Author Archives: Jennifer Reed/ bookjunkiez

About Jennifer Reed/ bookjunkiez

My Niece and Nephew joke that I could open a used book store with all the books that I own. I love to read, that is my addiction. I can't go a week without going to a book store. I love crocheting. I love to write stories and poetry. I also love my family, even though they make me crazy at times. I am a huge Donald Duck Fan.

Maggie the Cat Loves Pip’s Thanksgiving Surprise Virtual Book Tour

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Maggie the Cat Loves Pip's Thanksgiving Surprise cover

Maggie the Cat Book 2

Children’s Book

Date Published: October 15th

Publisher: Jan-Carol Publishing, Inc.



Wonderful illustrations bring us back up to Grandpa’s mountain farmhouse
for a Thanksgiving homecoming. Pip will soon have a Thanksgiving surprise,
but what exactly will it be? Will it have to do with the treats in the oven?
Pecan pie with oatmeal? Cornbread? Dutch apple pie? Mmmmm, they all smell so

Will it have to do with a new park for all of the children to play in,
being built at a neighbor’s farm? Wow! A brand new park where everyone, and
I mean everyone, is working very hard. Will it have to do with little Barney
who is the littlest goat ever and who is really working hard and chomp chomp
chomping away to make the park soft and free of brush?

Or finally, will it have to do with Pip’s best friend ever, Maggie? Read
along, and let’s find out together. We don’t have that long. Thanksgiving is
coming very soon!


Maggie the Cat Loves Pip's Thanksgiving Surprise tablet


Happy Birthday to the
New Park!

One More Day Until Thanksgiving

 (Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. I just can’t wait!) 


Grandpa told me to bring my harmonica because we are going to play our harmonicas along with other children who brought their kazoos. We exit the school bus. Pip has a collar with a small rope attached so that Grandpa can help keep him safe. 

Mr. Cecil is here from the restaurant. He has made a birthday cake for us. Oh my! Mr. Cecil placed the pretty birthday cake in the middle of the table. On top of the cake was one candle, because today the park was one day old. Mr. Cecil explained how the cake was made with bananas and pineapple. It had a sorta spicy taste of nutmeg, cinnamon, and cloves. On top of the cake was a creamy, creamy cream cheese frosting and some of our very own pecans from Grandpa. Oh my! 

Mr. Cecil said the name of the cake was a Hummingbird Cake. Then, he pointed to a large metal sign at the entrance to the park. The sign was covered up with a big pink sheet hanging over the sign. He said, “Under the sheet, there is the name of the new park. What do you children believe the name of the new park will be?” 

I thought and I thought and I thought. Then, I yelled, “Wait! I know! I know! I know! It’s named for the tiny, tiny bird I saw here. It’s called Hummingbird Park!” 

Mr. Cecil said, “Yes, you are right! Look!” 

With that, he removed the sheet, and all of us read the sign out loud. We read together, “Welcome, everyone, to Hummingbird Park.” We clapped and jumped and clapped and clapped and jumped. 

So, there! 

We all began to play our harmonicas and our kazoos. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Then, Mr. Cecil says, “Okay, everyone, put your instruments away. Now, let’s get in a loooooooong line, and we are going to parade around the park on the sidewalks and sing and clap. All the very small children will get in their wagons and be pulled along at the end of the parade.” Oh my! 

“But first …We have a special grand marshal who is going to lead the parade. The special marshal is  …Pip!” 

Oh my! Pip (with Grandpa’s help) is going to lead the parade. All the children say, “Look at Pip! Look at Pip!” Pip’s eyes get really, really big, and he smiles. Grandpa places a black and white, polka dot bow tie on Pip. Pip is so proud! Then, Pip says, “EWWWWWWEEEEE!” 

And he jumps and jumps and starts the parade. He trots all around and around and around the sidewalks, and all the children follow. They clap, they skip, they jump, and they sing, “Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear Hummingbird Park. Happy birthday to you!”

