Tag Archives: science fiction/ fantasy

No Way Back: The Underworlds Virtual Book Tour

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No Way Back: The Underworlds cover

The Underworlds, Book 1


Science Fiction/ Fantasy

Date Published: April 3, 2024



A search for a way home becomes a journey into his father’s

When an ancient Gate transports his son, Daniel, to another world, Denida
follows, thinking it will be an easy matter to bring his son home

As they travel from world to world, Denida starts to wonder just who he is
and why almost everyone knows more about him than he does about

At home, his wife and friends send a robot to follow Denida’s tracks
but treachery undermines their efforts.

Through magic, betrayal, and Darkness Denida fights his way toward home,
it’s no longer a matter of missing his wife but of preserving his home
and all the Underworlds from evil.


No Way Back: The Underworlds tablet


Chapter 1- A Strange New World

Winter, a new beginning for the Underworld, a season that would change everything forever. Dan, a scientist, had been experimenting on a mysterious Gate in the Underworld. When his close friend Denida had first discovered the structure, following the war with the Dark Angels, Dan didn’t think much of it. “It’s just some ancient construction,” he had said. Who would’ve thought it was made of an unknown alloy? Dan now smiled down at all the chemicals he had used to try to stain the material to identify it. None of them even reacted with it, but it’s cold, like metal. He eyed the towering, two-story Gate. There’s something special about it; I just know it.

Today, after his logbook’s twentieth recorded try, Dan flipped a switch, and the Gate lit up. Dan danced in excitement while his assistants laughed. I can’t wait to call Denida! He eyed the myriad power cords connected to the Gate with a chuckle. Three near electrocutions, and one downed power grid… He laughed. – but now, it’s finally perfect.


Denida stopped at the door of Dynasty, his mansion, as his cell phone vibrated.

“Denida?” Dan asked as Denida picked up the phone. “I made progress!”

“How so?” Denida glanced at his watch.

“I made a new discovery. You’ll want to see this.” 

Last time he called me about the Gate, it was to tell me that he found a way to connect it to a power source. Denida rolled his eyes. An hour later, they still had no idea how to turn it on.

“It’s important this time; I swear,” Dan spoke with that voice he only used when he was begging on his hands and knees, usually for additional funding. 

Sounds like it’s worth checking out this time. Denida bit his lip and sighed heavily. “Alright, I’ll stop by before I head into the office.” Denida hung up the phone, his heart beating a little faster with excitement. Maybe it’s something cool about the alloy. Dan told me it could have some amazing potential as an energy source.

Denida pocketed his phone, ready to hurry off, but Nina sat at the dining room table with slumped shoulders.

“Nina?” Denida sat down beside her. 

She faced him with a furrowed brow.

Denida’s heart sank. This must be serious; Nina’s always in control.

“Daniel,” she replied shortly, her bitter tone betraying a bit of frustration.

“What’s wrong? Where is he?”

Denida wanted to brush him off, but if Dan really had made a breakthrough with the Gate, it was too tempting to pass up.

“I don’t know, Denny. He’s always running around, up to no good.” Nina sighed and peered down at her tea. “This morning, he tried sneaking into the military headquarters and the Colonel called me to send the butler to pick him up.” 

Denida’s jaw tensed. Not good. “I will have a word with him after work. Dan insisted he has something imperative to show me now, before I head to headquarters. I must tend to that, now.” Denida kissed Nina goodbye. The grounds are huge, and Daniel knows every hiding place around Dynasty. Denida grunted. I’ll talk to him tonight.


Dan has something to show Dad? Daniel stood just outside of the room where his parents were talking, his back pressed up against the wall. Dad always tells Mom about Dan’s secret lab and some old Gate the height of the stables! I wonder if that’s what he wants to show Dad… 

Daniel sniffed. It does sounds interesting. Why should my dad have all the fun, again? He slowly tiptoed past the door, as his parents’ conversation continued. 

Outside, he spotted his dad’s car in front of Dynasty. He peeked around to make sure he was alone and ran over to the vehicle. He opened the trunk, smiling upon finding it unlocked. He climbed in and held the lid down, making sure it didn’t click shut. Maybe I can finally go on an adventure like the ones Dad always describes! 

