Author Archives: Jennifer Reed/ bookjunkiez

About Jennifer Reed/ bookjunkiez

My Niece and Nephew joke that I could open a used book store with all the books that I own. I love to read, that is my addiction. I can't go a week without going to a book store. I love crocheting. I love to write stories and poetry. I also love my family, even though they make me crazy at times. I am a huge Donald Duck Fan.

The Big C² Virtual Book Tour

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The Big C² cover

Stories from the Chronic Side of Cancer


Nonfiction / Health / Cancer

Date Published: November 15, 2024



As medical advancements accelerate, more people are living long lives with
cancer. The Big C2 delves into how survivors can become thrivers, despite
the challenges of a chronic cancer fluctuating between the need for
immediate attention and the patience for watchful waiting. Through a
collection of essays and interviews, it aims to enlighten the conversation
around chronic cancer among patients, their loved ones and healthcare
professionals. This book is an invaluable resource for anyone feeling alone
or misunderstood while navigating this complex landscape. It offers
transformative personal insights, tools and experience-based hope,
emphasizing the importance of open, honest conversations to empower and
support those affected.


The Big C² tablet

Did you say “chronic” cancer?

You’re sitting on the other side of a desk from a white coat. You anxiously awaited this meeting, a culmination of tests and more tests, maybe months or years of misdiagnoses. Then you hear it – the Big C diagnosis. But what you may not have heard is the little c before it: “You have a chronic cancer.” That’s the Big C2.


Excuse me? What does that even mean?


Whatever new or revived diagnosis you heard, if you are feverishly Googling before you leave the patient parking lot, already barreling down the third loop of an emotional rollercoaster, now is the time to pull the handbrake. The word “chronic” could be the most powerful and misunderstood word in your now daily life with a cancer.


About the Author

Ruth Fein Revell

Ruth Fein Revell is a health and life science writer with a distinguished
40-year career of published work, including for The New York Times. She has
also lived with a rare chronic blood cancer for three decades. Today, she is
a patient advocate, hosts global patient webinars, interviews world-renowned
cancer specialists, and is the patient representative on a clinical
guidelines panel of the prestigious National Comprehensive Cancer Network
(NCCN). She lives with her husband and curly pup Ruby in a picturesque
“city in the country” in Upstate New York.


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Instagram: @ruthfeinr

X: @rfeinw


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Surviving Karma Blitz

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Surviving Karma cover

The Karma Series, Book 2


Literary Fiction, Mystery

Date Published: November 9, 2024



Officer Bella Streit’s abduction has yet to make headlines. Her captor once
again humiliates police by nabbing Captain Stark’s protective detail from
the precinct parking lot. Her predecessor, the third officer taken, adds to
the comedic nature of embarrassing the police. Taken from the scene of an
accident, Officer Tauron Sandoval’s handling reflects the lengths at which
Pin will go to feed his hunger. Now with Bella secured, Pin no longer
needing Tauron leaves her to a fast moving hourglass of life. Her minimal
sands flow as two other officers succumb.

Pin seeks revenge through torturing those he deems as old police.
Detectives Rix and Jain work the case. They find a roadmap offering clues to
the serial killer’s endgame. The roadmap given to them by informants.
However, unknown by the detectives is Pin also has informants feeding him
information. Double agent informants play their roles as if trained spies.
Both parties question the loyalties while traversing to the ultimate

Surviving Karma will require finding the common ingredient to their
sandwiches of life.


The Karma Series

 Available on Amazon

Surviving Karma series banner


Challenging Karma

The Karma Series, Book One


Surviving Karma

The Karma Series, Book 2 


About the Author

Mark Nistor

Well, Mark’s just a guy who made a life-changing promise.

Mark prides himself on being a family man, entrepreneur and now, author.
Trained to be a certified logistics professional, Mark got a certificate in
video and television production. Script writing class helped expand a love
for transforming ideas into stories. One of those first scripts would become
a first novel, Challenging Karma.

The published author experience has always placed high on a list of

Mark’s late mother would be the one to give the push needed to make
the dream a reality. After reading a first draft; she offered encouragement
toward finishing a yet to be named story. The self-published Karma series is
how he is keeping a promise to her.


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Happy Makes Me Happy Blitz

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Happy Makes Me Happy cover

Children’s Book

Date Published: February 8, 2023

Publisher: MindStir Media



A wonderful rhyming story about Happy the dog, and how his kind and gentle
love for a little girl teaches children to spread love and kindness to
everyone. This glowing story and magnificent illustrations will make your
heart smile.


Mr. B’s Books by Michael Barnes – Rhyming books that teach kindness and
compassion, making the world a happier place.


About the Author

Mike Barnes
Mike Barnes is a semi-retired new author whose passion for writing came to fruition upon his retirement from 38 years of authentic servant leadership.

 As a father and grandfather, Mike was reading to his twin granddaughters and decided to unleash his passion for writing children’s books with rhyming stories about love, care, and kindness.