Fun Learning Games


About that time, Daddy enters the room and says, “Why don’t we go sit in front of the fireplace on the sofa and play our learning games?” I say, “Yes! Yes! Yes! I am good at our learning games.”

Daddy said, “First, remember when we played the fives game?” 

I jumped up out of my seat. I said, “I know, I know. We both do it and see who can do it faster.” 

“Okay, let me go first,” said Daddy. He stood up tall. He looked straight at me and proceeded to say in a very loud voice, “5, 10, 15, 20.” Then, he paused, and he said, “25, 30, 35, 40.” Again, he paused and finished with 45 to 55 to 65 …all the way to 100.

Then, I stood up. I looked at Daddy and said, “Here I go.” I took a really, really big breath in, and really, really fast went, “5, 10, 15 …100.” I went even faster than Daddy, so I won. So, there! 

Next, Daddy said, “Let’s work with the calendar.” He explained to me that Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. We went over to the wall calendar that we had hung near the back door, and Daddy showed me the month of November. He found the first Thursday and put his finger on it, then he went to the second Thursday, then the third Thursday, and finally he put his finger on the fourth Thursday. I learned that Thanksgiving would be Thursday. The calendar also showed all the other months of the year, and I could proudly name them all. I closed my eyes, didn’t look, and I said them all really, really fast. 

Here we go!





There you go! 

Finally, we decided to go to the kitchen and inspect my latest learning project. I am growing rock candy! We run and look at the corner in the kitchen below the cabinet, and we see it. There is a jar and a string. Growing on the string is my rock candy! Yes, it has a boatload of crystals. That means it is growing. Soon, it will be ready to eat! Oh my! 

I look out the kitchen window. I see the little golden leaves continuing to fall. There, by the window, Grandpa has placed a peck of Mutsu and a bushel of Golden Delicious apples. He also has placed a five-pound bag of pecans that he will bring to Mr. Cecil for his Thanksgiving pies later that afternoon. Then, all of a sudden, I hear something very interesting and run to the back door to see what it is. I think I know …

Could it be? Would it be? 



It’s Barney, it’s Barney, at the back door 

It’s Barney, it’s Barney, at the back door 

Pip loves you so 

Please, please don’t go 

It’s Barney, it’s Barney, back again at the back door 

Can you please stay with us, Barney, forevermore? 


Yes, Little Barney was at the back door, again. Grandpa Charlie Green said to me, “Wilhelmina Olive Blessing, you know I’ve got to give a call to Farmer Ted and let him know that Little Barney is here. I feel bad, because it appears that Little Barney seems to really like it here. But we don’t want Farmer Ted to worry.” 

Maggie the Cat Loves Pip's Thanksgiving Surprise image

So, Grandpa Charlie Green picked up the phone and gave him a call. Very soon after, Farmer Ted arrived in his orange truck, and he hugged little Barney. He then very gently and kindly picked Little Barney up and put him in the truck and took him back to his barn. 

After Barney left, Pip came to the back screen door and gently sat down. He just looked out. Pip was sad. I was sad for Pip. So was Grandpa. Pip just continued to look out the back door, and he was very sad. 




About the Author

Julia Russo

Julia Russo spent many winters in the mountains along with her little dog,
Chloe, and her sweet husband, Kent. She continues to live in Atlanta but her
heart is really in those woods. 

One of her favorite things ever was hearing her first graders read aloud.
She sometimes wrote for the government and companies, and later wrote
descriptions of homes. She even spent time as what is called a

After her debut book, Maggie the Cat Who Came Home for Christmas, released
in 2023, Julia is excited to continue the series. She visits her
mountainside cabin often. One of these days, she’s hoping to get a
little goat.


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Deathly Colors Blitz

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Deathly Colors cover

Children’s Book

Date Published: April 10, 2023



Explore the dark side of colors you never knew existed – with death
as your trusty guide!