He heard countless stories about Dan, his dad’s scientist friend, who had a secret lab and some ancient Gate. Daniel’s dad would always talk about that Gate when he didn’t think Daniel was around.

Denida approached the car within a few minutes. This is going to be so cool! Daniel trembled with excitement. His dad quickly set the car in drive. Daniel covered his mouth to suppress his giggles. They drove for so long that Daniel almost regretted hiding in the trunk. His elbows were becoming sore and red from the bumps in the road. Maybe they weren’t going anywhere interesting after all. That’d be such a bummer. The car finally halted briefly, drove a short distance farther, then stopped again. This time, the engine stopped humming. His dad stepped out and the vibration of his door slamming shut rattled the car. Daniel could hear his dad’s muffled voice. He’s talking to someone. What are they saying? 

Finally, two distinct sets of footsteps crunched away on the asphalt parking lot. Daniel climbed out of the trunk just in time to see his dad disappear into the building next to the car. Daniel ran toward it and jiggled the doorhandle, but it responded with unwavering resistance. Probably for the best. Daniel crossed his arms, rethinking his efforts. He would’ve most certainly been caught if he had used the common entrance. Daniel sighed. Maybe I missed the chance to explore this- He noticed a small window he could fit through, a short distance from the door.

When Daniel climbed through the window, he crouched and listened. Staying low to the ground, he followed his father’s voice around the corner, and saw his dad talking to Dan.

“It’s powered up, I see.”

Yes.” Dan nodded excitedly. “We can finally see what’s on the other side, but I’m not sure if it’s safe.” Dan scratched his head. “I mean, it’s been on for half an hour, and nothing’s come through, but we have no idea what’s on the other side.”

The Gate’s flickering lights and sparkling sheen looked so inviting that Daniel couldn’t help but sneak forward.

Daniel could see his dad and Dan, through the Gate. They rippled as if he were viewing them through water.

Enough hiding! Daniel clenched his fists, ready let his dad know he had tagged along. Maybe I can help somehow. Daniel jumped up and ran to his dad, taking the shortest route, which led right through the Gate. His Dad became increasingly clearer as he approached the Gate, but as soon as he ran through, a bright silvery light engulfed his vision.


“Dad!” a voice rang from across the room.

Denida turned to the Gate, just in time to see Daniel run into its portal. What’s Daniel doing here? The Gate buzzed loudly, and Daniel vanished. 

“Daniel!” Denida shouted. 

The Gate fell silent, and its lights dimmed. Denida’s heart sank, as cold terror filled him from the inside out. The shock of seeing Daniel vanish froze him in place, leaving him itchy all over with anxiety. Dan’s team ran to the Gate and tried to power it back on, but despite their best efforts, the Gate remained dark and quiet, like a massive monster that consumed its fill just before hibernation.

Denida opened his mouth, and the only words he could think of tumbled out. “We need…” He knew deep down what he wanted to say, but he couldn’t finish his sentence. His jaw clenched in defiance.

The tense atmosphere in the lab birthed an air of discomfort and silence. Nina had arrived in no time, following a call from Denida. If looks could kill, both Denida and Dan would have been dead on the floor. 

The assistants kept nervously peeking over at Nina’s face, in between failed attempts to restore power to the Gate. 

Nina bared her teeth, appearing even more furious than Denida, despite the rage in his eyes. “How could you let this happen?” Nina pointed at Dan. “This is your lab. And you!” She whipped around to Denida. “- you were so eager to play with your new toy that you couldn’t even check to make sure that your son was safe!”

“Look.” Dan raised his hands to fend off Nina. “I’ve got a device that should be able to control the Gate from the other side.” He handed Nina the device. It was about the size of a cell phone and had the same mysterious alloy as the Gate at its center.

“Why can’t you control it from this end?” Nina’s fingers curled into claws. “You should never have had it on, especially without a contingency plan.”

“The controller isn’t technically ready, yet.” Dan backed away from Nina. “We found it with the Gate, but haven’t had much time to test it.” He trembled, as though still prepared to retreat.

“Who knows where Daniel is now, or with whom. He is just twelve years old, a child!” Tears prickled Nina’s eyes, so she turned away and wiped her face on her sleeve.

“I will get him back; I promise.” Denida hugged Nina to try and calm her worries, but it did little to ease his own concerns. 

