Author Archives: Jennifer Reed/ bookjunkiez

About Jennifer Reed/ bookjunkiez

My Niece and Nephew joke that I could open a used book store with all the books that I own. I love to read, that is my addiction. I can't go a week without going to a book store. I love crocheting. I love to write stories and poetry. I also love my family, even though they make me crazy at times. I am a huge Donald Duck Fan.

Twins With Love x2 Blitz

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Twins With Love x2 cover

Children’s Book

Date Published: March 13, 2023

Publisher: MindStir Media


This wonderful rhyming story about two little girls born as twins and the
magic of that special bond and their magnetic love that lasts forever.
Whether together or apart, they can see, sense, and feel each other’s
feelings hardwired to their hearts. The colorful illustrations bring a
unique feeling of love, care, and kindness.

Mr. B’s Books by Michael Barnes – Rhyming books that teach kindness and
compassion, making the world a happier place.

About the Author

Mr. B

Mr. B

Happy Makes Me Happy

Amazon Best Selling Children’s Book Author

Mike Barnes is a semi-retired new author whose passion for writing came to fruition upon his retirement from 38 years of authentic servant leadership.

As a father and grandfather, Mike was reading to his twin granddaughters and decided to unleash his passion for writing children’s books with rhyming stories about love, care, and kindness.

In addition to Happy Makes Me Happy, Mike has a second book Twins With Love x2 and a third book, YAY… It’s My First Day of School coming this year.

Mike also recently started Barnes Leadership and Strategy Coaching whereby he has been a keynote speaker on Authentic Servant Leadership Hardwired to the Heart.


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The Boy Who Could Smell Warming Blitz

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The Boy Who Could Smell Warming cover

Children’s Book

Date Published: July 22, 2024

Publisher: MindStir Media



There was always something exceptional and different about ten-year-old
Reuben Otis O’Brien, but no one, including Reuben Otis himself, can figure
out quite what it is. All that he knows is that he can smell something very
strange that no one else can, and sometimes it makes him sick.

The Boy Who Could Smell Warming is the story of Reuben Otis’s quest to
discover his special ability and its purpose. Since, as he describes
himself, Reuben Otis is a “nerd in a cool guy’s body,” he does his
own scientific investigation and finds out that he possesses a very unusual
superpower which is vital for the whole world and will make him a true
superhero. As he starts to use his superpower with the help of his family
and two neighborhood friends, he learns he can change things vital to his
hometown and to the entire planet. This gives Reuben Otis a newfound pride
and a whole new direction to his life.

About the Author

Patrick Fleming

Patrick Fleming, M.Div., L.C.S.W., C.S.A.T. is a psychotherapist and
spiritual coach in a private practice in St. Louis, MO, Double Rainbow
Counseling, Coaching, and Consulting, with his wife, Suzanne Lauber-Fleming.
He is the principal co-author, with his wife and other colleagues, of a
trilogy of books on psycho-spiritual trauma recovery. He has also authored a
number of articles on psychological, spiritual, recovery, and social issues
for a variety of national and international publications As a
psychotherapist, Patrick specializes in the treatment of abuse and trauma,
sexual addiction and compulsivity, couple counseling, and the integration of
spirituality and psychology. He has been a hospital chaplain, a hospice
counselor and a psychotherapist for over thirty years.

In addition, Patrick, with his wife, Sue Lauber-Fleming, RN, MA, LCSW, has
led numerous workshops and trainings nationally and internationally for
survivors and the professionals that work with them, focusing on both the
psychological and spiritual needs of those wounded by trauma and abuse. In
addition to his healing work with survivors, Pat has worked for 18 years
with Catholic priests and brothers, and other clergy who are perpetrators of
clerical sexual abuse. He has also worked as a consultant to a variety of
religious and mental health groups who work with survivors, addicts and

In addition, to the psychological training, education, and clinical
experience Patrick also has extensive training, education, and pastoral
experience in spirituality and the spiritual needs of those suffering
emotionally and physically. His mission throughout his career has been to
integrate the best of psychology with the depths of spirituality to
facilitate greater healing and change.