Colors are more than just a beautiful bouquet of lilies and roses. They are
also the gorgeous black attires we wear or even the green goo from a smashed
worm. But you know what else lurks behind colors? Death. And it’s
everywhere, watching and waiting.

Don’t believe it? Well, read these dark, amusing haikus and open your eyes
to deathly colors and deathly possibilities!

From ominous yellow signs to vicious creatures in the deep blue sea, this
epic book will show you a bizarre world through the eyes of death.

Let the journey begin!

About the Author

Gabrielle Ferrara

Gabrielle Ferrara is an artist and entrepreneur who creates
Victorian-inspired art and jewelry with ethically sourced animal remains.
She has a master’s degree in Museum Studies and undergraduate degrees in
Anthropology and Art History. Gabrielle enjoys spending her free time with
family, venturing down the rabbit hole of obscurity, and talking about


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A Tainted Heart Bleeds Virtual Book Tour

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House of Croft, Book 2

Historical Mystery/Thriller/Romance

Date Published: 10-29-2024



He’ll never forgive her deception, or the hold she still has on his

Adrian Croft’s worst fear has been realized. His wife, the sweet
woman who swept past his every defense, is a cunning spy working against
him. Forced to play a dangerous game where one wrong move could see him
destroyed, he must unravel her secrets while hunting a far more sinister

Samantha knew her decision to marry her target would come at a price. Now,
having lost her husband’s trust and affection, she’ll do
whatever it takes to win it all back – abandon past loyalties, spill
her secrets, and catch a killer. But will it be enough to undo the

A Tainted Heart Bleeds tablet


Chapter One


London, August 15th, 1818

Lady Eleanor dropped onto the stool in front of her vanity table. Exhausted from entertaining dinner guests with her parents, she looked forward to climbing into the soothing comfort of her bed. 

Something pushing against her leg made her lower her gaze to Milly, the miniature poodle her parents had gifted her with for her sixteenth birthday. Rising onto her hind legs, Milly shifted her paws to better press her damp nose against Eleanor’s thigh, her stubby tail wagging with eager affection.

Eleanor chuckled and scooped the pup into her lap. She raked her fingers through Milly’s fur, scratched her a few times behind one ear, and allowed her to settle comfortably in her lap. 

“Are you ready, my lady?” The question was posed by Audrey, Eleanor’s lady’s maid. A short woman with dark brown hair and eyes to match, the servant was five years Eleanor’s senior and possessed a positive outlook to match her own. 

Eleanor glanced at her and smiled in response to the warmth she found in Audrey’s eyes. “Yes. Please begin.”

Audrey raised the comb she’d collected earlier and drew it through Eleanor’s hair. Molly snuggled farther into the circle of her arms, nails scratching a little at Eleanor’s lap as she repositioned her legs.

Eleanor sighed and sent her bed a longing glance. The coverlet had been folded back to display the crisp white sheets that beckoned. It would be good to climb between them and let the weariness seep from her body.

Molly’s curls compressed beneath the weight of her hand as Eleanor stroked the fluffy fur. Glancing up, she caught Audrey’s gaze in the mirror, her thoughts returning to the charity visit she’d planned for tomorrow. “Maybe you’re right about the brown woolen spencer. I never wear it, so I might as well include it in the donation.”

“Are you sure?” Audrey set the comb aside and collected a glass bottle containing Warren & Rosser’s Milk of Roses lotion.

The question was a legitimate one since Eleanor had argued against the suggestion yesterday when she and Audrey had prepared the box that would go to St. Augustine’s Church. The spencer had been a gift from her aunt three Christmases ago. It was undoubtedly lovely, but every time she’d put it on she felt it didn’t quite suit her.

“Yes,” she said, her mind made up. “There’s no sense in it taking up space in the wardrobe when it can keep someone less fortunate warm.”

Audrey dabbed a bit of lotion on Eleanor’s face and began rubbing it in with wonderfully soothing circular motions. “I’m always impressed by your kindness, my lady.”