Nina turned back and nodded. The couple gazed deep into each other’s eyes, as they held a deep conversation without words. 

“This is purely experimental. We don’t know what’s on the other side, or if you can even get back through from the other side.” Dan stepped in between them and the Gate.

Denida frowned, ignoring him. Of course, it’s risky, but Daniel’s my son. What am I supposed to do, forget about him? The mental image of Daniel cold and scared pierced Denida’s mind and his body began to shake with concern.

The Gate buzzed, and all the lights flickered back on. 

“It’s back!” a lab assistant yelled.

“Showtime.” Denida darted over to the Gate. 

“I think we should send troops, too, just in case there are demons or militant forces on the other side.” Dan ran in front of Denida.

Denida paused midstride, listening to Dan, only to shake his head.

“No, we don’t have time to prepare the troops for a mission.” He hugged and kissed Nina tenderly. “I will bring Daniel back. You’ll see.” He smiled at her and took the controller from Nina.

“Wait.” Dan pointed to the controller. “That device is sensitive, so don’t touch it, unless you intend to use it. It has a cooldown period in between uses, so it’s important you don’t use it by accident.”

Denida paused, imagining being stuck in an unknown area with a faulty controller. “Dan, maybe you should call the Colonel,” Denida admitted. “I’ll be going on this adventure alone but having our colonel’s advice on standby could be helpful.” He smiled in Nin’s direction. “Watch over her, Dan.” Denida strode through the Gate. As soon as he vanished, it powered down, like it had after Daniel used it.

Denida found himself in a forested area on the other side of the Gate. He had almost expected to find green aliens chasing Daniel through a wasteland, but the aliens were a figment of his imagination, and the ground was so covered in leaves that it was impossible to see his son’s footsteps. Where could he be? The smartest decision would’ve been to stay right here. Denida scratched his head. Maybe he did stay a while, but gave up on waiting, after several hours passed. Denida decided to search the area. Have I been here before? This forest feels familiar. “Daniel!” he hollered repeatedly as he marched through the dense forest. “Where are you, Son?”

Denida stood still to collect his thoughts and realized that he could hear the distinct “whoosh” of cars passing by. He walked in the direction of the sound until he discovered a road. Maybe he approached the road to seek help?

When Denida reached the road, he stopped dead in his tracks. He saw a familiar symbol on a building across the highway.


Denida knelt behind a bush, staring at the insignia. He eyed the building for any clues that would justify the symbol’s existence. What is it doing here? I designed it myself after the war with the Dark Angels. He was sure he’d never seen it before the moment he drew it for Dan, yet this building proudly boasted the emblem. 

A troop of soldiers marched around the building, clearly on patrol. The symbol decorated their uniforms, but other than that, their gray getups only confused Denida more. Where am I? He sauntered down the slope, trying not to draw the soldiers’ attention to his presence. He circled the building, scoping it out. Having seen nothing significant, he approached a soldier, who seemed to be on a smoke break. The soldier leaned up against the front wall of the building. Maybe he can tell me about this building.

“Hey.” Denida pointed to the building. “Tall building, here. I really like the insignia engraved above the door.”

“Get out of here, bum. This is a military installation.” The soldier pushed Denida.

Military installation? Denida backed away. Very interesting, seeing as the soldiers are wearing a gear with the symbol decorating it. As he turned to leave, he noticed movement out of the corner of his eye, which caused him to halt.

The door had opened and Denida could see a ring of soldiers inside, with Daniel standing in the middle. 

“I said move it!” The soldier yelled at Denida. 

Denida’s jaw trembled. I can’t leave without Daniel, but if I try to fight this guy, the rest of the soldiers will attack me. “That’s my boy in there, but why?”

The soldier’s eyes followed Denida’s finger to the building and the soldiers inside.

“Well?” Denida trembled with impatience. 

The soldier pushed him into the building.

“This guy says he’s the boy’s dad,” the soldier announced. 

“Oh? This kid said he’s the president’s son. This is the guy he was referring to?” Another soldier snickered.

The rest of the soldiers laughed. 

Denida looked at the unfamiliar soldiers, still with a sinking sensation in his chest. They have the UW symbol here, but they don’t know who we are?