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The County Virtual Book Tour

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The County cover

Medical Thriller

Date Published: November 7, 2024



For Sam Wyatt, his intern year was going to be the hardest year of his
life. Profoundly affected by violence and death – and long before it was
called PTSD or burnout – Sam and his fellow interns, Wilson Harrison, Gina
Bautista, and Harry Martin must find a way to survive in THE COUNTY.

Doubting their choices, working 90 hours a week, lacking sleep, surviving
on a diet of bad food and black coffee, each must learn to work in the
understaffed, underfunded, and deteriorating hospital taking care of
critically ill patients; for a system demanding they be constantly
overworked if they want to become the doctors they promised themselves they
would be.

Within this brutal system, Sam finds a mentor in Fish – his senior resident
and the only one to tell him the actual rules to survive:

• Everyone will try to kill your patient, except you.

• It’s OK to be wrong, but never unsure.

• Rebels are shot at dawn.

Fish should know. He had been through it just a year before. But would any
of them make it out unscathed?

Set in the 1970’s, this raw portrait of the birth of emergency medicine
bears the roots of many of the problems underlying our broken medical system
and our system of training doctors. Ones that have only progressively
worsened since that time. But…

If you can persevere…

If you really follow Fish’s rules…

Maybe you too can survive THE COUNTY.

The County tablet


AFTER THE TWO BOYS DIED side by side, Sam escaped out the side door into the drizzle of the cold December night. Exhausted, he bent over, hands on his knees trying to take a few deep breaths. His anger and frustration had been growing but this night it tightened its choking grip on him, draining what little breath he still had out of him. He had tried to speak several times to tell someone he was going out, getting some badly needed air, but he was so choked by his anger he could no longer get the words out. After shaking his finger rhythmically four times at the side door he finally just expelled the word “out” in a guttural exhalation of anguish. He needed space to breathe, but now more than ever he longed to be free of this place. He pitched himself down onto the rickety wooden bench outside the side door, banging his head on the metal bar behind him as he dropped limply into the seat. Bright sparks floated inside his eyes as his hearing disappeared into a deep monotone tunnel. He rubbed the back of his head with his hand. It was wet; was it just his sweat, or worse? He grimaced when he pressed his scalp and felt a lump. He checked his fingers, no blood at least.


About the Author

Zane Horowitz

 In a career that spanned 5 decades in emergency medicine, Dr. Zane Horowitz
was there when the specialty began. He worked predominantly in county
hospitals and trauma centers throughout his 45-year career. He has seen the
best and the worst of healthcare delivery. Since those early days, he has
held many roles in the field of emergency medicine. He directed pre-hospital
ambulance systems, supervised a multi-county rural EMS system and an
air-medical helicopter service, and worked in community and rural critical
access emergency departments. Currently, he is a Professor of Emergency
Medicine at Oregon Health Science University, and he practices medical
toxicology as the Associate Medical Director with the Oregon Poison Center.
With over 100 medical publications Zane Horowitz now has written a novel
about the early days of emergency medicine called THE COUNTY.

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Taken by the Faerie Teaser Tuesday

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Taken by the Faerie cover

Paranormal Women’s Fiction, Urban Fantasy

Date Published: January 10, 2025



Thaddeus Maguire is a vampire. He can’t remember the last time he
felt young, vibrant and alive. He’s made choices he regrets, but when
one of those mistakes comes back to haunt him, he’s forced to face his
past. The only place a hungry, beaten vampire can heal and recharge is the
best sanctuary for anyone paranormal. Eerie.

When he forces himself through a portal to his hometown, he lands at the
feet of the most beautiful flame-red haired Faerie he’s ever seen. The
moment he looks up at Tasia, he’s in love. But who could love a broken

Tasia isn’t afraid of the damaged vampire, and she’s determined
to make him see he’s more than his mistakes.

Can they outrun his past and find a future before his biggest mistake
destroys them? Love is possible when you’ve been taken by the





“You’re dangerous.”

“I know.” Clayton’s eyes flashed. “I also know
you’re sending them to Eerie. I can’t touch them there, but I
can touch you here. Send another and I’ll fuck you up.”

“You will?” He had no doubt. Clayton didn’t care who he
hurt as long as he got what he wanted. “Why is that?”

“Because I made them for food. I made them so I can use them. I made
them because I want a fucking army.” Clayton stepped into
Thaddeus’s personal space. “I made them so they’ll fight
vermin like you.”