But was she always kind? Guilt gathered in Eleanor’s stomach, becoming so heavy it felt like a block of lead. The choice she’d made for herself – for her future – had not been easy. She hated how selfish it made her feel. 

Yet she managed to smile and pretend Audrey’s comment was welcome. “Thank you.”

Audrey responded with a smile of her own and proceeded to plait Eleanor’s hair. The peaceful activity calmed her mind. She allowed herself to focus on what was to come, instead of worrying over the past.

She’d had her say, and in so doing, she’d paved the way to a new adventure.

A surge of excitement filled her breast at this thought. Everything would be fine. All she needed was rest. The maid finished her ministrations and tidied up. Eleanor set Molly down and climbed into bed. The mattress sagged beneath her weight, the cool sheets inviting her to sink deeper.

“Would you like me to close the window before I go?” Audrey asked.

“No. Leave it open.” The afternoon sun pouring into the room several hours before had made it unbearably warm and stuffy. She couldn’t sleep like that.

“I’ll bid you good night then, my lady.” Audrey called for Molly to join her and the dog complied without question, knowing full well that a walk and a treat awaited.

“Good night,” Eleanor replied, “and thank you for your help.”

The maid left and Eleanor reached for her book. This was her favorite time to read, when all was silent and there was no risk of being disturbed. She opened Pamela and flipped to the spot where she’d left off the previous evening.

A gentle breeze streamed through the window, toying with the curtains. Distant laughter reached her ears. It was followed by a horse’s faint whinny. Eleanor’s eyes grew heavy. The book began sagging between her hands.

She yawned and it felt like only a moment had passed before she was startled by a loud noise. Her eyes snapped open, adjusting and observing. The light by which she’d been reading had burned itself out. Her book had slipped from her grasp. She must have fallen asleep.

Light flashed beyond the window. A resounding boom followed. The curtains flapped with wild abandon while rain poured down from the heavens. She blew out a breath and went to close the window. It was just a storm. No need for alarm.

Barefooted, she padded across the Aubusson rug and noted that parts of it were now damp from the rain. She leaned forward through the window’s opening, her abdomen pressing into the sill, wetting her nightgown as she reached for the handle.

Her hand caught the slick wood and she pulled the window shut. A welcome silence followed, cocooning her from the elements. Pausing briefly, she watched water streak down the smooth window pane, saw lightning flash across the sky.

Intent on returning to bed, she took a step back, prepared to close the curtains, and froze when her toes connected with something unpleasant. Not just water, but a thick and squishy substance of sorts. But how could that be? Confused, she dropped her gaze, but the darkness was blinding. She’d need a candle or an oil lamp in order to see.

She straightened and started to turn, her aim to locate the tinderbox she kept on her nightstand, when a pair of large hands captured her throat. She opened her mouth, attempted to scream, but couldn’t even manage a gasp as the fingers dug deeper and cut off her breath. 

Terrified, she stared at the window, at her own blurry figure reflected in the wet glass, and the larger man standing behind her. Tears welled in her eyes. She clawed at the hands that gripped her, kicked her attacker’s shins, and did what she could to wriggle free.

None of it worked. 

He was much stronger than she, and her strength waned with each breath she was denied. Her heart fluttered desperately. It begged her to keep on fighting. But it was no use. 

She had already lost


Chief Constable Peter Kendrick removed his hat as he entered Orendel House. Given the circumstances, a somber atmosphere wasn’t surprising. But the gloom he encountered in the elegant foyer was unparalleled. 

Servants stood near the walls, slumped like wilting plants. Maids wept while the male servants stared into nothing, their stricken expressions underscoring the horror they’d woken up to. Even the butler struggled to speak when he offered to take Peter’s hat, his voice cracking before he averted his gaze.

“Where are the earl and countess?” Peter asked.

The butler gave his eyes a quick swipe and straightened his posture. “In the parlor with their…remaining children.” Someone sobbed and the old man’s expression twisted with grief. “As you can no doubt imagine, this is terribly difficult for them. They asked me to show you upstairs.”

