Tag Archives: The Island Of Dreams


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Spotlight on the Queen

This character reflects a new social order and aims to present a model for the rejuvenation of the role and responsibilities of monarchy in the future, emphasising its good qualities and its potential. The idea of a new monarchy being established in the world in the 21st. century aims to contrast with modern public insights. She, like the characters around her, is motivated by the desire to sustain a revolution that has continuous improvement as its driving force, and questioning what we commonly understand as democracy. She serves largely as a role model and someone with the power to make dreams happen. Her relationship with the Prince Regent is introduced in chapter nineteen and it is hoped to develop this in a sequel.

The Queen is intentionally informal and friendly relative to her status, reflecting a more open style of monarchy. She is someone to whom people are able to relate and this idea will be further developed in the sequel. She and the Prince Regent are set to play an important role in guiding The Island through the second stage of the slow-running revolution, noting that a slow-running revolution differs from evolution in that it has an underlying purpose (evolution doesn’t).

the island of dreams cover

The Island of Dreams

In 2107, twenty-four year-old Gary Loman is disillusioned with life. There are scant opportunities in the capitalist world that surrounds him. When he receives a prestigious invitation, Gary knows that the change he has been waiting for has finally arrived; it’s a ticket to fame and glory as a skater.

Leaving the old world behind, Gary embarks on a new adventure on The Island of Dreams, led by the world’s newest monarchy, where he is introduced to the woman who will become his wife and a wildly different social order, one which has evolved over the previous seventy years by virtue of a slow, quiet and largely unnoticed revolution. By 2107, however, The Island is poised to become one of the most powerful states in the world, acquiring, most notably, the territory of Kamchatka.

The Island Queen, Queen Katie of Kamchatka, with the help of her devoted Prime Minister and her faithful staff, then attempt to educate and train the 240 receivers of the distinguished Queen’s Ticket, both for their roles as skaters and within the Kamchatskiy organisation, for whom they will be working under a completely new concept in political economy, based on quality rather than profit motives, and which is replacing Marxism as the world’s rival to capitalism.

As Gary progresses on The Island, and as its Queen seeks out her new King, the world is on the brink of a breath-taking transformation.


Purchase from Amazon UKhttps://www.amazon.co.uk/Island-Dreams-Gregory-James-Clark/dp/1911525662/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1502918314&sr=8-5

Purchase from Barnes and Noblehttps://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-island-of-dreams-gregory-james-clark/1126403884?ean=9781911525660&st=PLA&sid=BNB_DRS_Core+Shopping+Books_00000000&2sid=Google_&sourceId=PLGoP78860

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About the author:

Born and raised in Lancashire, Gregory James Clark went on to graduate with a BSc Honours in Maritime Studies from the University of Wales followed by an MBA from Manchester Metropolitan University. In his professional life he has enjoyed working in the field of Quality Management and the design of programmes including; The Programme for Global Quality Promotion (PGQP) in Russia and the African Nations. Previous publications include Quality Matters: The Decade of Quality 1989 – 2000 (Spire City Publishing 2002) and Deming and Juran: Gift to the World (Spire City Publishing 2007). He is currently the editor of The Electron Newsletter for the Institution of Electronics. In his spare time he enjoys ice dancing, ballroom dancing, golf, chess and snooker and speaks numerous languages including; Dutch, German, Portuguese and Swedish.


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