poland’s anti-communist insurgency, the
Cambridge Five spy scandal, and a covert British operation to roll back
communism to the borders of the USSR, Operation Nightfall: The Web of Spies
sheds light on a lesser known story of the Cold War and immerses readers
into the shadowy world of spy-versus-spy operations.

About the Author

Karl Wegener

Karl Wegener is a former Russian linguist, intelligence analyst, and combat
interrogator who served in the U.S. Army and within the Intelligence
Community during the Cold War.


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The Fortress Virtual Book Tour

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The Fortress, Book 1


A Post-Apocalyptic Survival Thriller

Date Published: August 29, 2023



We are the fortress, and the fortress is us.


Sim was a teacher in his old life. Now he’s the savior of orphans.

He isn’t their father. God knows he has already failed in that role. But he
is their guide. And the kids? They are his penance. His redemption.

For three years Sim has prepared his orphans for the hard realities of life
after the plague that wiped out most of the global population. Theirs is a
life without laws or creature comforts. He has trained them to forage and
grow their own food, to be vigilant, and to protect themselves and each
other by any means necessary. In building a fortress of brick and mortar,
they’ve become a fortress of flesh and blood.

These allegiances and ideals are put to the test when a man named Zagan,
who believes himself to be on a mission for the devil to bring about the
destruction of civilization’s remains, gathers hundreds of marauders and
confronts Sim and his orphans in a merciless siege.

Will the fortress hold… Or will it collapse under the pressure of

The Fortress tablet


It’s bigger than Magic Kingdom.

“It’s our fortress, indeed.”

“Is that what we’ll call it?” she asked. “Not a kingdom?”

“A kingdom sounds a lot bigger than what we have here. That we have

here is just a small part of a kingdom. Maybe from here we can build a

kingdom. Anyway, there is an expression I remember from all the reading

I used to do.”

“I like to read too,” Elizabeth said. “Next time we go out we have to find

more books for the library.”


About the Author

T.A. Styles

T.A. Styles earned his B.S. in Elementary Education and Mathematics and his
M.S. in Developmental Reading. He taught in elementary and junior high
schools for twelve years before launching his own childcare enterprise, TSL
Kids Crew, which he has operated since 2009. He has had a passion for
writing stories since he was a teenager, as it was a hobby and skill for
which he realized at a young age he had a knack for and loved. He has two
grown children and has traveled extensively including to Iceland, Australia,
Greece, Italy, South America, and many other places nationally and


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