“Like me? Come now. That’s so harsh.” He shouldn’t
bait Clayton, but he didn’t care. He’d allowed Clayton and his
band of marauders to screw with his life for years. No more. “What are
you going to do about it? Are you going to kick my ass again? You’ve
done it so much that it’s lost the threat.”

“Oh?” Clayton punched hard into Thaddeus’s stomach. The
impact threw Thaddeus backward and would’ve knocked the wind out of
him — if he’d have had breath in his body. Not for years.

Thaddeus winced and gritted his teeth, but grinned. “Is that all you

“No.” Clayton withdrew a butterfly knife from his pocket and
slashed it through the air. He hacked into Thaddeus’s chest, leaving
trails of gray blood in his wake. He sliced down Thaddeus’s arm, then
across his belly. He shoved the knife into Thaddeus’s abdomen.
“Had enough?”

“I’m good. Wear yourself out.” He didn’t want
another slashing, but he wasn’t about to show that. The less Clayton
knew he was in pain, the better.

“You can’t protect all of them. Can’t save them or even
be the good guy. You’ll never redeem yourself,” Clayton said. He
twisted the knife. “You went down that road years ago and you
can’t undo it, so don’t try. Accept you’re a fucking loser
and will never be anything but.” He yanked the knife out and shook the
blood onto the asphalt as if the blood were water on his sleeve. He walked
away, then glanced over his shoulder and pointed to his eyes.

Of course, he was being watched. That’s how these beings worked. No
one ever got away free.

Thaddeus held his belly and managed to form a portal. Fucker. Clayton had
done a number on him this time. It’d take a few days to recover. He
would — vampires didn’t die without involving silver or crucifixes,
and Clayton was smart enough not to use either.

He couldn’t protect the human world forever. The regular
world’s vastness was more than one being could handle. He’d need

Then again, he couldn’t be the only protector.

Jesus H. Christ. Where were the others? Asleep at the wheel?

He shook his head and stepped through the portal into Eerie and quickly
closed the opening behind him. The faster he sealed the opening, the better
the chances he could get away from Clayton, even if only for now.

He sank to the ground and bowed his head. He needed to recharge. Fuck, he
should find a nice corner and hide. His skin would eventually seal over and
the damage within him would go away, but a good meal would help. Being in
Eerie didn’t mean he’d find one quickly.

He’d fought off Clayton for years, but he couldn’t keep going.
Not like this. Besides, why in the name of hell did Clayton need to destroy
so much?

He lifted his head and drank in his surroundings. He’d forgotten how
bright the town could be. After a moment, he realized he’d stepped
into the Faerie block. God love those Faeries; they lived for their
audacious colors.

Then there he was — he hated anything that wasn’t black. Blend in
and don’t be seen.

He looked around and his stomach churned. Not from the lack of blood, but
the sickeningly sweet location. There had to be at least three cupcake shops
on the block. Who needed so much sugar?

Not him.

“Excuse me. Do you need help?” A red haired Faerie, dressed in
a pale green dress, touched his shoulder. When he met her gaze, electricity
shot through him. His skin tingled from her touch. When she smiled, she
warmed him throughout. The odd look in her eyes confused him, though. Was
that interest or fear?

“You do need help. Are you… you’re cut. Oh, Hera, please
let me help you.” She grasped him under his arms and hoisted him to
his feet. “What happened to you? No, I get it. I see, and I’m
not letting you languish out here.”

“What are you talking about?” He didn’t understand how
she’d figured out he had a problem, other than the slashes and blood.
The way she talked, it was like she knew what was going on. Had she seen
other vampires coming to Eerie after being assaulted? How many more of them
were there? “How do you seem to know what I’m thinking?
What’s in my gut?”

“We should talk.” She nodded to a bench, then paused. “We
could stop here by the street, but you’re safer if you come with me to
the Hall. We’ll go to my work.”