“Very well.”

He followed the butler, one step at a time, a couple of Runners at his back. They arrived on the landing, their footfalls muted by the plush carpet lining the hardwood floor. A few more paces and then…

The butler paused and gestured toward a door. “Through there. I realize I ought to come with you, but… Do you mind if I remain here?”

“Not at all.” Peter reached Lady Eleanor’s bedchamber doorway and froze. A sick feeling caught hold of his stomach. Ghastly didn’t come close to describing the scene he beheld. This was the sort of thing that could make men lose all hope in humanity. It was…barbaric. 

“Good lord,” murmured Anderson, the Runner standing at Peter’s right shoulder. 

Anderson’s colleague, Lewis, only managed a faint, “Excu…” before he bolted for the stairs, no doubt hoping to make it outside before he vomited.

Peter swallowed and took a deep breath, then entered the room. It hadn’t been so long ago since another young woman’s body was found – the last in a series of brutal murders that left him baffled for more than a year. But that killer was dead, so it couldn’t be the same man who’d acted here.

Besides, this was different and shockingly worse.

He clenched his jaw, reminded himself that he had a job to accomplish. There was just…so much blood. It felt like the room was bathed in it. And the victim…

Forcing himself to employ an analytical mindset, he considered her position on the bed and the clean blanket draped over her torso and legs. 

“I’ll need the usual sketches,” he said.

“Already working on it,” Anderson told him, his voice gruff.

“You may want to wait a moment.” Peter studied Lady Eleanor’s face and the empty eye sockets that seemed to mock him. “Until I’ve removed the blanket.”


“It doesn’t belong. Someone placed it here after the fact, no doubt to protect her modesty.” He shot a look over his shoulder. “If you’ll please shut the door.”

A firm click followed and then, “Why would the bastard take her eyes?”

“I don’t know. Could be a trophy of sorts. There’s no telling what goes on in such vile creatures’ heads.”

Slowly, with respect and consideration directed toward the poor young woman whose body lay on the bed before him, Peter folded back the blanket and shuddered. Whatever nightgown she’d worn to bed was gone, her naked body left on display. 

Air rushed into Peter’s lungs on a sharp inhalation. She’d been stabbed too many times to count, as though her attacker hadn’t been able to stop. And her neck – the skin there was a bright red shade.

Swallowing, he surveyed the rest of the room while Anderson kept on drawing. 

A vase lay on the floor near one of the windows, smashed to pieces. The flowers were strewn across the Aubusson rug. They’d probably ended up there during a struggle. Peter lowered himself to a crouch, his fingertips testing a dark brown stain and feeling the wetness. Mud.

“Take notes too, will you?” Peter retreated until he’d reached the bedchamber door. He grabbed the handle. “And cover her with the blanket once you’re done. I’ll question the servants in the meantime.”


The parlor was made available for interviews, each servant introduced to Peter by the butler as he showed them into the room. Peter considered the latest arrival. Audrey was her name. Short in stature, with mousish features and lackluster hair, she’d been Lady Eleanor’s lady’s maid. 

“I…I don’t…” Audrey gulped. 

She dabbed at her watery eyes again. Her handkerchief looked heavy and wet. Peter handed her a fresh one and gave her a moment to try and collect herself. Not easy, he realized, since she’d been the one who’d discovered her mistress’s body when she’d gone to rouse her.

“Did you always wake her in the mornings?” Peter gently asked.

A nod accompanied trembling lips. “She was always so…active. Liked making the…the most of each day. Today… Oh dear. Please forgive me.”

“It’s quite all right,” Peter told her and waited once more for the woman’s tears to abate. “Take your time.”

She swallowed, licked her lips, and seemed to straighten a bit. “We planned to visit St. Augustine with a few donations. My mistress…she was so very kind I…I don’t understand why anyone might have wanted to hurt her.”

“So you can think of no enemies?”