A decorated sergeant stepped into the room, commanding attention. “From what I’ve heard, this boy claims he’s our colonel’s son, and the man says he’s the kid’s dad. Something’s wrong, here.” The sergeant raised his gun, taking aim at Denida.

“I just want to take my son and leave.” Denida raised his hands in surrender.

“We could just kill you here, instead.” The clicks of arms sounded as the rest of the soldiers cocked their guns. Before the situation escalated, another man ran over from behind the troop. 

“Stop! The colonel wants to see both prisoners.” The colonel? It can’t be our colonel, can it? Come to think of it, that would explain the UW symbol’s prevalence here. Denida nodded in acquiescence, relief hastening his stride, on his way to their colonel. 

The soldiers led Denida and Daniel up endless stairs to the top floor of the building. Each landing they passed had guards patrolling each door onto their respective floors. How strange… Denida bit his lip. The military presence sure seemed prevalent, and he really hoped they were taking him to see his own colonel. At least then, he’d be able to get some answers about this strange place.

When they reached the leader’s office, two the guards frisked both Denida and Daniel with a pat down. After turning to one another, the guards nodded and knocked on the grand, mahogany door behind them.

“Enter!” a voice called from within.

The guards opened the door, so Denida and Daniel could step inside, then closed it behind them with a loud bang.

The man at the desk resembled Denida’s colonel, right down to his stern smile. Is it really you?

“I am this world’s colonel, and the president of this underworld.” 

Denida’s mouth hung agape. This man looked and sounded so much like his friend, but how did he become the president, here?

“What the…” I’m in a different underworld?

“You claim to be President Denida’s son?” the colonel asked.

Daniel’s eyes were as wide as Denida’s, as he glanced over at his dad. 

Whoever this man is, he isn’t the colonel I know. Or, perhaps this is what my world would’ve been like if I had never become president? But that couldn’t be the case, given the prominence of the UW emblem in this world.

Denida stepped over to the desk and leaned against it. He drew in a deep breath. “How is it possible that you don’t know me?”

The colonel stared into Denida’s eyes as if he could hear Denida’s heart thumping in his chest. After a moment, he chuckled and leaned back in his chair. “Guards!”

Several men stormed into the room.

“I’m sorry, Mister, but I’ve never seen you before.” The colonel gestured for his troops to act. “They’re crazy. Get them out of my sight and remove them from the compound.”

Before Denida could object, the guards had grabbed him and Daniel and escorted them out of the building. How can this be? Denida knew his colonel very well, especially following their shared history fighting against the Dark Angels. Is that colonel in the office just a doppelgänger of my colonel? It seemed like the only explanation for the lack of recognition.

“I want to go home,” Daniel whispered. 

They ventured through the forest, heading back to the Gate. One thing seemed evident; they had to leave this strange place, wherever they were.

Denida peeked down at his son and a tinge of annoyance drew Denida’s lips into a snarl. If only his son hadn’t followed him to the lab, if only he hadn’t gone through the Gate, none of this would be happening. But that wasn’t important anymore. Denida managed to find his son. As they approached the Gate, Denida froze. Somebody’s here! He pulled Daniel down with him, just in time to hide. 


About the Author

Dennis Scheel

As a Christmas Child, I believe magic is everywhere, especially during the
winter, and I try to weave that magic into my stories. After all, my firm
belief in karma and destiny has shaped who I am, so it should guide my
stories, as well.

I was born and raised in Denmark, but faced many challenges during my life,
one of which was my inability to write my stories in Danish! I’ve had my
stories brewing in my head since I was a child and struggled for years to
express them properly. After recovering from a diabetic attack that left me
hospitalized, I managed to find my writer’s voice in English, and am
thrilled to now have the ability to share my tales with you.


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Intergalactica Virtual Book Tour

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Science-Fiction / Fantasy

Date Published: 06/29/23     

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On launch day of NASA’s long-awaited expedition to explore Jupiter’s moon
Europa, neuropsychiatrist Amanda wakes up from a coma after months battling
acute meningitis. Along with two patients, they discover they are part of a
growing puzzle involving an underground geopolitical corporation called The
Firm, which plans to sabotage the mission, taking advantage of a new
technology to hijack the ship and set a course to a habitable planet located
seventeen light-years away from Earth.