“You’re a cop.” He dug in his heels as best he could.
“I’m not going to the cops.” He’d done that plenty
of other times and usually landed in jail for twenty-four hours for what was
claimed to be his own protection. Har. More like the protection of the

If he’d gone mad or gone rogue, then everyone was in danger, but he
hadn’t on either account. He was just fine. Hurt, but fine. Beyond
that, the cops tended to have mages and necromancers on their staff who
could read his mind. They’d see way more than he wanted to



About the Author

Megan Slayer, aka Wendi Zwaduk, is a multi-published, award-winning author
of more than one-hundred short stories and novels. She’s been writing
since 2008 and published since 2009. Her stories range from the contemporary
and paranormal to LGBTQ and white hot themes. No matter what the length, her
works are always hot, but with a lot of heart. She enjoys giving her
characters a second chance at love, no matter what the form. She’s
been nominated at the LRC for Best Author, Best Contemporary, Best
Ménage, Best BDSM and Best Anthology. Her books have made it to the
bestseller lists on various e-tailer sites.

When she’s not writing, Megan spends time with her husband and son as
well as three dogs and three cats. She enjoys art, music and racing, but
football is her sport of choice. She’s an active member of the Friends
of the Keystone-LaGrange Public library.


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The Storm Descends Virtual Book Tour

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The Storm Descends cover

Demon Storm, Book 7


Young Adult Fantasy

Date Published: 12-13-2024

Publisher: Shadow Spark Publishing



The Catalyst is quiet

The Catalyst is quiet.

Kari struggles with the damage she did when she lost control.  Her
loved ones suffered at her hands, leaving Ari scarred in ways she will never
be able to ignore.

How he survived?  Only the Seraph of Nalmi knows.

Then a request arrives, a simple task compared to everything else she has
been through: travel as Freehaven’s emissary and meet with Brianna, a
now-ancient half demon who destroyed the first demon city across the sea –
and who may have some information on defeating the Catalyst for good.
Kari, Ari, and Guine prepare to cross the Demon Sea…

But the shadows await them.


The Storm Descends tablet


Kari knelt in a field of dark grass beneath a dark cloud pouring dark rain. Ari lay limp in her arms, dead to the world. She bowed her head over his prone body, colder than death even without the rain to drench them. It pattered, loud against her flicking ears—the only sound all around.

“Wake up, Ari, please,” she whispered to his chest, clutching him tighter. “Please.” Her voice broke, and a wail wrenched free.

“Love makes you weak.”

Kari’s head shot up at the whisper, but there was no one around. There was only the rain, hissing now, each drop harder and sharper.

“You are a plague.”

The whispers came from the rain, now searing pinpricks rather than drops of frozen water. Gritting her teeth, Kari lifted Ari, held him close to her chest, and ran.

“One day, you will wish for the power you forsake!”

Kari’s feet sloshed through thick, black puddles. She slipped and barely managed to roll onto her back before she and Ari fell. She grunted, struggled to get back up with his weight.

A beam of light broke the murky sky. Kari squinted at it; the sight filled her with an unexplainable, instinctual hope. She pushed off from the muddy ground—harder now with her and Ari both sopping wet—and ran for the light.

“PLEASE!” she screamed to the sky. “SAVE HIM!”

It was all she wanted; she would give anything—anything.

“You have a destiny.” This whisper was deeper, ancient—a voice so full of raw power, it grabbed Kari’s spine and forced her to straighten. “Vessels do not earn worldly attachments.”

Velthas. His pull was strong even now, even though she had not seen the Tree in weeks—months. Forced rigid, Kari dragged her eyes to the beam of light.

“Holy light,” she managed through a jaw clenched shut. She curled her fingers around Ari. “I forsake everything else to you.”

A ripple—the jarring snap of something breaking in her mind. Kari gasped and fell forward, barely catching herself on one hand before she collapsed on top of Ari.

The rain slowed, she thought; at least, she felt the pattering on her back less. She closed her eyes, hoping, wishing, praying.

Fingers touched her cheek. Her eyes flew open and found Ari’s eyes—green as the deepest forest. He lifted one corner of his mouth tiredly.

“You’ll carry my faith, won’t you?” he whispered. “My light?”


About the Author

Valerie Storm

Valerie Storm was raised in Tucson, Arizona. Growing up, she fell in love
with everything fantasy. When she wasn’t playing video games, she was
writing. By age ten, she began to write her own stories as a way to escape
reality. When these stories became a full-length series, she considered the
path to sharing with other children & children-at/heart looking for a
place to call home.


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