“No hopeful suitors she might have spurned?”

Audrey shook her head. “She’s engaged to Mr. Benjamin Lawrence. They were supposed to marry three months ago, toward the end of April, but his horse-riding accident forced a postponement.”

Peter recalled news of the tragedy. The event had turned the young man into a cripple. He’d lost the use of his legs. “She still meant to go through with it, despite what happened?”

“Of course.” Additional tears slid down Audrey’s cheeks. “My mistress loved Mr. Lawrence and intended to stand by him. That’s the sort of person she was.”

And yet, the nature of her death suggested someone had loathed her beyond all reason. Peter made a few notes in his notebook, his pencil scratching the paper with quick and efficient strokes. 

“Thank you, Audrey. That will be all for now.” He accompanied her to the door and called for the next servant. 

Again, his thoughts wandered back to the murders that took place earlier in the year. Those women had all seemed like proper young ladies. Friends and family had vouched for them. Yet they’d each had a secret that had gotten them killed.

In all likelihood, Lady Eleanor had secrets too. If he was to figure out who killed her, he’d have to discover which of hers had led to her death.


There was no greater nuisance than murder. 

It was hard to predict how one would play out. Killing Lady Eleanor had been messier than he’d intended. Perhaps because he’d allowed himself to get carried away. 

His lips curled. At least he’d had the foresight to stash a change of clothes for himself at St. George’s burial ground. Returning home covered in blood would not have helped him get away with the crime. As he intended to do.

Hands shoved into the pockets of a clean pair of trousers, he stood by his bedchamber window and watched the London traffic go by. 

He had no regrets. She’d deserved every part of what he’d done.

His attention focused on the carriages filling the street and on the people hurrying by. It was the busiest hour of the day, when men of consequence made their way to Parliament while those who belonged to the working class went off to start their jobs.

Bow Street would have its hands full this morning. He casually wondered if they were examining Lady Eleanor’s body right now and where the clues they discovered might lead them.

Spotting a young girl who carried a crate of eggs on her head, he tracked her as she walked along the opposite side of the street. A man coming the other way nudged her shoulder as he pushed past her, but failed to disrupt her stride.

She threw a quick glance toward him then stepped off the pavement and hurried between two carriages, making her way to this side of the street. 

A couple of street urchins came from the left at a run, most likely fleeing someone whose pocket they’d picked. Leaping into the street at the same exact time as the girl with the eggs attempted to exit, they crashed into her, tripping before regaining their balance and sprinting onward while she was sent reeling.

Down went the crate and all of her eggs, straight into the gutter.

Not one person stopped to inquire about her wellbeing. She was invisible to the crowd – just another lowly individual doing her best to scrape by. Too much trouble for the middle or upper class to get involved with. Too time consuming for the rest.

And yet, as he watched the poor wretch try to salvage the few eggs that somehow remained intact, there was no doubt she’d prefer her situation to Lady Eleanor’s at the moment.

He watched the girl until she’d gathered whatever she could and continued along the street, vanishing from his view before he turned from the window. His gaze went to his bedside table and he crossed to it, retrieved a small key from his jacket pocket, then dropped into a crouch.

With adroitness, he set the key in the lock of the door beneath the drawer and turned it. The door opened and he reached inside, retrieving a jar that he held up against the bright morning light. 

A pair of eyes contained in a clear solution stared back at him while his lips twitched with amusement. The last time they’d talked, Lady Eleanor had insisted she’d no desire to see him again. 

It was a wish he’d been more than happy to fulfill.


About the Author

Sophie Barnes

USA TODAY bestselling author Sophie Barnes writes historical romance novels
in which the characters break away from social expectations in their quest
for happiness and love. Having written for Avon, an imprint of Harper
Collins, her books have been published internationally in eight languages.
With a fondness for travel, Sophie has lived in six countries, on three
continents, and speaks English, Danish, French, Spanish, and Romanian with
varying degrees of fluency. Ever the romantic, she married the same man
three times—in three different countries and in three different

When she’s not busy dreaming up her next swoon worthy romance novel,
Sophie enjoys spending time with her family, practicing yoga, baking,
gardening, watching romantic comedies and, of course, reading.