Intergalactica tablet


Just a few seconds later, Amanda, Lina, Stryker and Ripley were led into a round chamber, considerably smaller when compared to other Firm departments. The walls had five seven-feet tall white porcelain pods attached vertically to each side, marked in black from A to J and a central mainframe system on the center. Two men sat on the desk in front of it, typing away on the panel.

  “Arlo, four for immediate!” yelled the man who held Ripley, bringing her out of the shaft.

  “We got the order a minute ago!” said the man on the left who typed on the panel. Amanda and Lina recognized him to be Arlo.

  “B, C, D, E are a go!” said the man by his side. Arlo turned around and walked towards the group. The respective pods opened up like a coffin.

  “NO!” screamed Amanda, still refusing to give in to the man’s grip. Arlo picked up a white gun from his belt and shot Ripley on the chest with a tranquilizer.

  “This should make it easier.” said Arlo. He aimed at Stryker’s chest and fired. As Ripley became drowsy the guard started to drag her towards the pod, where he proceeded with unstrapping and positioning an increasingly sleepier Ripley inside.

  “NO! Don’t do it, Arlo!” screamed Amanda. Lina also tried to put up a mild struggle but she was no match for the man’s size. Stryker then also was taken to the pod next to Ripley as Arlo shot Lina and Amanda in one breath. Amanda looked at the small needle in her chest as she trembled with panic and rage.

  As she saw Stryker close his eyes she looked at Lina, who had seemed to have made her peace with it and looked at the floor apathetically. When she noticed Amanda was looking at her, she smiled peacefully at her and sighed. Amanda felt tears streaming down from her face as the grip the man held on her arms seemed to go numb and her balance was affected.

  She breathed in and out trying to calm herself the most before fading out, and looked ahead as the man placed her in the pod and strapped her in. She then heard the entire engine start to vibrate and a cold smoke poured from little openings that filled the entire pod’s interior. Amanda felt cold as she continued to try and control her breathing and looked ahead to see the door close in. Her vision started to turn black from the exteriors, as the darkness grew into her central focus. She looked outside from a small rectangular window on the pod into the lab as the workers turned to the panel. She inhaled and exhaled one last time as the darkness reached the center of her line of vision.


About the Author

A love for space operas with controversial and adult themes along with a
hint of lovecraftian horror are F. P. Trotta’s specialty – born in Rio de
Janeiro in the Early 90s, Intergalactica was originally published in Brazil
in 2016. The Intergalactica book series went on to move tens of thousands of
physical copies in Portuguese and is currently the only ongoing space opera
franchise published in Brazil.

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Intergalactica Blitz


Intergalactica cover

Science-Fiction / Fantasy

Date Published: 06/29/23     

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On launch day of NASA’s long-awaited expedition to explore Jupiter’s moon
Europa, neuropsychiatrist Amanda wakes up from a coma after months battling
acute meningitis. Along with two patients, they discover they are part of a
growing puzzle involving an underground geopolitical corporation called The
Firm, which plans to sabotage the mission, taking advantage of a new
technology to hijack the ship and set a course to a habitable planet located
seventeen light-years away from Earth.

About the Author

A love for space operas with controversial and adult themes along with a
hint of lovecraftian horror are F. P. Trotta’s specialty – born in Rio de
Janeiro in the Early 90s, Intergalactica was originally published in Brazil
in 2016. The Intergalactica book series went on to move tens of thousands of
physical copies in Portuguese and is currently the only ongoing space opera
franchise published in Brazil.

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Gatekeepers of Eden Virtual Book Tour

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Gatekeepers of Eden cover

Book 4 of the Father of Contention series

Science Fiction / Fantasy


Date Published: 10-01-2021

Publisher: Tellwell Talent

After tragedy strikes the United States Capitol, a new government seizes control backed by an elite army brutally enforcing its new set of laws. Terror rapidly spreads throughout the nation, and then globally, as people fight back to preserve what’s most important to them . . . their freedom and their beliefs.

One puppet master holds the strings with two distinct objectives in mind: destroy the Christian population and obtain immortality for himself and his loyal followers.

To locate what he covets most, a motley cast of felons is hand-selected and sent to a remote island facility. Pooling their talents and resources, the group of ex-cons must find one of the most elusive, ancient wonders of the world. Or die trying.