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My Calling Chronicles of an Alaskan Hospice Nurse Virtual Book Tour

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My Calling Chronicles of an Alaskan Hospice Nurse cover

Insight and education for end-of-life care


Date Published: 12/1/2024



The Chronicles are an essential and informative read for hospice nurses,
caregivers and others interested in end of life. Journey through 29 amazing
stories of an Alaskan Hospice nurse with incredible people and learn about
pain, symptom management and grieving. Through their love and loss, find
encouragement and inspiration in these real-life lessons on this specialty
of nursing not taught in the classroom. Hospice . . . Hospitum . . .


Early Reviews


“Esther’s book is a must read for any nurse across the
lifespan. She has not simply put together a collection of powerful stories
of dealing with death and the dying process, but each story closes with the
pearls of wisdom each patient and family were taught about end of life.
Esther shows us, story by story, that being there to provide for the needs
of peace, comfort, and love of the patient and their families in those last
moments is one of the most important vows a nurse can keep.”

Christi M. Angelo, APRN-BC, F/AC  Hospice and Acute Care –


“This account of an experienced hospice nurse in rural Alaska is both
inspiring and informative.  Esther’s interactions with patients
demonstrate both the depth of her humanity and experience with patients
toward the end of life. For the intended audience of Hospice nurses and
caregivers, it provides a framework and clinical information while
maintaining a truly compassionate undertone. Other audiences will be moved,
informed and inspired…”

Patty Hewson C.R.N.P. Adult Primary Care – Pennsylvania


“The Chronicles depict how cultural beliefs and traditions one is
raised with can help bring peace to the patient in knowing what their final
journey holds. Faith, hope, and love are epitomized through Esther’s

Angela Watson, MSN, BSN, BA, RN Case Manager Indian Health Services – New


“You will find a treasure chest of valuable knowledge to support any
of the disciplines of the Hospice team. Every chapter connects you with the
real dynamics of individuals and families as they walk through the end
stages of life. I warn you now, some of these insightful stories will bring
a tear, but also provide real and helpful expertise that will further enable
you to do your calling better.”

David J. Gibson – Ordained Minister and Hospice Chaplain – Indiana

My Calling Chronicles of an Alaskan Hospice Nurse paperback


The Chronicles offers insight and education for end-of-life care, including pain and symptom management on specific disease processes.  The stories are for Hospice Nurses and caregivers, providing care for patients and loved ones. The Chronicles of love, endurance, faithful companionship, and pain will inspire you as you experience the stories unfold in the Alaskan setting.  

The Chronicles include 25 different disease processes, remarkable caregivers, the grieving processes, the four levels of care Hospice provides, and healthy boundaries that need to be in place with patient and caregiver relationships. Practical information is shared about the disease process when one enters Hospice and the journey experienced until the patient dies. You will find beauty in seeing the elements of the physical, mental, spiritual and emotional being and how those intertwine in each patient’s story.  Caregivers will gain insight into symptoms associated with each disease and how to provide comfort to their family members. 

Hospice Nurses often feel a calling to this type of nursing. One way or another, we were drawn into it. Most nurses don’t say, “I want to deal with death and dying every day!” Over the course of one’s life, you engage and meet with circumstances that compel you to learn more about this process of life that is so taboo in our Western culture. The spark in your heart for end-of-life caregiving develops over time leading you to support and grow that passion with more knowledge and purpose. 

Caregivers who can care for their loved ones and participate in the process; whether in a skilled facility, assisted living home, hospital, and in the home setting; are a resource of strength and kindness to the patient when walking this journey. You are loved and appreciated by every Hospice team member! 

Some stories will invoke deep emotion. Not everyone has a peaceful death. You will explore the reasons why this can happen and understand this concept more after diving into the pages ahead! 

About the Author

Esther Pepper

Esther Pepper, RN, BSN, is a Certified Hospice and Palliative Care Nurse
who was raised in Alaska and has lived there most of her life. She has 20
years of experience as a nurse, 16 of which have been in Hospice care. She
found her calling and passion for end of life early in her nursing career.
She is dedicated to training new nurses into the field of Hospice and works
as a Hospice Case Manager in South Central Alaska.


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Just Call Me Jim Blitz

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Just Call Me Jim cover

Paranormal Thriller

Date Published: 6/13/22



Jim Vincent thought he’d seen it all, but he’d never seen anything like

He’d fought in Vietnam and founded successful companies in Silicon

His Napa Valley retirement was supposed to be quiet and peaceful.

Until he was visited by an extraterrestrial calling itself the

When the Source recruits him to address some of the problems here on Earth,
Jim discovers that world leaders and criminal enterprises don’t exactly
appreciate his meddling.

How was Jim supposed to know that trying to rid the world of evil would
leave people wanting him dead?

About the Author

James Peifer

James Peifer is a retired business-owner from Silicon Valley.

He was an Army Captain and a combat veteran of the Vietnam War.

He lives in Napa, California.

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