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The Moldavian Gambit Blitz

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The Moldavian Gambit cover

Spies & Politics, Espionage, Terrorism


A taut, fast-paced, geopolitical techno-thriller set in the dying days of
the Soviet Union.  The Moldavia Gambit will appeal to lovers of complex
espionage, terrorism and political thrillers by authors like Tom Clancy,
Daniel Silva and Mark Greaney.

Inspired by actual events and filled with authentic technical detail, the
gripping tale races between Moscow, Moldavia, Paris, Washington, the skies
over Eastern Europe, and geostationary orbit 22,000 miles above the Earth.






About the Author

Brad Meslin

Brad Meslin has spent more than 35 years working at the intersection of the
aerospace and defense industry, private equity and national security.

Meslin founded and manages a leading advisory firm that performs diligence
on aerospace, defense and government services contractors active in the
defense, space, aviation and intelligence sectors in the United States,
Europe, the Middle East and elsewhere.  Advising on hundreds of
transactions over more than three decades, Meslin has gained a deep
understanding of the national security programs and missions these companies
support, and the capabilities and systems they help to develop and

Dr. Meslin earned a Master’s degree in law and diplomacy and a Ph.D.
from The Fletcher School at Tufts University, with a focus on international


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The Parent’s Launch Code Virtual Book Tour

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Loving and Letting Go of Our Adult Children



Date Published: September 17, 2024

Publisher: MindStir Media



Is your child ready to launch into adulthood, or are they stuck on the


Today, more young adults than ever are struggling to achieve independence.
Over fifty percent of 18-29-year-olds are still living at home, and an
alarming number leave home and cut ties with their parents. But what if
there was a way to help your child become self-sufficient and independent
while maintaining a strong, loving bond with you?

In this book, the author, a seasoned expert in the field, provides a
comprehensive guide to achieving a successful launch. You’ll learn the
importance of practicing unconditional love to secure the relationship, even
when fear, anxiety, guilt, or resentment threaten to block it. Through love
and five other powerful practices-strengthening your relationship,
apologizing, forgiving, showing backbone, and saying goodbye-you’ll gain the
tools and insights to support your child’s journey to responsible

Empower yourself with the knowledge to let go while sustaining a caring
connection with your adult child. It’s time to prepare for a launch that
truly soars.


Launch Code is a beacon of wisdom and compassion for parents navigating the
complexities of supporting grown-up children. With its reassuring tone and
practical guidance, this book offers invaluable strategies for fostering
open communication, setting healthy boundaries, and navigating the delicate
balance between support and independence. Each chapter is packed with
actionable advice and exercises, ensuring readers can apply the insights
gained to their situations. With its blend of empathy and practicality,
Launch Code is an indispensable companion for any parent seeking guidance
and reassurance in supporting their adult children, offering a comforting
hand through the ups and downs of this transformative journey.

Joshua Coleman, Ph.D. Author, Rules of Estrangement: Why Adult Children Cut
Ties and How to Heal the Conflict


I have had the pleasure of following Jack Stoltzfus and his books on
parenting over the years. Jack’s latest book, the Parents Launch Code:
Loving and Letting Go of Our Adult Children, addresses the precarious period
when children prepare to launchinto adulthood. His approach – the
combination of unconditional love with “backbone” — captures the
meaning behind “tough love,” a phrase I used to describe what I
learned in the ’60s working with young people on the streets of Harlem. Love
and backbone are the formula for the difficult and necessary balance between
compassion and resolve that parenting with integrity requires. This is an
essential book for parents whose children are entering adulthood.