But they are not alone on their quest. The map and the key to achieving immortality accompanies the group: teenager Dani Juris. She’s the one person who can help the puppet master reach his prize or prevent him and his army from destroying the world. The power is in her hands. The only glitch is that she’s already dead.

Gatekeepers of Eden tablet


Chapter 1

A quarter of a mile from the White House in Washington, D.C.,

Vice President Dean Ryzer waited in a discreet location—the

overstocked storage room in the bar of his half-sister Lou Lou—for

his handler to arrive. Nobody would know of this meeting, not even

Lou Lou; he made sure of that. He killed her yesterday. A “Closed

for Renovations” sign was hung on the entrance door that afforded

them all the privacy they would need to complete the transaction.

Normally not a violent man, things had dramatically shifted

in the last year. The VP lived with renewed purpose, and nothing

would interfere with the task he was given. It was a revolution of

sorts in which he played a vital role, although the credit would be

doled on someone else. An unsuspecting pawn who would take

the fall for Ryzer’s genius.

There were several missions concurrently planned, with all

of them intricately balanced upon each other, like a complicated

game of Jenga. But he felt his mission was the most important

piece in the puzzle. Without this next strategic move, all the other

plans would fail.

And they could not fail.

A light rapping at the back door made his heart skip a beat:

three consecutive taps, a pause and then one last tap. The code they

had agreed upon. Vice President Ryzer unlocked the deadbolt and

ushered in a tall woman with a floral-patterned shawl draped like

a cowl, meant to keep her face obscured. But once the door was

closed and the lock reengaged, she unravelled the cloth, revealing

a f lawless, cream-coloured complexion, and blond hair scraped

back into an austere bun taut enough to pull the wrinkles smooth

around her stone-cold blue eyes.

Through plump lips coated in blood red lipstick, the woman

greeted the VP and took a seat by a tower of liquor boxes. He

stood awkwardly in front of her. Not only her beauty caused him

to feel inferior, but her demeanour and level of power within the

organization reminded him that he was less important than he

had foolishly deigned to think, and if one tiny error occurred, he

would be squashed beneath her Louboutins with zero remorse.

Someone else would swiftly take his place.

“Do you have the money?” the VP asked. He remained standing

in the vain attempt to puff up his stature, looking down his nose at

her for a change, at least in a physical sense. The woman was cruel

and bitter, even before they “changed”—a friend of her father’s,

he had known her for years, witnessed many a tirade—yet it was

impossible to deny his attraction for the blond, even though he

feared her. Or perhaps that’s what added to his desire. He wanted

her in the way that a man wants what he can’t have. His handsome,

cleanshaven face, expensive black suit, and silk tie, thick, wavy black

hair perfectly arranged, were all lost on the woman. She couldn’t be

less interested in him. That snake would not be charmed.

She was there for one reason. Complete the mission.

About the Author

Lanie Mores

Lanie Mores is the award-winning author of the science fiction and fantasy book series, Father of Contention. She has an Honours Bachelor of Science Degree, a Masters Degree in Clinical Psychology, and is a certified hypnotherapist and personal trainer. An active member of the Canadian Authors Association, Lanie enjoys sharing her perspectives through her fictional novels and poetry. When she isn’t writing, you’ll find her reading, binge-watching Netflix, baking, and slaughtering zombies and other monsters on her Xbox. She lives in Ontario with her family and forever barking fur babies, Batman and Petri.

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Action & Adventure, Science Fiction & Fantasy

Date Published: May 27, 2016

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The next Superhero adventure installment of the Dark Spores Series from acclaimed author Chayil Champion.

2035. It’s the dawn of a new era where power-hungry war generals are forming a New World Order. The nation of Israel comes under attack by evil Tanwar Terah, a Syrian mastermind in science and politics. Through Terah, five countries are united in order to form The Caste Republic. Under his rule, The Caste Republic uses neoteric technology to create new weapons, genetically altered beasts with super powers, and human giants – a new breed of super villains -wreak havoc and put fear into the hearts of humanity. But seven soldiers, led by Jewish-Italian Lieutenant Peter Carmoni, are released among several military sleeper teams to locate Terah and destroy his campaign before it is too late. In their journey to find the evil dictator, they are detoured and find themselves taking cover in a peculiar cave where they are introduced to Oramite, an element that changes their DNA and renders them with new super powers and abilities. Now, it is up to these seven super heroes to learn to hone their new powers and use it against their enemies in the biggest war the world has ever seen…or all will be lost.



The smoke cloud now appeared in the lobby, growing into a portal. The remaining six jumped out. Both giants stepped forth. Blessed and Aganathin, who stood at six-foot-six and six-foot-eight respectively, looked like dwarfs next to the two twelve-foot giants.
“You’re not one of us, puny people,” said one giant in his deep voice that echoed throughout the lobby.”
“No, you’re right. We’re none of you at all,” said Blessed.
At that moment, Blessed’s fists and arms became coated with the Oramite material. With all his might, he punched the giant in the mid-section, bringing him down on his knees, grunting. The giant’s face was now within reach. Blessed cocked back for another punch and broke the giant’s helmet, sending him flying into the wall, unconscious.
Slaycick saw the other giant draw his weapon and before he could get a shot off, he ran with Mach speed towards the giant slicing through his arm with his Oramite sword. The armored suit of the giants was no match for the Oramite weapons. The giant’s arm fell off with the gun still inside his hand. He screamed, and his yell could be heard throughout the whole building. Slaycick sent one more slice with his sword across the giant’s leg, severing him at both kneecaps. Blood began gushing out onto the lobby floor.
“Let’s get to the elevators!” yelled Blessed. “I’m sure there’ll be more giants and soldiers on their way.”
As they headed to the elevators, the two soldiers from outside came charging in. K’nia spotted them and hit them with two Oramite stars shot from her hands. More soldiers were running into the main lobby only to see the two giants decommissioned and on the floor. The team entered the elevator and rapidly punched in the first code. As the elevator doors were closing, Rekluse took a grenade from her hip and rolled it out the door towards the oncoming soldiers who were now firing towards the team. The doors closed as the grenade exploded.
Once they got to the underground level, the doors opened and the team stepped out with their weapons drawn. The few scientists left in the lab quickly stopped what they were doing and raised their hands. Kasitia’s voice could be heard over the COM links.
“Hey, gang. Someone radioed Tanwar. They know you’re here, and you got giants coming your way. They’re starting to open the hangar now so the aircrafts can leave. I’m going to try to halt them.”
“Be careful,” said Blessed. “We’re coming to you now.”
Slaycick took several plastic handcuffs out of his vest pockets and began tying up the scientists with super speed, then had them sit on the floor. “You all stay put now you hear?” he joked. “Now, which one you know the combination to this door?”
“We don’t need a combination,” said Blessed.
Blessed walked up to the huge, steel-plated door and punched a hole in it with his fist and then pulled it off its hinges. Coming down the corridor were three huge giants with large hydrogen-powered guns aiming straight at Blessed. They fired a few shots, which he managed to dodge as he took cover to the side of the broken doorway.
“I have an idea,” said Tenan as the giants approached. He quickly created a portal in the doorway.
The giants ran through it, thinking it was only black smoke. They stepped out and found themselves falling thousands of feet out of the sky. Tenan quickly closed the portal as the group made its way down to the second elevator door leading to the underground hangar. Blessed typed in the second set of code numbers and they made their way down to assist Kasitia.
When the doors opened, the team stepped out amongst gunfire and panic. Kasitia was going in and out of shadow form, killing Tanwar’s soldiers, who were in a state of confusion. Several of Tanwar’s soldiers started firing towards the team when they entered.
“Split up and let’s finish these boys off!” yelled Blessed.
Two of the aircrafts had already taken off with the giants’ pods attached them.
“We can’t let the other carriers take off, gang!” said Blessed. “Let’s stop them and worry about the other ones later.”
“Tenan, give me three of your timed explosives,” said Slaycick.
Tenan handed Slaycick the bombs, and in a blur, he swiftly placed the three bombs on aircrafts that were preparing to take off. He ran back and hid behind a computer board, undetected. The aircraft carriers exploded and caught on fire, never having a chance to leave the ground. Suddenly, the pods opened and the other giants stepped out running from the planes that just caught fire.