Bill Milliken

Founder and Vice Chair, Communities in Schools

Author of Tough Love, The Last Drop Out, and From the Rearview Mirror


The Parent's Launch Code tablet




As a leadership and coaching expert, I’ve had the privilege of guiding

many through the various stages of personal and professional development.

Yet there’s a pivotal phase that’s often overlooked: the transition

young adults make from the family home into the wider world. Dr. Jack

Stoltzfus’s The Parent’s Launch Code is a pivotal work that provides an

invaluable road map for this journey. Having raised two adult children

myself, I understand the delicate balance required in this critical phase.

The process of releasing our kids into the world equipped for success

and resilience is a task that, while daunting, is deeply rewarding. Dr.

Stoltzfus’s work is a vital companion for this task, offering sage advice

that I wish had been available during my own parenting years.

In my career and life, I’ve seen firsthand the challenges of letting

go and the importance of doing it right. This book is a testament to the

delicate art of parenting young adults—a stage where conventional parenting

books often fall silent. Dr. Stoltzfus offers not just his profound

insights but also his heart as he shares real-life experiences from his

practice and personal life. It’s this blend of professional expertise and

personal vulnerability that makes The Parent’s Launch Code resonate

with such authenticity and authority. Having experienced the complex

emotions of watching my children venture out, I can attest to the need

for a guide that embraces both the joy and trepidation of this period.

Dr. Stoltzfus steps into this role with grace and wisdom, offering a light

to navigate by.

What strikes me most about this book is its unflinching honesty.

Dr. Stoltzfus doesn’t shy away from the complexities of the parent-young

adult relationship. Instead, he faces them head-on, acknowledging the

emotional turmoil while steering clear of empty guarantees. This honest

approach sets a solid foundation for the six practices he outlines, each

a stepping stone towards successful independence for our children and

peace of mind for us as parents. The realism in these pages speaks to those

of us who have lain awake at night wondering if we’ve done enough, if our

children are truly prepared for the challenges ahead, and how our relationship

with them will evolve. It assures us that while perfection in parenting

is unattainable, continuous improvement is always within reach.

I am particularly moved by the way Dr. Stoltzfus addresses the

duality of parenting: the profound love we have for our children and

the inherent sadness in acknowledging they will one day leave the nest.

This book provides a compassionate and practical approach to managing

this bittersweet reality, ensuring that the bonds we cherish remain

strong, even as we encourage our children to forge their own paths. As

parents, we aspire not just to raise competent individuals but also to lay

the groundwork for lasting, meaningful relationships that endure the

test of time and distance.

The Parent’s Launch Code is an essential read for any parent at

the cusp of this transformative stage. As our young adults prepare to

launch into a world that we’ve helped them navigate from a distance, Dr.

Stoltzfus’s book is a powerful reminder that our roles as parents evolve

but never truly end. We are forever coaches, cheerleaders, and safe harbors

in the ever-changing tides of our children’s lives. The launch may

be theirs, but the journey is a shared one, with each successful step forward

a testament to the love and effort we’ve poured into their upbringing.

As my own children have embarked on their independent paths, the

lessons echoed in this book have reinforced the importance of trust, the

wisdom of restraint, and the value of unwavering support. Dr. Stoltzfus’s

words are not just guidance; they are a celebration of one of life’s most

significant milestones.

—Dr. Marshall Goldsmith is the Thinkers50 #1 Executive Coach

and New York Times bestselling author of The Earned Life,

Triggers, and What Got You Here Won’t Get You There.


About the Author

Dr. Jack Stoltzfus

Dr. Jack Stoltzfus, a unique blend of author, clinical psychologist, and
America’s Launch Coach®, has a mission to guide parents through
the challenging process of launching their young adult children. His
writings reflect his experiences with young adult challenges, his current
role as a parent of three adult children, and his extensive work with
parents in the delicate balance of love and backbone during the letting-go
process. Dr. Stoltzfus is a trusted resource for parents with a PhD from the
University of Wisconsin and over thirty-five years of experience in various
mental health and substance abuse settings. His popular website is


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