The crew was now split up, fighting off soldiers and giants. Aganathin’s axe ripped through the giants as he swung with one motion. Rekluse and Tenan fought off soldiers with precise shooting and some ballistic, martial art techniques. One soldier swung at Rekluse. She blocked his punch, and while still holding onto his arm, she jumped in the air, wrapped both of her legs around his neck, and brought him to the ground. With her sheer strength, she hyper-extended his arm with a strong twist, causing an extreme fracture to his limb. She then pulled a Desert Eagle handgun from her hip and stuck it in the soldier’s mouth. Squeezing off two rounds, she then moved on, continuing to dominate enemies using hand-to-hand combat.
Soldiers from Tanwar’s army were dying by dozens. The hangar was filling up with bodies as more men kept falling.
Slaycick zoomed around the hangar, slicing down giants and soldiers with his double swords. Blessed went on a rampage with one hand on his gun, and with his free hand, he knocked out anyone who was close enough to him. K’nia shot down giants with her stars, while her sister flashed in and out of shadow form, catching her enemies off guard with deathblows and stabs to the heart. The battle lasted less than ten minutes before every giant and soldier was put down by the seven super soldiers.
“Kasitia, where’s Tanwar?” asked Blessed.
“He’s over there, unconscious. When they heard you people storm the building, he made a run for it with General Selur and the doctors. I snatched him in shadow form, knocked him out, and dragged him back behind the barrels. By that time, his men were shooting at me, so I had to begin the fight without you.”
“We’ve finally come face to face with Tanwar Terah. The dictator and leader of The Caste Republic. Finally, in our hands,” said Aganathin.
“No time to relax now. Two carriers got away, carrying ten giants apiece. They’re headed to Israel where their alliances have already been given orders to attack,” said Kasitia “We need to get to Jerusalem to notify Prime Minister Mashol and let him know we have Tanwar.”
“Good work, Kasitia. You’re getting into a habit of knocking out men. Keep it up and you’ll be single for the rest of your life,” joked Slaycick.
“Very funny,” retorted Kasitia, rolling her eyes.
“All jokes aside, because of your smart thinking, we have our guy. Let’s tie him up before he comes to,” said Tenan.
“You’re right,” acknowledged Blessed. “You did what you had to do, Kasitia. Great job.”
Tenan created a portal leading back to Jerusalem. “Let’s get back. Time is not on our side right now,” he reminded the crew.
“One sec,” said Slaycick. The speedster disappeared and reappeared in one second, carrying two scientists on his shoulder. He ran back and got the other scientists who were tied up. He also unhooked several computers from the lab and brought those back.
“We need them to learn more about these giants that were created,” Slaycick continued.  “If one doesn’t talk, we’ll make an example so the other ones will. I’m sure these computers have valuable information on them as well.”
The team entered the portal with the captured dictator, the scientists, and the confiscated computers. A brief victory was won for the moment.
About the Author
Chayil Champion is a graduate of the University of Miami in Coral Gables, Florida where he double-majored in both English and Journalism while competing as a two-sport athlete in both football and track. After graduating from UM in 1998, Champion received his masters and doctorate degrees in education from Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. He embarked on a career in education as an English teacher and vice principal in South Florida’s Dade County and West Palm Beach County public school systems respectively before moving to Los Angeles, California in 2009.
 A native from Evanston, Illinois, a suburb that borders Chicago’s north side, Champion developed a love for writing at a young age which carried well into his adult years. After penning his first book in 2009 upon his arrival to Los Angeles, Champion has gone on to write five more books, which include the Young Adult fiction novels, Affiliated and Going Pro, both from The Lost Souls literary series. Champion also wrote Exiting The Wilderness and But He Said He Was A Christian, two nonfiction Christian self-help books. His latest book, Majesties of Canaan: The Goliath Project is a Young Adult, super hero novel. It is the first book of many within the Majesties of Canaan Superhero Series and the second book of The Dark Spores Series where Champion has partnered with best-selling authors Keshawn Dodds and Braxton Cosby to form the new superhero universe and to collaboratively pen the upcoming superhero novel Infinity 7 due in early 2017.
Outside of his love for writing, Champion, runs his own education consulting company in Los Angeles where he continues to teach and tutor students. In his free time, Champion focuses on fitness as he is a gym rat, frequents movies, and enjoys spending time with his daughter Vanessa.
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Twitter: @chayilchampion
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